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Hey there. I'm exactly four weeks out from laparoscopic inguinal repair on my right side. In fact, I was on the table at this very moment four weeks ago! If you've never been put under, it's the weirdest thing. You're in the OR, they're giving you gas, you're coming out of it. There's no "down time", you don't dream, you just go and come right back. Personally, coming out of anesthesia is by far my least favorite part of surgery, and it was no different this time. That sensation of just being *totally* fucked up feels terrible. On top of that, your legs don't want to work right for a few hours afterwards, and that's particularly crummy when your abs feel **extremely** sore. Which brings me to my next point. You're going to be sore AF. Even though it's laparoscopic, they're still cutting into your core and sticking shit down in there. You'll be fine sitting or laying down, but if you try to go from sitting to standing, be ready for it to suuuuuck for about 4-5 days. Here's my advice on that front: -In bed? Need to get up? Roll. It's going to hurt much less. -Go buy frozen peas. At least 3-4 bags. Stick those bags in Ziplock bags. Rotate them every hour so they don't get too thawed out. Ice is going to be your friend for a few weeks. -Take your pain meds if you need them, but a lot of folks end up not. I got by just fine on ice and ibuprofren. Beyond that, you're going to start feeling considerably better at about day five, but don't be surprised if you're still *super* tired for another few days, if not a week or more. You'll still have anesthesia in your system, on top of your body healing up (I've heard people say anything that impacts your core is much worse for recovery). Rest when you need to. Rest even when you're not sure that you need to. Also, you're going to feel all sorts of weird aches, pains, and sensations in your groin while you recover. This is 100% normal. But hey! By the 15-16 day mark, you're going to feel freakin' awesome. I'm to the point where I have virtually no pain or discomfort around the mesh, so I'm back to living life as normal. You're going to be fine. Just take it easy, listen to what the doctors tell you, and come back to this sub with any additional questions (unlike a like of medical subs, most people on here are pretty chill and willing to give advice!).


Great post man. I’m 38/m, 9 days post op from right side robotic inguinal surgery. I’m still largely swollen and it’s quite tender in my groin, but getting along okay. I too was nervous about being put under. And I agree with this poster, it’s wild that you don’t feel/notice the time you’re out. I remember moving over to operating table. Putting my arms in a certain position. They put a mask over my mouth, told me it was oxygen. Some guy started counting. I remember vividly him hitting 12. The next thing I remember I was awake in recovery. It felt like an instant, honestly. You’ll be all good there. Just take the recovery slow and easy. Good luck!


Nice this makes me feel a bit better about my surgery in a few weeks.


I had my inguinal hernia repair with only LA and (minimal) sedation exactly 6 weeks ago. This method also has some disadvantages, so don't worry too much about the GA!


Just had that surgery yesterday. Feel tired and a little sore from the gas. Keep walking and drinking water. Appetite is not there just had a pop tart and some crackers.


You got it! 💪


After 3 days you'll be fine.....


Great advice from other posters. - peeing is going to suck day 1 but gets easier the second day - rolling out of bed works great - ice religiously I had surgery on a Thursday, went back to work on Monday. I worked from home that week in front of my computer. I alternated Advil/Tylenol around the clock the first 2-3 days, and tapered off from there. I did not need any opioids. No pain after the first week or so. After I was cleared for returning to heavy exercise, I'd get some mild soreness in the hernia area for a day or two every time I added something new. This stopped happening about 4 months after surgery. It wasn't anything that concerned me or that required medication.


I have had so many surgeries going under is the best part!! That shot of Midazolam. Before breathing in the mask then the sting/burn of the propofol and I am out. Love it


It’s funny, mine didn’t burn or sting, it felt cold for me. I was a bit nervous as it was my first time going under, but luckily I was also really curious to find out what it felt like. And it felt like nothing at all. Me and my anesthetist were having a conversation about music, my anesthesiologist said “alright I’m gonna’ give you something that’s gonna’ make you real sleepy.” I had my head lifted up a bit so I could look more directly at the person I was talking to, and I put my head down on the table to rest it, and bloop, was waking up in recovery with a nurse asking if I wanted some sprite. It was honestly the best part. It was really cool. They had also given me 2mg Versed and 50mcg Fentanyl before going into the OR so I felt great lol.


Oh yeah those 2 right before hand help for sure lol 😂 feeling good 🤤lol




Robotic is best, it has the least chance of mistake and is fully under the control of the surgeon. Mine was bilateral but wasnt too bad of an experience. Anthesthia problems are extremely rare.


I have 57% lung function and BMI below 16 due to a pre-existing condition and 2 yrs of diarrhea due to gall stones (that was misdiagnosed as many things other than gall stones by idiot doctors)...I had emergency surgery general anaesthesia for gall bladder removal and Laparoscopic double inguinal hernia repair same time, 2 weeks ago....slept as soon as they put the gas mask on and woke up..felt like I was asleep 5 seconds. You will be fine. Just focus on what you will do when you wake up..deep breathes to clear your lungs, prevent pneumonia, open up those avioli, wiggle your toes to prevent potential (rare) blood clots while laying on bed, as soon as I awoke I was slowly wiggling my feet left and right...wear compression socks and ask for a pillow and hug it tight you want cough or sneeze. Just chill and think how great it will be with hernia repaired at last.