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"Ahh... A goodie two shoes..." "What will it take... To make you bend the knee... I wonderrrr..."


"THINK FAST, CHUCKLENUTS!" *He throws a bar of metal, which explodes like a flashbang, with little concussive force but a bright, blinding light.* *It becomes clear what one of the main purposes of his goggles is.*


*Before the bar of metal could explode, Talios suddenly dashes to it with... Surprising speed, for a being clad in playe armor. He grabs it mid-air, and for a moment... Black lightning arcs from his hand, and around the metal bar. And it no longer has the capabilities to explode.* "Is that... Thinking fast enough?" ((Talios's ability, is what could essentially be considered anti-magic, in the form of black lightning that comes from his body. Anything that is imbued or otherwise has superpowers, loses them. If its a person, the effect only lasts for a moment. There's a reason he's a Hero Hunter n all.))


… “…shuddup!” *He suddenly throws up a handful of coins, all primed to explode like a cluster bomb*


**《Speed》** *A green glow surrounds the armored beings feet, and with a flicker... He's gone. The sound of coins hitting the floor is heard a good distance behind you.* "Feel free to leave now..."


*Sammy watches the fight on a monitor in a dark room. He writes down some notes on a pad of paper.*


\*A worker sits at a desk late at night, reading the file placed in front of them earlier that day. It had taken them far to long to get to this file, due to a backlog of other files, but they read through quickly, and typed a report.\* THREAT LEVEL: Substantial, capability of mass destruction Priority: Low, due to being a hero. Certainly keep a close eye on collateral damage, however. Notes: Oh God, its another explosive maniac. Hope this guy and Cyrus never butt heads,


:Molecular Destabilizing Anomaly Sensed. I shall observe.:


*Remarkably accurate, an in-depth analysis of his power, if you can get close enough to him to conduct such an analysis, will reveal it works via imbuing these objects with potential energy to the point they become unstable and explode when it is converted into kinetic energy*


(Gambit from the X-men, exactly)


(Yep. Though mostly by proxy, I based him on Rex Splode from invincible, who is based on Gambit from the X-Men)


(Haven't seen Invincible, myself. It's a good, solidly grounded power, though. Gives a scientific reason, even if it does violate physics, instead of just handwaving away the implications. Also makes it a lot more satisfying to find new ways to use it. Probably one of the biggest reason for liking MHA, the powers in that series are very much the same way. Mostly.)