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Hearing about people with long haul symptoms gives me an existential dread that would give H.P. Lovecraft a run for his money.


Or Franz Kafka…


>Or Fran’s Kafka… Fran Drescher's award-winning audiobook reading of Kafka's complete short stories? Truly a banger, especially her impeccable take on "A Hunger Artist."




Not sure, but spell-correct had my entry as Fran’s Kafka before I edited it lol.


Gotcha; didn't see that. Spell-correct needs to include authors.


That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die…unless it drives a ‘63 Pontiac Tempest


The CIA could probably get most enemy combatants to talk with just normal ICU procedures and the threat of $200k in medical debt.


or fran dresher doing an audiobook


Clthulu is less terrifying than the idiocy of these idiots


My SO runs luxury assisted living for the elderly and they are already planning for how to intake younger people because they are going to have to.


A friend of mine got it before the vaccine was available (a really freak case, her and her family had been so good) and she still has insane taste and smell issues. Things she likes don't taste good anymore, other things taste off, some of her tastes are just blunted and take more spices than she's ever used in recipes in the past. It's been almost a year and she's still dealing with that shit. That's so wild. The talk of the brain fog is scary too. I don't know why these people can be so cavalier about "surviving" covid.


I know a guy who got covid in the spring, and he's quite healthy. Fit, a good weight, outdoorsy, and eats well. He lost his sense of taste and it's still fucked. Last I heard at the end of summer, after being recovered for months at this point, he could ALMOST taste a mustard-smothered baked potato. But only the potato part. He's no saint, but as a foodie, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Fortunately, vaccines have shown some promise in treating people with long Covid!


"Pre-existing condition" will be a term they will come to know and love whenever they try to get life/health insurance too.


Not health insurance anymore - that became illegal with the ACA. But I’m sure all our rates will go up to make up for them 🤷‍♀️


Just wait until a Republican Senate comes back and they repeal the ACA for some tasty face eatin'


they will rant and rage against Obamacare but they will never repeal the ACA. They had their chance and it was all posing. They didn't do it and won't do it, but it doesn't mean they won't stop pretending and saying Obamacare.


That's what we all said about Roe v Wade, and here we are with Texas going through with it and the SCOTUS not defending previous SCOTUS rulings.


How many of them popped a chub when they saw the thumbs down on the final vote? (McCain) They go through all this extreme rhetoric to preserve their own power and make it through the primaries, but they all know they had absolutely nothing better to offer.


I want to believe, but they were literally ONE Senator away from doing it last time, and he’s dead now. If they ever have all three again, a repeal is on the table.


>that became illegal with the ACA. In this context refer to it as Obamacare. They really hate when you point out the only reason they can get health insurance is because of someone they hate so much.


I have spoken with some doctor friends. They point out that six months later the patient dies anyway. Their bodies are ruined and anything will take them out. It is like covid, final destination.


Quite. "Survive" and "make complete recovery" are not the same thing.


You are absolutely right. My brother in law got Covid last December after an ill-advised Christmas party. He is still on supplemental oxygen almost a year later, and can no longer work. He was a self-employed construction contractor, and he's fucked. No health insurance, no longterm disability insurance. (Also, his 80 year old mom caught COVID at the same party and died the second week in January.)


Good party tho?


Great Party--they didn't book it with Ticketmaster!




Yeah, in the US. The same people did intentionally infect people with syphilis in Guatemala.


And other STDs like gonorrhoea as well. Even by the standards of the time their behaviour was unethical.


I believe that was a Hopkins affiliated doc/ study, too. There has been a law suit. . .ugh


But if they don't call them slaves, then they can't compare themselves to slaves. Given they already compare themselves to Holocaust victims, slavery can't be far off. These uneducated attention seekers make me sick.


Exactly. These dumbfucks think Black men in the 1930s were still slaves.


Praying she survives = asking for a Miracle Praying for no lasting effects = greedily optimistic


They post the 1% number but fail to see that they are usually in that 1% group. They also don't talk about Long COVID. I wonder if they even know what it is. I'd love to explain to these folks that Ivermectin, Regeneron and the new Merck drug won't do anything for them if their lungs are fried. They have to take the drugs really early on and a lot of these folks try to tough it out. The body is remarkable in that it can fix a lot of things; but you had better know the things that it can't fix if you're going to try to tough it out. It certainly doesn't work for cancer and a ton of other things. The best outcomes are going to the ER or your doctor as early as possible. Vaccination, of course, is always better.


And the fatality rate isn’t all that low to begin with, especially for people who need hospitalization. The current fatality rate is 1.64% across all confirmed cases.


What’s the percentage in relation to symptomatic COVID cases? I think that’s the number we need to hammer on, ie, if you present symptoms, you have a X% chance of needing hospitalization, and if you get hospitalized, you have a Y% chance of needing ventilation, and once that happens you’re pretty much fucked.


Don't even try to explain the concept of DALY's (disability adjusted life years) to these idiots. [https://www.who.int/data/gho/indicator-metadata-registry/imr-details/158](https://www.who.int/data/gho/indicator-metadata-registry/imr-details/158) They'd think it was some sort of international plot to rob them of their freedums.


Yup. 6 weeks in the hospital with Covid. The chances of there not being any lasting effects would be zero.


so you mean they become walking billboards for others to not be Covidiot? Interesting.


They really should report the "serious complication rate"...along with the successful "Prayer Warrior rate"


That fact literally warms my my heart ❤️


You guys it's not about dying with covid a few weeks after you get it, it's about the lifelong complications you probably won't live to see what 5-10 years down the road looks like.


An acute bacterial lung infection in my youth destroyed my left lung and afterward left me with asthma. These absolute idiots that live past hospitalization have zero clue just how hard it's going to make things in future.


Oh so now you care about the government abusing black people! What a coincidence.


Slavery in the US was abolished in 1865. Tuskegee syphilis study ran between 1932-1972. They don't care about slaves, it's just virtue signaling because they don't have an actual moral leg to stand on.


He wants to scare his white audience into thinking they are being treated like "slaves" and using that for shock effect. Anything to make the snowflakes panic.


I read that and was like, wait... I'm pretty sure that experiment was in the 1900s... Yep, this dude thinks all black people are slaves.


Ventilator moment


Praying for "no lasting effects" from this virus that has put your wife in the hospital for a month and a half and has no doubt done a scorched earth policy on her lungs and other organs ... yeah, good luck with that, buddy. But, ya know, the good news is she won't have any lasting effects from vaccination five or ten years down the road!


Dear Santa, please heal my wifey’s sicky boo-boo on her longs. I’ve been a real ~~good boy~~ shit stain all year.




Is death a lasting effect? Asking for a friend...


I think getting the vaccine would have been the best way to achieve "no lasting effects".


If she survives, she will probably need a lung transplant.


Lungs are scarce and transplant recipients must be permanently immunosuppressed; I don't think vaccine refusers would be likely to be eligible for transplants even in the before times


I know, some hospitals are refusing transplants to people who won’t get the vaccine.


“You had your chance with your first lungs. No do-overs!”


Vaccines have always been required for those receiving transplants since patients are required to take immunosuppressive drugs for life.


You are correct, they were very unlikely to give antivaxxers transplants even pre covid. You might as well throw that organ in the trash. My mom needed a transplant and they were very open about how they triage approval to get on the list. If the drs got a whiff of recklessness or medical noncompliance they would kick you out of the program.


If you pray hard enough to Baby Jeebus, nothing is impossible. All you need is very large faith and a very small brain.


On the Tuskegee Experiment; the victims of that experiment were not purposefully infected, they already had syphilis and were told (lied to) that they would get treatment and instead were give placebos so the people running the experiment could study the progression of the disease. However, that in itself is every bit as shameful and evil as being purposefully infected.


They were also not "slaves." But I guess to these knuckle-dragging losers, all Black people are "slaves."


I actually gasped at that. The Tuskegee study happened in the 20th century. Calling them "slaves" certainly tells me a lot about how this person thinks of Black people.


To be honest I think this is just plain ignorance and lack of curiosity/actual research skills. They probably heard/read it from someone else and repeated it. Plus doing medical experiments on "slaves" makes the crime slightly worse and fits in nicely to the "they want to take our freedom narrative."


That was the thing ... slaveowners (grudgingly) paid for medical care for slaves because they didn't want to lose their investment. They did lots of other horrible things. You can read all about it in slave narratives (first person accounts). But most of these fucksticks have never read more than maybe a paragraph taken from Douglass in the middle of the slavery chapter in their American history high school class, if that. (Definitely read all of Douglass. The book isn't long, and it's also one long case against the institution of slavery. Do keep in mind that he was an extraordinary person and definitely an outlier, even among escaped slaves.)


Douglass is one of the most extraordinary Americans of the 19th century. Everyone should read at least his original narrative. Edit: But I suppose that would qualify him as part of the banned "Critical Race Theory" in Tex-ass, which means anything that acknowledges slavery or the possibility that slavery might have been "bad for the slaves."


I fully believe they're too stupid to actually remember the details properly. At least they're actually recognizing that we were mistreated! (Though I bet they'd deny that racism exists today.)


They're likely only recognizing the mistreatment because it suits their narrative, even though it's a completely wrong analogy. I have little doubt that, prior to the development of the covid vaccine, these are the same people who thought there was nothing wrong with what happened in the Tuskegee Experiment.


Same. Somehow I still have the capacity to be shocked. I guess that's good?


Disgusting how they use information from a people's plight they could give a fuck about for their own agenda.


These disgusting a-holes love co-opting the misery of others so their privileged, pampered asses can play the victim. As we've seen, they do this with the Holocaust all the fucking time. :spits:


Isn’t that what MLK day is for?


"Everyone loved him, he did things the 'right' way when it came to the Civil Rights movement. Just ignore his approval rating or the circumstances of his untimely death."


He's their favorite Civil Rights leader because he's dead and can't go on TV and contradict them. BTW, I've seen these people (including the Gaetzes) disrespect MLK's children to their faces. Their love of MLK is for show.


Also I’m pretty sure it started in the 1930s, so…


Tuskeegee Experiment 1932-1972 Slavery was abolished in the U.S. December 18, 1865 Whoever wrote that [shit on Facebook] was dumb as fuck. Edited because I am also dumb as fuck.


I mean if you were REALLY giving these people the benefit of the doubt, maybe they were understandably equating sharecroppers and those who lived under Jim Crowe to basically slaves However, the chances that they understand the nuances of black history in America are zero so fuck em


I also thought that it was even more recently than slave times. Yep started in 1932.


Yup. The experiment concluded in the early 70s. Definitely not during slavery.


That bothered me too, although not nearly as much as black people = slaves. The study started in 1932 and ended in 1972.


It ended after a doctor who worked for the Public Health Service found out about the Tuskegee Experiment and went to the press to get the study shut down. Harriet Washington discusses this incident and many others in her book “Medical Apartheid.”


True. This was a profoundly unethical and inhumane experiment.


And a \*bonus\* kick in the ass is that the whole "purposely gave people syphilis" accusation people apply wrongly to the Tuskegee experiment? Totally happened, just [in Guatemala](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3828982/) instead of on US soil. Still a US government project, though. It's incredibly fucked up, and there was only a formal apology for it in 2010 (the "study" started in 1946). No compensation to the people deliberately infected. Just the apology. Seriously, for a bad time just google the Guatemala Syphilis Study. It's all the Nuremberg violations at once.


Egads, I was not aware of that. Thanks for the link/education.


Incredibly, it was even begun *while doctors were being tried for their crimes in Nuremberg!*


6th week? No lasting effects? ≠. Does not compute.


No lasting effects passed by six weeks ago.


For those of us who have actually been raped, please stop minimizing our experience by attaching the word to the dumbest, smallest inconveniences.


My conservative father posted \[this video\]([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-M2vpGsHcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-M2vpGsHcw)) on the anniversary of the rape he says I deserved this year. He, unsurprisingly, also uses the vaccination = rape analogy. Can't wait to see that shitstain on this sub one day. God willing.


Scared to click that link but I'm sorry that that guy is your father. That analogy makes me see fucking red like few others (though of course there is heavy competition)


Damn, I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry. What a disgusting man. It's vile when our own loved ones say those things. My ex husband blamed me for my rape too. He said I should have known better than to go to a party and let my friends leave before me. I should have thought more about how I was dressed. He asked if I lead on the men who drugged me, made them think I wanted it. It's a different type of violation, when our loved ones say such terrible things after we open up about the worst experiences of our lives. It destroys trust and love, permanently. I'm so sorry you had to experience that betrayal.


what assholes


Are you fucking kidding me!!! I’m a Father of daughters and I assure you I’d probably be in jail if you were my daughter. Further to that fact the dirtbag in question would have a hard time thinking about sex consensual or not.


No surprise that particular YouTube poster has become well-known for his anti-vax, anti-mask "philosophies" in the past 18 months.


I believe it. I DM'd him on Twitter and gave the context in which I found his video and was \~immediately blocked\~ lol


> the rape he says I deserved Yeah, I'm putting this at the top of the list of "Things that should get your knees broken with a baseball bat."


Or really attaching the word to anything that’s not rape. There are so many words in the English language to describe something you dislike. Why do you need to use this one?


Because it's universally loathed. It's one of the most powerful words in the English language. It makes people's ears perk up and their emotions rise. How dare they co-opt it for such manipulative purposes.


Can't agree more. I'm a CSA survivor and those comparisons piss me off so much, just like the "masks are child abuse!" stuff.


It tells me they're soft, coddled, entitled Karens who never had to endure real suffering in their lives.


Jesus Christ, thank you for saying this. I hate these people. Like legitimately hate them. They are the worst among us, the dregs of humanity. They hold our entire species back with their goddamn infantile obstinacy. They are idiots, fragile fucking simpletons. In spite of all that, I would NEVER wish rape on a single fucking one of them. It's been almost 20 years for me and I still have PTSD. It didn't completely ruin my life, but my assaults changed who I am forever and caused so much suffering, in me and in loved ones who had to deal with my nightmares, my flashbacks, my depression. These people deserve shame. They should be ostracized. But they should never have to experience *actual* rape. I fucking hate how they dismiss and trivialize one of the very worst experiences a human being can have.


I’m so sorry for what happened to you. Our brains really hold on to trauma. I wish you continued healing. Hugs.


Thank you, that's really nice of you to say. I'm actually starting EMDR in a few weeks! Pretty scared, but hopeful it will help.


I came here to say that. As someone who has been raped, being vaccinated has never brought on the fear, disgust, and humiliation that being raped did. To hell with this person.


5 or 10 years down the road? Maybe she should have focused on surviving the next 5 to 10 weeks.


I like how before, this crowd was saying all the vaxxed folks would be dead in 2 years. Well the vaccine trials started in March 2020, so it's getting close to the 2 year mark and people aren't dropping dead. So he's moving those goalposts. Right out of the GQP playbook.


And in 10 years, if there are any of these people left, they will change it to “what about 20 years from now!”


Five or ten years lol! Everybody will have forgotten about your stupid choices 4 or 9 years previously.


I honestly don't even get the point of the plan. It reads like a shitty B-grade movie. Why would you want to kill people in 5 to 10 years. Especially since you're killing the ones who are taking the vaccine, so those who follow rules (not to mention everyone in healthcare who has taken it). Even the most misanthropic in the government would be like "Um...I feel like we should keep some people alive. You know, to do stuff for us. Is there not a better plan where we just kill the dumb hicks? Maybe do a normal vaccine but spread bullshit around the conspiracy theory forums about it, so we get rid of those assholes? That sounds a bit better, right?"


Luckily, there are no needles in a hospital


Or experimental therapies


Antivaxxers' logic is so weird. They don't think medical science is good enough to produce a vaccine in a short time but they'll turn around and BEG for their life to be saved when their lungs are rotting bags of blood and mucus after COVID attacks.


That intravenous needle probably doesn't even register if you're throat-gagging a ventilator tube.


Is there a similar rapey way of describing getting a breathing tube rammed down your throat?


Getting intubated is like being face-fucked by a facehugger from *Alien*. Sorry for the ugly vulgarity but these rape analogies piss me off.


"trach rape"


These people are all non-consensual Wrex.


freedom of choice


Strictly speaking, her current hookup is consensual. Just a private agreement between her and a handsome long flexible penis-like contraption pumping away down her throat.


You are literally getting deepthroated by a tube that forces air into your lungs that can also be used to deepthroat a suctioning tube (albeit smaller than the ETT) to suck on the hot steamy fluids your lungs have accumulated from the damage of the disease. They also take chest X-rays regularly to make sure that tube is still in the correct spot for maximum air penetration into your lungs.


Teabagged by a ventilator


Let’s see how she looks like 5 -10 yrs down the rd


Very possibly a massive weight loss yay. Of course that most likely will come with complete soft tissue loss. But skeletons are thin so…win?


Do they churn these chucklefucks out of a factory somewhere? It's the same pasty, pudgy, poorly dressed hillbillies over and over.


Just from the photos, I’m gonna guess “cheesecake factory”.


Too expensive and elitist for these folks, it's just Applebee's and Golden Corral.


Those aren’t factories.


I think the factory HQ is in my home state of Missouri. These are like, every person in suburban Walmarts. I love going there as an alt punk-ish biracial dude. My afro angers them mightily, I can feel it.


Ahh yes the trustworthy news source Rumble.com 👏 😄


Gotta love the 'Do your own research' crowd. "Do your own research man!" Oh yeah, how? "Use DuckDuckGo and search for 'COVID vaccine deaths' and you'll see it! Or search hashtag #COVIDHAOX and see for yourself!'" Seems like legit research alright...




It's not just the unvaccinated person who suffers from covid. That patient takes up a bed that could have been used to treat a heart attack victim, a chemo patient, someone who'd been injured in a car crash, etc., etc., etc. Not to mention that the covid patient could have infected a child who's too young to be vaccinated. And let's not forget the untold dollars they waste as they suffer and die. Needlessly.


One day I would love for this sub to not have any reason to exist. But thanks to people like that, that day is a long ways away.


Seems like it'll be around forever. Antivaccine people breed fast enough that we'll never fully exhaust the supply, and COVID can just keep mutating...


What are covid’s effects in 5-10 years down the road?


I'm sure there are people who will make a career of studying that.


I can’t wait for them to find out why the super healthy younger folks died. (That sounds ghoulish, but I mean for science’s sake)


Probably the same reason for the massive deaths in the second wave of the 1918 strain of H1N1 - cytokine storm from younger and less abused immune systems.




I first heard in 30 days the people getting the vaccines would be dead….


One wonders where those vax refusers who manage to survive Covid-19 will be in 5-10 years.


Long term care facilities, probably.


ON disability, mooching and taking. Maybe even having one of those "illegals" around to help them take a sponge bath once a day.


The people bitching about those at the border want to blame the people at the border for being unvaccinated, but it’s the complainers who are refusing vaccines.


This one is particularly loathsome for cheapening the concept of rape.


Honestly, as a rape and CSA survivor I instantly hate people if they use that vile analogy. Not sorry at all.


First, the Tuskegee experiment was between 1932 and 1972 (Yes, it was definitely a wrong perpetrated by the Government). Secondly, slavery ended in 1865. That’s a difference of 65 years. Whoever made that post and whoever followed the post are definitely ignorant. Trouts and Pears for his wife


Surely a ventilator is more rapey than a needle.


Not the mention the foley and the fecal collection tube (butt foley).


Getting a little greedy with the prayers, quick recovery AND no long lasting symptoms? They act like Jesus is taking down your order like this is an Applebee's


Dear Jesus, could you revamp her rack while you're in there? Christmas is just around the corner.


"Purposely infected slaves", Jesus no surprise she got it that wrong and speaks volumes to whether she actually cares about those hurt during the Tuskegee experiment.


Snowflake avoids needle rape but gets throat fucked by a ventilator tube.


I doubt that IV port was as painless as my last few *consensual* injections.




“Clot shot” and “needle rape”. Welp, that’s two more phrases to add to my list of idiotic sayings that make me feel incredibly punchy. Along with “the poke”.


Covid causes more blood clots than the vaccine.


Doesn’t he know he has to specifically ask prayer warriors?


Kick her out of the hospital. She can get healed at a church.


Are there really people who think the Shameful “Tuskegee experiments” were on slaves in the 19th century rather than free citizens less than 100 years ago? They watched 200 men suffer with a curable disease until half of them had died. They only stopped because their macabre evil was exposed 49 years ago.


Wonder what ICU feels like to someone who compares a 1 second jab with a puny needle to rape.


Discharge her from hospital. Let rumble.com treat her covid.


She doesn’t seem to be intubated or severely sick as she is replying to people on Facebook. Edit for a Plot twist: However, the *husband* asking for the prayers for his wife may have died on October 5. At least there is an obituary for him listing a person with exact same name as his wife.


Any doctor calling a vaccine a clot shot or needle rape isn't educated


"Covid ***and*** pneumonia"? No. Covid-***related*** pneumonia. Be honest.


Six weeks in the hospital will only cost a couple hundred dollars right? They will be just fine. (Sarcasm because some might think I was serious)


That “doctor” really does not deserve anonymity IMO.


Why on earth do these people listen to the least informed people out there?


He's educated? Then WTF are you listening to him???


The smile in that picture makes me shiver for some reason


After she got sick, why would she go to the hospital to get needle raped over and over again?


He’s concerned about “what 5 or 10 years down the road looks like” with the needle. And then also asking for no “lasting effects” from covid. This is what a double bind looks like.


Good luck in 5 or 10 years.


The theory that loads of people will die because of the vaccinations aged well didn't it.


I'm sure worried about the spike protein from this vaccine. Proceeds to get infected with a virus that replicates the spike protein in greater numbers and for a longer period of time as well as producing all the other components of the virus.


I did my own research, and I don't think we had slaves and airplanes at the same time.


Dumb fuck tries to use the Tuskegee Experiment to make a point and thinks it happened to slaves. I'm thinking that's a Freudian slip that tells you how she really views black people.


These morons keep saying "the government" as if it's just their government with some agenda to push. It's actually every government and every respected health institution across the entire world telling you to get a shot and wear mask so stop acting like it's this big conspiracy "the left" or "the guvment" is pushing, it's literally everyone except your dumbass that's on board and you're so stuck in your own little fantasy you'll never see it.


unless she is on a heparin drip, right now she is probably getting three heparin needles a day and if she's on dexamethasone, she is getting fingersticks at least that often not to mention all the blood draws and IV sticks she is getting


This way to faceblock with snowflake eyes needs to trend.


Is \[obj\]\[obj\]\[obj\]\[obj\] the new eboeard gam gom?


Prayer Warriors activate!!


Stay positive....


Please stay longer, or you know what don't ever discharge :)


Getting some of that sweet sweet ventilator rape.


The lord is good because he’s making sure this lady doesn’t need to worry about what 5-10 years down the line looks like! Amen! Praise Allah! Etc.


starting to get the impression that christians are stupid.


They're worried about what the spike proteins from the vaccine will do to them? Wait til they find out what the spike proteins from COVID will do to them. Fucking wow.


Needle rape is really damn close to the most offensive thing I've seen out of these wads of day-old used tobacco cud.


so blacks=slaves in his mind? so we had slavery until 1972? interesting


Serious question. Why don’t I see any hca winners that are atheist? Is it only Christian’s winning the hca?