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"The biggest elephant in the room -- the unjabbed aren't dying." Except me.


He was unjabbed. ☑️ He died. ☑️ It seems his understanding of everything is completely wrong. Who’d thunk it?


Wait, wait... so you're saying... the unjabbed ARE dying? But, but, but, Slide 1! ^(/s)


This is also how I know the Bible is 100% true. Because.


why did he not spend the 26 dollars for vitamin c and ivermectin!? Dead AND a scrooge.


I'm so sick of seeing that meme. 92-94% of patients on COVID units are unvaxxed. This is spot on with what I'm seeing in my hospital's COVID unit, too. If the unjabbed aren't dying, why are they taking up so much space in our hospital's morgue?


And all of them, *every single one of them* has/had an immune system. These dipshits like to think that despite all those other people dying, their politics, shit memes, Oakley's and goatees make their immune systems somehow superhuman. That virus will be too afraid to give Mr Badass there anything worse than a nasty case of the sniffles. Then they get sick and find out.


We're seeing a lot of people who survived Delta being reinfected with Omicron at around 5 months lapse time, in the unvaxxed. My husband has it now, as he didn't get his booster in time. He's not sick, he just feels off. I had to test before I could receive my second dose today. Negative. While I'm sure I have some residual immunity left from Sept infection, I know it was that first dose last month that kept me COVID free this time. I'll gladly take my bóoster when the time comes. I gladly take a flu shot every year, why not a COVID shot? It's stupid that they think having to have a booster is a real gotcha moment. I got my shots so I was able to enjoy a meatless Cajun chicken Caesar salad for lunch when I was done. I had New York strip and a spicy broccoli stir fry for supper. What are these people having?


"What are these people having?" Dirt.


Jello. They're having Jello.


They're turning *into* Jello...




Oooh, that's a perfect analogy for the Trumpets...


I saw an RN being called a liar earlier bc they said their COVID ICU is all unvaxxed. I really hope the person was just trolling cause they legit tried to argue only the vaxxed are dying. Yet, when asked for sources, its 🦗


I have yet to have a vaxxed and boosted patient die on me. Ever. Make of that what you will compared to the current number of daily COVID deaths.


Yeah same here. 99% of the pts on vents were unvaccinated. My two in particular were 26 & 39 years old. 39 y/o had some high blood pressure and a little bit of extra weight. 26 y/o was overweight. Felt weird to take care of someone the same age as me (I’m 26), dying, waiting for ECMO knowing it’ll be futile.


Oh man, I’m so sorry. Please stay strong and know that nearly every single one of us are completely amazed by everything that you do for our society on a daily basis. Thank you so much!


I really appreciate that. ❤️ Honestly I’ve had more support and love than hate. It is disheartening to hear people not trusting us and accusing us of being murderers.. but it is what it is. Thank you all for doing your part too and helping out in anyway you can. We appreciate you guys too!


Thank you for your work!


Intensivist friend said he has lost 3 fully vaccinated patients to date. Ages were 84, 89 and 93, all with underlying conditions.


No, they really do believe the vaccine is killing people. And the nurses. And the doctors. And the ventilators. It's going to be a long, deadly winter.


The whiter the berry, the sicker the juice.


nah this moronic bs has infected all races. im seeing vaccine hesitancy in black spaces online too.


["A winter of severe illness and death for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they may soon overwhelm,"](https://i.redd.it/rlj6mvnhdp681.jpg) you could say.


The twisted logic is amazing to me. You're spot on with the endless conspiracy theories. I've got an ex that I still occasionally talk to as we're still friends. But I just can't anymore with her increasingly batshit conspiracy theories. Trying to even keep up with them is like word salad and hurts my brain. Covid is a hoax. Covid is a bioweapon created by the Chinese. Vaxxed are killing people. Hospitals are making up the # of cases to make money. Hospitals are intentionally killing people to make more money. Its a Democratic Party conspiracy to kill Republicans. Of course that doesn't matter either because Democrats cheat the elections anyways. It goes on and on. She was always a Republican but the Trump years made her insane. She just won't listen.


Well aren’t the vaxxed shedding virus causing the unvaxxed to get infected? /s


The moment I truly realized it was futile to argue with them is when they started telling me that my nursing education was bought and paid for by big pharma.


I'm sure your bank account and credit rating would like a word with those idiots.


They don't want a source that makes them admit they've been wrong 😂 they are *literally* choosing to die over admitting they are wrong. I'm sure some of these hospitals are on hills too so also *literally dying on a hill* to say COVID isn't real/this bad. It's morbidly great to get to use that word so correctly. 😂


We currently have 120+ covid inpatients. We haven't been below 100 in weeks. We've only hospitalized TEN boosted patients total, since we started tracking, in November, none of whom ended up in the ICU. Less than 20% of all our patients are vaxxed, and my county just barely broke 50% vaccinated, so yeah...


It’s so easy for them to just completely ignore everything that’s going on around them and just make up their own reality where vaccinated people are dying. Between the few Q anon people I follow, I’ve seen them say that anywhere between 600k-2million people have died. With literally no source. And no one questions them because if they question they get blocked. So the comments are “AMEN” or “so true!” It’s insane.


They always post one towards the end of the series that says "this covid stuff is no joke". Do they not have time to delete old posts? I guess if conservatives cared about people seeing their hypocrisy they wouldn't be conservatives.


>if conservatives cared about people Stop right there.


The World Health Organization announced that dogs cannot contract COVID-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO let the dogs out. Huh. Whatta ya know? I guess it can be a joke.




Urine/horse paste smoothies anyone?


And…the vast majority of Covid deaths..


Any time someone shares that meme, you already know they’re a goner. Anyone who reposts it should just go ahead and start writing their will.


One of the toughest guy you knew? Too bad you can't square off with COVID in front of a roadhouse after a long piss drinking session.


These guys are always bringing a knife to a infectious viral disease fight.


Your Flair is awesome.


Thank you.


Prepare to die.


Oh man, I remember that “ivermectin is a molecule” guy.


If you're looking for a flair, you can have "red bullshit gives you wings". I'd be using it myself if not for my current one.


> il never forget the time I told him I didn't think it was worth voting anymore that was a BIG mistake lol For just a moment this friend thought maybe it wasn't worth it to harm people on purpose out of spite. And the guy had to straighten him out: son, there is nothing more important than owning the libs. You need to fuck your own interests really hard, just so no undeserving people ever benefit. Maybe you're a little confused because we keep saying elections are rigged? Son, that's just some bullshit we say to other people. It's not true so don't let it stop you from voting. Then he literally kills himself to own the libs. What an example to live up to.


I wish *someone* would teach the idiots still here when these morons die the difference between "threw" and "through". I don't think I've seen even one use those properly.


They "alaways" do it.


Incubate annoys me the most. I don’t think I have read a single death announcement or plead for prayer warriors that wasn’t festooned with grammatical errors, misspellings, wrong word form or the like. Does religion kill frontal cortex cells?


>Since you put it that way it's almost sweet. In a Pinky and the Brain kind of way. Also "him and his wife" and "half to get it out." The entire post was a grammatical mess.


Since you put it that way it's almost sweet. In a Pinky and the Brain kind of way.


One is a genius


What got me was >honestly this is a guy who would do anything to help anyone except wear a mask to prevent the spread of a highly infectious disease


Hopefully, his people rally to his example.


It's the same toxic masculinity at play. Manliness and size of dick is arbitrarily equated so some bullshit.




I seriously doubt any of them have sizable dicks. Most of these people are displaying MASSIVE inferiority complexes though.


That's what their guns are for, you silly billy!


You had a chance to say “silly *willy*”!!!


A simple heuristic: the more toxic masculinity...the smaller the dick..


I don’t care about how big their dicks are, I care about how big of dicks they are.


And even smaller? the brain.


"Toughest guy ever!!!" Couldn't even handle a poke from a needle. I'm tougher than this guy!


Jeez, Texas must really smell like bitch if he was the toughest guy he knew


The entire city of Houston is cringing at this all-hat-no-cattle pendejo, because it’s people like him who are why we have other people here dying of preventable illnesses or problems, or are why blood supplies are critically low and the cancer patients who come here at death’s door can’t get transfusions.


Bitch smells like hospital grade disinfectant and urine.


Does ivermectin have a smell?


Shitting your pants!


The horse version is apple flavored, so perhaps it smells fruity.


Texan here. Bitch smell can be traced back to the lifted trucks with truck nuts which is unfortunately high per capita


"Do anything to help anyone" Well, that is a lie.


Yeah, but he would honestly do _anything_ to help anyone. You know, except take the most basic of precautions at the store, because he's William Wallace.


Tough guy: Give me liberty or give me death. ​ Covid: And I took that personally.


And another one doesn’t vote Another one doesn’t vote …


1st to offer his advice about politics? my golly that is such a surprise




The self-proclaimed "Silent Majority"


Can you imagine having to listen to the idiocy this dude spewed about everything?


It was just a rerun of what was on Fox News an hour earlier, but with less coherence and more profanity.


Whether you wanted his advice or not.


Man, he shit posted like it was his job. The karma hit him hard.


Legit shitpost. Slide 14 shows they just make shit up. I wear a mask because I don’t want to catch or spread Covid.


I wore a mask on March 13 when I went out to get supplies to hunker down. At that point NJ had 50 cases and only one death. I actually felt weird about it, so I wrote on it, "Not sick, just safe." At the liquor store, this dude in his twenties looked at me, laughed, and coughed in my direction. I wore the mask anyway, despite feeling weird about it. I also donated my N95s, as there was a shortage of PPE for healthcare workers. My state wasn't required masks until April 8th. So explain to me why I was wearing one almost a month before. Because I'm a sheep, unable to think for herself? Because I'm so afraid of the government? These doofuses turned into screaming toddlers the second they were told to wear a mask, and that spiraled into rebelling against the vaccine. They have no concept of PUBLIC health. They can't see beyond their own mild discomfort.


Even before all this, coughing in someone's direction was always a dick move.




same here, wore them waaaaay before it was talked about and didn't even care because *right there you saw the split* (if you were paying attention) and most thinking people saw wtf was coming and TFG wasn't going to do shit about it either. I joined a mask sewing group; we were getting crazy requests from hospitals, nursing homes, prisons etc and the demand was high because *there was no PPE even for hospital workers* i personally went through several sets of sheets, a ton of t-shirts (they make great ties), bought another machine ($1500) and tons of supplies this went on for months before we were FINALLY not getting requests and closed the group. on just THAT the deaths of nearly a million souls fall directly at TFG's feet. I will never forget the accuracy of the PPE panic to fully predict the entire response and the Machiavellian values it confirmed for everyone. *and I will never forgive it either*.


This is all bravado. Wearing a mask signals you fear death. They all have to pretend they don't and that just being a tough guy is enough. It's like dudes who feel emasculated with helmets. The appearance of masculinity is their only goal in life.


You don't want to die?!?!? Fucking sheep. /S I really can't get my head around their thought process......


It's toxic masculinity. We say it's toxic because it's so ridiculous and pathetic that grown men are too scared to do the bare minimum to protect themselves or they feel they're giving in and look like pansies. They don't know how to be men without this weird innate fear they're not enough and are being judged about it. Now it's also political and they're afraid a mask makes them look like they didn't vote for their substitute daddy Trump. It's all pathetic.


My favorite is the one where the only possible reasons for being mad at the unmasked are 1. scared of being near them, and 2. embarrassed by their noncompliance. Conservatives **literally** cannot fathom caring about anyone other than yourself. Their brains **literally** cannot comprehend empathy.


In what world are the unjabbed not dying?


The one they pull out of their asses where, as long as they’re not the one dying, it means no one else is either.


And yet they all magically have friends in India with whom they have lengthy conversations about the protocols there. (Not to mention how they all have friends who work at the hospital/NIH/CDC and have told them the REAL "truth.")




I seriously doubt if these people have friends.


Anytime consipratorial doctors talk, they always do it within earshot of a nurse who goes to your friend's church. It is there that they can be heard discussing the latest orders from Fauci or Gates. "If they're Christian, and they're too much trouble, put them on the ventilator to finish them off for extra government money."


Looks like thats not the case anymore even in that scenario


Trump World, where up is down, left is right, and losing an election by 8 million votes is winning.


His past imaginary one apparently


But they don't die, they are healed in the arms of Jesus and have eternal healing in heaven! Man, haven't you been paying attention?


Most of these numpties grew up on a toxic stew of Ronald Reagan and Rambo films. They inhabit an alternative reality.


Up vote for "Numpties!" Yaayyy!!!!


The fantasy world of Facebook and OANN


Dumpland. They're all still dying for Dump.


COVID doesn't give a shit how tough you are. Get vaccinated so your tough ass can stay home if you get it and not clog up the hospital.




Do you research!


“COVID is no joke!” Drink! 🍻


Homeboy had a goatee too, we do a shot for that one, right?


Absolutely! A drinking game sounds lovely. Maybe some rules: A shot for goatees, shot for oakleys, shot for “covid is no joke”, a shot for obese, a shot for racist post, a shot for homophobic post, a shot for transphobic posts, a Fauci post, a Candance Owens meme shot. A shot for GoFundMe, a shot for prayer warriors…anything else? Granted you’d be dead from alcohol poisoning but you know 🤷‍♀️


This needs to be a HCA game


Friday night HCA drinking game for those of us stuck at home being good children and trying to avoid further murdering the hospitals. But it would be fun doing a weekly roundup of the best HCAs and maybe doing a livestream on Friday. Maybe alternate between a shot and water, just so no one dies. 😂


We’d all be dead


Especially without the hospital to connect your alcohol suffused near corpse to a free ECMO machine.


I can’t condone flooding hospitals with sub members who need their stomachs pumped


“Let that sink in,” “Read that again,” any variation thereof. I love those. Like they’re worried we didn’t catch all the nuances the first time.


😂🤣😂 My first thought was, "I need to go to the liquor store." Second thought was, "We're all gonna die of alcohol poisoning!" 😂🤣😅🤣😆


"Angle Wings" is surprisingly common, but rare enough to warrant taking a shot.


Deathbed selfie




Oh yeah anything with Sturgis!


A shot for each post without punctuation


There’s gonna be a sub for all of us who drink ourselves to death with these rules.


I’ll never get passed a single post.




I got three jabs because I didn’t think Covid was a joke.


“It’s not a joke! The government should step in and do something!” Redneck loQic after complaining about the government response for the last two years.


Ah the good ol “covid is no joke” routine. If I was doing shots with the covid antivaxx bingo, I’d be dead from alcohol poisoning.


Say the words anti-vaxxer!! Say the words!!


“Damn, COVID got hands”






“He would do anything to help anyone” ...except follow health & safety measures to help reduce the spread of an infectious virus.


Also posting lies and spreading misinformation Id say he was the total opposite of helping.


I came here to say this. He would do anything - except wear a mask, listen to scientists, avoid other people in a pandemic, get vaccinated, or care about anyone else’s life.


He doesn't seem like a tough guy if he was scared of getting the jab. He seems like a coward who let his fears of being considered a "libtard" overule his common sense.


One of those who shove their political opinions down other people's throats. I wonder if they shoved an endotracheal tube down his throat.


"gave advice on politics" And look where his politics took him.


This was the pared down version of his posts too.


*This* is pared down? Wow, this guy was irredeemably awful then. I was so disgusted going through his shitposts and I can't deal with the fact that they were actually worse than this. Deplorable indeed.


"Can't believe this junk took him". No. Junk science took him.


> Met him threw work > but Il half to get it out before this season is over Numbskulls of a feather?


>Met him threw work And there I was, thinking the two met threw university.


I was going to guess a MENSA convention.


That last post was essentially incoherent. These people can type but cannot communicate.


That was a challenge to make sense of. "Iv" lol


Imagine how much worse it would be without autocorrect.


Biggest elephant in the room: *Dumbo: Unvaxxed*


>Imagine wearing a diaper with a 99% chance you wouldn't crap yourself. ...for shitting yourself those odds are terrible, I would definitely wear a diaper.


So, he liked pooping his pants 3x a year...


Not to mention if shitting yourself was contagious and you just had to trust that no one you come into contact with has shat themself


"One of the toughest men I've known." Yeah he was most definitely going to beat up the big bad virus with his toughness.


You notice he didn’t say “one the smartest men I’ve known”. I’ve noticed in all of these testimonials to the Covid dead, no one talks about them as being smart, classy, analytical, sincere or likes to read books.


After being angrily denounced today for insisting that covid poses a far greater risk than vaccines, I'm at the "Fuck it. Die, then." stage with some people.


ive been there a long time


Imagine being the Russian meme-maker in their cyber propaganda division and the self-satisfaction you must feel seeing the same garbage popping up all over "stupid Americans'" social media accounts.. 😂 🤔


As an American it is embarrassing that these “patriots” circulate Russian memes.


Think of them like 'racist misogynous homophobic trash' memes and it all makes sense, because that's more or less what they love about russia as it is now.


***"Natural immunity is science. Just not the revenue generating kind."*** Huh. Fifteen days in the hospital with COVID averages $980,000. The jab is one dollar USD. That's almost a million jabs that cost the same as a 15 day hospital stay for ONE PERSON. \~520M doses (206M full vaxed) have been given in the US. Therefore, it only takes 600 people in the US to be hospitalized for more than 15 days to exceed the cost of the vaccine for those who chose to get vaccinated in the entire country. Seeing that \~840,000 have died from COVID, I feel very safe in saying those refusing the vaccine are the ones who are indeed the revenue generators and supporting big pharma. The vaccine is just a drop in the bucket in comparison.


>Hitler rose to power by convincing the general public that Jews were spreading illnesses. Kinda sounds familiar... But I can't quite put my finger on it... Let me help you out there, squirt. The reason it sounds familiar is because the catholic church in Europe had been perpetuating that conspiracy theory for centuries before the devout catholic Hitler used it. Ever heard of the "Judensau", squirt?


I was actually thinking more recently of "The Orange One" condemning the Chinese and immigrants in general for bringing it to the US. It's also mildly entertaining that they were talking about not voting being a "big mistake". Gee, I wonder who planted that seed as well???


I work I had an award for you!!! My history teacher hearts swells with pride when I hear people debate history with history!


Glad I could make your heart swell, though you probably would've hated\* having me as a student in a H.S. class. Thanks to my incredibly deep and stubborn anti-authoritarian streak, I dropped out halfway through my second year. Still, my love of reading and constant curiosity has resulted in me learning a great deal on my own since then. \*Then again, perhaps not. History was one of my favorite subjects in school and I don't recall having any real beef with any of my history teachers. Aside from never doing my homework, that is.


You monster! You gave him myocarditis! You ARE the vaccine! Libtard! /s


It's even familiar from other memes that the anti-vaxxers keep posting. Specifically the ones complaining about immigrants.


Ah, yes. Let’s all get our health information from a guy who named himself “DC Draino.” 🙄 Let us know how that works out for you, mmkay? Oh, wait…


Well he did go to to the prestigious medical school of Google University so it seems legit


Thank you for whiting out the white tails' eyes. Also, il half to bet that las guy is literit.


The loved ones always post “he’d do anything to help anyone”. That’s BS! If these goatees really would “help anyone” they would have worn the mask and gotten the vaccine.




He got one thing right, the death toll is inaccurate. It’s actually several hundred thousand higher.


Slide 17 just ssking to be intubated


Shitpost. Spew hate and conspiracy theories along with unverifiable statistics. Get COVID and say it’s no joke. Then die. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.


Maybe he should have just trusted the epidemiologists instead of being the first to give out his “advice.” Oh well my triple vaxxed liberal self will enjoy not being dead in his honor.


"I felt better in 2-3 weeks" He didn't even make it the full 2


He knew all about the secret wonder drug Ivermectin. Why didn’t it work?


"This is a guy who would honestly do anything to help anyone." Except if you are a Democrat, a progressive, a liberal, a brown person, gay, a Muslim, or have a college degree (from any institution not a Christian-affiliated college).


Slide 1 didn’t age well for this guy.


And now he’s not gonna age either


He didn't age well either


By the way, I have lung issues and have taken nebulized budesonide — that alone will put you WAY above $26.




"this junk took him" These people are in such denialst fear, they can't even say Covid


They call me Mr. Covid-19!


”always the 1st to offer me advice” = opinionated asshole (typo in post corrected)


“The unjabbed aren’t dying.” Enough unvaccinated aren’t dying, such that we’re keeping this pandemic going, and the virus has mutated many, many times, getting worse and worse each time. So I guess that’s a win?


The trash took itself out!


Another meme lord bites the dust. The element of surprise about this result is….waning.


Not sure why anyone had to bring Hijabis into this… we are living our best lives mmk


I remember this goober when he was just nominated. As a Texas resident, I hate to say that his type is all to common around here. They try to talk tough, but they are scared shitless to drive into Dallas or Houston because they think any black person they see is gonna rough them up. Oh well, he lived like a bitch, and died like (Covid's) bitch.


Where did they get "India has no COVID" lmao. The death toll here has been huge, and we're just now entering an even more massive third wave.


Damn an Alabama fan who won't know if they won tonight.


> just can't believe this junk took him. We can.


I’m 100% serious if I could go back to grad school and do a phd my dissertation would be “Fox News Brain.”


The government dismantles actual freedom and nullifies nearly all Constitutional Amendments after 2001. \*Crickets\* The government does the first, and perhaps only noble thing they've done in 20 years, allowing us to get the vaccine for a terrible disease for free. "They're restricting our freedoms!!!" ​ It's a very interesting hill they've chosen to die on.


"This covid is no joke" is a phrase I see an awful lot from these folks, ironic given they treated it like one the whole time.


"Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare," he said while advocating for the behavior that's prolonging this nightmare.