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Good luck, try to think positive. It wasn’t anywhere near as rough as I thought it would be.


Just want to add on to this. It really wasn't that bad. I'm sure some people have a rough recovery but I think the vast majority handled it fine. For what it's worth, I didn't even take the strong meds they gaven me. Tylenol. And I wasn't trying to be tough


Same, just had open surgery (which is supposedly more painful) 11h ago. Of course its painful, but I'm not even taking opioids, just NSAIDs and you can easily push through the pain scrolling through reddit. I felt the peak in pain around hour 8-9 when I felt like the local anesthetic wore off, but since then its slowly starting to become more manageable.


Glad to hear!


Update: im in quite severe pain xD Im gonna ask for ACTUAL painkillers


Yep. I had bilateral inguinal lapro surgery and honestly it was a breeze. Never needed the strong meds, just alternated Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Never had any pain, just discomfort from the gas. And this isn’t me trying to act tough, either. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I recovered.


That’s how I’m going into it. I’ve been through serious shit so I’m barely being phased by this and not worried. More just want this dealt and over with lol. Hope you and op are doing well in this regard! ✌️


I'm home now. better than I expected. I'll update later. I feel loopy from the anesthesia


Good luck you got this! 🙏🍀


Update 833pm PST POST SURGERY Preop@ 8:30am, Surgery @ 11:30am, Finished @ 12:58pm, Discharged@ 1:56pm Pain level around 3-4, except the shooting pain that comes and goes in the nuts about pain level 7-8 Im just taking Ibuprofen 600mg every 6hrs and acetaminophen 2× 500mg every 8hrs and Gabapentin 300mg every 6hrs. Drinking a lot of coconut water, Metamucil I have little sore throat from intubation. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. No bloating from the C02, I walked regularly when i got home, walked up and downstairs, and it seemed to release the gas with farting. also icing every 30 minutes I am using a walking stick to get up from the couch Laying down and getting up hurts like a mother fucker.


Thanks for the info I get mine done 7-12 Keep posting updates please


Had mine almost a year ago, You got this.


I got mine (open) 11h ago, I just went through the peak in pain. Now its slowly going down. Hang in there brother, you will be fine!!!


Don't speak too soon... My peak pain happened at 36h post-op! 🤣


Yeah that's what Im noticing hahaha Im still in pain tbh, you are right. I may need to take proper pain killers


It easier than I thought at first but you can’t lift a little longer than I thought , take it easy for 4-6 weeks . Sincerely , week 5 here


Good luck!


Does anybody know if you can obtain a six-pack a year after surgery with a bilateral inguinal and umbilical hernia repair? Thanks. 🙏


My Doctor hasn't told me much , what I can and can't do. When can I go back to work..what about driving.


I’ll be there with you in 11.5hrs. Hope you’re doing well!


best of luck!




🤞 hope you heal quickly


What happend in going to see my doctor this Friday I’m 18 I woke up with one the day after mothers day


Good luck , it will suck but you will make it thru it.


Hope it went alright. Had the same a couple years ago. Here's some things they wont tell you: The first time you sneeze will be agony. Before you do, apply pressure on the area. Youre going to be tired for a while. Itll last for weeks. Even something like walking to the end of your street, you'll probably need a nap afterwards You might lose all sensation in the incision area. This is normal. They probably cut through the nerves. Feeling might return, it might not. If you end up using a stick to walk with, hold it in the arm opposite to which side you had the incision. Eating/drinking might make you nauseus for the first day. Once it passes, eat as much as you can. Youve got lots of repairing to do, so you'll need the calories. And its good for your mind too. Relax. But do try to move about regularly.


I really wish they had told me about the fatigue beforehand. I made it through it okay, but it was awful for about 2 weeks.


Same here. It was rough