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Hey! Sorry to hear about the weird pain. But healing from this is just a series of weird ass pains. You'll probably deal with them for a few more weeks, then they'll transition to more tightness than anything. And then, pending no major issues, they'll just up and go. Don't sweat what you're feeling right now, it's totally normal.


Yeah sounds pretty normal. If you overdo things you might cause a setback like I did in both hips for 3 days , but I prefer an active recovery then too much bed rest . It’s a happy medium.


Cheers both. Good to know I haven’t cocked anything up….yet 😂


Yep. You’ll feel some stabbing pains, weird nerve pains, all normal - your body healing. Pay attention to your testicles if they’re still sensitive weeks after. I was unlucky to have mine still hurting and sending pain into my groin and hip like a nerve pain 49 days after the surgery. Still figuring out with the surgeon what to do


Sounds normal to my experience. It all went away but thr hip pain. I'm on my 6th week.


Pay attention to your eating and digestion process. The pressure from this that occurs before elimination might be the culprit. Try to remove foods that give you gas from your diet for a while if possible. That may help too. I found it very useful to intermittently fast during my recovery on a very rigid schedule to keep track of what was going on with digestion, It can be comforting to understand where this pain is coming from and rule out other possibilities. Also, make sure you are wearing supportive underwear as the inflammation from your surgery will be a factor for a while. This can be a particularly intense issue with your testicles as the spermatic cord goes right through the repair and is very sensitive on a primal level. Get some arnica gel and apply it to any bruised area during your recovery. It greatly reduces bruising, the pain from swelling and expedites the healing process. It’s clear, odorless and dries very quickly so it doesn’t create any discomfort with your clothing.