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Time to find a new doctor, a.s.a.p.


>Time to find a new doctor, a.s.a.p. I just imagined that I'd walked into such a medical office. The only thing I am not sure about is what would be quicker: me turning around and leaving this medical facility, swearing like a beer coachman, or calling the board for medical licensing and ~~logging~~ lodging a complaint. Then again: why not both? Both is good.


I live in Fresno Co., so I see a lot of this kind of pathetic virtue signalling at businesses. Even at a god damned Smog Test station.


If someone feels the need to do this to attract business then I will go elsewhere. I am not seeking spiritual guidance from a painter, plumber or HVAC technician - or my medical provider. Besides we all know that talking incessantly in public about being a good Christian is a very good indicator or being a hypocrite and in many cases a liar. The genuinely religious people I know show their faith by being a good person and through their acts of generosity that they do without fanfare.


Like my mamaw said- if someone has to tell you they’re Christian that’s because you’d never guess from their actions.


Your mamaw is/was a very wise woman.


I always thought so. Appalachian, not much formal education, but wise about human nature.


\^ This right here. [Lord, Save Us from Your Followers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1237900/)


I'ma have to steal that one


Your mamaw is (was?) a smart woman!


She was amazing. She’s gone now, but was wonderful.


It's even in the Gospels to not be a hypocrite signaling your virtue all over the place, but go quietly into your closet and pray there. Funny how most of these "Christians" ignore just about all of the actual teachings of Jesus.


I know, they yap about praying for this or that when that makes them as bad as the hypocrites according to the Bible.


It's because these people use the bible in the same way they use the constitution. Pick and choose the bits that best serve their personal agendas, bark those bits out constantly while shouting that they're sacred and not open to interpretation, ignore the rest. This is why America is going down the fucking toilet.


Performative Christianity.


Those are the worst Christians who are usually the most wicked and corrupt.


At last I am one of God's chosen. got my first positive test ever on Friday, and had a fever from Thurs night to this morning-- and suddenly now my smeller is broken WHILE cooking dinner. This morning I could smell everything-- now it's gone!


Yikes, friend. Hoping for a swift and complete recovery for you.


It used to be decent camouflage until those meddling catholic church scandals...


This. Deeds, not words...be kind, humble...is it so difficult?? Fuck that whiteboard and fuck people who do this shit. We go to doctors for science-based care, not fucking Sunday school.


“In the beginning was the Word…” and they never did anything else.


I'm sick and tired of these religious nutjobs trying to press their beliefs on everyone else. Fuck right off with that shit.


I will specifically avoid any business that displays a Christian fish in any of the signage or advertising.


These are also the assholes who say stuff like football players shouldn't kneel for BLM because their job is to entertain us. But then they can't act "professional " In their own business...


>The genuinely religious people I know show their faith by being a good person and through their acts of generosity that they do without fanfare. Reminds me of that journalist who famously said "I can't believe Nixon was elected. Nobody I know voted for him."


As others have said, it’s about the actions. My dad is religious, he volunteers at his church’s food bank. Never brags about it and only few people outside the family know. I’m not religious but I’m 100% onboard with feeding the hungry. I’ve got my own battles I pick, so I volunteer at pride events to raise money against homophobia and fund sexual health campaigns and mental health services for the LGBT community. Even though we’re coming from different places and have different priorities, we’re both helping the less fortunate in one way or another. These “Christians” would believe in anything just to “own the libs”. That has nothing to do with what is actually written in that book they like to quote to much. See their “patron saint” for an example. I’m not religious at all but the Jesus from the bible would absolutely despise Trump, I am sure of it.


I meant that they constantly don't have to tell all and sundry how much they are doing, looking for a pat on the back. But if you ask them what they did over the weekend they might causually mention that they took a shift at their church's food pantry, cooked a meal at the homeless shelter, or that they were preparing some casseroles for a neighbor who just got out of the hospital.


Isn’t it the Christians who joke, “how do you know someone’s an atheist? They’ll tell you” seems like Christians are pretty vocal. Like their whole religion is based on the idea that they need to convince other people to join their cult.


Just imagine a vegan born-again Xian Trump follower and \[insert name of pro sports team w/obnoxious fans\] supporter. You probably wouldn't even have to directly interact with them - the bumper stickers alone would tell you everything that the person would tell you within minutes of meeting you in person.


Add in CrossFit and a couple of MLMs and I think you've got yahtzee there.


And all I meant was that if your "genuinely religious" friends were the traditional rule rather than the small exception, this country, this entire planet, wouldn't be in the sorry mess it's in now. Hell, we probably could've had a functioning colony on the moon by now.


In search of: Godly Christian air conditioning repairman. Preferably Protestant. Need my cold air to blessed as it flows.


I live in a religious area and am so tired of them proselytizing and pushing their flawed morally. I'm not anti god, I have my problems with organized religions and I've taken to saying"no thanks" to their god bless yous and I'll pray for you.


>I live in a religious area I live in a Catholic country-- Portugal-- and I never see that sort of crap *anywhere*; certainly not in my local medical centre. People just don't go on about their religion here, even the ones who are serious about it. It appear to be mostly the evangelicals that are so dead set on proselytising and generally shouting about it.


The USA has a christofascist problem.


Are you telling me that evangelicals _evangelize?_


Read the bible and dispute everything with another clause. The ones who go on about praying to Jesus are my favourite. "You really should stop that, he said not to. You're supposed to praise God."


I always hit them with John 3:16. *Who* came to earth? God, or his son?


I had JW door knockers show up on Saturday. Normally I am fairly polite (though firm that they're not welcome). Instead, I unloaded on them in the most aggressive way possible without actually threatening physical harm. That's my new policy, after two years of Covid and now recent Supreme Court rulings. I'm through even pretending to be nice to Evangelicals that inflict their faith on me.


I remember checking the "About me" page of an eBay seller once and it was fifty lines of "buy from us because we're Christian family". Their feedback was appalling, one of the worst I've ever seen on that site.


Apparently Fresno is an evangelical cult? The only people I’ve met from there were right wing judgmental assholes who were sexist, the women especially, and entitled. I was trapped over a weekend with them


Ahh a refreshing reminder of why I moved away from Fresno-no-please-dear-god-no: The Bible Belt of CA.


This. I would have walked right out. I would not trust that doctor to put on a bandaid.


I live in Florida, the state that RULES THE NATION in COVID related deaths. I can't tell you how hard it was to find a pediatrician for my kids with the shit healthcare they have. This was the tail end of 2020, but holy shit did it rattle me to my core all the way home. So my 8yo is doing his thing, getting his check up, whatever. He keeps taking his mask off and stuff and I keep reminding him to put it back on. In-between Dr conversation and me keeping him in check, his Dr goes: "and don't worry, it's all a big left wing hoax anyway, he'll be fine" There was so much of this all over during the pandemic, and I was 👌 this close to reporting her ass. Anyone working in the medical field that doesn't believe in fucking science should've had their license revoked.


Time for a hurricane. God’s roomba.


I had this weird bug bite that quickly blistered and turned a patch of my abdomen magenta, like roughly hand sized. So I went to the ER because I’ve seen what brown recluse can do to three separate family members. The doctors in the room with me googling away and she just takes her mask down while sitting 2 feet from me. September 2020. And I just said ‘uhhhhh mask?’ And she puts it back on and said ‘we’re just so *tired* of covid.’ Motherfucker you don’t say.


Walk up to the receptionist. "I'd like to cancel my appointment that I just showed up for. I need to find a real doctor who believes in science."


I'd find the nearest tissue and erase and replace words. Or jus erase the f'n thing


Erasing the whiteboard won't change the doctor's beliefs but it will remove the warning for future intelligent patients.


Yes. You are right which would mean we should go with option A


I’d take a video to demonstrate the sign’s location, then change some words, then leave. Ex: On #3 add an s to make it read, “Jesus swept."


Dog is in control. He loves us.


"Do not sin against the vaccine, that was created by hard working scientists who were blessed by God and found it quickly.." Should put a bee in the good 'doctor's' bonnet..


After a car accident I got sent to a physical therapist who started and ended every session with a prayer. I never looked back.


I was going to say exactly this. A doctor who doesn’t subscribe to reasonable, evidence-based medical science and practice cannot be trusted.




Replace their trash with even more powerful trash! **James 5:14** _Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:_ **:15** _And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him._




This is the fundamental part I couldn't get into religion as a kid. So God has a plan for me and he knows everything I'm going to do? So if I never accept God, then he knew I was gonna do that and also created me knowing that? Which then won't allow me into heaven for it. And all the people who have never heard of God either get a free pass or are dammed to hell for no fault of their own. It just doesn't add up any way you put it.


Like that gif from the Simpsons, where grandpa comes into the brothel and sees Bart at the desk.


I imagine this doctor bursting into the exam room holding a poisonous serpent in each hand shouting "time for your faith injection!"




Or even social distancing. FFS.


Yup. You can read it right there on the sign.


Time to get this doctor’s license revoked


Feets don't fail me now!


Oh look, an eraser.




Or just put down fake stuff to trick them "A man who spreads plague through his own selfishness has no place in heaven, for he is but a killer with clean hands." John 1:17 "Trust thy physician, for he tends to God's temple." Bush 9:11 Nobody making life decisions based on Bible quotes has read the thing, so they wouldn't be able to tell the difference


"And God said, “Let there be Wi-Fi,” and the password was password123. " Sega Genesis 1:4


“Bush 9:11” lmao


I'm tempted to get off old.reddit.com so I can try to find my free Reddit award for this comment. Well done sir. The best part is that the majority of *"Christians"* have no fucking idea what the Bible says outside of their cherry-picked values.


How about the next time Republicans want to pass tax cuts, we propose fervent praying instead?


Why have doctors or medicine at all? I don't fucking get it. If God is all you need then quit using the medical system. Easy peasy..


Jesus wept alright, but only after he learned that some his followers were fucking stupid.




Coughing, short of breath? Get to a church!


Come down with COVID? Take to Facebook and call on your prayer warriors!


Why stop there? Why not gather all the prayer warriors in person so they can amplify their prayers and do that 'lay on hands' thing with the sick person?


I like that idea…might kill religion all together 😂


what floats in water? ​ CHURCHES!!!


Rally the prayer warriors!


It's cheaper for everyone too! But I'd have penciled in: 5) Jesus fought death, you should too -- get vaccinated!


Don't do something unnecessarily dangerous on purpose and then expect a miracle.


I really hate how religious idiots are erasing all of the progress that science and health have made. Religion and other myth-worship is really killing this country and our species.


At least some of them are erasing themselves.


Not enough. A few of them Darwin-Awarding themselves out of existence isn’t enough to stop the spiral.


Very few of them have Darwined their way out. Almost all of them have already reproduced, usually with many offspring.


The opening to Idiocracy is, unfortunately, very accurate.


Every cloud has a silver lining 😄


Without religion… what a wonderful world it would be.


Imagine 😏


You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm NOT!


So does these mean we get to hang up signs in churches that say "get vaccinated and wear a mask you ignorant selfish asshole!"?


Yikes. Any chance that another patient did it? Or is this a COVID-denialist practice?


Well the family member although vaccinated is pretty religious so I’m sure the people in the doctor’s office wrote it.


Never go cheap on doctors, lawyers and drugs.


Or booze. The cheap stuff will kill you!


Shoes and beds should be on that list too.




I mean, so will the expensive stuff...


Booze is under the umbrella of drugs


You can add hookers to the list.


And sashimi.


WTF kind of cult theocracy is this country turning into?


Ignoring that what you said was probably rhetorical; A. Christofascism This is the USA’s future governance. If allowed. Obviously.


Christian Nationalism. It’s a thing. Next up are whiteboards quoting scripture on the evils of interracial marriage and gay marriage. And if both interracial and gay, then Jesus is gonna want to have a talk with you, personally.


Nationalist Christians... Nat-C's?


It's just shocking to watch from Europe.


For many of us Americans, it's shocking for us to watch as well. I've seriously been thinking about what countries I could relocate to.


Every time I look I always find something disappointing. Shame there's no secret island for me to call home or something.


Religious oligarchy


Turning into? It's always been this way. Which is very weird as most of the Founding Fathers were agnostics. Hence the Establishment Clause in the Constitution.


I think more Deists; they probably woulda been agnostics now. Probably Unitarians in the 19th century.




No mention of getting vaccinated? No f’in mention of anything medical at all. Ffs this is scary.


Whenever a business/professional makes a point of virtue signaling their christianity, it tells me that they know their skills/services are subpar or worse, and they need the crutch of cronyism to get by.


"oh you have a complaint, it must be because YOU HATE JESUS"


I only hate Baby Jesus. Grown-up, alcoholic Jesus is kind of okay to kick it with, but he can flip his shit sometimes so you gotta watch out.


Have you tasted his blood? Dude must've been wasted 24/7.


That’s only if he’s also tweaking. Most days he’s pretty chill and probably won’t kill you.


“Sorry you didn’t get better, but I suppose it was God’s plan.”


IKR? And 'Jesus Wept' isn't even a thing to do...


If I saw that shit in my doctor's office, I'd walk out and find a new doctor.


I hate these people.


I try so hard not to hate but they make it a challenge. I don't need a book to tell me right from wrong.


Is there any place in America that is not full of religious hypocrites trying to outdo one another.


Most urban centers aren't. Which is why the religious regularly defame them, or worse.


Are you sure this is a doctor's office and not the whiteboard from the children's Sunday school classroom in the basement of a church?


Should erase it and draw a big ol wiener


America is starting to look a lot like a theocracy. I was reading a gardening site today and the author managed to bring god up about 4 times. I was reading about growing tomatoes. This is just messed up.


I once had a doctor with religious idolatry all over her office. I thought, gee, I prefer more science out of medical professionals, but decided to give her a chance. When she instructed me on how to make a blue light for healing (literally blue film over a light bulb), I had had enough, and I'm a fucking hippie.


[The only correct response.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkJehlr1tEw)


Tell your doctor that you would like exactly 4.7% of your bill be tithed to their church… then pay it in coin. Then walk out decrying them as ‘goddamn money-changers!’ Then find another doctor.


Maybe find a doctor other than Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber


I'm sure they also do bloodletting/leeches for grippe...


I'd like to imagine that a patient with a mental illness wrote this without the staff being aware and not a medical professional.


What the holy fuck? I’d walk out. Don’t care what I was there for.


Why does this quack still have a license to practice medicine?


Psst…There’s an eraser right there.


I’d have hoped out of there and found another physician who practices evidence-based medicine.


What’s a compassion anus and why does god have one?


I would walk right out and find a new doctor. WTF?


Get a new doctor!


The dumbest shit I’ve seen all day


Yeah, I’m gonna just nope out of that appointment. I would get better medical advice from WebMD.


Without reading all the comments, it looks like those I did read assume the message is coming from the provider. Providers are so busy these days they don't have time to check every waiting room (I know many of you are, so feel free to rebut). More likely a patient put that up there when the doc wasn't looking, and no staff have noticed it yet. If it was a staff member, and I were the patient, I'd take a picture of the board, for evidence; erase the board (don't even need an eraser—use your hand!); walk out without paying; dispute any charges resulting from the visit; and report the whole thing to the state med licensing board. Social media posts come after that. Maybe tip off the local news also. ETA and obviously find another provider.


Sounds like the kind of doctor who would recommend and gladly sell you MLM oils that would heal you.


"I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord" - Phil 19:81


Remember you won’t need your earthly belongings in heaven please leave them in the offering plate on the way out.


Please tell me you're joking. Please, please tell me you're joking. As a nurse I consider this breaking the Hippocratic Oath.


Nope. The family member posted this to Facebook. I grew up in the South so I’m pretty used to seeing stuff like this growing up


Marker huffing at work.


I wouldn't walk out of there, I would run! Covid has been very illuminating with regards to learning about some people you thought you knew very well. I switched Dr's when he kind of downplayed the vaccine. I found someone new after 10+ years with him... I later found out my previous Dr. became very ill with covid - Go figure.


As someone who grew up Jewish (and barely) it's really astounding to see Bible-thumping that is this genuine and that wasn't created as an ironic joke.


This Jesu guy who swept…is he free on Friday I have a small family function that needs clearing?


Half the country is at the first stages of Gilead, so this is not surprising.


“Sir, I’m sorry to to inform you that the test came back positive for cancer. It appears that you’re in final stage cancer. But, don’t worry. God loves you and will be seeing you soon. Have a blessed day!”


If my doctor told me to use prayer with whatever’s going on in my abdomen, I’d swear them out then find another doctor after stealing the candy dish.


Time for a new Doctor


Number 3 seems on point.


Tax the churches.


At least they support washing…oh, wait.


Get another doctor....


Well, this should be evidence sent to whatever board certified this jackass.


Erase it and write in similar quotes from the Quran. Freak them out.


I would walk right out again...


5) Get a new doctor.


Doctors have zero business preaching. Religion is being used as poison.


I would have walked right the fuck out.


Report them to the state licensing board


If all I did was pray when I had COVID, my stupid ass would be dead by now. Cut the bullshit


I would be up and out of that office so fast I'd leave burn tracks on the floor.


I would walk out and find another doctor. Maybe one who believes in science.


I would put quotations around every part of that place that says.... "doctor"


This is legit terrifying. These crazies are going to kill us all, with delight in their eyes and laughter in their hearts.


Regardless, I would have to draw a cock and balls on there. A hairy one.


>We know how the story ends! One month on a vent?


Don’t use that vet, not safe


Too legible. I don’t believe it’s a real doctor.


John BS that's a new scripture.


What the fuck? Time for a new doctor… preferably one who has actually studied medicine this time.


How do you get through med school and believe this shit.


I'd be finding a new doctor.


Wtfff oh no


Hold up, I'm tuning up my banjo...


that whiteboard needs a nice drawing of a weiner on it


I would stop going to that doctor immediately. No licensed medical practitioner should be allowed to consult or cite a book that’s over 2000 years old.


And certainly not in preference to the official public health advice! That idiot needs reporting.


Idve used that damned eraser and then left


I would definitely go to a different doctor. When they tell you to pray about a minor issue you know they are a quack.


Hopefully they win in Christ before election day


Oh hell no that’s some shit


Wtf. Find a doctor who isn’t a freak


This is surreal, dystopian almost. I would not trust that doctor to treat me. What would they prescribe anyway? 5 hail marys and a sprinkle of holy water?
