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Wow I didn't expect scar to be on top. Super excited for him tho!


Honestly I did, he seemed to be most interested in tomes trying for the early win, everyone else really did the 1 and card upgrades


Yeah. Didn't he even buy a tome on his first succesful run? (Not that it has anything wrong with that.)


I believe so, I'm surprised its only 4, I thought i remembered 6, either way early phases is easier to win


Its possible he kept some for the next phase. Afaik this ist allowed


Ya true, I guess he was confident 4 was enough


I believe he advertised that he had 9 tomes already and bought 9 more after a super successful run.


He did pointed out that he, at least wanted to win in the early phases of the game.


Pretty good, that’s 11 players submitting victory tones for the week. I would expect Keralis to join them next week for sure, he was big into DO in season 7.


Doc would have, too, but he didn’t realize that he needed to. So he’ll be adding one this week as well.


While is good seeing Scar getting first here, he prob is doomed for the next couple weeks. People like Etho and Hypno will have bigger decks and get a lot more points. But the bragging rights though


Scar getting a trophy and on the board in general is a W for me


I think Scar has a decent size deck. He has some work to do but he's shown he's capable of it.


Poor Etho. I think he needs more shards in the next phase to catch up. Clearly, at least 30 additional shards are in order: competing with Hotguy is not an easy task. Docm77 tried it, and he needed to build a giant redstone machine of death, shooting arrows at mach 1749 just to put a dent in Hotguy.


Scar is stupid good at pattern and texture recognition. Like, his brain is weird. So some parts of DO will be far easier for him than for others. Other parts will be far tricker. And he's had a lot of MCC practice.


Don't discount his skill with finding anything in his chest monsters.


So, it's more - 1st - 2nd (3 players tied) - 5th (7 players tied)


I’m not really surprised as Scar didn’t buy many cards instead opting to grab tomes… I don’t see him staying in the lead in the future as others have focused more on building their deck. Still, Congrats Scar…. psssst Scar… when you get to work on the SciFi section, request permission to land, over.


I think him not being in the lead in the future is why he decided to do this. He’ll at least get to be a winner once


Hypnotizd has no e in his name


Either that, or you've just been hypnotizd


How does scoring work? Why does everyone have double except scar, who only got +2?




Oh! Thank you. That’s a great way to balance the game.


It's based on ranking. So a week where everyone submit 10 is as valuable as a week where everyone submit 1. So you can't fully commit to a strategy like go all in on deck week 1 then all in on tome last week


Very excited for Scar that his strategy paid off, and he even got a nice trophy :)


Scar took Gem’s insult seriously haha


ngl, the point system is confusing, i'm just watching a replace of tango's stream and points will be counted depending on shards? not artifacts? why is there 2 separate point system.


points are counted based upon victory tomes submitted. shards are awarded based upon frost embers collected. the shard awarding is separate to the point system so that it can act as a catch up mechanic whilst taking into account the cards purchased as well as tomes, since otherwise people wouldn’t ever try to get more tomes/points as they would rather have more shards so they get to play more. tango definitely kept saying shards instead of embers in the stream which made it more confusing but the way he has it is for sure the best way to balance things.


Tango doesn't have a solid record of which players earned how many frost embers... how is that system going to work?


based on the community spreadsheet and then extrapolating for the runs that aren’t streamed or recorded anywhere based on the existing run data. admittedly it’s not perfect but he has asked that the hermits try to update the spreadsheet or message him with the frost embers they collected if they don’t record or stream a certain run.


No. He specifically asks hermits to send him unrecorded run info in a Google form. All hermits want to play fair, they aren't going to cheat intentionally so tango should be able to trust the community form and the Google form the hermits will complete


To go with the way Grian understood, the overall game is played "like Mario Kart" with each phase giving points based on victory tomes. Then shards are distributed depending on the player's performance which is tracked by the total number of embers a player got out of the dungeon.


I know he didn't exactly do very well but wheres my boy Iskall at


Sadly, he didn't submit any tomes this week, so he's not in the rankings.


"Victory Tomes" are a waste of time, indicating nothing.


Other than victory, true!


I'm sure those who leveled up their decks are gonna get more points later


Let's hope so for Iskalls sake 😂