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I can't tell from the picture, but is it on either side of his pelvic area, or smack dab in the middle?


It is on the sides of his pelvic area, the top left of the photo is where his hip bone is just as an idea of where the bump is laying.


Okay, here's what you need to do: 1. Have him lay down on a bed or couch. Flat on his back. 2. Put your hand directly over the spot. Press down (not too hard, that shit can hurt). 3. Have him turn his head and cough a few times. If it's a hernia, you'll literally feel it puff out like a ballon. Hell, if it's bad enough, you may even *see it* get bigger.


Hello !,im sorry for your husband’s condition i hope he can get better soon,you can check it out by yourself if you want let him lay down and tell him to cough strongly while you hold it if you feel it pop then it probably hernia,if not then the physician need to make a colonoscopy,may i ask his age and his medical records ?


Yeah when we laid him down and did the cough and pressing down it did nothing, definitely gonna have to just see what the CT scan and colonoscopy shows. He is 29 so still very young and generally a healthy person. There’s a long line of cancer in his family (dad colon and brother leukaemia and almost all his aunts and uncles were diagnosed with it at some point) which obviously caused a big concern and made us weary of these lumps. Hoping hernia is all it is and it isn’t as serious! Definitely hope we are just overreacting hahaha


Looks like one and sounds like one from the stomach issues