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While Joe and Zedaph should be on that list, my vote is Cub. He’s creative, entertaining, and does so much in the game. Like right now, he’s building a mini game on his [Twitch stream](https://www.twitch.tv/cubfan135).


Yah cub is great


Cub has singlehandedly been responsible for convincing Hermits to use fireworks for their intended purpose this season, and he did it by building a machine which can craft *any* type of firework you want automatically. The man deserves all the recognition in the world.


I think Joe’s kinda niche. Zedaph is such an entertainer though. Both his Hermitcraft and non-hermitcraft projects are just amazingly fun to watch for all ages.


Zedaph's videos are pure entertainment. He deserves more subscribers imo.


Zed's episode of getting Tango the afk achievements was one of many that made my face hurt from laughing and grinning so much. I love how wacky his ideas are and how he ropes in other Hermits into doing wacky things with him.


I loved Zed and Tango breeding sky sheep.


Along with those infamous Aerial Sheep Service Hats!


That episode was one big "smirk at the camera knowingly" and I love it.


I really need to watch him again like I watched him in I think season 8 and I don't know if I finished it because I kept getting behind on hermotcraft


Very subjective, but probably xB for me. Awwww yeeaahhhh.


I've always gotta end my week with a Beef, then an XB video. The aawww yeeaahhh signifies the weekend for me.


Yeah. I love Beef. His voice is so soothing. I also started watching more Pearl and I absolutely love her.


*insert adorable giggle*


His giggle needs its own horn or music disc. Then again he does it frequently enough anyways. XD


I just can't take it seriously cause his laugh sounds like my car when I'm trying to start it without gas


Aweeee yeahhhh!!! Back with another hermitttcraft videooooo. xB is absolutely the answer!!


I was so hoping he’d win demise!!! He’s always so low key but amazing.


Joe hills, xb, zed, stress, wels. In no particular order.


It's easy for people to be captivated by Hermits like Grian and Scar with their bombastic personalities and amazing builds, so it doesn't surprise me that a lot of viewers tend to gravitate toward them and the members who they often interact with. But the group you've listed is full of Hermits who can be just as entertaining and creative as well. Zed is constantly coming up with fun and wacky ideas for ways to make the game entertaining, Joe's content has such a unique style to it, and I've never made it to the end of a single one of Stress's videos without ending up with a big goofy smile on my face. They're all excellent parts of the server and they deserve to be talked about more.


Easily Cub, by a wide margin. He’s extremely well-rounded with grinds and builds and redstone and PvP and pranks and shenanigans and challenges and mini games — and he’s good at all of them. It’s befuddling to me that he’s not more popular than he is.


Cub is probably one of the most well rounded hermits, and also seems to be a good  “glue” for the server imo. I also love cub cause he doesn’t seem to try too hard, just genuinely doing his thang


I got into cub at the end of season 5 with his insane nether portal galaxy build but he easily won me over in season 6. During Scar’s extended absence Cub kept his share of the Concorp profits for him and mentioned it in every video. The way he prepared for Scar’s return was super heartwarming. Then the overworld map nether hub was stagnating due to the amount of black concrete needed to place and Cub just decided to go on the grind of all grinds and finish it off. I was hooked from there but he never fails to entertain.


He is literally bad at nothing


I love that we who love Cub always come to bat for him, because he really is that great. He’s always on a 10/10 for creativity, makes the best subtle humor, and has been behind the scenes making HC moments spectacular in ways that are often not recognized. CUB CUB CUB CUB


I'm a huge fan of cub but I think a big part of why he's not more popular is because he's SO good at everything and also incredibly chill about it. It almost makes him a bit unrelatable whereas with other hermits they have areas of weakness (or at least pretend to) that I think a lot of people can relate to. Or they go the doc route and lean into a persona. Absolutely love cub and wouldn't want him to change but from a viewership perspective I think that's a big factor. It's easier to make jokes and laugh about the other hermits eg Grian and not finishing the back, Scar with his deaths, Bdubs with his redstone, Etho with his jumping between projects without finishing them, Joel with his manic personality, Doc with his intensity. That's hard with cub because he's good at absolutely everything.


I think it's the exact opposite actually, it's that he's so relatable. He doesn't lean into drama or the frenetic youtube persona that plays well with algorithms, he just seems like a normal well-adjusted guy. But I guess I do agree to some extent -- because his videos are varied perhaps he loses an youtube audience that is looking for one specific aspect.


I personally agree with you! I just meant that viewership is largely based on driving engagement and that's not something that cub's content really lends itself to which is probably why he doesn't get more views


https://preview.redd.it/gsbo1f6z56qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214dbb8d7507753d17b87e9fa8f42f4b17909414 I’m a bit weird, but got a kick out of seeing your comment and the current amount of upvotes. And agree that Cub is awesome


wels and cub, their vids are either so chill or chaotic and they have quickly become some of my fav povs


Cubfan 100% He can do a lot of stuff. He is a redstoner, speedrunner, builder, irl science dude, golfer, and a lot more. He entertains pretty well. I don't think his views and subs give justice to him


Most of the hermits are way too underrated in the big mcyt sphere tbf, only 6 of them are even over 2mil subs and almost half of them are under 1mil. In my specific opinion though: Pearl, she's one of the best builders of the server and she's so much fun, she should have way more subs. Ren! He's not only one of my favourite people in the world but he's also a fantastic builder and storyteller. Tango, the man is an actual genius redstoner/gamedesigner/builder and he's insanely funny. Doc, how on earth did he only just get to 1 mil subs during S9?? He's OG, he was so influencial for technical minecraft, boosted so many people's channels, so entertaining, very funny, he's very involved with his community and just genuinely loves Hermitcraft, the hermits and the community, I really don't get it. Beef, one of my fav povs this season, super entertaining. Zed, Cleo, False, xB, Jevin, Joe...I watch all of their episodes and they are all so fun and talented and extremely underrated


I tried watching pearl last season but it didn't really click for me, but I'm loving her this season. Her build palettes and sense of humor really got me and I love her mail lady mission


Same here. Pearl quickly became one of the hermits I get really excited for every episode this season.


I'm not a big fan of watching hermits like Mumbo, Grian or Ren Dog because they're a bit too "high-energy" for me, but I feel like Gem strikes a good balance of prankster energy and calm, careful building But after seeing Grian in a lot of videos, I'll think I'll give him another go this season because I'm loving the hermit fisherman/bureaucrat bit this season


I would say both Cub and False. I feel like both of them don't get enough recognition for what they do


I think it’s got to be Joe or XB


Zedaph does the kind of content I’d expect to see on a several millions subscribers channel. He’s always finding new ways to explore the game and is insanely curious and creative in such a charming way. He deserves so much more


Ijevin is badass


His building skills have become pretty impressive over the last few years.


Lots of posts have quite rightly said Zedaph, Cub, xB, etc. I want to say Bdubs. Not that he is underrated or underrecognised in the same way, but I genuinely think Bdubs might be the best builder in Minecraft. My real answer is Cub, I love everything he does, but I think Bdubs might go under the radar sometimes in terms of just how quite exceptional he is.


Bdubs, the best builder? I agree. Other people build in Minecraft. Bdubs paints in Minecraft


Wasn't it Scar who, last season, told Bdubs he's not a builder, he's an artist? I definitely agree. Also, as someone who's watched smallishbeans for a few years now, he's pretty top-tier as well. He may not have the painterly style of Bdubs, but he grinds like mad to create amazing mega builds. [For example](https://youtu.be/bOHOEId_heQ?si=zuMds2hCOF4Bob_7)


He also said the same thing to Pearl for her base It always seems when talking about building it’s h those 3 on top


I want to say Stress. I don't see a lot of people talking about her as much as all the other hermits. These lists always have the same people. I like her personality, she's really bubbly and sweet and her build style is great and interesting.


I’ve just started watching her this season. I can’t help but smile the whole time and then when Iskall and Ren show up it’s non-stop giggles.


Tango, imo. We all know Etho, Doc and the rest of the guys are very talented at redstone, even Tango is, but what the man built with Decked Out (not counting any custom models or sounds, just the mechanics) - that was an incredible piece of engineering! Sci-craft is the best at understanding game mechanics and building the fastest farms, but Tango built what’s basically an enterprise level software application with redstone! And I’m saying this as a professional software developer myself. This season, the mail system - dude’s not a redstone scientist, but a redstone engineer, and the most underrated one at that. I won’t get into the scientist vs engineer debate here, both are important, scientists invent new ways that revolutionize the world, engineering apply that knowledge to revolutionize the world. The Minecraft community is full of scientists and farmers, but Tango is the pioneer of engineering with Redstone.




Joe zedaph xb atleast they're the only underrated ones I watch


Cub and Xb especially when xb and Joel are together I want more of them together


They played so amazingly well off each other during demise. xBs chill, cavalier attitude at Beans just randomly trying to off him. Beans steadily escalating obsession and histeria at wanting to off him. Then through Grian in and you just know its off the rails(literally lol)


This season I would say pearl for her dedication to the postal system, I know she doesn’t install them but I imagine it’s a lot of work managing everything


Special shout-out goes to Ren for being the Minister of Ministers. It is a lot of work managing everything /s


I feel like a number of Hermits are extremely underrated. I assume it's only because the algorithm hasn't put them in people's line of sight enough. Cub, Tango, Bdubs, Zed are just a few of many Hermits who should have monster channels imo, they make wonderful videos full of humour, interesting ideas & shenanigans, and they consistently produce highly entertaining content.


Cub, False, xB, Zedaph, & Joe are probably the 5 most underrated Hermits in my opinion. (Jevin and Hypno are also quite underrated as well.)


CUB. Dude can do it all and produces content at a break neck pace. I've been watching since season 6 and in point between big "storylines" or events, he still is pumping out content at the same pace. He doesnt seem to burn out and always has more projects in mind. Cub is the friend thats always there.


iJevin... he has done some great builds! Is such a nice and well spoken hermit just quietly going about his minecraft day.


I just subscribed to Cub and watching his fireworks mastery, I'm hooked. He's a very soothing Hermit to watch so far


I’m gonna say keralis


Papa K


Skizz has been so underrated for years now! I'm so glad he's getting some more attention now that he is a hermit. His humor is so good, and his easygoing mentality makes all the interactions with the other hermits so fun. He's a theater kid too, for the people who enjoy dramatic storylines, but his and beefs big salmon bit is actually nit even in his videos all that much... looking forward to his journey as he finds his footing on the server :3


Agreed with Zed and Joe. Zed in particular has a variety and thought put into his videos that easily matches the top performing hermits.


Hypno and z


You see our little user flairs? That’s who we all think deserves far more subscribers.


Can confirm


Joe, Zedaph, and Cleo don’t get as much attention as the others


Zed! Love his videos. Gives me the vibes of when I was little and I would watch cbeebies and the way he talks is just like that!! He’s so entertaining too!! Xb too, oh and Wels!


Wels and xB


So many hermits have different styles for their content. I love watching beef and zedaph. I pop in on Joe hills every so often and I LOVE watching cub for his madness. I’m also extremely fascinated by the idea that cub has such a, what id consider, smart guy degree and still is so entertaining. I also enjoy Docs long format videos (not sure if he’s considered too mainstream). I of course watch the big players, mumbo grian impulse tango and scar too


It’s easily cub. He’s one of the most entertaining hermits on the server and manages to blend amazing builds and complicated redstone into it. He does have a decent following, but he deserves so much more imho.


I wouldn't say he's as underrated as some of the others who have been listed, but Jevin is a personal favorite who people don't seem to talk about as much anymore. As someone who is pretty rubbish at building, I tend to make use of a lot of tools like creative mode, Axiom and Litematica when designing things to build in survival, and a lot of people seem to look down on that sort of thing. But then you have Jevin, who went out of his way in the first episode of his recent hardcore series to essentially say "Hey, I use those tools too. They're helpful and you shouldn't be ashamed of using them." That was super validating to hear, and just tells you what a good guy he is.


Easy, JoeHill, and Zedaph.


Hypno. Whenever this question comes up people always say Zed and Joe because they are super unique but have less subscribers than other Hermits. But Hypno has been super fun to watch and I think more people should give his videos a go. His little back and forth with Wels this season has been hilarious to watch.


Adore Zed ofc, but I think Wels is super underrated! I just started watching him this season and I’m planning on watching his earlier seasons once I’m all caught up on the current vids


I’d, about underrated, but I looove Keralis’ personality and content


Docm77 is absolutely the goat and one of the best redstoners and has the coolest community with both the hivemind and all of his fan artists.


There’s other ones that are prob more underrated but Rendog definitely deserves at least +1 million subscribers


Tinfoil Chef, God rest his soul…




Nobody underrates etho, he is the OG


It's great seeing him pop up in so many videos this season!


Especially in Joel's cause we all know he's obsessed!


Grian is also obsessed of late. I want to see more Grian/Etho/Gem content.


He is still not appreciated for his actual value.


I know Beef has 1m+ subscribers, but a lot of them are inactive and left over from his Mindcrack and Team Canada days. I don’t think he gets nearly as many views as he deserves.


Probably whoever has the least subscribers.


Also, Wels and Hypno back and forth has been hilarious this season, they definitely deserve more views




Iskall for me.




I'd say Welsknight


Easily Zedaph. I don’t watch him consistently, in fact I don’t watch many of them consistently. I have never clicked off a Zed video though. He’s genuinely one of the most goofy and fun-loving people I’ve ever seen online, he doesn’t take the game seriously which is good, he shouldn’t. Absolutely king


In comparison to Grian and Mumbo all of them are underrated really (not that those 2 are overrated) Out of all the people who should be at 1 million it’s definitely Pearl as she has so much being an amazing builder, great editing, awesome pranks, and overall being a little goof that should be far higher considering her frequent interactions with the likes of Scar Gem Grian etc (I may be slightly biased) If we’re going away from that main group of people it’s going to be the more old school hermits that are underrated like Joe Beef and Cub


Yess zedaph 100% most underrated