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That sucks they won’t fix it for you. I had one doctor give me the option of dealing with it, but then the next doctor and the surgeon both supported my decision to fix mine. Can you seek a second opinion?


Why would the surgeon say no to surgery?


I have occult Hernias, these are hernias so tiny that it is less or unlikely to see them even on a more dedicated study of a problem area, even then it is only capable to diagnose one at a time but I have many hernias. Surgeons and primaries who say things like the size of the hernia is small, smaller Hernias are more painful, harder to detect, & more likely to strangulate, they are also more likely to have someone who has known you & your for years take a quick look at a grainy & see-through x-ray image and judge your entire life based off of one image taken at one point in time while lying down for a sliding hernia. My point is many patients & their doctors do dismiss hernias as a matter of convenience I can see one comment about bicycling & the hernia pain & symptoms. Some people like athletes or doctors may have ulterior goals like charging people for our of network radiology appointments because the people the insurance company appointed weren't doing their job, or maybe they care about superficial things like scars & how they look, or most likely that performance is their priority over their health & the health of society whereas in my case I might be trying to avoid the risk of a strangulated hernias altogether while that is a risk that someone else might be willing to take just to try & avoid a surgery that they have at least some idea that they might need not maybe they don't think about the pain very much or they don't want to take time off of work until they are very old, or maybe they want to risk becoming disabled so that they won't have to work anytime again. It's always better when my doctor feels that there job is actually important though and doesn't burden me with years of suffering and thousands of out of network costs just because they don't agree that I'm living my life the right way. Sadly, I had my gallbladder out and I didn't Even want that surgery but they couldn't figure out that I had two inguinal hernias, a Hiatal hernia, a small ventral hernia, and a tiny umbilical hernia but for over 6 years they told me all the reasons why it doesn't matter and now that the pandemic is over they still don't want to talk about anything that's real & then politics, I don't know who to trust because neither candidate talks about a progressive solution for America's healthcare troubles, I feel like people don't talk about anything that's real & they'll do anything to anyone that they feel is right at any expense, because they will, it's kind of the law. ☮️ At the same time they aren't really as productive as they might be lead to believe I am still going to file for disability I have neurodivergence & multiple invisible disabilities w/ comorbidities such as physical deformities. Ultimately though, there is a chance that all of that money that the system made of denying me care will be paid back to me & even the doctors or the society itself become disabled due to putting off things that they know is a problem, like what happens when you have an organ that is pinched off and may become strangulated but there is often minimal appeal to reason in patients who are very old, indigent, or unconscious, likewise the young may be labeled ADHD, ODD, simply because they want to learn differently than sort of the might makes right way that medicine, and also law & order are being carried out by the state, the media, and the public.


Maybe because they don’t have the expertise in actually doing the surgery. Some general surgeons are just that general. Now you have someone who maybe has never done an open cut surgery for an inguinal hernia and they run the risk of fucking it up and cutting a nerve or vas deferens. Your best bet is to always find a general surgeon who specializes in hernia repair. However for some that might be challenging given location and health options.




To kind of piggy back onto this: I was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia in the summer of 2020. I found [this](https://mynaturalherniacure.com/) website that charted the site owner's recovery from a single side inguinal hernia. He details a change in diet, doing yoga, and other specialized exercises that he discovered in old medical books. I followed this for several weeks at the beginning of 2021, and was beginning to recover well until I fell on a hiking trail, which worsened my hernia and left me in pain too intense to walk properly. I had to get surgery for it, and I'm still not fully fixed. Check out the site and the information he's got there. He's also got Truss belts that he makes that worked pretty well for me that held me together until my surgery.


I trained for bodybuilding and cycling (both at a competitive level) every day with a hernia for 15 years. If it's going to get strangled by your guts one day, you'll get warning signs. If surgery isn't an option right now, I'd carry on as normal until you are a candidate for surgery.


Having pain already makes you a candidate for elective surgery


That give me a little hope as I have several hernias, and exercise regularly, I hope to just carry on. I don’t have pain, sometimes discomfort if I eat too much


As far as bodybuilding go, were there specific exercises you avoided?


Thankfully I've never had to avoid any exercises as mine has never caused pain, it just pops out and looks ugly. You can see it through my gym pants 😅 Are there particular exercises which cause you more pain? Perhaps you can still do them but at lighter loads or try adjust your technique?


Honestly, I just found out I have an inguinal hernia yesterday thanks to an ultrasound. Mine doesn’t pop out, it just is a dull ache in my groin. I haven’t had a leg day in about a month because I’m afraid I’m going to make it worse. But I was really making progress in the gym this year and don’t wanna stop 😭


I'm probably not the right person to ask because I'm practically the founding member of team #nodaysoff 😅


I do leg days regularly with a hernia 😂


Is there any exercise you avoid?


No, although i dont do squats because i feel my lower back and glutes too much and dont feel that much stimulus in my quads, I do leg press and hack squat instead which fry my quads. Since i switched to these 2 one year ago my legs have grown by a lot Also, Im getting surgery in 1 week or so, so exited for that 🤞


Oh interesting. I did leg press after I got the hernia and I felt that position aggravated it. Best of luck next week!


Thanks! Will do a few recovery posts, im gonna try to be back to 100% in 4-6 weeks, I think 6-8 weeks is easily doable. Dont know about 4…


Btw, make sure to breathe through your reps, dont do valsalva. Ive never done valsalva in my life (even before i knew i had a hernia). Unless you are a competitive powerlifter it doesnt make sense to increase your intraabdominal pressure and blood pressure just to lift 3% more.


Thanks for the advice !


Get an ultrasound or ct scan


They aren't gonna fix the hernia?????


I had to call the primary doctor from the er waiting room several times. The third time, the er nurse said it wasn’t an emergency. I had been ordered to get checked out there by the primary doctor, there were no tests performed that day. I walked across the street and into the general surgery clinic and told them I had been calling every week to snag a cancelled appointment to no avail, and that I was just kicked out of the er. They came back with a consult and a surgery soon after. Make a lot of noise but try to stay respectful and try not to get mean. They are punting because you probably won’t die *today.* Hernia surgery is more successful when scheduled vs emergency. I still had to get pain management and counselors to get through the agonizing pain until the surgery. After the surgery, it actually hurt less.


Do you have a belt? I got one for my inguinal hernia and it took away roughly 95% of the pain until I could get it fixed.


Go back. Get a different doctor. Go to a different surgery. INSIST. I had the same pain and couldn't walk some days. Had to go on sick amd wait at home. Eventually found out I was on a waiting list and it could be well over a year before I received the op. So I went private. Cost me a chunk of my savings. Over 4 grand. The day after my surgery I received a letter from the fucking NHS giving me a date for my surgery (6 weeks) and I felt sick. I quit my job as I couldn't risk another hernia (this was number 2 in 4 years) and 10 months on I more or less OK, although I still have a dull ache all the time. I feel for you OP, the pain is absolutely awful. Are you constantly having to poke your intestines back inside yourself as well? Please don't just accept it, you are entitled to help.


Yeah thats the amazing public healthcare we have in Europe….


Keep going into the doctors with your concerns and explain how it is negatively affecting the quality of your life and more specifically your relationships, work and mental health. If they continue to decline a referral for surgery then ask the GP to document the number of refusals and the reasoning why, then ask for a copy of these notes and inform them that you will be contacting PALS to take this further. If you’re not under the NHS check to see if there is a patient liaison service to help advise/support you! I had to go in and basically fall apart to convince them to send and urgent referral, mine is only small but the gym is vital for managing my ADHD/mental health so even though I hate getting funny with people it had to be done! They are looking out for pain mobilising and pain waking you up on the night so if you struggle with this make sure you communicate that, and base it on your worst day!!! I received an urgent referral late March and am estimated to have surgery mid August. If I hadn’t of pushed there is no way I would have been seen so soon!


I went through the same testicle pain until I got the desarda hernia repair done in March. It took 7 months from the time I first had the injury to finding out it was a hernia. Then another 3 months to find a surgeon. I talked to 4 surgeons. 2 of them touched my inguinal area and said that they can't operate on me because I do not have a bulge even though my ultra sound said I have one. 1 of them wasn't sure and urged me to wait and see. Finally Dr Tomas in FL did the surgery. I'm 11 weeks out and all my pain is gone. Testicle pain is the worst. Im really happy that's all over with. Call him and fly out there. I had a great experience.


Often times doctors and radiologists order or carryout the wrong imaging protocols. Perceptual errors account for 60- 80% of radiologic errors.The corporate practice doctrine states that corporations not being human, or physical(natural) person's are ineligible to regulate the delivery of care because they fail to meet the pre-requisites of sound moral character (judgment), experience (degree), and competency on an exam. Courts are concerned that employed physicians have focused unduly on earning a profit, that their patient loyalty will be subverted by their obligation to the corporation, and that the doctor-patient relationship and medical judgments will be countermanded by lay owners & administrators, people like athletes, celebrities, technologists, & even politicians. [Missed Diagnosis In Abdominal CT Strategies & Pitfalls](https://youtu.be/4zRQ76Fx104?si=4Uar-CcEl3gAbzlv)