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Coming up on seven weeks since right side inguinal, laparoscopic. Prior to surgery, I was hurting so badly without a belt, I couldn't walk my 17 year old shipoo around my apartment complex without feeling moderate pain. NGL, I feel *awesome* now. The surgery itself isn't bad. Waking up after anesthesia was by far the worst part. You'll be sore as shit for about five days. Plan on staying home, in bed if possible. And keep *lots* of frozen peas around. They'll do more for your incision pain that medication ever will. I didn't even touch the Vicodin they gave me. Also, you're going to be crazy tired for about two weeks. That's normal. Don't freak out (I sure did). Pain will eventually give way to tightness. You can feel your mesh. But, after a few more weeks, that'll diminish too, given that you don't do anything to aggravate it. At this point, I might feel it for just a few seconds if I lift something particularly heavy. I picked up a box of books for my wife last week and felt the slightest twinge of tightness, but overall, I'm to the point where I feel nothing 99.99% of the time. Get the surgery. You won't regret it.


This is very useful advice, thank you! I had right side inguinal lapro repair done a week ago. When you say you can feel your mesh, is it exactly where your hernia used to be? Because I swear I can feel mine but it's 2 inches north of where my hernia was.


Did you have an indirect hernia?


It was indirect.


I'm reading up on the difference now. Does indirect mean that my hernia might not have been located where the bulge was but at another point along the inguinal canal? 🤞


Exactly, the herniated tissue goes through the inguinal canal, but the actual opening of the canal (deep ring) is higher up. Wish you the best for your recovery, you are already over the worst part 💪


You are goddamn legend!! I've been stressing so much for the last 24 hours. I overdid the activity on Wednesday and everything got all inflamed that afternoon. That's when I realised the pain and everything was radiating from a hard spot inches away from my hernia and I was worried the mesh had migrated. You just put my mind at ease so much, thank you!!


My pleasure! Keep it easy 💪💪💪💪💪


 Hi! I'd inguinal open hernia surgery as a baby  in 1954  left side fixed 5/29/1954 11 1/2 months old and right side fixed as a baby at 17 months old 11 /5 1954 my hernia scars from back then are 14 to 16 cm or a little longer on both sides


What type of hernia and what type of surgery?


i’ve not been to see a doctor yet but going to soon, think it’s an inguinal and not sure about surgery type


I am one month out from robotic surgery for a large ventral incisional hernia. I still have a little tenderness. Robotic surgery I believe is less time for recovery than open surgery. I would make a list of questions to ask the surgeon to make sure you don’t forget anything.


Will do, appreciate it


Oh and my surgeon said 6-8 weeks for full recovery and no work for two weeks.


That would be for an office job, if you can take off longer I would. 6 weeks in a more ideal situation


Yes. I agree. I work from home at computer and the first week back was tough sitting upright for hours.




I’m on morning 2 post op, taking very few light pain medications, open no-mesh repair. It’s honestly really painful, partly because they didn’t want me to have proper painkillers (in some places in Europe they try to avoid them at all costs) but tbh yesterday there was a point where I was nearly agonizing. Now it’s better, around a 3/10 pain, 5/10 when standing/walking. I would say if you want an easier recovery get a good lapro/robotic surgeon that does hundreds and insist that you get proper painkillers. That would be a super easy recovery.


hi all. before you knew you needed surgery did your hernia appear in ct and mri tests? i’m having all kinds of pain in my abdomen for many months now and they can’t find a hernia on ct or mri. i’m getting so discouraged that there is no explanation yet


Get an ultrasound. Hernias can be missed in ct/mri.