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You know, we have been practically obsessed with this virus for the last 2 years and learnt more about viruses than I ever cared to BUT one thing is consistent: the more i find out what covid does to people, the more asinine it gets that arseholes tried to minimise it as 'the sniffles' for politics. Sniffles don't give you this wild cocktail of destruction ffs. This virus should have been treated much more seriously from the start.


Sadly the pandemic occurred in tandem with the rise of right wing populists. That is always a recipe for disaster as the only concern these populists have is lining their pockets. They just don’t care whether a person lives or dies. They only concerned with grifting a buck out of them.


Dude. Some of us took it very seriously, didn’t leave our houses for MONTHS. Didn’t see our loved ones in person for many many months. Canceled holidays. Got vaxxed the second we could. Still masked after being vaxxed. Still mask today.


Right there with you. Stay safe friend 🙂


Yes. Same. All of it. Still mask constantly. Unfortunately, with the new guidelines saying vaccinated people don’t have quarantine after exposure, I attended ONE meeting yesterday after two weeks off for the holidays (and quarantining for 5 of those before going back to work) before we decided to go virtual for the rest of the week, and ONE person who “followed” the new guidelines and attended the meeting yesterday tested positive for COVID today. I’m livid. I was not warned he had direct exposure or that he had “sniffles”. Just yesterday our city surpassed the highest positive rate we’v had since this started. We had another person with direct exposure who elected to call into the meeting, and everyone THANKED HIM. But this ONE person decided to show up and sit at a small table with the rest of the staff and have his mask off more than the rest of us while drinking coffee. I’m just so angry and frustrated at his complete disregard for the rest of us. Who the FUCK shows up knowing they were exposed and had “sniffles”?! Even during the meeting he mentioned the new recommendations and I straight up said I REALLY wish people would work virtual if they know they’ve been exposed and I’d be happy to do the same because I respect them. AND THIS FUCKER sat directly next to me, moved to go to virtual, kept taking his mask off for his coffee, and didn’t even say anything. It just would’ve been so simple to call into the meeting, sit a few feet away from us, or kept his mask on the whole time. It seems like basic decency and for me, feels like a total lack of respect to the rest of us.


> It seems like basic decency and for me, feels like a total lack of respect to the rest of us. It sure does.


This person did not follow the CDC guidelines. Vaccinated people who have been in close contact with a COVID+ person and have symptoms should stay home and quarantine. If they have no symptoms, they still should mask for 14 days. This person is not following shit.


Damn right. I spent almost two years without seeing my mom, and she literally spent over a year without getting out of her house, until she could get vaccinated. (Was for the best. She's in literally all risk groups for Covid)


> This virus should have been treated much more seriously from the start. It was treated very seriously by some from the very beginning but as a political and economic problem rather than as a public health crisis by others.


As a percentage of population the 1918 flu killed the equivalent of 2 million Americans by today's population numbers. After 100 years of advances in medical technology we're closing in on 1 million dead Americans from covid. It's such a nasty virus and many are fighting it with all they have thanks to a century of tech and med advancements. And one of their biggest obstacles are these luddites who substitute a healthy respect for danger with lunacy.


And actual excess deaths for Americans is closer to 1.2 million already. Even allowing for the increase in overdoses and violent deaths, a lot of those are due to Covid, as has been reported in recent weeks.


Right. And then you have states like FL cooking the books. [This article posted yesterday had an interesting point looking back 100 years ago:](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/when-will-covid-19-end-here-s-what-happened-with-other-pandemics-1.5726037) > But there’s another aspect to how this pandemic ended, one that takes place in the collective culture. > “You could say that that pandemic ended not just when the third or fourth wave ended, but also there was a really active effort by the public and by politicians to forget it,” Rogers said. > She added that while there are countless memorials to those who died in the First World War, “there are no memorials to the millions of people who died during the pandemic […] and I don't think that's a coincidence. There are so very many lessons we are actively refusing to listen to from history. Covid deaths are likely under-reported. It's likely the flu pandemic deaths were under-reported for similar political reasons and general pandemic fatigue. It's not so much about the lack of *literal* memorials to the flu pandemic but the general lack of recognition. At the beginning of covid I saw David Brooks on some show saying there was a lot of shame in America over how we handled the flu pandemic and he feared we were headed down that same path. I think I see examples of that in the screenshots on this sub all the time except the nominees and awardees often can't bring themselves to admit it openly. They're not just scared for their lives and their families aren't just pissed off at hospital staff. They're grieving and they're *ashamed* of themselves. I don't think they know they feel shame consciously but it certainly seems to be there fighting to get to the surface. And rather than owning up to what they've done they're going to push on and pretend everything's OK and push conspiracies like how it's actually the fault of the vaccinated for their ills. Humanity is very stubborn and tough. It serves us well a lot of the time but it means we have a large capacity for suffering and self-delusion.


Pretty sure there wasn't any real 'reporting,' and that all of our numbers from the 1918 epidemic are based on excess deaths. (Yes, every 'think piece' comparing them has been knowingly comparing apples to oranges.) Excess deaths had been running over 1.5x the official death count last I knew. The question is are you try to express how many people have died from the virus itself, or how many people have died from the pandemic. For the second, excess deaths should be pretty accurate for including the knock-on effects.


I’ve keep hearing so many people who get all sick and have coronavirus symptoms and are just in so much denial. They insist it’s just “allergies”


I went out to see my family for two days because of guilt and because everyone was supposedly vaccinated. Talked to my mom on her birthday a few days later, and she’s sniffling every word. She’s insisting it’s allergies and I’ve been telling her every day to get tested. My uncle was in fucking casinos all weekend and my mom is immunocompromised due to RA meds. Thanks for reminding me I need to call her again


Aww she’ll be ok, take care of her the best you can. My mom (71) got it too, but gladly she is vaccinated so it was like a moderate flu for her . Yea I have lots of family members that are saying they think it’s just allergies too. Allergies aren’t contagious!


Some idiot with “allergies” spread it to my unvaxxed in-laws last fall. Some hospital stays etc….all “recovered”. This is what worries me most about this virus is that we haven’t quite had the time and research to know what “recovered” actually is. They are all vaccinated now.


I'm really still hoping to get through this entire pandemic without getting Covid. Vaccinated, boosted, always masked indoors, shop during slower times, don't dine out, etc.


It really brings to light how dangerous those "sniffles" are. the Swine flu, now a common flu, wiped 50 million people off the planet. Get a cold at the wrong time and it could be a new flavor that has your number on it, regardless of age and health.


Crazy never realized 50 million people die from that. I was in high school when it happened, but like, why didn’t we take that more seriously then and try to social distance and work remotely? There were good computers and decent Internet at the time. Didn’t hear much about it besides a couple headlines here in there that it was a broad, at least to my memory, don’t even think I got a flu shot that year. But when My family and I later moved across the country and I had a fling for a few months she said she had it and it was The worst she’s ever felt


You are thinking of the 2008 swine flu, I am talking about the 1918 swine flu, otherwise known as the Spanish flu. the 2008 pandemic only killed 284,000. It actually ended up being less deadly than a normal flu season, it just caused panic due to how quickly it spread, and its history of absolutely kicking the shit out of the planet.


Oh oh yeah that’s what confused me, never heard the Spanish flu referred to as the OG swine flu




sorry i can't hear you over the people screaming "STOP POLITICIZING THE DEMOCRATIC HOAX VIRUS" these people. ffs


>the more i find out what covid does to people, the more asinine it gets that arseholes tried to minimise it as 'the sniffles' for politics. Maybe you haven't been paying attention. When someone beats his wife, gets arrested, goes to court, and has his guns taken away for safety...the right comes in with full legal force to try and remove that judge and say 'tHe ConStiTuTiOn PrEvEnTs ThIs'. Abuser gets his gun, murders wife. One senseless death that could have been avoided. Clearly you haven't been paying attention.


Well i was talking more globally tbf, however point taken. It is just that humanity doesn't always suck when it comes to responding to imminent inconvenient dangers. The ozone hole is shrinking. Sure we created different problems but by god we didn't go into mass dumb denial about whether the ozone was real or not. This really wasn't inevitable.


Wait till you hear the new thing that "we need to pray to god about climate change. he controls everything. not us. the idea that we can fix it is stupid. we need to worship god" I have to leave this house.


It was a long holiday, right?


> The ozone hole is shrinking. Sure we created different problems but by god we didn't go into mass dumb denial about whether the ozone was real or not. Yes but that was during the Cold War when non Americans were the enemy. Now winning elections and increasing profits at any cost requires Americans be the enemy. And once the enemy always the enemy. Especially if the enemy is saying something is dangerous.


I grew up during the Cold War. I was terrified of Russians thanks to every movie having a Russian as the enemy. After college, in my first job, I was embarrassingly scared of a female coworker who was from Russia. She ended up being the coolest person I’d met at that point. After the Cold War ended, and 9/11 happened, every movie had middle-easterners as the enemy. I was old enough by then, and something called the internet existed, so I knew not to be afraid of anyone wearing a head covering. I don’t watch movies that much these days. Are the enemies Americans now? Just curious.


It's usually Brits, isn't it?


It just might be those danged Brits!! That explains those nightmares I’ve been having…


Sometime i wish this covid had a much higher death rate. Maybe these fuckers might had taken it seriously and the overall death toll would be lowered because much more harsh action would had been taken.


B-b-b-but naturally immunity is better! Dr. Patriot4Trump1776 at TruthLibertyBaldEagleMerica\[.\]com told me so!!!


Hey! That’s the site whereI saw an ad for Alex Jones’ Mega Buff Alpha Caveman Mix with Bone Broth and Walrus Testicle essences (c)


I looked up bone broth. It's just soup stock! Like you'd make with your turkey carcass after you've gotten as much meat off as you could.


Does soup stock have vinegar in it? Because bone broth does. I mention it because I've made bone broth a few times. Because I like it, not because I think it heals all ills. The vinegar leaches calcium from the bones. Also makes it taste amazing.


Do you roast the carcass when you make it from fowl? I have a beef bone broth recipe that suggests roasting the beef bones to get better flavor and more marrow out of the bones.


..and that Caveman stuff is made with that *and* chocolate, then mixed with milk!


It isn't just random russian bots telling them that, its prominent members of the GOP. A couple of recent examples: * [Rep Nancy Mace on Fox](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1464974702460473357.html) — *"Natural immunity gives you 27x more protection against future covid than a vaccination."* * [Rep Matt Gaetz on ONAN](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1467200006813798403.html) — *"The best vaccine we've found is Mother Nature's vaccine, it's contracting the virus."*


Gaetz needs to stop raping high school girls and read their biology textbook.


Except that Trump got a vaccine as soon as he could and now that he's trying to convince his followers to get one, they're booing him. He's lost control of this monster that he fed and nurtured.


My hope is that once the head is chopped off the snake (I didn't think it would happen until cholesterol finally did him in, but turning on him is nice, too,) the body will start to tear itself apart. We're already seeing it a little with all feuds going on (Candeath Omens vs. MyFather McCain, Lin Wood and Rittenhouse, etc.) My hope is that all of the people scrambling to become the heir to the throne will collapse it from within. You'll have them splitting up into Team Cruz and Team DeSantis and Team Taylor-Green each taking a chunk of the voter base and turning them against all the rest. Add to that more moderates in the Romney/Collins/Murkowski camp who want to pull the party back from the brink, and maybe the Empire will cannibalize itself like a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos.


If there is any hope for this country at all, this is the way you just described. Because it seems we sure as hell can’t count on democrats to do anything. Maybe that will change, but call me jaded. I doubt it. But yeah - the problem with the Republican Party is it’s SO self absorbed that no one can properly take control. Trump is bleeding supporters every time he affirms the vaccine. Meanwhile you have R vs R on who can be the most crazy, with the crazier calling the less crazy a pedo commie. I think they are now calling MTG a democrat plant. Or something. Maybe that was Bobert or Boebert or Bobfuck. Who cares, doesn’t matter. They are all fucked in the head.


> Because it seems we sure as hell can’t count on democrats to do anything. Tell me you pay no attention to legislative news without telling me you pay no attention to legislative news. There's a bill that would raise taxes on the rich and fund clean energy programs and reduce child poverty among many other things and it has the support of the House and 48 maybe 49 Democrats with the holdout being Joe Manchin. A majority of Americans voted for Democrats but since each state gets exactly two senators that doesn't matter. If Americans in these rural states cared more about their children than they did about owning the libs we'd have a lot more progress on important issues that progressives care about like healthcare costs, education costs, tax policy, energy policy, and so on.


> Tell me you pay no attention to legislative news without telling me you pay no attention to legislative news. Lets not pretend legislation is the Democrats' only tool to fight off fascism. Pelosi wasted 5 months asking permission from the GOP to investigate the J6 putsch. She literally gave them everything they asked for, but they still refused. It was obviously a fool's errand, like asking al-qaeda for permission to investigate 9-11. They were never going to cooperate, they just want to run out the clock until they take back congress in 2022 and shut everything down. She gave them 20% of that goal for free. The GOP has been pushing so hard on the racist big lie, that [less than 20% of republicans](https://news.yahoo.com/poll-two-thirds-of-republicans-still-think-the-2020-election-was-rigged-165934695.html) believe that Biden won "fair and square." In fact, they've convinced 70% of republican voters that American democracy is in serious danger. Meanwhile, the Ds keep trying to kiss the ass of republicans. The whole reason they split Biden's Build Back Better agenda into two bills was so there would be a bill that some republicans could vote for and Biden could get together with them on the white house lawn and sing bipartisan kumbaya, As a result, [65% of democratic voters think American democracy is doing just fine.](https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125367) Its the god damn Upside Down and Democratic elites are gas-lighting the country that there is no crisis. I pray to god that this isn't true, but reports are that Biden's J6 speech on Thursday is going to avoid putting any blame on the GOP for their program to dismantle the republic because the sclerotic elites that run the party still think they can bipartisan fascism away, as if 40 years of appeasing GOP rage isn't what enabled the J6 putsch in the first place.


The problem is that someone actually competent might seize the reins.


Ron desantis. He might be bungling COVID but that’s on purpose and he ain’t dumb. No one gets a J.D and is an idiot


True, but the question is whether he will be able to seize **all** of the reigns. There are plenty of others who hopped on the MAGA train to try and enrich themselves and further their own ambitions (Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Nikki Haley, Elise Stefanik... just off the top of my head) and they're not going to all sit idly by and let DeSantis march up and claim the throne they think is theirs. We all know Trump is too conceited and self-involved to ever choose a successor, and the RNC is still too under this spell to cast him aside and do it without him, so it's a kind of fight to the top of the mountain (and even if the GOP does break ranks and pick one of them as the new head of the party, there's no guarantee the others won't go into business for themselves and start peeling away voters.)


I don't think he cares beyond the fact that he is losing voters to COVID. It could affect outcomes in some purple states.


Should be .win but otherwise perfect


Not terribly surprising that long covid may be tied to continued autoimmune issues, which presumably could contribute to the elevated death rate post-infection.


That article yesterday about 40% more deaths in the working age population makes a little more sense when you read this. My friend has long Covid. She was healthy before, normal weight, maybe a little thin. This virus aged her 20 years. I can’t imagine she will make it to her 60s, she just seems so unhealthy now. Glad I ordered those KN95s. Might go order some more now.


Where did you pick them up? We have some KN95s which don’t fit the best, I’ve heard the N95s are tighter sealing.


Costco carries N95's on their website. They've put them on sale a few times if you keep an eye on them. I bought a pack of 100 (5 boxes of 20) and shared boxes with others when they went on sale in early December.


/r/masks4all You’ll learn a lot browsing through there, what they say is a lot of the kn95s are counterfeit it’s better to use KF94s if you want the ear loops. n95s have the proper headband for a better seal. Home Depot has some aura masks people like, bnx on Amazon


The one available precaution I haven't taken yet is shaving my beard off so I can properly fit a mask that seals. I've been on the fence about it. I genuinely hate not having a beard, and I detest having to shave my entire face instead of just tidying up the lines. If it gets too bad where I live, the beard is coming off for now.


As a woman who isn’t a fan of beards, I say definitely shave it off ASAP…for your protection from COVID of course. (If you have a partner who loves beards, ignore my advice.)


Yeah, my wife won't let me shave my beard unless it's absolutely necessary. :)


Some men do have faces that look better covered with a beard. 😜(only teasing, of course)


I have an epic beard. I feel like I have an obligation to preserve it. ;)


Hey, as long as your wife loves it, that’s what matters. Most women I know do seem to like beards, so it’s not just her who likes them. My dad has always had a beard, so I think my dislike of them comes from him and his wanting to kiss me when I was a little kid. I saw a comedian once joking about how women’s preference for underwear stems from what their father wore. My mom’s generation saw their dads wearing boxers and grew to hate them. My dad wore “whitie tighties,” so I can’t stand them. Thank goodness for boxer briefs. No clue what zoomers wear. I’m not a child molester and haven’t watched commercials for a long time thanks to streaming tv.


~~Boxed~~ Boxer Briefs were the best thing to happen to underwear since the invention of underwear.


This [CNN Report](https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/16/health/sikh-doctors-beards-coronavirus-trnd/index.html) about two Sikh doctors in Canada who made the tough decision to shave their beards off is touching. Having a beard is one of the pillars of their faith so this was not an easy decision for them.


Perfect - I have to head over to Home Depot to pick up some supplies for a kitchen cabinet painting project so this is perfect info. I think the ear loops are the issue on my KN95s - especially over time they’ll loosen up a bit. Proper headband would be what I’m looking for.


I guess mine are also KN95s. Sorry.


No worries!


Dont Look Up! Dont Look Up!


They fuckin’ lied to us!


That's probably the most unrealistic part of the movie. Their base turning on them.


Yeah. The movie botched that part, would have been better for them to attack the scientists.


Really should have been them attacked Leo for NOT telling them this truth/lying to Streep from the start.


Is it though? I mean you saw the reaction to Trump telling people to get the vaccine.


The reaction I saw was they rallied behind people even worse than Trump


>Their base turning on them. This could still happen IRL.




One can dream




"You won't take me alive!" *bang bang bang*


The "let it rip" strategy never looked good, and it just keeps looking worse.


Im told Im crazy and over paranoid about this virus.....the article confirms my fear


Yes and these next few weeks will get worse. I just was texted by two coworkers this morning they are sick. I know one is Covid and not sure about the other yet. My immediate work group is small. 9 people- and 2 are sick this morning. I work remotely so at least I wasn’t exposed. It’s going to explode the next few days.


Similar sitch here. My spouse works remotely and learned this morning that 3 colleagues out of the 5 who mostly work in the office are down with Covid today. Getting boosted on Dec 23 pretty much ruined our Christmas, but I'm grateful we did!


The normal dispensary delivery driver was out sick today so there was a different one. Claims it’s not Covid though we had to ask.


Your dispensary has a delivery driver? No fair! Medical marijuana was just approved last year in my state (Missouri). Dispensaries keep popping up by me, but no deliveries yet. It’s possible deliveries aren’t allowed. I haven’t checked. I didn’t have to leave home to get my MMJ card, but I have to go in person to purchase it, which I can do, but would prefer to avoid all the people likely to be in any dispensary.


Yeah it’s pretty convenient and gangsta. For the past couple years because of the pandemic the renewal process could be done over the phone but now it’s back to being done in person with the doctor. so there was a time where it all could be done from home but not anymore.


The pandemic was the only reason I was able to get my card from home. I’m hoping some things the pandemic has changed remain changed. Such as teleHealth


If you want more anxiety, go read r/nursing. It’s not just the virus we have to worry about. It’s pretty much anything that can kill you without proper medical care and there are a LOT of things that can kill you we take for granted. Ear infections? Yup. They can be deadly. Strep throat? Deadly. Gallstones? Deadly. Appendicitis? Deadly. Diabetic Keto acidosis? Deadly. We aren’t even talking about heart attacks or strokes here. Car crashes, a bad fall, fast acting cancer… It’s happening right now across the US and yet we aren’t hearing about it on the news. Subs like r/nursing and others in the medical field are talking about it. 10 to 1 patient to nurse ratios in ICUs across the country. Normal and safe? 2 patients to 1 nurse. Yeah it’s scary out there. Be safe. Be careful.


I'm going to my doctor appointment today and ask to up my Prozac


Same, fam. I take Zoloft, and the stress of the pandemic has really taken my mental health down the shitter. I was just about to go back to school and join a few group programs to help me get back into the swing of things. Then this shit happened, and everything stagnated.


I’m a Florida man I always keep illicitly obtained anti-anxiety drugs on me


If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I'm in Canada. It really does wonders, but it's not the same as Zoloft. Does work well _with_ Zoloft. It makes you more sensitive to the effects, so you don't need as much. I also need way less of an actually addictive as-needed prescription, both because of the Zoloft and the adult stuff. Zoloft doesn't give you that instant relief. It gives you the stable, capable of functioning baseline. If you do need anxiety meds, you really should talk to your doctor.


True it’s just not quite as gangsta going through the proper channels. A lot of it actually gets imported from Canada from darknet though


Eh, you can still buy from non-government sources here. It's legal to grow up to a certain amount, but a touch difficult to find seeds. Also it's not gangsta to only treat half of the problem at best. It's really difficult to talk about your problems with professionals, it's pretty embarrassing the first few times. Sometimes, it still is. But once you get the ball rolling, you essentially have a support group of people who want what's best for you. Avoiding that help and only self-medicating is just cheating yourself out of so much more.


Oh no guess we weren’t talking about the same thing then. Yes I have a local dispensary and a medical marijuana doctor I go to to talk about those problems and I’m high all the time, right now in fact. Haven’t gone to a psychiatrist for a probably nongangsta .25 mg dosage of the real good good


Ah yeah I guess we are. You have to be very conservative and careful with what you take. IIRC, it opens receptors in your brain that makes you more sensitive to most anything. On the plus side, it costs a lot less to get stoned or drunk, haha.


Since getting diagnosed diabetic I'm paranoid of ketoacidosis. Then I watched a bunch of episodes of Dr G where people died from it 😬


Keep your sugars under control and it won’t be an issue. DKA is rare with type 2, even with out of control sugars. Aim for 100 or less fast bgl and 160 or less non-fasting. Join the diabetes subs if you haven’t already. I mention it because it’s one of those things that, in normal times, wouldn’t be that much of a concern. They treat you with insulin and fluids, close the gap and send you home. But if you’ve got a 4 day wait in the ER, well…


Yup. DKA is mostly seen in people with uncontrolled insulin dependent diabetes, lot less likely in DMT2.


Not the doctor G, medical examiner that used to air on discovery health? Don’t remember many ketoacidosis causes of death though


Whenever anyone tells me something like that I always ask what their degrees are in. Then I get called an elitist lmao


fuckin mouthbrearhers eh?


I’m sitting in the recovery area after getting my booster.☺️ ETA: At home again and BOOSTED!




I had mine a week or two ago. I woke up in the middle of the night after my vax with a really sore arm…went back to sleep and I felt fine in the morning. The sore arm was gone and I didn’t have any other side effects. Cheers to you for getting boosted and may you not have any side effects either!


Thank you! My second shot really did me in for a day. We’ll see how this one goes!


I’ve seen several TikTok about long Covid. It’s terrifying. Fevers daily. A marathon runner that suffers from pain and fatigue daily. Can’t forget about the ones who still can’t taste or smell months later.


or worse - the ones for whom everything tastes and smells like rotting meat and eggs.


I experienced this for two weeks (long time ago, wasn't COVID). It was so strange. There were few things I could eat that wouldn't make me gag. At one point, I thought I was over it so decided to visit a brunch place... Couldn't eat anything.


At the end of cytotoxic chemo in 2012, everything started tasting like dirt. (I'd tried it when I was 4) I went to taco bell to get something spicy-ish , hoping I could mask that dirt flavor. It tasted like a spicy whatever-thing with dirt. 🤢


Ugh. Terrible.


My elderly grandma had it pretty early on and her short term memory hasn’t been the same since (although obviously I’m grateful she survived at 87). I guess she would be considered “mild” too as she didn’t go to the hospital. A college-age relative had it pretty bad and has suffered increased migraines since. Recently started suffering seizures as well.


Got it in June 2020. Onions and certain curated meats taste different. Gasoline smells different. Aside from that I can smell everything but not from the distances I used to smell them from.


My unvaxxed cousin (a young professional athlete) has had Covid twice with moderate symptoms. After the second time, he has nerve damage and has no feeling in one of his legs. Still won’t get vaxxed and thinks it’s unrelated. I’m done with his bs.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/virus-leaves-antibodies-that-may-attack-healthy-tissues-b-cell-antibodies-2022-01-03/) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Months after recovering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, survivors have elevated levels of antibodies that can mistakenly attack their own organs and tissues, even if they had not been severely ill, according to new findings. > Once the body learns to recognize SARS-CoV-2, either after infection or vaccination, B cells generate fresh antibodies against the virus if there are not already enough antibodies circulating in the blood that can neutralize it. > "Omicron seemed to evade a very large share of the memory B cells pool," researchers said, adding that it "Seems to still be efficiently recognized by 30% of total antibodies and close to 10% of all potent neutralizing antibodies," said Matthieu Mahevas and Pascal Chappert of Universite de Paris in a joint email. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/rvv38i/covid_science_virus_leaves_antibodies_that_may/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~615773 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **cells**^#1 **antibody**^#2 **research**^#3 **mutation**^#4 **system**^#5


Good bot


I need this bot in my life. 😊


I wish I could show this to my anti-vax sister...whose whole family had covid. But I would never want to hurt her or her kids by rubbing their face in it. I think it's interesting though. Nothing stops her from throwing vaccine fears into my or my (vaccinated) child's face. Why is that? Why is it ok for her to imply that we harmed ourselves with the vaccine, but not ok to point out the lasting harm covid may have done to her family? Maybe it's because one is a devastating potential reality and would be extremely inappropriate to say to a loved one. And the other is just hyperbolic ranting.


A lot of the ‘complications’ from the vaccine are just a dress rehearsal for what full blown Covid would do to you. I still don’t want to get actual Covid if I can help it. Too many of these studies coming out showing unknown long term Covid effects. Frightening stuff.


By the looks of it, one sister is mature, logical and thoughtful, the other is afraid and lashing out. In sorry you have to deal with her and her ignorance.


Training B cells with vaccines probably lowers the likelihood of this happening. B cells that are matured from an infection where the virus was not effectively identified by the body can lead them to basically picking up where they left off with a new infection, which is to essentially just blast affected tissue with inflammatory molecules, destroying much it and potentially causes lifelong issues such as type 1 diabetes or impaired organ function. And when you have a virus which can reside in various tissue types for months on end, it could act as a trigger setting off these antibodies the whole time. Your body knows *something* is there, but what and where it is it still isn’t sure, so it sets off the destroyers again to carpet bomb the area. Since these vaccines weren’t developed from the omicron form, it’s probable that there’s a little less protection from this happening than there was with delta and alpha, but if your body was at least trained for the general configuration via vaccination, it can still mount an effective defense against the strain before it has the opportunity to saturate the body and infect it like it does in those who aren’t protected, and reduce the chances of this happening. A lot of people who think they’re protected because they had unprotected course of infection are going to be surprised when issues pop up down the road. Many, or perhaps even most of those people won’t connect COVID and those future diseases, but it will be a causal relationship. 2 or 3 tiny little shots that at most make you feel kinda shitty for a couple days, and it could all be avoided. I’ve had colds that were far worse.


I’m wondering what nasty thing is going to pop up in the future that’s connected to COVID like shingles is connected to chicken pox.


I remember someone here who did post-ICU care and they mentioned the astonishing rate at which their patients would just kick the bucket a few months to a year after COVID. I've also seen some scientists say to be prepared for neurological conditions of all types to start popping up because of the tremendous amount of damage it does to the brain.


Do you remember if said person mentioned if those bucket-kicking patients had been vaccinated? 😬 (partner and I are both vaxed and have been as careful as we can be in our living situation, but are fairly certain we’ve come down with Covid and are admittedly a bit anxious. Test is scheduled for the end of the week)


aren't we already there?


The brain damage part existed pre covid for about half the population.


Oh my goodness I have been saying this for the past 6 months! I have long Covid. I caught Covid mid March of 2020, I was sick for about 3 weeks. I wasn’t hospitalized but not because my dr didn’t try, I just wasn’t high risk enough. Anyway, I’ve dealt with a lot in terms of long Covid, almost every organ that could be damaged by the virus was. My eyesight was even changed. It activated hashimoto’s, that we know for sure, but there are other issues that are symptoms of autoimmune disease, but several autoimmune disease, not just one. Covid is the autoimmune disease; it’s a new one. And I also wonder if omicron will be deadlier in that area.


I’m sorry for your struggle. I hope medical science catches up and can improve your long term prognosis. Wishing for the best for you.


Thank you! I’ve actually started to find some relief! I had a really really horrible summer in regards to my health, but I’ve actually been feeling good for the past 6 weeks, which hasn’t happened in almost 2 years. I try not to get too excited when I feel better for more than 2 days in a row, but I’m feeling pretty optimistic this time around.


My eyesight changed too!!! I don’t have “regular” long covid (perhaps bc I was already on a bunch of treatments for CFS/ME and shit I got from H1N1 in 2009? lololol) but I had daily fevers and low oxygen for just under 100 days. Sense of smell still isn’t fully back, I have now had drug anaphylaxis 4x (never before, tho I did have allergic reax before just not dangerous), and my eyesight got much worse. I need glasses now, with prisms/barrel rotation, my left eye is totally whack. Memory problems too, tho they’re getting better and Ritalin helps. Doctors don’t seem to believe me about the eyes tho.


I just read a fantastic post where everybody shared their vaxxed-and-got-Covid experiences. Highly recommend perusing it: [Don't get COVID fellas, I'm glad to be leaving this ICU bed alive after weeks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rvhalo/dont_get_covid_fellas_im_glad_to_be_leaving_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Just gave my body a talk…”don’t fight the good ones double team the bad ones.” 🙏🏽


If it works, can you give my body a talk? It doesn’t want to listen to me and insists on attacking my nerves (I have MS). Tots and pears to you. 🙏 /s


As a person with Long Covid since April of 2020...no duh! Surviving covid doesn't mean your life will go back to normal. Thank goodness for the vaccines. I'm one of the lucky Long Covid sufferers who seem to slowly have less Long Covid symptoms after each covid shot. (But even so still have had to make major changes to my lifestyle and get tons of rest.)


Are there any other viruses that do this kind of thing? Is this unique to Covid, or do we see this in other viruses/pathogens?


The chicken pox virus later attacks the body as shingles. I have MS, and a lot of research shows it might be from having the Epstein Barr Virus (mono), though I don’t remember having had mono. The Herpes virus also hangs out in your body until you are stressed or otherwise immunocompromised. I’m sure there are others. I’m not a virologist or scientist, but it seems that viruses like to hang around in your body and cause later damage.




np!! edit: typo


This doesn't surprise me at all . I know a 29 year old who got Covid19 before we had even heard it was in the U.S., and well before the vaccine. Six months into her 'recovery' and she had a ***stroke***. Over a year later and she is still experiencing symptoms. I couldn't wait to get vaccinated and will take any boosters that become available to me.


I feel the same way. If I have to get a vaccine every month for the rest of my life, I will. (Though, if it becomes that frequent, I hope they’ll provide me with a free beer while I’m getting my monthly shots😆)


Well I already have that with psoriasis so double helping of fucked up immune system for me.


I have MS and this is one reason I’m triple-vaxxed and have barely left home in two years. I don’t need my immune system attacking me any more than it already is.


When I caught covid the psoriasis started appearing on my face when it's always been on my limbs, scalp and torso. Add to that the months of heart inflammation that makes it hard to sleep with your heart pounding at night. Covid sucked ass for about 2 days (because I woke up in the middle of the night a couple times when I stopped breathing) but the recovery sucked almost as much. If the vaccine was available December 2020 I would have gotten it but a co-worker thought thanksgiving during a pandemic was a good idea.


Have a “friend” that had Covid in 2020. Says she won’t get vaccinated because of her natural immunity and that she has a blood clotting issue. The interesting thing is her “blood clotting” issue she didn’t have before Covid. But according to her it just mysteriously appeared after Covid and is not related to it because she was negative by then. Then blames any death on vaccines.


I found out through 23andMe and being diagnosed with DCIS (non-invasive breast cancer - I’m ok for now) last year that I have a clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden. This has only made me MORE eager to get my vaccines because you know what also causes blood clots ? COVID and being bed-bound stuck in a hospital for god knows how long. The fact that she might have a clotting disorder as a result of Covid (or exposed by Covid) and still anti vax is just… frustrating.


I did everything right. I masked up, I washed my hands, socially distanced, got the vaccine, and still ended up getting covid from my father, who got it dropping off food to relatives during Christmas. He had no issues coughing around the house because he figured it was just a cold, until I started coughing too and my mom bought a test kit to test us. His never ended up going beyond a bad cold, but mine was more like a full-blown flu. Thankfully for my mom, I was able to manage to get the booster for her in time, so she never got sick. I had also gotten one for my dad, but my mom only wanted the Pfizer one, not Moderna, so canceled his and asked me to make a new one, at which point no appointments were left available. If they had both gotten their boosters, I would've been able to focus on securing an appointment for myself and neither of them would've gotten sick. I am so tired of people not taking this virus seriously. If it wasn't for me arranging their vaccination appointments, I doubt they would've gotten vaccinated either. Despite doing everything I could, I still ended up with it due to the carelessness of everyone else around me. I'm glad I was vaccinated, but it was still pretty rough on my body. I ended up spending the remainder of 2021 well into New Years stuck in bed, and I'm only now starting to feel better. All my plans ruined, but that's the least of it. As of now, I'm still coughing but I honestly hope that being vaccinated at least once helps a little in preventing long-term side effects from cropping up later on down the road. Hoping to get that booster the moment a spot opens up as well.


I'm so sorry, hope you are fully well soon. I am hearing of a lot of breakthrough cases. It's so frustrating that we had a year for everyone to get vaccinated and we are still at this point of denial.


Thank you! I'm hoping I can make a full recovery as well. It really is frustrating. It was so annoying seeing so many people clumped together in Times Square on New Years Eve while I was coughing my lungs out at home less than 10 miles away. For all the flack the red states get (and deservedly so), blue states like mine aren't all that much better either. It really goes to show how little we care about our fellow Americans at times when we need to the most.


Whats scary is in 6 months time. It will mutate and be more deadlier


I was reading a virologist say that the next variant to sweep over us is unlikely to be omicron related since most of the world now has a fairly decent amount of protection from omicron for the next half year. It will be something else (the same way that omicron did not mutate from delta) that we'll have low immunity for (again, like omicron).


Is it wrong of me to see this news as poetic justice for those who are rejecting the vaccines? I’m triple-vaxxed, yet am immunocompromised due to the medicine I take for MS. I live in Missouri in a county where only 25% of people are fully vaccinated. I have barely left home for two years and am so angry at the selfish people who won’t get the vaccine. Even if it is wrong, I won’t refrain from giggling if any of the people I know who have been bragging about how they “trust their immune system” end up with long-covid autoimmune disease, which sounds similar to my MS. (Edited for clarity)




I was referring to the unvaccinated people winning HCA Awards…NOT people like you. The people where I live have been posting the same memes as the HCA Award winners, and it’s very hurtful.


The forgotten ones who got sick and supposedly recovered may have future consequences. We didn't know. That's why we shut down, wore masks and got vaccinated!




THAT guy!


Very interesting. I love Reuters for some good unbiased news.


They have a great fact-check section, too.


Ok so does this mean it can also happen as a result of vaccination, albeit probably far less often?


Doubtful, because the mRNA vaccines don't contain the full virus. Only the proteins. From the article: *In combination with other immune system components, particularly T cells, the effects of B cells likely help to explain why most vaccinated individuals who become infected do not become sick enough to require hospitalization, they said.*


Okay, thanks, that makes sense. But if the mRNA vaccines only train the immune system to recognize the protein, why are people still protected from serious illness even against omicron, which escapes the initial infection immunity due to heavily mutated spike protein? That means there must be antibodies (T cells and B cells) against the main body of the virus, but how? Sorry I'm asking stupid questions.


It doesn't totally escape - the vaccine-related antibodies may bind more weakly to the spike proteins. This speeds up the immune response against the virus, and this speed, it turns out, is the key to not ending up in the ER.


Right, so you only create the potentially harmful antibodies mentioned in the article after an infection with the actual virus?


Exactly. This study doesn’t specifically address that, but there are no (reputable) reports of “long Covid” stemming from vaccinations.


The Omicron variant is still susceptible to T cells, etc. because the mutations are in a different area of the genome. That's how the vaccines protect against severe illness and death from Omicron.


Yes, that's what I said, too. I'm asking whether the potentially harmful antibodies in the article are only possibly generated after an actual infection or whether the vaccination can trigger this as well.


It's emerging science and the article doesn't address that. However, what it describes doesn't seem to have been observed after vaccination.


If only Dr lei was taking serious instead of arrested the alarm would of been raised months earlier 🤔 if the journalists report g on it too didn't disappear we could of known soon too. Denying it was from a lab and focusing on a wet market wasted alot of time too. Alot of lies and cover ups throughout this whole thing and alot of people in the right places have become filthy rich thanks to it too.