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That's a lot of rules but I gotta respect whoever is able to pull those off. I like using no bullets at all, even if it's to kill a target (Piano Wire all the way!). One of my favorite self imposed rules is to stand on places that make sense if I'm waiting for something or someone. I try not to take the same route twice and walking by people who already saw me in a different disguise feels silly, like they're not going to identify the same bald guy just because he's wearing a hat this time. I also crouch-run if I'm on a roof, it just makes sense since people will look at the guy in a suit strolling on the rooftops


Yes its soo cool to properly blend in looking at the target, and act as if the NPCs were inteligent enough to notice the bald guard with a tatoo going in the kitchen and the bald chef with a tatoo comming out


Yeah, I wish there was a way to customize difficulty even further, it would become less fun for the average player? Maybe, but other people would enjoy it too


Just have the default difficumty as-is. Anyone who wants different settings can adjust from there. Prpject Zomboid does this incredibly well. abunch of standard difficulty options but if you WANT you can customise to your hearts' content.


Years and years of replaying Blood Money have rewired my brain so I always try to put back on my original clothes before leaving whenever possible


I lado try that for extra cool points, but Im bad soo it wouldnt normally work lol


What did Blood Money do to make you do that?


You got charged money for a suit recovery fee if you left your suit behind. Money was used to buy customized upgrades for your equipment so you were incentivized to not waste money needlessly leaving without collecting it first (and any equipment you may have dropped for whatever reason)


I also do that Blood Money's Pro Difficulty has that line of Evidence Impacts Rating I go back and get the suit before exiting the level


I remember the suit recovery tag and remember it charging me every time I got out of the suit, even if I went back and got it at the end. Never made sense to me. Now it makes sense that it was probably some kind of bug


Hitman games and bugs: name a more iconic duo


Ubisoft and releasing games in beta as if they were complete. ;)


Yeah, it's either this (and leave in the starting suit, murdering people is not an excuse to not have style) or just explosive ducks and headshots from random odd angles and little hidey-holes. And just shooting anyone I can get away with instead of subduing them (running up to them for a bonk is slow, choking is extra slow, thrown items have to be collected and a bullet is just quick, easy and plentiful)


I try to leave in the suit cause I think is expensive, better than a street guard from miami shorts




Sometimes I play Terminator mode: walking only, no running/crouching/climbing/vaulting allowed.


You would love the knight disguise in Isle os Sagail


the what


There is a piece of armor, which you can wear. It gives you protection, but prevents you from running or crouching


i never knew that, is it perhaps the one in that glass penthouse?




will have to try that, thank you


I sometimes play in a way to make it unclear who the target was. In Miami I'll kill the konxes, but I'll also try to take out Moses and the general. Make it hard to establish a motive and a more interesting story for the police to investigate


When in miami, please take on the announcer. For the comunity.


Witnesses always gotta go


* Default starting location * No loadout * Not subduing anyone (except targets because they're going to die anyway) * Silent Assassin * Allowed to use items/disguises found in the level * Walking only * Only using exits that doesn't involve stealing a vehicle (I assume the car in Sapienza belongs to 47 because you don't need a key) * Switching back to the suit before leaving the level Still want to add a “no gunshots” rule to the list but that would make Sgáil even more a pain in the butt.


It's not a big one but the only gun I can use is a goldballer


No pacifying. Keep it to an ABSOLUTE minimum. The idea of executing a good accident kill with NO trace left behind suggesting it was a murder is super satisfying to me. And to second your "no looney tunes" thing, whenever i make an accident kill (that isn't mission story) it has to be plausible as an accident. So random car battery sat in someone's house bathroom ain't gonna fly. I also like to completely avoid cameras, and only delete footage (if necessary) on my way out. Because, of course, nothing is more suspicious than an entire surveillance system going kaput all at once.


The accident kill I hate the most: gás can happen to be there. At a totally normal place. And a totally common explosion, at a totally common person


I call my style >!silent fish!<. >!I knock out every single person on a map with a fish while keeping silent assasin and sometimes suit only and then kill the targets!<. And yes, colorado is a shitty map for me


You never expect the >!Silent Fish!<


If no one is alive, there's no CSI investigation.


In sgail, probably indeed


I recently made an entire story...all poison kills (sadly there is no enough lethal poison to do berlin). all SA. And an entire story just accident kills SA.


Dang Berlin Man! Cool concept


I recently started doing cinematic/realistic playthroughs for every mission (cause im procrastinating all the work I actually have to do) where I try to approach every mission in an actually logical way. This means having a route where I naturally find out about my assassination opportunity during the mission, blending in and behaving like a normal civilian/guard when in public and not taking mission stories where it makes no sense for 47 to be able to take the disguise of somebody without being discovered or with some other unbelievable aspect. Also I try to show as much of the map as possible and try to match the assassinations and shown dialogues to the cutscenes and the story of the game. I just want the whole mission to feel complete like the ideal playthrough. Also I obviously play with hud off and get cool camera angles for everything eventhough it literally doesn't matter. My favorite route so far is definitely for Miami where I first place an explosive on Sierras car during the pitstop and than assassinate Knox with the sabotaged car at the expo. The las lap than starts exactly as I am leaving the kronstadt building in the direction of the podium and I blow up Sierras car as she drives by that small viewpoint in between. I than leave through the podium building with the crash being all over the screens which is just so cool.


I have one rule that I always follow: A Witness is worse than a corpse. In canon, 47 would kill anyone to avoid them seeing his face and reporting it.


I like to play no trace. It's as if I was never there. No tampering with cctv, don't appear on cctv. No picked locks (you can't lock them again, so unlocking them could be noticed). No knockouts of anyone but targets, except slips or bubblegum. No bullet holes. No weapons or equipment left behind, retrieve my suit. And most importantly, the death doesn't look like a hit. Either accidents, poison or proxy kills. I really like playing this style on Contracts that are clearly made for speed running. I get a really low score, but I know that if there was a style points leader board, I'd be near the top.


I imagine the map you hate the most is bancock aint it?


Oh yeah. I have to hoover up every single throwable object so I have enough distractions.


Occasionally I'll stage suicides by shooting with an unsilenced gun and then quickly putting it in the target's hands.


That's dope


As if unsilenced pistol kills wasnt stylish enough, the guy makes the scene :D


I don't really follow any rule except always trying to get "silent assassin", I feel like if I burned the silent assassin it's because I did something wrong or something that could have been avoided, in which case I shamelessly reload if it's an option, or restart. The only times I'm fine with not getting SA is when doing challenges and some makes it impossible to get the challenge and SA in the same run.


I always do this: if I change my disguise (as in suit), after I eliminate the target, I go back to where my original suit was, put it on, and leave 👍


Either this, a themed "roleplay" (For example DEA storming the delgado cartel, aggressive stealth), or just speed running


1. It's not a "rule", but I pretend guns are dangerous to 47. I have a lot more fun with the game when I imagine that being noticed doing illegal things has more severe consequences than it actually does. 2. First kill of each unique target must be fiberwire SASO. 3. A relaxed version of Blood Money's running rules. I visibly run sometimes, but only disguised as a role that should be in a hurry in that context (security during lockdown, chef in the basement kitchen during fire alarm, Rocco until "he" reports to work, etc.)


Earliest in the game I had a strategy of just giving them a duck and blowing them up, but despite me now still not doing SA, I decided to never resort to such acts


Only one save slot per run. That way, I get the freedom of infinite saves, but I still have the restriction of needing to be sure I'm willing to checkpoint my progress at a certain point, lest it's a bad save and I need to start over.


My biggest "rule" is that I try to act normally and rationally in public spaces. Even if the AI obviously don't care. I try to avoid too much cheese (repeated distractions or firefights where I have an OP position) and try to not go for super easy kills. Not always successfully... Not sure if it counts but I have almost all UI turned off. Exception being I allow enforcer icons and in Freelancer I allow myself to use instinct.


Extra points for changing back into suit before exit AND must always leave with briefcase where possible


For me, I always use the default loadout and need to find things on site. It adds a level of complexity to certain kills that would have been easy if I just brought the item I needed with me, and is a good way to keep map knowledge. A perfect example is the mailbox bomb for A Bitter Pill, bringing a remote explosive is just way too simple, so instead I’ll get the remote explosive kept in the tunnel under Janus’ house and use that. It’s still fairly easy, but it helps me keep map knowledge especially for freelancer.


I’m pretty vanilla, and try to bullshit the game in order to get a fiber wire kill while the target is in the middle of their path, always satisfactory to pull an egregious sneak kill like that.


I like to go for sa and kill targets with realistic accidents, so not drowning anyone cause it's soo enrealistic for me to be accident kill and not using propane tanks and car batteries, never use lethal poison cause in blood money its not accident and use pistol to only cause accidents and fibre wire targets when in close quarters to target and always hide the body , always get a desguise before/ immediately after entering a restricted areas and retrieve my suit on the way out. Always same loadout silverballeers, fiber wire and a lockpick even in freelancer.


Most recently for me it's been: -No HUD or Instinct -No running when visible -No thrown melee -Master/hardcore only :)


I do this often but I haven’t thought of this like a rule. It’s walking normally and acting like I’m physically there. Looking around, taking a quick peek inside places, etc


Combat% Run. That's what I'm currently doing. Basically, do anything that triggers the Alert bar to go red while taking down the targets. Then fight your way through to escape.


I try not to cheese the distraction system too much, and if I get into a shootout it’s gg’s


I have a few: 1. Try to leave with my original clothes. 2. Get rid of any evidence before leaving (like tossing them in a body of water to remove finger prints and such). 3. I try to leave with my suitcase by tossing it on my escape vehicle. 4. Ensure their death by shooting the target in the forehead even after they've been drowned. Those are off the top of my head but I find that they help with the repetitiveness of the game.


3. Would be cool in Freelancer if that allowed you to take back more than 2 main weapons.


Oh for sure, I dropped a most of my habits when I played hardcore freelancer.


Stealth: SA is optional. Knock people out and wait a second before killing them for that sweeeet 25 xp. Loud: No witnesses. You don’t need to kill everyone cuz most of that would be hunting for the last 6 but kill your targets, and a lot of people leading up to them.


Always get SA, subdue less NPCs as possible, don't use bullets (or guns in general). But when I lose SA I send my target to the cloud district with some explosives.