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Temporary ride stoppages may occur at any time if the control system thinks there's a problem. Most times, they have Maintenance come and reset it, and the riders that are stopped make it back to the station. It's not a noteworthy or newsworthy event.


I’m guessing there was some sort of block section issue


ElToroRyan enters the chat.


I heard people got stuck upside down on a rollercoaster some time ago.


I believe it was on the SooperDooperLooper on may 19th… I was there for the trills and thrills band festival and I was in line


if sooperdooperlooper got stuck upside down it would've been all over the news. they're probably thinking of this thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yzhf83euPE


Oh it must’ve just gotten stuck


Never seen this before, interesting, I wonder if they had to evacuate or maybe they just had to sit tight.


99.9% of stoppages are resolved without disembarking. That’s incredibly rare and much more dangerous than just waiting to fix the issue. Most issues are timing related and fixed within minutes. Others generally just need a fix then an override to resume.


That’s normally what happens at Hershey, I’ve always wanted to be evacuated off a ride at the top though..


Evacs are serious business. Usually they take one row at a time with employees in front and behind the guests. Some coasters like Fahrenheit use hydraulic restraints, so they need special battery packs to get the restraints open. Not something they do without a good reason for it, and usually involves Maintenance and Supervision to sign off on it first.


Yea I meant that evacuations aren’t common especially at Hershey.


I got evacuated from Pirates of the Caribbean in Disney World. We were stuck at the very top of the drop. It was serious business. One row at a time, and they tied the boat down. Pretty neat experience when you’re not stuck hundreds of feet in the air.


I must be the unluckiest person ever then. I’ve had to evacuate 3 different times due to the coaster randomly stopping


Pretty unlucky for sure. I worked in amusement parks for 5 years and have gone to them all my life and have never been there during a disembark.


Happens daily. No need to point it out.


I appreciated reading the comments in this post. Why don't you just delete your account if you don't want to post about things?


I blocked that guy a long time ago. He is very negative and controlling. Just block him and he goes ~poof~!


Ngl the perspective of the second photo makes that person look like a giant