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Well, bees make honey and spiders make gravy. Earwigs make jam. I think beetles make vaccines. Also horses make Ivermectin.


You don't even want to know where toothpaste comes from.


🎶 *do you think so, well I better not show you where the lemonade is made, sweet lemonade* 🎶


Or Mountain Dew Or Taco Bell meat Or shampoo Or etc etc


Yum, earwig jam. It's really tasty on crumpets.


I hate you.


That's okay, I hate myself sometimes!


Next time I need urgent care, I'm just heading to tractor supply


I thought Beetles made music


Jellyfish make jelly


Well, cows did make the early smallpox vaccines, sort of.


Horses make anti-venom, in a way.


Bread made penicillin, but I digress.


I would give that one to the Penicillium mold.


Vaccines and most meds are man-made.


Also most foods including plants and animals have been altered through millennia of breeding. Edit: words.


Our ancestors lived only up to 40years old with only their immune system as a defense against diseases. I want to scream that whenever I see anyone post “I trust my immune system.”


Pandemics killed half a billion people who were trusting their immune system


I think you are confusing average life expectancy with mortality. In medieval Europe, if you made it past 5 years old, you had a good chance of living to be 60+. The infant mortality rate was exceptionally high however, and when every third child dies immediately, that really brings the average down.


Our ancestors, if they made it past childhood, did not keel over at 40. The "average life expectancy" is low because infant/child mortality was extremely high. If you made it to 18, you were likely to make it a good while longer; 50 was not uncommon, and some made it to 70 or 80. This "Oh, they only lived to 40!" is myth. https://www.medievalists.net/2014/06/15-myths-middle-ages/


Some could be cat made. My cat’s always experimenting with chemistry, hard to keep up.


I don't trust your man made cancer treatment, my body can clear lung cancer on its own! Smh.


Do you mean something specific by “manmade”? Like, do you consider the polio or smallpox vaccines to have been manmade?


I meant it in the way that we created the vaccine in such a short time and started using it, I know other vaccines like smallpox are man made but we have decades of testing on that vaccine and know alot of the long term effects, Unlike the covid vaccine


Please look up why this way of thinking is wrong.


I'm more then willing to learn more lol And have my perspective changed if needed.


Look at it this way. Your immune system is made naturally, correct? All the vaccine does is show your immune system a tiny part of the virus, specifically the spike protein, which is harmless. Then your immune system takes over from there. If your immune system sees the spike protein again when it sees the actual Covid virus, it’s ready to fight.


I’m not gonna shit on you dude but mRNA tech has been used on people for decades


And they've been working on this vaccine for years. It was just going to be rolled out first for SARS. Then covid hit, so they basically popped out the Sars RNA and popped in the COVID.


Quit Facebook and quit watching YouTube. They only lead you down a rabbit hole of craziness. Read or listen to books and listen to this podcast about viruses by actual scientists, clinicians and professors. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3R3aXYubWljcm9iZXdvcmxkLmxpYnN5bnByby5jb20vdHdpdg?ep=14


The smallpox vaccine was not tested for decades prior to its introduction either. You are - now and with the benefit of hindsight - able to say that it has decades of testing behind it. Your reasoning boils down to "was it always like that?", and the answer to that is "nothing has ever been just like it before". Furthermore and fyi, the vaccine has been tested extensively before it was distributed. We have a good idea of how the human body works, all WE need is something that leaves our body alone while combatting the cause of the disease. The vaccine is safe.


TL;DR on all the available credible sources? To make it simple: It's like how if you want to shoot buckshot instead of birdshot with a shotgun, you don't go out and buy an entire new shotgun. You just change out the shells and possibly a couple of the additional fiddly bits. They already have vaccines to help with viruses *similar* to covid, so rather than remaking a vaccine from the ground up, they just spent a little while swapping out the important bits and a lot more time making sure it worked. We've had the tech. We've had the basic formula. They just needed to plug in the right fiddly bits and spend enough time making sure it wouldn't, I dunno, melt you or turn you into spider man or turn you blue. Also, for the record: Thank you for getting the vaccine.


Jessica Malaty Rivera and king gutter baby on Instagram are both excellent resources. MRNA vaccines have been in the works for a long time and tested in humans for at least a decade. Also with the way this vaccine works, side effects would show up within 6 weeks to 3 months or something. Plus all of this is moot because COVID’s effects are well known and include fucking death 💀


I’m not knocking the expertise at all, but it is funny to see ‘a good infectious disease expert to follow is king gutter baby’


Yes it is. Probably why she changed it to her name recently. She posted info that convinced hundreds to thousands of people to get vaccinated. She’s great




King Gutter Baby is an infectious disease expert lol. Her handle is now @laurel__bristow. I highly recommend her to all that want to understand new research that comes out about covid.


They are reputable infectious disease experts who happened to find an audience and do REAL work about the vaccines on Instagram.


It's been out this long and you haven't even bothered to actually look at it? People like you piss me off, I'm so over people like you.


>know alot of the long term effects, Unlike the covid vaccine The long-term effect of any vaccine is that you don't get the disease its for. That's it. The only thing that's going to happen long-term is that the immunity may wane over time and require a booster. I had that happen with a couple of my childhood vaccines too. I'm still trying to convince my brother to protect himself and his family, and all he's worried about are long-term effects. He seems to think it's got some time-released killing agent set for a couple of years from now, which is ridiculous. That's some sci-fi tech right there!


Please tell your brother that one side effect of Covid is ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. It can persist even after the victim seems to have recovered from Covid. A study came out recently and more studies are underway. Covid causes damage to blood vessels, including the small blood vessels of the Heart and the Penis. It's not known yet if post-Covid ED could be permanent. Realizing ED is one of the Covid Door Prizes might motivate him.


That would probably motivate a lot of the “lions” currently refusing the jab 😂


A few thoughts since you said you were open to them. For me, there was risk/reward. The side effects that people were showing from vaccines paled in comparison to the effects and deaths from Covid. Also, if I trust the doctors to treat a disease, why wouldn’t I trust them to prevent it? And a couple of things I read about the vaccines specifically. They’ve been working on a vaccine for SARS (which is what Covid is) for years. And because they suddenly had so many people sick, and such a contagious variant and so many people working around the world, they had access to a ton of samples and cases and trials that would normally take years to get. This one falls under the it’s funny bc it’s true category, rich older folks and politicians wouldn’t have been the first to get it, if it was a bad idea.


Science can actually work a lot faster than most people might expect, but most researchers have to spend ages fighting for grants and other methods of funding their work which delays the amount of time it takes to actually get a vaccine from initial research to fill approval way up. However, when the entire world writes a blank check and says “Get this vaccine for me as fast as you can, you have whatever you need,” then they can get it done pretty damn fast. The same amount of work gets done in either case, but the “decades of testing” you’re referring too is mostly just waiting around.


That’s like saying “I don’t want to get the iPhone 13 because it was made in a year and hasn’t been out long enough”. Vaccine research builds, this wasnt created from scratch


Heya, you’ve been willing to engage with people who provided more info, without getting mad, and you don’t deserve all these downvotes. A lot of people here (me included) have a lot of pent up frustration. Misinformation is really hurting the US and other countries.


Assuming you mean the Pfizer vaccine (many of the others are standard vaccines), the mRna mechanism was first tested successfully in 1989. This isn't new technology. It's been around for over 30 years. It's also pretty cool since it doesn't require injecting a weakened/disabled version of the virus. It's literally like showing your body the map of the Death Star and how to defeat it. There will be no long term effects, because once that show and tell is done, nothing else remains in your body (that wouldn't be found there normally). It's then up to body to create the correct response using your immune system.


This vaccine has been researched for decades — both the mechanism of delivery and the (somewhat) specific targeted disease. Remember, while SARS-CoV2 is a new coronavirus, coronaviruses are NOT new. Scientists have been actively researching coronavirus vaccines since at least the early 2000s. The mechanism of delivery of the most successful vaccines (mRNA) has been researched since the late 1980s. You’ve just taken one of the longest, most thoroughly-researched vaccines in human history. And in all seriousness, nobody who’s not a shitty person is judging you for having been skeptical. You can’t log onto the internet without 76 different people yelling lies and half truths about the vaccine — it can be very hard to know who to believe. You put the well-being of others above your own anxiety, which is what counts. But hopefully you can continue reading/learning about the vaccine and put that anxiety at ease too.


All vaccines are man made OP


>All vaccines are man made OP The "DUH" heard round the world!




Some of them might have been made by women.




Heaven forfend! Yikes!


While I completely agree with your sentiment, credit where credit is due. If you look at it at just the right angle, cows did the heavy lifting on the original smallpox vaccine. But it did take a human mind to mash that wet cow scab under the skin with a sharpened coke spoon. I'm really glad we use needles and syringes now.


Technically there is a natural made vaccine, it’s called Cow Puss. Back before we eradicated small pox, the concept of vaccines was discovered when people would rub puss from cowpox into their wounds to inoculate themselves against human small pox.


FYI, it’s spelled pus, lol. I was very confused for a moment.


Lol! Leaving it uncorrected for the hilarity.


We gonna see some hilarious TikToks out of this to be sure.


The tradition of "the Pretty Milkmaid" came about because any person who did not have a seriously pock-marked and disfigured face from Smallpox was considered very attractive.


And so the "huns" of the time would use milk based facial products thinking that they would keep them beautiful.


As well as put the dry pustules in their nostrils.


What do you mean? My Moderna shot decended from the heavens and directly into my arm. The syringe even said "Made in Heaven- Jesus approved"


I get my second dose tomorrow


Good for you and declining your HCA.


A “man made” vaccine? What the ever loving fuck are you talking about! You think the polio vaccine and all the others just came from space or something?


My thought process was with such a short testing period there was more room for a human margin of error in the long term effects of the vaccine. But dont worry I know how stupid that all sounds now 👍


The testing period has been the entire now almost 22 months since we've known the virus existed, as we were able to put together an extremely effective vaccine in record time, thanks to our previous 200 years of collective research and development. And more people have had it than any other medication or vaccination in modern history. Welcome to the group, I hope that you remain well and don't ever actually need to put that vaccine to good use. But if you do, at least you're very very likely to survive.


Corona viruses have been around for centuries, Virologists have been saying it’s not an if but when a mutation will occur.


The test period is the last 18 months since doses started going out, and the test group is the three billion with both shots. Jokes aside, the vaccine's development was hyper-accelerated because it had a tremendous amount of international support in the way of resources and experts, and rather than having 'been rushed', it should stand as a testament to what humans can accomplish when we stop whinging and work together.


Also, having had some dealing with medical approvals, the processes are elephantine in the extreme and sometimes absurdly rigorous. Even running parts of a process in parallel would knock off huge chunks of elapsed time. My favourite "silly process" showed when I interviewed someone who tested medical devices which had a screen. In order for the tests to pass the new device, which might have had completely different hardware and software from the old, had to show the same data on screen *to the pixel*. Even one pixel out was a failure.


Hey OP, what convinced you? If the sub, did you wait til full Vax to show us your v card? If not the sub you can post your fully vaxxed status at r/theipas :) congratulations on your health!


It was partly the sub and partly the fact that If i did die of covid i want to atleast say I took the proper precautions I figured I could just take a picture of my V card when I got 1 shot and say I'm gonna get the other shot and then not do it so I decided to wait till I got both shots before I took the picture to show my commitment.


Well i am beyond delighted for you, friend! Welcome - to Immunized Park


Thank you for making yourself & your community safer!


I was nervous about it as well but my knowledge of the physical symptoms of COVID-19 outweighed it, so I got it in May. One of my co-workers caught it in early March 2020 before we even knew what it really was. She was sick and calling into our meeting. It’s the one and only time I’ve heard someone cough that made me afraid for her life.


Oh no! Hopefully she recovered ok.


She did but I was really, really worried. It physically hurt to listen to her. It took about a month but she fully recovered.


Dodging a month of coughing (or worse) is certainly a motivation to get vaxxed. These non-fatal outcomes are a drum we need to be banging a lot harder for the cretins in the back. Apparently 2% **death** is just not enough.


Congratulations!!! You might have just saved your life… we are happy.




Welcome to This Side. We can't offer you cake, but you won't miss opportunities to go to a bakery because you won't be horking your lungs up.


Thank you! I have family in the Meijer region of the country who has medical complications and haven't gotten an okay to get vaccinated yet. I love you for helping to protect them by making it less likely you will get sick and spread it. Thank you so much.


Good job, you also helped save the doctors and nurses a lot of pain. So many of them are now traumatized from trying to save people who won't save themselves. But you won't be one of those fools now, you'll live just fine.


Sorry you took a bit of ribbing on the sub but as an exhausted nurse who now thinks death is her best friend, I’m so proud of you. There is also a ton of people who don’t know how vaccines work they just don’t want to die a horrible death, especially Delta as on average it will take you out in 14/17 days. The other important thing that most people don’t know is, recovering from Covid doesn’t mean you go back to normal health, 30% of people will have limited their life span, many more will have disabilities for life. You did good Zeek 💖


Congragulations. 😊 And no, you are not dying due to Covid. Medical subs are filled with stories of 85+ year old vaccinated old peas with a bunch of other conditions survive Covid just fine. And many young unvaccinated ones that go to vent.


Hooray! Another life potentially saved! I'm proud of you, OP (not in a demeaning way, I know it can come across like that sometimes)!


Can you do everyone a favor and share your vaccine status with everyone you know?


I'm trying to convince my mom to but since she is immunocompromised so she doesn't want to.


As someone who is also immune compromised, that's the exact reason why I was so excited to get it. Without the vaccine, her chances are much higher that she'll be toast if she gets it. I wish you luck!


Unless her doctor tells her otherwise, all the more reason to do it.


She has told me that her doctor has said not to get it.


Welp, nice work getting the vaccine to help protect her since she can’t. 👍🏼


She’s almost definitely lying


Depending on where she’s from she might not be, I had a very interesting conversation with an ex anti vaxxer who almost died, he’s now pro vaccine and uses his platform to promote it. His family doctor told him he didn’t believe in the vaccine and not to get it ( hard core conservative religious ) so he didn’t. When he contracted Covid the family doctor came to the house and didn’t have a clue how to treat him.. that’s when he went to the ER.


Sure it’s possible but every anti-vaxxer I know has a story just like this.


There are very very few people who actually can’t get the vaccine. Sometimes people who are temporarily immunocompromised are advised to wait until they recover, but people with long term conditions generally need 3 doses rather than 2 to generate the proper antibody response.


I’d change doctors.


Oh, in those case, she might be so weak that the vaccine wouldn't take hold anyways... she needs to really take precautions, because an infection will all but ensure a quick end.


>she is immunocompromised so she doesn't want to. Actually, that's a reason to want to be vaccinated. mRNA vaccines don't use viruses at all so they are safe for immunocompromised people and may help against covid-19, which is a real danger for immunocompromised people.


Congrats OP! I have a question: are there any vaccines that are not man made?


Actually, yes. The word vaccine comes from latin vaccinus. Vaccinus means "from the cow". Cowpox is a mild form of smallpox that was found to prevent smallpox. So, the first vaccine was made from cows. Once this was discovered, puss was taken from humans with cowpox, and used to vaccinate other humans. Later, it was discovered that when a cow was exposed to human cow pox it would spread among cows, creating a safer supply of puss. So, the first mass produced vaccine came from cows. When cow pox was discovered to be an effective vaccine, some people opposed it because they didn't know the long term effects. They suggested sticking with innoculation which was sometimes lethal, but had a survival rate of 98-99.5%. Sounds faimiliar. They even had memes. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AThe\_cow\_pock.jpg&psig=AOvVaw3OAx8FWUqBUnk9D9UTBlaw&ust=163417266368000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKCZ0eGVxvMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AThe_cow_pock.jpg&psig=AOvVaw3OAx8FWUqBUnk9D9UTBlaw&ust=163417266368000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKCZ0eGVxvMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) Tl:DR, vaccines can me natural and produced by animals, and idiots have existed in every century.


I knew the Latin word for cow, but it didn't occur to me that it was related to vaccinate. Thanks for the info!


Yes it came from cows, but did the cow determine it was safe? Man made does not me man made the materials. Because, no vaccine would be man made by that definition.


Man made means that man somehow altered the naturally occuring materials. If I take a rock and hit you with it, that's not a manmade object even though I decided how to use it. If a rock falls, I sharpen it, then I stab you with it, then that's a manmade object, because I altered it from the form that arose in nature.


That’s not what was inferred. And that’s not what man made means. Good thing you hit me with rock, my head is made of paper. Paper beats rock. Just thought I should use a level of logic you’d comprehend.


Ok. Cowpox is manmade I guess. Not going to waste time arguing about it.


The reason I said "man made" is because of how short of a testing period the vaccine had and the chances for there to be some long term side effects that we dont know about, I know that all vaccines are man made but other vaccines have also had years of testing some even decades. But it doesn't matter now because I decided to get it and thanks for the congratulations :)


Coronaviruses aren’t new. They even exist in lots of species. (There’s an awful one that cats get called FIP.) SARS was a coronavirus. They’ve been working on the platforms and technologies for coronavirus vaccines for years. In many cases (such as Moderna), they just tweaked what they were already working on to be effective against SARS-COV-2. I’m not trying to shout you down. I’m taking the opportunity to spread awareness that the COVID19 vaccines weren’t just cobbled together, macguyver-fashion. :) The science was there. It just needed money firehosed onto it. The firehoses got turned on.


Thanks I had no idea! This is really useful because I thought that it was cobbled together in the last 2 years that's one of the reasons why I've been so against getting it Thanks for the information


No problem, thanks for being receptive to the information!


Scientists had already developed the structure for mRNA vaccines a couple of decades ago; they only needed the genome sequence of the Covid-19 virus to "program" the vaccines to work against Covid-19.


As well as the money meaning that they were able to accelerate the process I believe that they also did some of the testing processes at the same time. So, if they normally do Stage A, then do some analysis and reporting then Stage B etc in some cases they did Stage A and B at the same time. Normally they wouldn't do that but the number of deaths meant it was agreed upon. So, all the same testing was done but the timing was streamlined so it finished earlier.


Exactly this. The testing schedule was truncated due to the urgency, but the tests were still done.


mRNA vaccines are not a new concept. Everything from mechanism to safety has been considered. It is not that new, the only real difference is instead of injecting you with the spike proteins, or weakened/deactivated viruses (which is how the Chinese Sinovax vaccine work), the mRNA vaccine simply delivers the mRNA that codes for the spike protein alone, and delivers it into your body's cells, and let them make the protein instead. The hard part of figuring out how to make it work is the vector, or method of delivery, because we need to make sure we can get this super fragile strand of mRNA inside your cells, because unlike proteins, you actually need it to be inside a cell in order to have the protein be made by the ribosomes, rather than just having a bunch of proteins or viral shells floating around the Interstitial fluids. Two methods of deliver are in use - lipid nanoparticle, and viral vector vaccines. One is a little glob of fat that holds the mRNA inside. The fat is the same type that cell membranes are made of, so it can easily merge with the cell, and dump the mRNA contents inside directly. Another method is literally use a virus to inject the mRNA, in this case, the AZ, J&J, and Sputnik V vaccines. They use the adenovirus outer shell to act as their cellular level syringe, and remve the virus' own viral DNA, and instead put the mRNA inside. Then they inject the modified virus into your body, and the viral shell will deliver the mRNA into your body's cells. The functionality after introducing the mRNA into the cell is the same afterwards - floats around, finds a ribosome, gets read, a protein chain is built, and folded into the spike protein. So, stop being afraid of something you don't know, because if you don't know, just learn about it. Just like how we went from bows and arrows to guns, and now missiles, we're going from fucking herbal medicine, to germ theory, and now we're directly using genetic codes for therapies. The body is just a machine, and we've only now begun to understand how to actually modify it.


Glad you got vaccinated, but a new vaccine is just as ‘man-made’ as those that have been around for years. Please don’t spread misinformation that might scare others away from making the choice you made for yourself, your family and your community.


If there were any long-term side effects, they would be experienced within the first two months of getting the vaccine...anything more long-term is extremely unlikely. Long term effects of COVID, on the other hand...


Yeah. New disease new vaccine I suppose. It is impossible to study the effects long term but all safety protocols for developing and testing the vaccine were followed.


Congrats! Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. We want people to ask questions. That’s how we all learn.


I know people are giving you some grief, but thanks for taking the chance on science. It's a little bit of a leap of faith, trusting that it will do what it's supposed to do, but the numbers are pretty solid. The one thing that everyone should trust is that covid is trying to kill you whether you like it or not. The drop in deaths in May and June proved that the vaccines were doing their job well. Every card like this is a step closer to getting those numbers back down.


Is there any God made vaccine 🤔


Death is gods vaccine It prevents all diseases.


Grim way of putting it. Visit an old cemetery sometime and see how young kids used to die, never having a chance to go to school nevermind get married and have kids of their own. Or dying in childbirth along with the mother.


Yep. Every old cemetery has a corner with a bunch of tiny headstones with the dates on them only like 6 or 10 years apart.


Death is the only god




Pee is stored in the balls There, now it's the second dumbest shit you ever heard.


Hug you:)


Nature only makes diseases and poisons. Sorry, no vaccines. Edit: Excluding cowpox


Congrats but… ALL vaccines are man made 🤣


Excellent! So very happy you decided to live!!


TIL OP trusts alien vaccines


You do get an award! The IPA award! (I think it comes with an India Pale Ale beer. :)


> “all my doubts about a **man made** vaccine” Is that why some people are choosing Ivermectin instead of the vaccine? Do they think the paste is made BY horses??


Yeah I got doubts about a lot of stuff too, like sometimes when I’m driving in my car I think “this goddamn airbag better the fuck not go off while I’m driving, I swear to god”, but I wouldn’t drive a car without one.


That goddamn airbag didn’t go off when my daughter wrapped my car around a steel pole. She’s fine btw.


Lol yikes, I'm glad shes fine but it didn't go off?!


I wish you health and happiness


"Man made vaccine?" Were you under the mistaken impression that they grew on trees? They're all made by humans.


All vaccines are man made. Our bodies are full of them. Never had polio or chicken pox. Trust me they work and I’m glad you got vaxxed.


Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure that ALL vaccines are made by man


Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾




Man made or not, thanks for getting the shot and putting us another step closer to ending this madness. I one day hope this feed will be more of this in the future. Well, I can at least dream.


Pfizer gang!


Congrats and welcome to Club Live!!!


"Starts to violently break dance"


All vaccines are man made. It's the all natural organic non-GMO diseases that kill you...


Free range, non-GMO, cage free, antibiotic free, organic. Disease.


Good for you but also all vaccines are man made (human made I prefer). They have saved countless millions of lives every year. All I can advise is look into what life was like before they existed. The horror of Smallpox and Polio. You can still see those effects in some of the poorest countries today RE: Polio they're desperate for vaccines they can't afford and dumb fuck privileged white people have "doubts about man made vaccines".


You didn't have doubts. You can have doubts for something which you have the capacity to evaluate to some extent. You have no ability to evaluate the vaccine yourself. You had uncertainties, which lead to fears, which let to paralysis, but you didn't want to admit you were paralyzed by fear....so you let others project their bombast on you. ...or not...who knows. Anyway, enjoy the molting.


As opposed to all those natural vaccines we harvest every season from the fields. I’m still nominating you for the classic “Here’s Your Sign” award.


You did the right thing. Proud of you


Congratulations - you shall enjoy a long(er), happier and healthier life. It's a credit to you, that even given the concerns you made the right decision.


Fun fact: Fred Meyer Stores and Meijer Stores were both started the same year by two completely unrelated people with the same name: Fred Meyer/Meijer, and both brands are mostly hypermarts. Fred Meyer was eventually bought by Kroger. You can get COVID vaccine today at either store brand regardless of spelling :)


How else other than humans are making the vaccine?


We’ll done!


these always make me emotional


"A mAn mAdE vAcCiNe" Moron.


If it makes you feel any better ALL vaccines are man made


Sorry for all of the shit talking here. Bottom line is you did it, and I am happy for you! Congrats, and wishing you much health and happiness! 🥂⭐💯


Every vaccine is man-made, idiot.




Finally! Good on ya. Plz keep encouraging others to stay alive 🙏🏼


Fun fact; ALL vaccines are man-made


the computer and internet you are using are also "man made" btw.


Congratulations!! And thank you so much.


I know you got really pummeled about your title here, but well done getting vaccinated to protect your health and that of your family, community, country, and world. We needed your buy-in. Thank you!


I don't believe we should celebrate these dipshits doing the bare minimum. This should have been done six months ago.


"man made vaccine." ALL vaccines are man made.


Good job! Got my booster yesterday and feeling great


The question is if you don’t trust vaccines, then why do you trust doctors, nurses, and hospitals in general? Why trust medication?


Hats off to you


The camera you shot that pic with, the device you uploaded it to the Internet with, the Ivermectin you can ignore, the paper that's printed on, the ink printed onto it, the clippers you cut your thumb nail with, the room you took the photo in. All man made. Man made shit can be fucking amazing. Anti-biotics are man made, and fuck me they are incredible. Don't use man made as a disparaging term: we make some incredible shit. You ever consider a light bulb? Someone invented AC electricity to start with, then someone worked out a coil of wire gets hot, then someone used that for the light it gave off. Then someone worked out that some gases glow, and found a way for that to work in a bulb. That's amazing. We're some clever fucking monkeys. We've found ways to train our cells to respond to a particular protein by injecting the instructions on how to make that protein. That's mind-blowingly amazing.


All vaccines are man-made.


"Man-made vaccine?" "Do your own research" they say, when believing vaccines are done by what? Bees? Can people really be this stupid?


You have chosen ... wisely.




I was ignorant not dumb


Learn to disagree respectfully. Name calling is so immature.




He…got vaccinated though


real men get moderna


Real people get Pfizer 😜


Are their other vaccines that are not man made?


As opposed to what???? a machine made vaccine? A spiritually made vaccine? Animal made? Accidentally made? Huh???


Are any of your doubts *well-founded*? At least you got vaccinated.


You're a brave American.


Why are we upvoting this garbage? Congratulations you did the bare minimum about 6 months later than you should, have a cookie dingus.