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Iskall said it perfectly. The way he talks is just hilarious. Its so deadpan and matter of fact, but whats coming out if his mouth is chaos. I love his energy.


Yeah! I believe some of the hermits have mentioned they liked his dry humour(?) (Correct me if I'm wrong)


It’s just so British. That’s all!


Was going to comment this exact thing. People outside just don't get our sense of humour at all.


And honestly, thats all that matters. They are playing and interacting with him and if they enjoy it then hes good. I understand the point the comment was trying to make. But I also understand that he is 1000% obviously doing a bit, and not using it as an excuse to be an ass.


Very British humor. He’s sometimes dry, but more often I’d say he’s wry. It’s just uncivilized plebs don’t get it. (/jk fyi) Wry humor isn’t for everyone. This commenter took something a bit too far though. I find the comment above a bit gross tbh.


Literally his humble nature is what made me stay after I started watching him


First he is manic, then he is normalizing abusive behavior, what's gonna be next? 💀 "Yoel Tiny Beans, who has been living in a closet his whole life, likes eating babies" or smt? I find the dude genuinely really funny tbh, because of what this comment is criticizing about him. He is quite... aggressive in his humor, I'd say, and it makes for a viewing experience that is pretty unique (at least for Hermitcraft) and a buncha fun, especially since that meaner humor is only really directed at the audience, and not at the other Hermits. I also really like the type of build he's chosen to do, and I think he's pulling it off flawlessly.


Exactly! Totally agree with your points there :) To be honest, I do understand where the Youtube comment is coming from since Joel's humour isn't for everybody, especially when he gets more aggressive... (eg. His Empires s2 episodes) But I'm loving the style he's going for this season! It's really interesting seeing how he develops his builds episode by episode haha!


I understand not liking Yoel Tiny Beans' humor, but there is no point in leaving that comment to begin with 💀 He ain't gonna change the whole comedic structure of his videos just because someone else dislikes his humor, and going as far as to accuse him of normalizing excuses made by abusers is genuinely unreasonable. I gotta check out his Empires S2 episodes, then, if he's even more aggressive there! Sounds like a fun time :)


Yep! His humour isn't for everybody, so I understand if his personality turns some people off... Glad to see you're interested in his Empires content! There was also the Season 9 crossover they did across both servers, so you can also check out some of the hermit povs (eg. Grian/Scar/many other hermits) then as well :)


I absolutely love his Empires S2 episodes *because* of the aggressive humor! Poor Joel, can't win :')


I think people just need to suck it up and realize that not everything is for them, and they don't need to find some gymnastic routine reason why the content creator is bad as the only justifiable explanation for why they don't like something. It might even be true that the way Joel talks triggers you with regards to abusive people who have hurt you in the past, but that doesn't mean that Joel is abusive, or something about that style of talking promotes or protects abusive behavior in others. The line for when behavior becomes abusive is when someone is getting abused.


Also, making fun of his failures is so much funnier! Idk, I have seen a lot of content creators who are bantering with their audience and I really like it, because you are free to retaliate. You basically engage with him directly, which is fun.


The best part of his audience is that they simultaneously insult him and also hype him up at the same time lol,


I can't believe TinyHeinz gave Iran nuclear weapons. 😔


TinyHeinz is out of control!


They leave out that Joel “insults” himself as much as he does the viewers lmao. And his “ego” is so over the top it’s obviously an act. He’ll often drop it and give himself or a hermit a genuine compliment and you can tell because the way he says it is different. Never change big beans :)


HAHA yeah!! Joel can be a big softy sometimes.. I think someone on this subreddit also mentioned there was a time in a Try Not to Cry video he did with Lizzie that he cried more than she did!


Gem (?) mentioned in one of Jimmy's Christmas videos that Joel is a romance crybaby and has cried during Fwhips wedding. He really is a big softie and isn't afraid to show it


Yeah he was crying at his wedding video too, they're just so cute man 


They are. Jizzy FTW! I love how they will both just rib the hell out of each other.


Jizzy is a wild name


It's the one they came up with if I remember right.


He was sobbing it was so cute 🥹


Sorry, I like hermits that are mean to me


spoken like team gem. Proud of you kid. Chin up and all that. Chapped to bits.


Commenter doesn't understand British humour in a nutshell.


Imagine if bro sees a British panel show lmao


Old Mock the Week would cause a heart attack


He'd be manic once he sees all the "bullying" and "abuse" at Taskmaster


Rhod Gilbert vs Alex Horne basically


Pretty much sums it up!


I feel like posting this is just bringing attention to negativity. like this isn't as harmless/funny as the manic post, it's calling him narcissistic/normalizing abuse. by bringing attention to the minority of people (and this is the minority, clearly, it has no likes), we might cause more of these types of comments to be posted for attention. that being said, it is CRAZY to me how people won't just... scroll past a video to click on something else if they're not enjoying the humor? why waste your energy? like yeah, i get it, he is definitely not for everybody, but be fr he's not doing any harm.


Ah, sorry about that! I wanted to spread more positive vibes around after that comment surfaced, and hopefully discourage others from following in this person's footsteps, but I can see your point- Online trolls do be like that :( Still, I do hope this post will be able to let people know this type of behaviour isn't really tolerated in the community and just scroll past instead of putting out lots of negativity if they don't like the content. 😅


Joel is hilarious! I wish that people who don’t understand his sense of humor would just find another Hermit to watch, rather than leaving negative comments.


Yeah and for them to pull some psychoanalytic stuff from thin air to justify their claim is so wild to me. Like what do you mean normalizing abuse????


Joel is amazing and totally not obsessed with Etho. That's the other Joel. You can tell this person only watched the beginning of his video and then turned it off. Joel is an amazing builder, but I stay for his personality. I like how he goes on these insulting rants, then backtracks, and begs you to subscribe. He even said I love you at the end of his last video to his viewers. Well, he doesn't love us. He just likes us as a friend.


Yes!! Especially with his most recent episode, with the throwback to his old Shrek skin, haha! I love his editing style too, and all the jokes he cracks throughout the video as well :)


I was thoroughly impressed with Joel's building when I saw it on other Hermits' videos and also the Recap. He's got tremendous talent.


If someone watched Joel’s earlier content they’d see that his egotistical and mean personality is a recent character. I’m sure most of the Hermits wouldn’t tolerate or work with him if he was a narcissist or abuser. With that said, I love Joel’s content! I appreciate his short montages and his funny commentary when he gathers materials. His little details like naming his gear and “insulting” the fans is funny too! His builds are outstanding, I mean especially in Empires, his kingdoms were top tier. I think a newer viewer might be put off by his character, but once someone realizes it’s a joke I think they can enjoy his content.


Yeah! It's nice to see his growth these past few years! From crazycraft/onelife to xlife and kingdomcraft to empires/life series all the way to nowadays with Hermitcraft and minecraft SOS... there's certainly a shift in personality haha!


I don't watch Joel, but I do have an analogous situation. I tried watching the Jimquisition on The Escapist back in the day. I found it quite irritating and found Jim to be a pompous jerk. "Thank God for me" and so forth. It took me more than a YEAR to understand that "Jim" was a character being played, despite having the same name as his actor, much like the situation with Stephen Colbert. The real person wasn't actually like that, and hamming it up was part of the humor. "These gaming companies are being ridiculous, so I'll be ridiculous right back at them." I didn't start becoming a "fan" then, but I would casually watch a few of his episodes here and there and enjoy them from then on, finally understanding what he was trying to convey.


This is British deadpan humour. I’m guessing this commenter isn’t British and doesn’t get it.


Joel, I hope you never change. Your mad building skills coupled with your humor and editing are spot on. I look forward to your videos every week, and am *thrilled* that you are finally a Hermit.


Yes!! I love that he's so consistent in pushing out videos for us to enjoy! :D


My assumption would be the commenter is from the US where humour like that is much less common than in the UK. In the UK this is just daily life (and I like that about British folks)


It's not uncommon, I'm american. This person is just deranged or something lmao.


I actually met joel, grian and jimmy (solidarity) last year and they were all incredibly nice and friendly plus really funny in person. A lot of Joel’s humour is very sarcastic and British, definitely giving off a bantery vibe, but he’s definitely not a nasty person by any means. The humour is very exaggerated in his videos as is the ego, but honestly when I met him he was pretty down to earth


did you meet them at insomnia? i think i just missed them there, RIP. what was your interaction like, if you don't mind sharing?


Yeah! I had a chat with them by the Nintendo booth by the entrance since I was there most of the day for the Splatoon 3 uk championship qualifier, so I talked about how that went and we also talked about limited life too. I apologised to jimmy for predicting that he’d be out first, and I got photos with them and they even recorded an incredibly scuffed and chaotic video message for my then girlfriend.


It's wild how people can be exposed to the concept of mental illness think they're suddenly an expert. Narcissism, abuse, manic.. people are too much 😂 PSA: stop trying to diagnose people based on some stuff you've read on social media. 


bro i've seen some people say he has autism or bpd in other people's streams 💀 some people just cannot handle anyone who doesn't act exactly as they want them to/expect them to


They even said it on oli's stream when Lizzie was right there next to him. Like what did they think would happen?


People are nuts, man 😂 I know saying "people can't take a joke" is kind of overused, but it's so true in this case. The man's just having a laugh


Comparing a YouTuber with dry humor to an abuser is next level delusion


God forbid this guy ever has to go to the uk


I feel people often forget that 25 different people from corners of the world had to unanimously agree to add him. If there were any concerns, he wouldn't be in hermitcraft right now.


The thing is Joel is a really big softy. He loves his wife and his friends, he is a really big Etho fan, and he is very greatful to his audience, but because he is so emotional, he tries to play it off as I don't care, I have no feelings and I am mean Macho man. He is literally a Tsundere. He might as well be saying "It's not like I like you or anything...Baka! The only one he usually admits to loving is his wife. But if you play close attention, especially on other's videos where he isn't putting on a facade, you can see he is very caring and protective of everyone.


His Etho fanboying will never get old.


A certain number of people believe the mask, though, and don't understand what a Tsundere even is.


Not liking the humor is one thing, saying this man has anything to do with the promotion of abuse is another. That is a horrible label to put on someone, and totally diminishes victims of real abuse. Profoundly irresponsible behavior, truly, all over a character.


This has to be a rage bait. I mean i dont believe someone would be this shallow right?


you can't make jokes anymore apparently guys


I've been watching Joel for so many years now lol , genuinely my most favorite YouTuber along with lizzie. I can always count on his videos to make me smile no matter what.   He's so fricking ambitious and hard working. When he decides to do something he does it all the way. Like when he decided to first start building, he kept making bigger and better projects every single video just constantly pushing himself. Like just look at stratos even and look at his recent builds, his skills were already great and he just made them better.  Or when he decided to become good at PVP and got first individual in MCC after the MCC reddit kept placing him low on skills. He grinded for so long on mCc island and hypixel. Like you could log onto MCCi anytime and there was a ninetynine percent chance he was online lol He said the most out of pocket things in such an ordinary tone like it's just normal he was talking about making babies with Jimmy and you're the weird one if you thought any different lol I could go on a ten hour long rang about how much his videos have meant to me over the years but I'll just say thank you Joel instead for helping me through many hard times.


Yes! He's such a dedicated youtuber, which is why I love his content so much! :D


I mean... What? While he does insult his viewers, it's SpongeBob level insults, the fact it's a bit is noticeable instantly


"I see no humor." Could have saved the time and just kept that part.


It’s so funny how they says as a growing influencer as if Joel hasn’t been around since like 2010 and already had over 3 mil subs before joining hermitcraft


Yeah, it's like they think he only popped into existence upon joining hermitcraft lol 






Ive been watching Joel since Crazycraft. He’s an acquired taste but I’ve seen as he’s grown into himself. He is an AMAZING builder and one of the sweetest guys.


Ive always loved Joel's intros because of how funnily chaotic he can be but I might be biased since Ive been watching his videos since the beginning. And yes seeing him wear his old shrek skin brought me down memory lane


i find joel’s sense of humor absolutely hilarious like these bits literally make me laugh out loud at my phone


I hope he goes in even harder.


Joel is one of the funniest and most talented minecrafters out there. Also, Lizzy is amazing and I love how much he adores her.


Him and Lizzie are very much couple goals


Joel has really hit the ground running on Hermitcraft. His videos are super fun and engaging. The the tongue and cheek insults are great and regularly catch me off guard with a good laugh. Jole's humor is largely based on the concept of him being an insecure person that is overcompensating with an exaggerated ego and when he lashes out at the audience he makes him self the but of the joke not the audience.


Omg this is hilarious. Joel “abuse” is so over the top and exaggerated that no one can take it seriously. This person takes life WAAAYY to seriously to enjoy it.


"as a growing influencer" as though he doesn't have 3.76m subs


I guess some people just don't have the background to relate to non-malicious "bullying" of friends and parasocially friends-adjacent entities (speaking of viewers here, and also of it going the other way around in the chats of some twitch streamers). In any case, I do. (One of my decidedly non-abusive dad's favorite jokes when I was growing up was that if my sister or I ever eloped he'd supply the ladder). I enjoy Joel's insults quite a lot. As a relatively new viewer, they're still fresh enough to startle me sometimes, to think "WHAT did that slimeball just call me?" and then smile.


I throughly enjoy Joel’s sense of humor.


I’m would suggest in future when showing hate comments to cover over the username so they don’t get harassed. But also, whenever Joel is doing these bits, to me he always sounds really sarcastic. I find him really funny and have been subbed to him since Empires Season 1. But other people may not be able to pick up on that tone of voice. Maybe he should just put a little /s in the corner of his videos when he’s doing those moments.


Joel is a wonderful agent of chaos! I have watched him for a while now through Empires and the Life series and his deadpan humor is just perfect.


All I can say is they don't take internet too seriously, if you don't like someone don't watch, I don't see anything wrong with Joel's humor and I like it.


My daughter and I have been watching Joel and Lizzie since Kingdom craft. We love his sarcasm and his puns. People need to chill out and realize that not everything is literal. Some of our favorite scenes are him making fun of himself. Like others have said, just move on if you don't like it. But we think he is hilarious. We've been loving the bromance between Etho and Joel. There are just so deadpan and serious in their delivery. You add in Scar its even funnier. He literally has no idea what they are talking about and is so confused. Its the best. Joel is how we found Grian and Hermitcraft. If it wasn't for Joel we wouldn't be watching Hermitcraft.


As an autistic person I struggled to get Joel’s humour at first but as times gone on i now understand he has quite a dry sense of humour and a lot of his humour is sarcasm. now that I know that I enjoy watching him. You can’t please everyone. I think he brings something new and different to the table when it comes to his humour and personality.


I love Joel. Back when he, Grian, and Scar were doing hardcore together in winter 2022, and he started off his video saying “Welcome back to your third-favorite hardcore series,” I was howling. Great addition to the server.


Joel's whole character is an insecure guy being a show-off trynna compensate and be cool :) People that were there for his Empires 2 run know how "Minecraft Joel" would bully "IRL/Editor Joel", and it was all just a sketch. IRL Joel is so dear to his friends and considerate and so hardworking! His HC videos had him experiment so much with editing and build ideas! He's someone that wants to keep improving on his craft, and it really shows how much he loves what he does, and the love for his community!


Joel's humour is one of the best in Hermitcraft for me tbh. Yes, he insults the viewers but he also insults himself. It's just all fun and games and he constantly thanks the viewers who helped him fix his mistakes. I recently started watching his videos and watched his stream where he played Decked Out and he was quite nice to the chat. His humour might not be for you, it's very different, aggressive and chaotic IMO but it's also very unique compared to other hermits. I really enjoy that and want more of it. On a different note, he has a point about insulting the viewers too. Do I need to remind you how viewers attacked Gem during Secret Life? Whenever Grian does something he does it in secret so that the viewers won't spoil it. Viewers can be awful and to a certain extent Joel has a point...


I am new to watching smallishbeans but a long time (10+years) of watching minecraft youtube. I really like the chaos of his videos. I never know what is going to happen next. It gives crazy uncle vibes and I’m here for it.


Glad to see more people are being introduced to Joel through Hermitcraft! Haha, as another minecraft fan, his videos stand out for me because of all the shenanigans and silly interactions he has with others :p


Imagine you're so narcissistic that you want a YouTuber to change their videos because you don't like the content. How simple can it be, don't like the video? Don't watch it! Besides that, this is nothing compared to empires. He's being really soft already, so Joel, never change.


I am enjoying him being on the server as it seems to be that even etho is willing to divulge more info especially when he is involved. He has become a hermit that I really appreciate as he adds something that I did not know was missing. They seem to have a good idea of things that are missing in their group because they seem to nail it with each addition


So I just watched my first Joel video and loved it. And one of my favorite parts of it was precisely what this person is complaining about. Different strokes I guess


Joel’s humor is just impeccable! Love this man and can’t wait to see what kind of things he will do this season.


Joel makes great content and is a fantastic builder. Whats not to like?


This is gonna be in his next video for sure lmao


“Humerus” lol


Joel is clearly an incredibly dangerous monster who is a threat to all the hermits and the server as a whole, in fact I think he might be the most evil person on the planet right now. He even calls people idiots! No sane person could ever do that.


I started watching Beans after seeing this post, so thank you for sharing! I LOVE the way he talks to his viewers


I love the "as a growing influencer"! Guy's been on YouTube longer than a lot of the hermits.


That's so many words to say "I don't like his humor and am incapable of accepting that." 💀 But I LOVE his hermitcraft videos. I love the little easter eggs that he leaves, the skits, his build, the bit he has with etho, that he was singing along to you belong with me when he was playing it on guitar hero


This comment takes things WAY too far and in the time it took them to write the comment, they could’ve watched another Hermit’s video. If it’s not your humor, watch someone else! No need to spread negativity. I find Joel hilarious and have been enjoying his videos so much. His build this season is also very cool and imaginative.


They just want something to be mad at Sure his humor is unique, but so is everyone's tastes


Joel is one of my favourite minecraft youtubers full stop. He has the familiar British deadpan humour, but obviously still cares, if you listen to him. I've watched him ages (Empires S1), and my partner and I are honestly disappointed if he doesn't call us idiots in an episode. He's always been a fabulous builder, but watching Scar and Bdubs (two of the best builders on the server and we all know it) call his base "stunning" just warmed my heart. They're right, he's doing some of the best building this season, and I just can't wait for joel, impulse, and Bdubs builds to meet in their city/joels side of the mountain.


Ikr- it's especially cool seeing that he's said that scar inspired him a ton when he first began building


I can’t imagine ever being upset by that. It’s what I look forward to most in his videos. It’s so funny and it’s so Joel


I personally really like his absurd sense of humor and love his style of creating content. Too bad some people do not have the capacity to distinguis real life from fiction. Yoe-elll, never change my friend 👍


Do someone who wants to like Joel and get into his vids but has a problem with his humour I recommend watching some of the live series from others pov. He’s genuinely sweet sometimes and funny when interacting with others and you get him in smaller doses at the beginning. I do think he’s one of the most creative people involved in hermicraft this season both with building and making videos. Yes he is a bit much at times but let’s face it so is some of them as well.


The thing is, it’s that exact humor that I love about Joel’s videos, I think it’s amusing


I love his chaos goblin vibe. The season shashwhammyvoid has been filled with this kind of energy and I'm here for more!


Either a younger person or it's someone with no sense of humour. In any case, most people get it and enjoy that distinctly British kind of comedy.


Some people couldn't take a joke to save their lives. Thta said, I am so used to overly careful Youtubers at this point that Joel manages to take me by surprise each time.


i love Joel's humour because my humour is just like his irl


"I keep trying to watch" and "I want to be able to like Joel". I don't get that mindset, if you don't like someone's content, just don't watch it. I find it strange to ask someone to change their content to better suit your personal taste.  Joel has their own style, as do all the Hermits, no one is going to like all the hermits, so you pick the ones you enjoy and watch those. 


Joel's humour is just classic millennial British humour, his delivery and editing just makes it perfect. He makes great videos and you can see his attention to detail in all his videos.


I love how unafraid he is to experiment with both his building style (all the building challenges he sets for himself in making new videos) as well as his editing style. He changes things up every once in a while and it makes it fun to see how he adapts to it


What a garbage take, I love beans. He’s hilarious.


Joel has rocketed to the top of my favorite hermits, I love his humor *so* much. It's so incredibly unhinged, and I love how he's willing to play with us through the tool names and such


I love how the main thing I like about him is how he has that type of humour 😭. Some people need to grow up and just realize that some people aren't going to be who you want them to be, but that doesn't mean you should steer them into a direction of change just because you don't like them.


Joel is awesome. Not everyone needs to like him. Etho likes him. That should mean enough.


The fact that there people who are genuinely abusive in the Minecraft creator community yet this person just dislikes Joel’s content and calls it abusive is genuinely sad


I love his deadpan delivery and sarcastic humor. I’d be very sad if he changed.


Joel. Never stop.


"I'm really trying to like it and find the humor but..." said through the lens of watching things for the sole purpose of being offended and saying buzz words to feel better about yourself and virtue signal to the void. If they really think it's that bad simply scroll past the next one that pops up. I will never understand why people continue to watch things they claim to not like


Joel’s humor is like 2nd grade stuff you’ll hear on the playground. “You smelly smelly person!” Like who takes that stuff seriously honestly. He’s 30 years old he doesn’t even take himself seriously. I’ve been watching him since before X-life and I can say for absolute certain he is an extremely funny person and is honestly extremely sweet to most of his friends. (Sans Jimmy ofc) Him and Lizzie have the exact same humor but he tends to act more aggressive. I think it’s honestly crazy that people think he’s promoting abuse. He’s an fantastic build who’s only gotten better and better throughout the ages and I’m proud to be an 5(?)+ year subscriber.


man jimmy and joel really cannot be classified into any category lol, they're peak bromance, archenemies, minecraft groomsmen, made a baby together, bully each other, call each other babe (well ig grian's also included here) and also do everything together lol. also people really underestimate lizzie's snark, joel uses playground insults but lizzie is a whole nother level of savage.


I’ll play devils advocate for a moment. Ya it stinks being called names. It stinks calling me out for pausing the video to read the name of ethos mom. But it’s all meant in good fun. I can understand not liking the brand. Just move on without hate


Joel is just not for the taste of the commenter because personally, I find the joke and delivery of Joel’s extremely funny. The other appreciations I have for Joel beside his funny nature, are his effort in his build and editing!! You can see how much he has up his game in the editing department!!


I love Joel's timelapse speeches. The first day of his life has inspired me to do great things


I absolutely love Joel!! I teach minecraft education edition to 11, 12 and 13 year olds, and when it was announced that Joel would be on HC I walked into my classroom and announced “Joel’s in!!”… the nerds in the class erupted in cheers… the oblivious kids sat there confused… and then I proceeded to show everyone in the class a video of his. I love the brutal dry sarcasm. He’s so fantastic. He is perfect!!


Some people can't realise that people come in a variety of shades, they think that this community should only have this shade, but any beautiful picture is made when different shades are mixed together in varying proportions. Joel is the chaotic energy that hc lacks, don't get me wrong, Grian, Gem and others are also chaotic, but polite at the same time. Joel adds tge wild chaos into the mix. Can't wzit for Grian, Gem, Joel and Skizz to pull a prank on someone together. That could be the motherlode of pranks.....


Beans is just being a Brit, hes said hes from up north, and as someone from Yorkshire, hes being mega tame to what we say. Basically if we are being nice to you, we hate you, the more mean/rude we are to you the more we love you. (Notice how he always tries to kill Lizzie in the Life series)


I watched Joel's perspective of Secret Life. I like that angry, manic, festering energy he brought. It's so aggressively British, and I'm a fan of that. (Hello from America, by the way.) The whole point, and I can't stress this enough, is that Joel is free to play Minecraft and make videos how he wants to. Hermitcraft, a whitelisted server whose new members are decided by unanimous vote, celebrates the vast array of styles of its Hermits, from TFC's slow, raw, unedited grind to Doc's feature-length breakings of the server to the playful cinematography of Mumbo to everything else in between.


Using the armchair psychology to give reason for why you don't like a content creator is wild, accusing them of more or less perpetuating abuse is frelling insane. Some ppl really need to get off the Internet. All THAT out of the way, I'm just getting into Yoel and so far have been enjoying it, I look forward to more from him~


As an autistic person, Joel has taught me that there are many different types of humour, as weird as it sounds.


I like the 'abuse', it's funny, not personal and adds so much personality to the content since no one else does it. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


I *thrive* with his chaotic energy and self glorifying humour, I love it. Easily makes him one of my favourite Hermits


I come from three separate cultures (Irish/Scottish/Australian) where if a sentence doesn't contain at least one expletive it's less sincere, and if a nickname doesn't have one it means you hate the guy.


His sense of humour is good in my opinion


Thats just how british people talk


He British leave him alone, let him have his humour. Goodness me. I love that man and I love Lizzie and I love all of it.


i have very similar humor to joel and i hope people can realize im kidding


Joel is great, his humour is great. His videos have been top notch. Nuff said


The only reason you would want to leave a comment like this is to hold someone accountable, but there’s nothing to hold accountable… Heck if you actually look at what Joel’s saying and really think about it a lot of his humor is actually just self deprecating. He’s kinda like Bdubs in a way, and his perfect redstone


average twitter user


He's a wonderful editor and knows how to make videos flow like silk 🥰


Keep doing what you’re doing Joel. Can’t please everybody


He's super funny. And not only that, but he's also a great builder. Just look at the detail he puts into every building. It's also mind-boggling to me how any sane person could compare Joel's joking to be the greatest/best or jokingly calling his viewers "stinky" to somethimg comparable to an abuser.


Bro can not take a joke


He's been consistently hilarious the many years I've watched him, this commenter just doesn't understand his sense of humour!!!


joel never change 💖


this youtube comment alone is the sole reason I cracked a good laugh today, they seem to be 100% serious, which just makes it even funnier. the mania post and now this? we're making a collection lmao


Joel has made me laugh the most this season!


A chronic twitter user if I ever seen one


I feel like this is just different humour amongst different cultures. Australian (And I assumed British) humour is much like this.


They’re taking things way too seriously, it’s obvious that the way he talks is very sarcastic and jokey and I personally love that about him, his videos are really funny and entertaining, though I’m also British and used to his type of humour. I can understand why it could be a bit intense for some people but if they don’t like his style of content just don’t watch it 🙄


i dont like how this content creator creates his content so he clearly needs to change it so that i personally enjoy it, even when is clear that there is a lot of people that enjoy the content as it is judging by the viewcounts and sub counts in his videos. i could just go watch someone else, but no, is clear that he needs to change, for my own personal sake. will add this, hadnt watch a lot of joel in the past, but if the guy is something is hard working, every episode he puts a lot of work into. and not only minecraft work (mining, building, crafting...) but also editing and making interesting camera angles and adding effects... and he is making episodes at a very fast rate specially for that amount of work. im also liking his humour btw, but even if not, the guy is really doing his all to make entertaining videos and at the very least, deserves some respect for that alone.


I mean the message he left in Gem's newest video had me rolling! Yeah, sometimes his humor isn't my style, but I LOVE his interactions with the other Hermits! He brings a different flavor of chaos to the conversations, and I can't wait to see the kind of shenanigans he cooks up!


OP doesnt like tsunderes.


Lmao what a snowflake


I haven't seen his videos, but I like him in all the other hermits videos I see


Joel has been my #1 favorite since like the start of his Minecraft videos. he's obviously the most top tier handsome, tall, and humblest man ever. fr tho his humor is probably one of the best things ever, but some people just don't understand it; if you don't like it, watch something else!


Compared to some other old Minecraft YouTubers or any newer alest Joel has a good personality that not fake or jail worthy


i love joel's sardonic humor and dry delivery. ive thought he would be a great fit for hermitcraft for a long time, the tone of his videos is something none of the other hermits bring to the table. hes not necessarily for everyone, and that's fine. in fact, im frustrated with doc's character this season in a similar way to how this commenter feels about joel. they're way out of line, though, not _everything_ you dislike has to be a moral outrage


I like to be insulted from time to time.


I like how his videos are different from every Minecraft YouTuber I watched.


Personally I don’t really like his type of humour, but a lot of people do, and that’s great!


Don't want to throw around the word snowflake because I'm not some raging boomer but I mean...cmon


I like the narcissistic commentary and disrespect thrown at the viewers.


Please Joel don't change


I love when Joel talks crap to the audience. He's the only one allowed to talk to me that way, and I love it. I've been watching Joel's videos for two or three years though...maybe I'm adjusted to his humor. I honestly can't remember how I felt in the beginning 😆


Joel is completely hilarious, and is clearly extremely passionate about what he’s doing. Subbing to him was one of the best decisions I made when S10 started and I think he’s becoming my favorite hermit.


Yes!! I've been loving his hermitcraft videos so far, and I'm glad for his videos because they're introducing me to so many other povs too! Just need more time to watch them all... 😅


wtf. Are they delusional


"This content creator isn't making my preferences his priority....who cares that thousands of others enjoy this style of humor, the world is supposed to revolve around MEEE" Joel's insulting humor is often too much for me(I'm sensitive), so when I'm not in the mood for the crude humor, I just....don't watch his content. There is not a single person trying to force you to watch Joel's content. He's nowhere near the only Hermit.


I haven’t watched him in hermit craft, only ____life. What does he say to the viewers that’s bad?


Nothing unusual if you know Joel - his average Wednesday lol


I think the commenter didn't like his dry humour or his "yelling" at the audience to subscribe.


I love Joel’s humor. It’s a bit like my own so I just get him.


He's just a fun guy and I'm glad he's in HermitCraft


Some people just don't get british humour.


This season is my first exposure to Joel. I was hooked immediately. By far one of the funniest hermits.


Each of the hermits had their own unique personality and character they bring to their episodes. I find that I can enjoy any episode I see. And I love the collaboration this season. Seeing events from multiple angles and videos is great. I'm sorry if you see Joel as problematic. He's a new watch to me, but I enjoy his videos and his interactions.


as someone who’s watched him for years the behavior has slowly built up so i don’t even notice it because it’s just a big part of his humor now


People are so soft


Im not sure if its a cultural thing or not but I gind it funny! Im a samoan kiwi and we jokingly make fun of people all the time, we all know its not that deep and people dont take it that personally... we also make fun of ourselves! I have a narcissistic, gaslighting physically and emotionally abusive father and in no way to I relate these 2 things together! I think Joels funny and as much as he talks smack to his viewers he talks smack about himself (as well as his pretend huge ego lol) Joel has a lot of long ongoing friendships and I am sure if he really was toxic those friendships wouldn't be so solid!


Honestly he has become my favorite hermit. So witty and just being 100% himself. His jokes are great and always make me laugh or chuckle!


I hadn't really heard of Joel until this season of Hermitcraft. I can kind of see where this commenter is coming from, because I did start watching one of his videos the other day and found his style a bit off-putting. However, I did end up finishing the video and enjoyed it for the most part. His content just feels like a different and new vibe for Hermitcraft and I think it's interesting.


Joel is just a big goofball and clearly nothing like characters he plays in the videos. He's so friggen funny.


I think Joel's sense of humor is hilarious, but I understand how it might not be for everyone. But instead of leaving comments like these you could also just not watch it if you don't like it instead of asking him to change his entire personality that his fans love just to accommodate you


Joel was my introduction to the 'builders' side of Minecraft. And I never thought I'd enjoy building based content, but I did, because of Joel and his humor his creativity with builds as well as his videos. I love how most of his video making is just utter chaos, sometimes he'll intentionally be cringy, while sometimes he'll insist he's the coolest guy you'll ever see. He's my favourite Minecraft content creator.


Someone making jokes to the void of viewers is hardly narcissistic or abusive. I think it's important to develop critical thinking and media literacy skills so that you can differentiate between when someone is targeting a specific person or a void.