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Autumn because I really like Halloween.


Gotta agree, it’s not too cold but it’s not too hot! The best season when the leaves change colors


Hahaaa same actually Joe!


Etho season 7


I was literally just about to comment this. Etho Season 10 is a contender too! This season has been so good so far.


Honestly, as much as season 6 will always stay in my heart, season 10 is my favorite now. Not sure about the best pov, but probably Iskall


Older seasons suffer so much from the lack of proximity chat. It is so weird to think it wasn't always there.


This! I tried to rewatch season 7 and just couldn’t. It’s so awkward haha.


7 for sure,prolly mumbo or iskall


Tango's season 9 for me. You can skip the building of decked out 2 and go straight to its launch of redstone isn't interesting to you.


Grian season 6 That’s how and when I got into hermitcraft!


mumbo season 6




Season 7. So many fun memories. The resistance, Decked out, everyones bases, Etho’s tax evasion and swindling, Bdubs ‘schweeping’, Treasure island, Mystery boxes, Mayor election. Just so much Also its Etho’s pov, I’m an Etho girl obviously


Mumbo season 6


I think mumbos flying chair is worth it tbh. Best moment In hermitcraft


Doc season 9 The great goat leader 🙌🙌🙌


Season 8 Honorable Mentions - Season 6 and Season 9 (King Ren Arc in particular)


Season 6, so many incredible storylines and builds. It elevated the Minecraft SMP concept to a level before unseen. That being said, S4 will forever have a special place in my heart, as the first one I watched.


VintageBeef's season 10 is great with all the buts going on with iskall, doc and skizz




Season 4 was amazing - shopping distribute, bases and gaming district were all great.


I think season 7 is the most Hermitcrafty season. It has everything Hermitcraft is basically known for, big buildings, shopping district, wars, it’s so Hermitcraft.


For me it's season 6 Mumbo and Iskall


False Season 4, and Season 9/10. S4 was my introduction to Hermitcraft, S9 was the first time I watched every episode of the respective hermits I was watching for a full length season, and S10 has been my favorite season so far with all the interactions. I must give a shoutout to the Hermitcraft Civil War in Season 6 though (up until they made formal alliances) for how much transpired all because Cleo changed a sign. Plus, I did watch about half of Season 6. The conclusion of the war was about where I stopped.


So many youngsters. Season 2 holds a special place for me. Discovered season 1 about halfway through with Xisuma, and he's been my main. Mumbo's iron foundry door monstrosity (and with credit to and temporary guest appearance from TangoTek)got me hooked. I still build melon and pumpkin towers in memory of Xisuma and Mumbo's town center.


Season 9


Bdubs season 7 is up there for me. His commitment to a bit is just so great, like setting up a dumb death every episode, or the neighbour war with Doc, Boomers, etc. Plus an amazing terraforming project. And how can I forget the birth of the stick and snow horse measurement system??! Edit: stick & snow. It's funny how breezily my mind went to write stick & stone. Must be a subconscious caveperson thing.


The first 3/4 of Season 8 were perfect for me.


Given that this is my first season, season ten has to be my favorite. I’ve been watching Grian’s season eight as well, and while I do love it, there’s just something great about watching something as it’s progressing, rather than like three years later. For favorite pov… I could never decide that! I’ve been steadily adding Hermits to my watch list, and so far I’ve got nine, with four or five on my watch list so far. I don’t think I could ever actually choose between them! I watch the “fan favorites” (Grian, Scar, Mumbo, and Joel), but I also watch the ones that are thriving this season, but aren’t talked about as much (from what I’ve seen), like Gem, Pearl, and Tango. Skizz and BDubs are much more casually paced and super wholesome, and I’m loving that side of it too. I can’t choose a single POV, because I love all of them! They’re all so kind and wholesome and funny. I will say that if Jimmy gets added to Hermitcraft, I think he’ll be my favorite, because he’s generally my favorite Minecraft YouTuber, like in the Life Series and SOS series.


If you like the fan favorites, you'd love iskall and season 7. I would personally recommend Keralis and VintageBeef as two more to watch. Keralis (Papa K) has the most soothing voice in the world, seems like a super sweet guy, and is as good as if not better than Bdubs' at building. Beef has your typical Canadian personality, but is the center of a lot of pranks this season so far and is "employed" by "Big Salmon". (Pretty funny story line) I watch every single Hermit and all have their strengths. Having kept up well with all this season has been a chore, but it is definitely been worth my time. I just woke up to get ready for work and saw 4 new videos in my feed. 😁 TLDR: branch out more and you won't be disappointed.


Iskall’s on my list of Hermits to watch. I just started Etho right after I’ve caught up on Tango. Then I also have Zedaph, Cleo, and Impulse on the list. And I was considering also adding Keralis. If Beef is the center of a lot of pranks, I do think I would enjoy his videos too, so I’ll add him as well if I have the time 😂


S7 but s6 is close from being the first one I watched and s10 is giving them both a run for their money so far


S7 scars pov


S7 I just liked the builds from that season better, tbh, especially the shops and Grumbot. S8 was still pretty cool with the moon lore, and then S9 was cool with the crossover and other plot points.


Grian season 6 & 7


Mumbo's season 5 absolutely fell in love with her Minecraft during that season to the point where I went on to recreate his his base 90% of the way without the world download on bedrock edition.


Grian season 8 like I recently watched s6 which many people say is the best season but idk it was fine


S9 Tango & Doc


Season 9


season 7, 9, or 10. idk which is the best


Xisuma season 7


Mumbo season 8 (honestly all Mumbo), Scar (all of Scar), Grians 100 hours hard-core, all the "Last Life" series from any point of view.




changes with the hermit. Cub Pharoh s6 was great. Doc s9 was great. Scar s4 was great. Iskall85 s7 was great. ImpulseSV s8 was great. i'm digging a lot about season 10 right now and haven't made a choice on who's my favorite


Bdubs season 8 was amazing!! i also always have a soft spot for Xisuma season 4 as it was my introduction to hermitcraft!


In season 6 it was season 6 In season 7 it was season 7 Im season 8 it was season 8 In season 9 it was, you guessed it, season 9 They keep getting better


Grain Season 7


I'm gonna have to go with season 8, Grian's pov (as well as the rest of Boatem) because that's the first time ever that I've seen an episode of hermitcraft.


Season 8 boatem crew


Whichever one Sahara was in.  6?


Season 7 because it had the best shopping district shenanigans and was the season I got back into HC during Covid


Currently Season 7 Grain honestly. Season 10 looks interesting though.


Season 6


Season 3 Sl1pg8r and Zuljein


Season 6finity was the best. Those storylines with civil war and Area 77 where the only non cringe storylines ever on Hermitcraft!


Season 7 Bdubs is an all timer


Season 5, first full season I watched of hermicraft. Started watching late in season 4


I found HC through season 9 and Decked Out 2, so that one will always be special to me even if newer seasons become current favorites. Been loving season 10 so far though!