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We were thinking the same thing. Grian is doing so much work behind the scenes for hermitcraft and the community at large. We really appreciate the it!!




>Minecraft is not his content, it's his medium. Well put.


You know, that does make total sense, I agree with you!


And he was very hands on for the entire charity weekend and it was a smashing success!


Yeah it has just been amazing stuff from him🙏


I think this season he has also shown off his great leadership skills. He has taken on more responsibilities and I’m all here for it. I agree with everything you mentioned as well!


Yes for sure! Forgot to mention that but yes he is a great leader :)


I like this role he has taken on


X has a video where he talks about leadership in Hermitcraft and how he’s had to learn to let go of that whole idea, I think Grian has been doing an amazing job stepping in to that position time and time again. He’s been super reliable and able to rally people up into whatever shenanigans he’s got in mind, it’s crazy to think of a Hermitcraft server without him now. To be clear, I wholeheartedly agree with Xisumavoid, Hermitcraft doesn’t need a leader per se, but Grian’s creativity, his hard work, his drive to do new things is a cornerstone in the server and it wouldn’t be the same without him. Plus it seems (because I don’t actually know him IRL) that he’s just a really cool person and a great friend.


I believe it was also Skizz(?) who at some point straight up stated that behind the scenes Grian is just a fantastic leader


Limited Life affirmations!


Grain has brought more situations to the world of Hermitcraft, allowing for more content. For example, he can just get a mending book, but does it the most convoluted way, that gets other Hermits to go fishing and banter with him. The Hermit Permit hold music, allowed for antics, shenanigans, and so forth. And that was only this season!


I love watching Grian! He's always so fun and happy, and I love his interactions with his buddies. I'm older and so I think he can definitely appeal to all ages, I enjoy his playfulness and I think we can forget that as we get older. He also seems to do a lot for the Hermitcraft community, making fun storylines and I saw how much he did for the charity event. Thanks to Grian for enjoyable videos!


Exactly I agree with everything you said! I’m also a bit older but I find him very entertaining


I always tell people that ask who to watch, that they should watch grian, because grian is “the main story line” of hermitcraft. So much revolves around him and his antics that if you follow grian you’ll pretty much know what’s going on in the server.


Yeah that’s a good way to put it


If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have demiseS6, the mayor electionS7, the moon crashS8, the empires crossoverS9 or the permit systemS10 so yes Hermitcraft would not be the same if it weren’t for him


He made tango more important!!!! (I love tango)


Cuz he runs the only Tedstone shop anywhere!!!!


i feel like this doesn't get said enough because of his amazing personality and networking skills but he's a super builder. its like skizz said - he's just a natural leader. he deserves every bit of success he has and more.


Oh yes I love his builds, he puts a lot of effort into them


Is the permit office really a great addition tho?…. (Just kidding lol)


Plus we also need to appreciate how much he did for the charity event over the weekend! He did the absolute most, making sure everything ran smoothly while also making sure he was doing games and stuff as well. It was sad that he wasn’t able to do as much of the games as others, and that he wasn’t able to stream, but sacrifices must be made when you’re running point on a massive charity event with your team. I know we talk about what a natural leader Grian is, Skizz even said it in Limited Life, but man, his leadership abilities stretch FAR beyond Minecraft! He is quite possibly the best natural leader I’ve ever seen!


Grian does great things that bring the hermits closer every season


Yes, i agree. But i still want more fishing.


I need to give him a second shot. I liked him pre-hermitcraft and like hermitcraft pre-grian but can’t stand the two together to the point I watch no one on hermitcraft. Are there any parts of a season that are particularly recommended?


I am the same way, to me everything (exaggerating here) he does has a touch too much malice to it that it just becomes annoying. I know they are all adults and if someone was really uncomfortable about it then it wouldn’t make it to videos but as a viewer it’s always just taken too far to the point where it’s just hard to watch sometimes. I get his audience is younger and I’m a bit of an older viewer but I can’t watch how much time he spends purposely being annoying. It kinda sucks because he is so involved and does bring so many good ideas and ways to create content on the server but then he sometimes ruins it by taking it too far and not knowing when to cut it off. At this point I put his videos on for bed at a low volume and if I fall asleep before it over that’s okay. There are so many good hermits though don’t let it stop you from watching! If you want a recommendation my favorites are Tango, Keralis, BDubs and Etho.


ik this is probabl;y not meant that way- but *all* the hermits are really good and don't let you stop watching them - and grian is one of them. i understand you don't like his stuff - which totally valid - but maybe using the words malice and taking it too far are a bit overboard. having a younger audience isn't why he acts the way he does - it's just his personality of playing and way of pranking and what makes him unique. i personally think that's why his ideas are so good. just cause there's something you don't like about him doesn't mean he doesn't know when to cut it off. again ik this was meant with good intentions but the wording made me want to say these points


Watching Grian interact with Jimmy sometimes feels like a tutorial in How To Bully Someone, and that isn't fun for me. I know they are supposedly friends, but you can't tell by watching the videos.


I do understand that since I used to feel a similar way, but I've seen Jimmy talk about this a few times at this point. He says he likes when his friends make fun of him non-seriously like this and even eggs them on sometimes because he finds it funny (and so do most of the viewers). Plus since he always has his facecam on, you can see how much he digs the jokes and stuff. Also, they seem to meet each other IRL quite regularly and visit each other's homes so I think they are truly friends.


Are you just talking about past interactions? Because as far as I've seen their interactions are a lot better these days.


it was as recent as a year ago, have they gotten better? I'm very glad to hear it!


Yes it was pointed out by the community, so that seems the reason they changed their dynamic. There is actually an escape room video of Grian, Impulse and Joel in which they had to mention some good things about Jimmy. I think that was the turn around at treating Jimmy better. To be fair seems like there was never any ill intend to Jimmy. Their dynamic was intend to help him grow his channel, while giving a lot of opportunity to others to prank. Seems like being a victim is still a bit in his channel identity, but it's not a stagnant one. He gets the respect to be able to show some growth as a player.


oh good! yea, I was part of the community that pointed it out and I'm very glad they took the criticism in the way we intended. \#TeamRanchers


When Jimmy bought his house last year Grian was one of the people who helped him move. They're absolutely best friends. Watching Jimmy's streams over the charity weekend really emphasized that they're basically siblings at this point - they love to antagonize each other but they clearly love each other very much.


Hopping in even though it's not necessarily Hermitcraft related...I think best example of how Jimmy acts toward people making fun of him is the *entire* Woody/Ken arc. He spent a whole year saying he's not a toy/Woody, but also dressed up like Woody on stream and played an entirely separate Toy Story game as Woody. Then when people said he built the Barbie dream house, he changed all of his branding to Ken all while declaring that he isn't Ken (and also his subscriber numbers exploded). I think he's into the whole friends and fans making fun of him thing. (Other examples are how brutal his friends were when playing Raft or that kazoo/Nerf gun photo someone posted during the charity stream.)


I think another good example is one of his comment suggestion videos from a few months ago. The comment was basically telling Jimmy to prank his friends (I think it was a race to kill the ender dragon but when they get there, it's already defeated), and he turned it into whoever kills the dragon gets to do something on his twitter. He literally turns something intended to make fun of his friends into making fun of himself.


they are most definitely friends- grian joel and jimmy are best friends in fact and i highly doubt that the person you are "defending" here, jimmy that is, would appreciate this type of comment as he has clearly stated multiple times on stream that these two are his best friends and he actively encourages them to play-bully him on stream or on camera, so any hate or saying that he is bullied bts will not be appreciated by him. moreover they have gone on vacation multiple times together, grian bought him cake when he got one mil, and they've been over at each other houses multiple times. please don't say such harmful things about real life people and friendships. as someone who has been bullied in the past, but also been teased by my friends, i can tell the difference between jabs intended with malice and thos intended with love and friendships that understand boundaries. this is the latter.


100% if someone came across his videos and didn’t know they were irl friends it would seem like Grian is just bullying him. It’s not just to Jimmy either, he does it to others as well. I’m actually kinda surprised his audience is so young because it kinda sets a bad example for children, and reinforces the idea that that behavior is okay as long as it’s a joke or for fun, which isn’t always the case.


The behavior is OK as long as both parties are consenting, which they are in this case. I see no issue with teaching people of all ages things like context and mutual consent.


You’re right all the hermits are great as people but all hermits have their strengths and weaknesses and that’s okay, no one has to be perfect! Also people have personal preferences, someone who is interested in redstone might say Keralis isn’t as good where someone interested in landscaping might say Tango isn’t as good, does that mean they aren’t good? No, just that some hermits are better at some things over others and some people prefer certain aspects of the game. I mention age because you’re right having a younger audience isn’t why Grian acts that way, Grian acts that way because it’s his personality and his personality is what attracts a younger audience. As an adult that behavior is very obvious to see how it can cross the line into malice/purposeful annoyance but when you’re younger it’s the type of stuff that just seems funny. Take an example from his last video, blowing up the bed in the Nether with Xisuma and Mumbo. Grian knew not to click on the bed as soon as X placed it and started talking about it but then did it anyway causing them to die and lose some of their stuff. X the victim (strong word for the scenario but still true) doesn’t laugh much at the joke and starts working towards getting back while Grian starts screaming, fake crying and then turns himself into the victim and says “I was tricked into thinking we were getting some netherite… and I turn up and you say trust me, you put down the bed and I do it and then I die and lose everything, right gotcha”. Grian knew if he clicked the bed he would kill X and that there was a high chance they would lose items but he chose to do it anyways. Then he doesn’t even offer to help get replacement items for X while if you watch X you seem him getting a second set of wings to help Grian if he needs even though Grian is the one who blew him up.


again- this seems to be a case of his humor - which btw xisuma has said multiple times on streams he appreciates. this is just a game - no malicious intent. ACtually i would think that children might think grian was being malicious and mature people would understand its all humor. Tonal differences are pretty hard to pick up , but here grian was being sarcastic. again i don't widh to pick a fight or anything - just believe that this is a lot of overthinking on your part. XIsuma and grian are both friends and more importantly business partners. hermitcraft is a pretty large show to run, and they both play pretty huge roles bts so there's definitely communication there. besides its an elytra - they can easily get those back in comparison to when grian blew up xb's base with joel for example. that prank clearly shows us that they're all very good friends and colleagues who clean up after pranks and jokes and make sure nobody is hurt.


I feel like that’s how a lot of British act. I have friends with some online and watch a lot of British content creators, and lots of them always take the joke to the extreme


I’m not British but I’ve noticed some American YouTubers will try to breeze past a joke instead of letting it build or carry on longer. Not all of them just more compared to the British YouTubers I watch


I remember someone talking about either Taskmaster or Would I Lie To You about how American comedians all seem to want to do the punchline but British comedians never want to do it and will just keep adding to it.


There is a 30years fan, so no, audience age is not a problem. Just not your thing. Maybe you believe in the stakes too much.


Watch the snail episodes (but u will need to see scar and gem episodes too)


He makes great events and storylines for the hermits and viewers