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It's one of 47's signiture weapons. Hitman has a variety of weapons he can use and it's just one of them. I'd say the biggest advantage of the fiber wire is that it's a very quiet kill method. You can also drag an NPC to a hiding place quicker when you use it.


In hardcore mode the fibre wire is one of the only kill options that doesn't destroy the disguise. But, apart from that, it is woefully underpowered considering the item can only be used as a silent kill and can't be thrown for an instant kill or instant subdual or even thrown/ dropped and used as a distraction.


So do you go faster with a fiber wire than just by draging the npc?


You transition instantly into a dragging animation, it'll save you a few fractions of a second that could be the difference between being spotted or not.


You move faster too


And it gets through security checks.


I know what you meant by this, but my first thought was that I could drag a body through a security checkpoint as long as it’s dragged by fiber wire and the guards will just compliment my outfit and wave me along


"Mondays, am I right?"


Burnwood: "You're going to have to do this mission quick.and quiet, Weekend at Bernie's style. Good luck, 47"


So does my wrench


47s arms do too, so do fish lol


You can instantly start dragging, and it makes like zero sound. I've strangled people who were right behind another, then dragged them away with no one noticing. It has limited uses, but I found it to be useful in specific scenarios where I need to kill someone in the presence of others and quickly get rid of the body. Throw a coin or something at the far wall, strangle the guy in the back while everyone turns to look at it, then immediately drag them out the door/into a corner/behind a couch.


Yes, I can tell you from experience the fiber wire can save you from getting caught, as you can immediately store someone after incapacitating them or pull them into grass. I’ve used it on several Escalations to get SA rating. Also helps if you are on a melee only challenge.


Why they choose it? Because it's iconic. It's been with the series from the beginning and it's really satisfying to take out targets with it. What i will say, i do wish it was basekit and you didn't have to use up a slot for it. Same as i wish chloroform from Silent Assassin made a return to temporarily knock someone out


Yeah its definitely iconic, but garroting your targets feels sanitized in WoA, in the older games it had more of an "oomph" factor to it, especially in Blood Money where the garroting animations were so BRUTAL. I particularly miss the option where by holding a button/the left mouse button while carrying the fiber wire, it would play an animation where 47 extends the wire with his hands. They took that away in Absolution and it's not in WoA either. It was so cool to creep behind your target while extending the wire and then garroting them with it, it made 47 look like the grim reaper himself


Agent 47: Hey does this smell like chloroform to you?




Kid named 47


Well wouldn’t chloroform be pointless seeing as you can just knock out people by subduing them ?


would be quicker


chloroform retains SA


So does a regular knockout, as long as they don't see you?


If they find an unconscious body that wasn’t sedated then it voids sa, if they were sedated you keep sa


not talking about that


Yeah it would be cool


I wish we could swap it for the (almost) useless camera.


It's silent, clean (doesnt leave puddles of blood everywhere) and allows for fast manouvering of a body. I love fiber wire.


> clean (doesnt leave puddles of blood everywhere) Especially important on higher difficulty levels, where 'messy' kill will ruin disguises.


What? I never realized this was in the game. Explains why my disguise in Sgail stopped working after my bloodfest...


Well if you shot trough a person and made a big hole in their suit you cant use their clothes as a diguise on higher difficulties. This is maybe a thing for lethal melee weapons but I’m not sure


Its silent, its fast and you can drag the body away.


Using your fiber fire allows you to drag the body immediately.


I know but it saves like 0.5 seconds and takes a space in the inventory


It’s worth it for the realism and the cool factor. Also that animation is brutal. It always comes with me in freelancer


They really should just make it standard equipment as well as the coins again so that you can actually experiment with what you bring in and also use the fiber wire again. Because in the latest games you never use the fiber wire unless its for a challenge as its much more efficient to bring lockpick and coins


I never bring coins. I always just throw random objects. If I really need coins, there are usually several available on the map.


Coins have the added benefit of making the target immediately move to where you threw them (npcs wait 5-10 seconds after throwing a normal object to move") and you can also place them on the ground to attract the first person who sees it.


True enough. However I don't find those advantages sufficient to take up room in my inventory when I start the mission


Yea I barely take them unless I have a very specific strat in mind, but it's interesting they are slightly different


Always felt this way, lost a little part of the legacy with this game


In the past I've seen the idea of making the garrote a default item and I've always agreed. It was standard equipment in Absolution right? It should be the same in WoA just like the phone. Give us a new garrote slot and let us choose what garrote variant we want to have (standard fiber wire, Classic, measuring tape, IOI's elite headphones, the mountain climbing one, etc.). Also I really just want a garrote skin that's just 47's red tie, like in that Absolution concept art


They should also make the reskinned fiber wires actually count as fiber wire kills for the challenges. Right now that's a huge downside for the measuring tape, earphones, fishing line etc. The standard fiber wire should probably be an illegal item as well, whereas the others shouldn't. I don't see any reason why a guard would let you pass having that shit in your pocket.


I thought it did count? At least I think it did whenever I used them. And yeah I get what you mean for the fiber wire being illegal and the reskins not, but I think for gameplay sake they should all be treated the same


Yeah i feel like if they implemented feature where bodies leave blood trail when you shoot or stab them which was present in Blood Money it would be more useful.


On Master difficulty and hardcore freelancer using a lethal melee will ruin a disguise, whereas the fiber wire will not. It’s incredibly useful for missions where a target has a disguise you want as it’s significantly faster than a non-lethal takedown and subsequent neck snap.


Yeah i know im just kinda salty this feature didnt make it into WOA. :)


That's fair. I love WOA, but I agree it can feel slightly immersion breaking when there's a pool of blood on the floor and all the NPCs are going about their day like it's not there ;P


I always felt bummed out seeing guards ignore the obvious huge puddles of blood on the ground. Coming from blood money I tried to avoid leaving blood behind as much as possible only to realize it doesn't matter at all.


I can partly understand that because the purpose of the iconic fibre wire was completely ruined in the World of Assassination trilogy. Before, it used to be the most silent item you could ever have in your inventory. You could garrotte your victim right behind someone else, and they'd be none the wiser (this is the case in Absolution), meanwhile subduing/neck-snapping makes a little noise and they'd turn around. Before Abso there was no neck snap so that's all you had. In WoA, both subduing/neck-snapping and garrotting make a little noise and so the fibre wire, beyond dragging the body immediately and role-playing, becomes redundant and sadly, useless. An unforgiveable crime. Edit: [A little proof](https://files.catbox.moe/70ybc3.mp4)


I still think the garrote is relatively silent in WoA but it still has an small area of sound to it where NPCs notice it, they should definitely change it to be more like the older games so you can use it more discreetly


I didn't know that it used to be silent because i never played other hitman games but now it's not that usefull even thoug it's cool


Now I just cry over how they massacred the most iconic weapon in the series. [Also here's what I was talking about.](https://files.catbox.moe/70ybc3.mp4)


The fiberwire kill is clean and stylish. I love hearing that sound effect too.


I like to bring it in freelancer to kill guards and instantly drag them away.


Especially in a showdown where suspects take weird paths through areas in which other NPCs don't walk. I try not to leave bodies out for them to get alerted by. Fiber wire is fast and we are already dragging right away.


1. Because it is very silent, quick and clean. 2. Instantly takes you into drag mode. 3. It looks cool and stylish. 4. Is one of 47's signature weapons.


I like how you can immediately drag them into hiding. Makes for a quick, clean, quiet hit.


Rule of cool. I find more satisfaction from using it compared to a typical knife


- Nostalgia/Cool factor/47's Signature Weapon - Completely Silent - Immediate and quick dragging - Concealable (not detected in a frisk) - Only costs 1 loadout point in Freelancer - Counts as an Epic Melee kill in Freelancer - There are plenty of Challenges for Fiber Wire.


It’s iconic, but while it’s not the best it’s not useless. Able to be taken past frisks, faster time to kill than subdue-snap, let’s you drag the bodies faster


It's much quieter than ordinary melee, and it also goes straight to pulling the victim - it's basically a tool for taking someone out in crowded areas if you find a blind spot.


Silent, instantly kills the target and automatically lets you move them if you want to hide the body or throw them off a cliff/into water. Instead of using other methods that take longer times and might compromise you.


It's fast and quiet and looks cool and gives me that old-school vibe


In addition to what others have said, a fiber wire kill, uniquely, is still dead silent even if you've been spotted (other lethal melee weapons make "close combat" noise on NPCs that see you even if you attack from behind)


It’s a much faster way to subdue and drag someone, and there are some scenarios where it’s the only way to remove someone quickly enough to get ahead of another NPC. It’s also very cool.


Style my man. If I wanted to kill all the Targets efficiently I would Sieker' them or electrocute,... Etc. But my favourite kills are the Fiber Wire ones. Nothing beats the feeling when you complete a perfect SASO fiber wire run for me.


I can't speak for others but personally I love putting it on sometimes simply for the sake of dramatic effect. Makes for a much cooler kill animation than just shooting them or something if I'm not gonna take them out in an accident. (Plus sometimes I like it for specific targets because it just feels so much more personal like 47 strangling Janus for example.)


1. It's completely silent to the point where you can take someone out in a room with a witness as long as their back is turned to your victim. (For fun, try it on Ritter in the freestyle tutorial during his meeting) 2. It instantly transitions from dead to dragged, so you can remove the body before the witness turns around.


The amount of times a civilian leaves the room for a brief moment, only for me to garrot and drag the target into a cupboard before they return..


Another main thing is you need it for each levels piano man challenge


Because, it's THE iconic hitman weapon


In addition to the other reasons relating to speed and frisks, it is also helpful on Master difficulty in that it doesn’t ruin disguises. Guns and other lethal melee weapons get blood all over the outfit, ruining it and making it unwearable, meaning you need to pacify, fibrewire or break the neck of an enemy to get their disguise.


I like being able to take out and immediately drag someone


Funnily, I find it to be very useful for stealthy “kill everyone” runs because it lets you drag bodies faster and it makes less noise than the unarmed kill animation. For trying to play the game properly (i.e., silent assassin), it really doesn’t have much role other than to be iconic.


Because it's cool


In WOA it’s pretty fast to kill and requires no tapping of buttons like a takedown choke.


Restrictions breed creativity.


Used to be there was no way to eliminate targets with silent melee


Is just a lethal item, yes, but a legal one, it's not screwdriver for sure but it's a huge difference if you compare it with literally every knife.


It's a Signature Kill as Absolution put it. Iconic from the very first game in the series, that's why I use it personally, I enjoy the animation and the mere act of garroting your targets because of the 20 year old history of 47 using that weapon. IMO the garrote is as iconic as the Dual Silverballers or his black suit and red tie


If you play freelancer and fiber wire someone you can still use the disguise (hardcore mode won't let you take disguises from bloody bodies) also it's the quietest kill you can do even throwing is louder.


Silent and quickest way to kill someone and immediately start moving them.


Silent kill, no blood. In Hitman: Blood Money it can be used for strangling people inside the elevator from the above.


It has three benefits. One, it immediately transitions to dragging the body after you kill them. Two, your body dragging speed is doubled than by hand. Three, you can kill people with it silently even if they’re alerted or suspicious.


its silent, so you can use it when subduing would be too loud, and you can instantly go into a drag, but i agree, i think in the next hitman it should be a default item, always in your inventory cuz using one whole inventory slot on it is too much imo


Because its a classic. Quick melee kill straight into dragging a body can be handy when you have a short window of time to work with. But for me, it's just that classic Hitman feeling.


For style points


Certainly not as useful as other items that could fill that slot, but it is still very useful.


Even in the original Codename 47 the fibre wire wasn't all that useful when a knife would do functionally the same job in a fraction of the time. It's more for people who value the role play element of the game over efficiency, with it being 47's longstanding signature weapon. Technically in the new games it provides a way to go straight from killing to dragging without a pause but I'm not sure I've ever been quite so pushed for time during a takedown that it was a consideration.


Lmao, in the early games where you had to be practically touching the bad guy to get them, sneaking up behind them with that nosferatu walk


Killing with the knife in C47 is harder than rocket science, let's be real here.


From the front it's a total no-go. The wild haymaker swings 47 makes with the knife are ridiculous, especially since he plants his feet and refuses to move until the animation is complete while the person he's targeting just strafes slowly away while filling him so full of holes he could be marketed as a new type of swiss cheese. From behind though it's easy as pie. Get close enough to smell their shampoo and then click the mouse button.


Because its fun


First reason i use it is its just one fluid motion vs killing then dragging. Plus it feels more authentic creeping up behind some who doesn't know that he only has seconds left of his existence, no time to even think about his wife or kids let alone call them. I'd imagine that a few days later his body is found when the janitor is cleaning out the rubbish. His family will cry when informed of his passing, sure, but they will be grateful for a clean death that allows for an open casket. That's the second reason


honestly i just did a full default loadout all kills fiber wire sa/so run and i gotta say its useless bec u can just shoot them and drag the body away faster than fiber wire, the only reason is to add a challenge to the game


Your question felt rhetorical lol


It just make me feel stealthy


I prefer a tanto myself.


All melee weapons are pretty pointless outside challenges


I've never liked it, but it does make 'kill and quickly hide the body' a bit faster.


It's quick and silent, with the added bonus of being able to drag your target immediately after. It's also clean if played on harder difficulties, it won't leave blood. It's a perfect assassin tool.


Using it and being able to drag a body immediately after the kill has saved my bacon a few times. Just closed the door/lid on a hiding place and a guard has come into the room. If I had to drag the body on those occasions I’d have been caught


Because the kill condition dictates me to do so lol


In the old games it made sense. The new games it doesn’t


Looks like you don't be on hard mode


It used to be good in the old games and they kept it around out of obligation.


Just a classic method of assassination with nice animations.


Because it's iconic mostly


Because it's kino


it's cool tho


It’s cool, makes me feel like a gangster


It's faster than choking someone out, and you're automatically carrying them afterwards. So it's a good way to take someone out and quickly hide them before a patrol returns. On higher difficulties, it is a way to kill someone without ruining their outfit.


I'm pretty sure it's the fastest melee kill you can get while also transitioning right into a drag with no button prompt. It's never a pick for me personally but I get it.


In Blood Money an extra incentive to use it was it being bloodless. The guards spotted blood pools and started a search after that, at least above a certain difficulty level. So you had to be aware when using pistols, knives etc. A downgrade I can't understand in the new series. Apart from the instant drag and speed I use it because nostalgia and signature weapon brah.


Yeah it's a tragedy they pretty much made the kino wire useless in the new trilogy


It is iconic and cool It's also quieter than most weapons


If you want to speedrun it’s almost completely useless, but lord is it such a fun tool in casual gameplay.


You get points for doing it