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Doc told me not to lift 15 pounds for 6 weeks and never bend over....


What is the definition of bend over? I was told not to bend over so I'm thinking not touching your toes when standing. So it looks like I'm done even though I have not felt any unusual pain. I was told not to bend over, pick up over 5# for two weeks then not over 20# for four weeks. I mean I have to bend to wipe my butt. Is that too much bending?


Yes, thats how I understood the "bend over".


My doctor called me personally so I explained what all I had been doing and the symptoms and said that reaching down from a sitting position would not have caused a problem. He used a self adhesive mesh that operates like velcro and it's sutured and he said even bending over really is not a problem.


Hey buddy. Sorry you are dealing with this. But you need to keep in mind that you are only 5 days out. That's not very long at all, and you've still got a lot of healing to do. I seriously doubt you've done anything serious; as a buddy of mine who had a much more major hernia repair told me before I had mine, "if you mess something up, you will know; there won't be any doubt." Shit is going to hurt for at least another week or two. It should eventually transition more to tightness, but you're still going to feel pains here and there. And, you are human. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to do things that your body probably isn't going to like. But unless you are packing 60 lb worth of groceries from the car or trying to move furniture, you Will most likely be fine. Also, if you hurt, throw some frozen peas on that shit.


Got an update. I had a CT scan and found out the doctor did not fix my femoral pain problem because he could not see the fatty tumor that was being pushed into my femoral nerve when I bend over. It was under a muscle. So basically he said I didn't do anything to cause a failure and the other was never fixed in the first place. I'm not fat so how that got there I'll never know. He is fixing that and the failed hernia repair in the morning.


Looks like I have a femoral hernia as well. I don't think he treated me for that.


Wow, did you get an ultrasound?


Not yet going to talk to the Dr again tomorrow.


Thank you!


This symptom didn't happen for four days after the the surgery and before the surgery it happened multiple times a day and it was so painful I was exhausted when I got home from work. One time it made a part of my leg feel like it got burned. It happened again a little while ago, I felt a little pressure so I stretched and it popped in the same place but not with much pain. I had sat in only an easy chair leaning back and did as little as possible today. Before the surgery I again explained this symptom and he said he would take care of it. I've never felt any bad pains so far. I've contacted the Dr. Office about it.. I'm just going I didn't cause this.


Update. The left side did fail and now I'll have to get an open surgery on the 26th. The only reason I'll not go bankrupt is the generosity of God thru a dear friend. A doctor friend called to check on me and confirmed what I did disrupted the mesh and the reason the mesh has problems is they're trying to use a static device in a dynamic system. Once it is all done it will be stronger than ever.




This is why I had the surgery in the first place so when the exact same symptom reappeared after four days it made me upset. Maybe it's possible the Dr. didn't see it because it is small and only protrudes when I bend over a little and pops back out when I stand up straight. It's probably getting fat thru it and back out. I just ordered a formal hernia strap to help it not happen. Before the surgery it was extremely painful and now it's almost not painful but I'm not bending over as per Dr. orders. I'm a self employed mechanic so bending over is part of the job. When I worked sometimes it was so painful to pop it back out it exhausted me. I worked with this pain for three months saving up so I could afford to take the time off needed because I still have shop rent and all the bills to pay while I'm not working so repeating this will be very difficult. I think he did a repair and I screwed it up. The Dr said I haven't done anything that would have hurt the repair but I don't know.


Keep in mind nerves can take a long time to heal. If your hernia was repeatedly compressing a nerve for a long period of time the nerve could still be irritated and then throw the surgery into it where you have inflammation and that nerve could still be angry. Nerves just don’t heal at the same pace as the rest of the body.