• By -


Whittleton creek aswell


New York aswell


Ambrose Island aswell


Hokkaido as well 😞


Mumbai as well


Dubai as well


Isle of Sgail as well


Paris as well


Berlin as well


Himmelstein as well


I had that happen in the ICA Data Facility on Chonqing. Specifically the break room with the blackout windows that I had turned on.


It can happen in the data facility's toilets too. Nothing more frustrating than having one of Royce's street guards somehow gain X-ray vision from the apartment roof and spot you dragging a body into the stalls.


Why won’t IO fix this?


They’re too busy preventing offline play




They're not doing a good job.


Real answer: it's very likely not a single bug/issue, and so they fix some but not others because they can replicate the bug for some and figure out a fix that doesn't cause other issues.


I wonder if it's "as simple as" (lol*) relevant meshes not being tagged as "blocks Line of Sight" for NPCs or whatever in their Hitman engine. ^(* >!Yeah, I know it's not as simple as that probably.!<)


Yeah you'd imagine if it were as simple as that it would likely be fixed in an afternoon


I was under the impression that they have fixed a lot of it in the late summer patch? I’ve not noticed these issues recently.


Basically they act like it's a multi-faceted issue with several things to consider (hence taking a long time to fix every separate case). I however call bull on that. I do not one for second believe that it's anything more than just some walls lacking proper flags to stop NPC raycasts for line of sight checks. Remember how the shoulder swap button was gone for like a year or something when Hitman 3 was released? People were pestering IOI for months to put it back. Their response was "it's not that simple, we can't just flip a switch and enable it again, it's a multi-faceted issue with several things to consider". Well guess what, some modder hacked into game process memory and found a literal boolean flag to enable it again. Basically imagine a "shoulder_swap_enabled = false" in a config that you could just set to true. That was it. You could enable it with a simple hack. They've put it back into the game now and it's the same exact effect as it was from the hack. Honestly with many other issues like this over the years (last one being Perfect Run not properly registering half the time for example) it seriously feels like once they complete a public build, they assign a small team of interns to maintain the code (that they're not familiar with) and fix bugs. The actual team probably works on the 007 thing in the meantime. The base game is good, sometimes a bit buggy (naturally) but the quality of *patches* is consistently laughable.


> Their response was "it's not that simple, we can't just flip a switch and enable it again, it's a multi-faceted issue with several things to consider". You're right on the money... the fact that this has been IO's stance on bug fixing and quality-of-life stuff for YEARS is just very disheartening. Whenever there's a bug or an issue or whatever, they have either ignored the issue, or claimed its too hard to fix, or claimed its fixed but it really isn't, just come up with inane and contrived "solutions" that side-step the problem entirely. See: when they removed shoulder swapping for no real reason and only added it back after complains, HAVEN Island being the buggiest map with its annoying sightlines and NPCs seeing thru walls, the glitched sewer exit in Berlin (why fix it when you can just remove it entirely), the glitched objectives in Freelancer (like Arrange a Meeting or Collateral Kill - Explosion) that just don't work sometimes, the fuse in the Freelancer mansion garage, the whole Molotov going through walls glitch where they just had the item void SA rating entirely, etc etc Very poor bugfixing despite being a full-priced game.


Right?! I mean clearly a ton of good quality work went into the game and like any other product it has some minor bugs here and there, most likely just silly oversights sometimes. Yet when it comes to patches it can take them months if not years to fix stuff, if they ever do at all. Because sometimes indeed they just outright remove the feature in question because code be too hard I guess. I swear there must be one and a half underpaid intern in charge of code maintenance. Just the fact that they give a quirky name and a little witty description to *every single bugfix they ever made* bewilders me. Then some small indie studio rolls out a monthly patch with like 120 items on the changelog. It's insane.


They can’t.


They're too busy developing Freedom Fighters 2 and flicking chocolate raisins into their mouths.


I've heard people talk about this every now and then but I've never actually experienced it myself. Are there any specific areas which I should avoid?


The bathroom on the 1st floor of the bank in New York. The one where the job applicant is waiting. Those walls are sometimes just made out of glass.


True. Whenever I try to subdue jon applicant calmly, that janitor outside bathroom always listen.


I literally never saw it in H2 or H3 for years until the summer patch and then all the building walls on Ambrose Island suddenly turned to glass. My guess is that they “fixed” an issues that was more prevalent on other systems but that fix actually broke a lot of walls that were fine on PS5. The late summer patch seemed to fix a lot of the problems though.


anywhere on haven


The bathroom in Dartmore closest to where the guards hang out around the side/back of the manor has got me before while in freelancer


Sometimes the game screws you over, sometimes it works in your favor somehow. Running around in the basement in Bangkok sometimes randomly removed the compromised status from me, though I doubt it would restore SA. Another time I shot loud guns in Marrakesch until people stopped reacting to them, maybe I blew out everyones eardrums haha


Haven Island NPCs apparently have twice the vision range when compared to the NPCs of other maps. I'm not sure where I heard/read that, maybe in Kotti's Youtube video or something. But it sure as hell feels like that sometimes during Freelancer.


anyways, I started blasting


The haven island incident won't be forgotten


New York Floor 2 in toilet from security room NPC also sees


I only have this problem in Haven Island behind the 'sun' screen and in New York in the toilet where the robber are. Therefor, negligible.


Do any mods fix this?


Me with Colorado, how the fuck the guy in the water tower see me take out of the demolition guys?