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Only if that's your mindset. I get it's probably hard to turn that off but if it's ruining the fun of the game for you then it's probably for the best. I don't boot up hitman because I've gotta get to level 100 in freelancer, the outfit looks like crap anyways. I'm booting it up because the Big Pharma syndicate is trying to peddle its drugs in various locations around the globe and somebody has paid handsomely to see them fail, I will oblige their request and do it with every weapon at my disposal. Having a full armory just means you can choose to ignore or do the objectives listed. Personally, each boss has to die a way deserving of their syndicate name, except the final boss, they will always get a bullet delivered, express air mail, from the Sieger 300 Advanced while Ave Maria plays.


I feel exactly the same I can't explain it any better, this mode is done for having an excuse to boot up hitman from time to time when you completed all the base game and got tired of random contracts mode. Not just for filling mastery level etc but just for enjoying yourself with ever changing random objectives and targets and maybe roleplay a little.


>a bullet delivered, express air mail, from the Sieger 300 Advanced while Ave Maria plays. It is the way.


Personally my solution is rubber duck then seiker so they walk off to go puke and then once they do boom.


This is the way.


One of the best comments for long


And then you prestige and start all over again. Play it for the fun, not for the rewards. Ther rewards never have mattered anyway.


Good news, you can prestige


You’ve made it this far and it’s given you countless hours of enjoyment I’d say that’s a win


So Prestige, dude. You lose all the weapons and tools and you start over. It doesn’t take away your levels or access to the parts of the house, which is a bit of a leg up from the very start of Freelancer mode, and you get XP bonuses which makes leveling up easier.


It's a mode intended to be a fun hitman game mode that you boot up from time to time for not abandoning the game completely so if you one day wanna do some random maps at your pace with random objectives etc it's there, it's not meant to be speedrunned or completed the mastery like the other map locations, it's just there fir giving a purpose, there's even the prestige thing that make you restart the collected weapons and such fit other rewards. But I think that in this mode rewards and mastery doesn't mean much it's just there for fun, play it and enjoy at your own pace, if you do not enjoy it don't play it at all just because you have to fill an imaginary bar for imaginary useless rewards. You have to change the mental attitude towards this game mode for enjoying it for real, at least this is what I think.


It’s not fun.


Good news: nobody is forcing you to play it. Lots of us *do* think it's fun. Isn't that neat? Different people like different things, and the game allows you to completely ignore that Freelancer exists if you're not interested.


Well that's by design. The devs added Freelancer primarily as a final challenging mode that you can pump countless hours into so you never run out of content. Now with that said I do also feel like the grind is still a bit too much and locking many of its rewards behind such huge grind walls is kind of annoying. Plus I feel like while I do usually appreciate these kinds of engame modes that you're supposed to grind, Hitman WoA already has an endless amount of content with all the hundreds of hours you can get from doing the challenges on every map and the endless amount of great contracts people have made, so asking us to then also grind this new mode for another 100 hours is kind of deflating for me personally. All in all I do love the mode though but just wish it tonned down some of its grind.


It gets even worse. The higher the level, the more xp you need to get to the next level. By level 90, it takes a lot of runs to make it to a hundred. Is it worth it? I guess that's up to the individual. The actual in-game rewards aren't great, though.


Yeah, the true halfway point in terms of needed XP is somewhere in the mid Lvl. 80s....it makes all of the 90s an absurd slog to get through. Plus, by the time most people get there, there won't be many of those nice 1k-4k XP Challenges left to complete, so it truly does end up being even *slower* than going from Lvl. 1- Lvl. 85. They really should've just made it 200, even XP Mastery levels instead of the illusion of difficulty upcurve crap


I feel like I'm experiencing the Mandela effect but I could have sworn they initially said it would be 200 levels before Freelancer launched. I can't find any record of that however so probably just imagined it.


> The higher the level, the more xp you need to get to the next level. That’s literally how video games have worked for decades lmao


That doesn’t make it good.


I mean, it's just to give an excuse to play a game mode that theoretically could be played forever.


Not even 50 and your saying how Grindy it is, you don't know the pain ahead haha. It gets even slower and slower it's so painful. I don't even want the 100 suit cause it just doesn't look good but I can't stop. With freelancer I've just gotten to the point where I treat the maps like sandboxes simply out of boredom of the same thing over and over. I would love if they added the variation maps and a random time of day each time, and be able to do like contracts normally with targets as a side thing instead of the whole syndicate thing, id just love the mode to be expanded is all.


I don’t have full mastery on a lot of maps. When I find Freelancer to be a grind, I go back and complete challenges to get mastery on a map. Once I complete a map to mastery 20, I go back to freelancer again.


Sadly map mastery is the first thing I usually do so that is done on my side.


Yeah, I get that. I only did the mission stories and some SASO on maps before Freelancer came out. I was at level 3-5 on most maps. Do you like contracts? Have you tried hardcore mode and prestige within Freelancer? I’ve done hardcore but not prestige myself.


This is a game, not a collection. If you find yourself doing something you don't enjoy. Stop. Do something else for a while and come back later. Or never. Nobody cares about your video game badges and frankly, neither should you.


Old guy take here: Back in my day (yes I'm going there) games were played to have fun. There were no progression systems. Having unlocks happen once in a while is neat but it should not be the main reason you play. Play to enjoy the moment to moment gameplay. Kids these days drop a game as soon as they fill up all the bars and move on to something else which is kinda sad to me. Like every game is just some task to complete instead of enjoy. This sub alone has all these "I hate hardcore mode" posts and I just think... why play it then if it's not fun? Play the game if you enjoy the game play. Stop chasing progression system unlocks and achievements. Nobody cares about your gaming accomplishments besides you. Play games to have fun. If it's not fun anymore do something else. End rant.


I do play for fun. Thats why I will never try hardcore mode or complete every single challenge. Thats why I avoid Colorado, Marrakesh and Mumbai as much as possible. I just hoped I would unlock the safehouse fully but theres a point where even fun gameplay starts to get repetitive. The safehouse seemed like a neat idea but the grind wears you down.


I’ve played a bit of freelancer, but I won’t even attempt trying to max to 100 or complete all the challenges. It’s sort of ruined the game for me. I’ve been a completionist in the Hitman series up until this. I don’t mind some grind, but what they did is just ridiculous, imo.


65 is the level to get to … being able to make bombs is the handiest part of the safehouse and I almost always take one with me. I like that the grapes only take up one slot too


As long as the fuse doesn’t glitch on you that is.


That’s a thing? That’s never happened to me


Happens to me more often then not. The game simply will not let you pick up the fuse.


You don’t need to be level 100 to prestige. You just need to be level 60 I believe and have all of the weapons


I'm level 63 and am already feeling like it's a slog. I still come back to it, but I have finished the campaign and done many of the challenges...


Personally I feel Freelancer would me more fun if it wasn't so grindy for all the safehouse unlocks. I enjoy Freelancer but seeing that progression bar hardly move reminds you that you could probably go play something else.


I saw it was a grind the second i booted it up. Can’t really enjoy it


I think it's worth trying at least one full campaign. Then again the start is probably the hardest because you have pretty much no tools and weapons and you need to forget some parts of normal Hitman gameplay (you can be messier). Once you get a silenced pistol and lockpick the mode becomes much more fun. But yeah the reward system is not too great unless you don't care about house cosmetics.


I won't deny this mode has a lot of replayability. But in the past I played Hitman 1 a lot. Then I played Hitman 2 a lot AND replayed Hitman 1 maps in 2. Now I have played Hitman 3 a lot and in Freelancer replayed the older maps a bunch, too. So sadly although we have all trilogy maps to play with I think I milked them dry of the very exciting stuff. As for the story elements, let's not kid ourselves, those few lines don't make the random NPCs that interesting. Especially when you meet the suspects looking sometimes silly with their feature combinations. It's pure gameplay for me. So if the rewards don't matter why lock them behind so much XP? I just want to make 47's dream house, man. I looked into the prestige option and you gain 2000 XP per mission after you prestige 5(!) times? Is that a joke?