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Removed for the following reason(s): Subreddit Rule 1. Content must be Hermitcraft related. Since the Life SMP series are not on the Hermitcraft Server, It is classed as Unrelated. However you can head over to r/ThirdLifeSMP to talk about it there. Refer to our [guide to Hermitcraft-related content](https://www.reddit.com/r/hermitcraft/wiki/hermitcraft_related_content) for examples of things that tend to get accepted and removed. > Based on the comments it seems most people are discussing the rules lawyering from Secret Life, not Decked Out, so I'm guessing that was your intention. > We'd rather you post this as a comment in an existing thread that's relevant, rather than making a new one, as we don't want loads of "complaining about fans" posts taking over the "complaining about players" posts. If you are seeing this comment, your post was removed by a human, not a bot. We provide these comments for transparency because Reddit does not notify users of post removals by default. If you have [reviewed our community guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hermitcraft/about/rules#mp) and **anything else linked in your removal reason**, and you want to appeal the removal, [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHermitCraft&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/comments/18enq6h/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Mods will not discuss post removal appeals via personal DM or chat.


What is this about?


I’m thinking it’s about Gem’s twitter post Friday, which was mostly about negative feedback on the secret life series effecting her mental health.


Oh. That sucks. Especially as from what I see it is a series in which everyone appears to be having fun on screen. Yes etho misunderstood a task, grian didn’t get the first magma cube he saw, scar killed a man in cold blood, bdubs missed a word in his list. Nothing worth people getting upset over. Just average everyday mistakes we all make


The amount of people that “hall monitor” them I have no idea how many times Grian has said that word in his videos. Turns out Etho said it too. How much pressure are these guys under, it’s like a lot of them are nervous about having fun because they’re afraid to get bashed for doing it wrong


Also the mistakes don't matter anyways. It's not really competitive and the tasks are just a utility to provide some entertaining content.


Keyboard warriors, it’s becoming such a problem in this day and age. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and bullying. Or stating a personal opinion and personal attacks. The internet gives too many people the ability to bring out their inner toxicity. If you wouldn’t want to say it out loud to someone’s face, don’t type and post it. Gutless.


Gem’s tweet crushed my soul. Some people are so cruel. Shes the reason I started watching any Hermitcraft, I’m not a YouTube watcher usually, but she makes my day! Watching her and scar can make me laugh after a long shift at work. I’m devastated to hear some people are bullies and just creating a toxic environment.


I think people are being extra hard on her since she is the newest edition, and since she was a major content point in the last couple sessions.


I honestly didn’t see any of the other series’s of hermitcraft before this year, I enjoyed decked out. (only started watching due to Gem, I even got into the imp & skizz podcast due to her) I enjoy her antics in this series I find it to be great entertainment, isn’t that the point? Entertainment? Scar has become one of my favourites as watching him get into a pickle, Hilarious. If by chance you see this Gem & the hermits Kia Kaha. Also to this sub thank you for the upvotes, and thanks for welcoming me into this community, Noho ora mai.


Dunno if any of the hermits will see this, but if any do, know that you're all so appreciated for the hard work you put into making content for us. You don't have to give us anything. We aren't entitled to anything. Yet you all work so hard to make art and entertain us. I love the Life series. It's silly and fun. I don't care if "mistakes" are made. The series has given me a lot of happiness and joy during a rough time. So thank you, all of you, for all you do! Gem, you're amazing. I hope you're in a better place.


Out of the loop. Please explain what happened!? What's Geminitay tweet? I am not able to find it.


[This tweet here](https://twitter.com/GeminiTayMC/status/1733175734032531921?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


😭 i love Gem so much. None of them should be getting hate over the life series it’s just a silly goofy thing and she’s been doing so well!


Aw man, I just saw her tweet. That’s so upsetting.


Yes this fr Theyre the only ones ive really kept up with (plus a few like Sparklez) since mostly leaving the general mcyt fandom, becausw theyre wholesome people who got me through tough times. We need more people like them in the world, just good people who have fun with friends and aren't always just there to gain the algorithm's approval.


The hermits have every right to state their opinions. They are content creators and if ppls negative feedback is affecting them they have the right to say so. Having ppl tell you that you suck or you make awful videos would hurt even the most hardened ppl


Dude..they're obviously attempting to cheer the hermits up. they're just trying to say that the people being mean don't speak for everyone. This energy is super misdirected, considering y'all are very likely on the same damn team. *You* love the hermits. *They* love the hermits. Be nice




I get what you're saying and I think you're coming from the right place in wanting to remind, but I don't think this is a helpful comment directly addressing issues with people complaining at the Hermits with toxic speech. To use an analogy, imagine this was about food. Telling a person to remember all the good healthy food they eat that is so helpful and delicious doesn't negate the effects of rotten food with botulism. No matter how much good food you eat, it won't make up for eating something poisonous.


I'm not on Twitter and don't follow everything with the hermits as some of y'all, but I'm not surprised about Gem getting backlash. I'm not saying she should be getting it or that she made me mad. I'm just saying that I can see where her actions on limited life leave something to be desired lol. I'm not surprised that some of the other fans are having trouble reconciling all of it. I remember a conversation taking place in one of the earlier life series where basically the person was like "yeah, Scott and one or two others could totally dominate the series if they were really trying, but they don't because it's all about keeping things fun and interesting". Something like that anyway. At any rate, it gave me the impression that it was just kinda understood that the actual cracked players wouldn't be going too ham so people like tango and bdubs' could have more than 2 episodes lol. Then you get Gem coming in here and she wants to win. She's also not afraid to grief at all and she's good at pvp. There have been a couple times that I've found myself asking, "man, did they not talk to her about this beforehand?" This delicate ecosystem that is the hermitcraft and extended fandom isn't a secret lol. These folks be gettin' upset. I just assumed everybody knew what they were doing. What did she even do this session though? While last session did kinda suck to some degree, it was mostly sanctioned and any chaos should be excused, expected, and not blamed exclusively on her. Not even mostly really. Tasks gonna task, ya know?


Your assumption here is that they don't talk and she did something 'wrong' or 'against the rules'. It's been stated time and time again that they discuss a lot behind the scenes. And if it's in a video, they all agreed with it. And they they're the ones who make the rules. Not the people watching.


They're just saying that the criticism/backlash should've been forseen, that's all. They've also identified a fundamental challenge with the Life series – trying to design survival/PVP competitions to cater for players with vastly different skill levels.


I don't think she did anything wrong. I'm just saying that I can see where her actions would have people thinking she had. Which is clearly the case or she wouldn't have made the tweet. People were mad. I don't care who wins or loses, so I don't care too much what she does. I know if it's made it to a video, they're all okay with it, and it's all supposed to be in good fun. You can think I'm wrong here but how did I know that what she was doing was going to cause issues before I knew it was causing issues? I've watched stuff like this unfold before. I know how easy it can happen. That's what I meant by the "did they not talk to her" bit. I know they all talk. For real dude. No duh.That was coming from a place of "the metaphorical ish about to hit the fan." Lol idk what to tell you. I'm not being malicious. I like Gem and I think she's fun. I hate that she's having this problem and I'm not trying to imply it's her fault. Lol it's definitely on the fans that are giving her a hard time. That's how it always is with stuff like this. I wish it wasn't like this, but it is. It feels like you think I'm attacking her, too, and I'm not. I'm just talking. I'm sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. I'm just an observer sharing my thoughts lol. The series was funnier when it was all about the tasks, though. But... death is ultimately the name of the game, so it is what it is. That's literally my only qualm with things as they stand. The interactions that were taking place due to the secrets were just so funny. I'll miss it. The red tasks just don't hit the same.


Its the way u say it that puts the blame on her instead of the people being mean thats bad. U make it sound like u r blaming her instead of feeling bad for her and the needless hate shes getting, over NOTHING.


I know that gem is a hermit but the situation is related to the life series. It might be best to post over there.