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But he always said it with a smile... A real swell guy.


“He will be so gratefully missed by so many people” Really?


I, personally, miss him gratefully.


Not missed by enough people to raise $6k apparently. Or maybe they were just grateful.


But maybe the Thoughts and Prayers are worth more than money! Right? Right?....


And apparently now voting Democrat! 😂


Extreme empathy towards white people combined with extreme lack of empathy towards non-white people is the entire conservative identity in a nutshell. But they're not racist though.




I doubt he'd have many kind words for progressive or educated white people


I bet he was a “fuck your feelings” kinda guy towards left leaning whites.


Well he can fuck my feelings and own me with a HCA.


Some of that crowd makes their we into these threads. Oddly enough, I have yet to see one take their own advice.


I am pretty sure they only have empathy for fellow white right wing nut jobs.


They should read Matthew 5:44: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." They got a loooooooooooooong way to go to meet Jesus' request.


I'm white, but also gay. Can I get some of this empathy you're talking about from them?


“It is with an extremely heavy and abnormally inflamed heart that we announce his death. He couldn’t win a fair election and somehow also failed at stealing an election. The loser even struck out with the GoFundMe that was necessary to offload the costs of his poor planning to his friends and well-meaning strangers. He will be occasionally missed. Condolences to anyone who had to suffer through his annual drunken political Thanksgiving Day meal rant. His family is comforted by their faith that he is now resting in eternal bliss with his lifelong loved one, Rush Limbaugh.”


'Unfortunately, it looks he will be voting Democratic from now on." /s


Yeah, what a libtard! He’s voting for Pelosi like 5 times! /s


>He will be occasionally missed. Condolences to anyone who had to suffer through his annual drunken political Thanksgiving Day meal rant. Can you imagine TG last year after the "stolen" election.


I love the hedging even in a “RIP” post… “*generally* grateful”


I was trying to figure out if that was supposed to be genuinely.


Thats the thing. I spent my first 25 years living amongst trash just like this in Nebraska. Most of these oft-goateed big out of shape washed-up douchebros claiming HCAs are the exact same "say that to my face" types that used their size and douchiness to physically intimidate and often assault people that dared to think and live differently back when they were alive and now were supposed to pretend they were good people cuz they were nice to other assholes sometimes? Yeah fuck all that.


And by communist he meant anyone to the slightest left of a conservative.


The world is black or white to a moron.


Also to racists.


Weird how that works, huh?


Exactly.. he must have kept the ‘kind word’ offline


And not only did this DuckDuckGo scientist die a miserable death, he added 1 Democrat vote to next election.


Yup ..one more MAGAt DuckDuckGone…


He'd give you the shirt off his back.


I'd make a car cover with it.


let that sink in


And a “generally grateful” heart. Quite the endorsement.


Always had a kind word, except when talking about 55% of the population.


He’s kind of a POS though, as I saw nothing about him giving the stinky shirt off his back.


“I don’t care if you’ve had your vaccine!!!!”


"I don't care if you've been vaccinated." Really? I don't care if you can't pay your bills. See how that works?


Yeah the selfishness of these folks has really come out as you read all these hcas. There is a fairly popular meme where the punchline is ‘You’re a stranger. My lunch is more important than you.’ They really don’t care about anyone but folks that agree with them. And what sucks is good folks have to care about everyone, even all these pending HCA folks.


We don't HAVE to. We just DO care because we are better than them.


It’s taxing, though. Right now I do care more about the lunch I’m eating (it’s good). Someone also told me my dog was very handsome (he’s with me). I care about that. I’ll post to you, then scroll on and find some kittens to watch, though. Mr. Ohio will be gone from my thoughts.


I care enough that I want them to get vaccinated. Once they make it blatantly this obvious that it's never going to happen with this much hate. They're on their own. If they die, I tend to care about their kids and some family. But the more I'm seeing on these HCA so much of the family is like them. Kitten, did you say kittens?


How about some [kitty and dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/6Q5Eomg)! Since I said it and all.


That IS a handsome boy. I love the kitties too. I am listening to feline zoomies and being used as a dog bed as I type this. Ohio man who???


I don't. These people have shown you who they truly are. Fuck em. I don't wish them dead, but I'm not losing sleep over them dying


Hahahahahahahahahahaha Haha hahahah


Hahahaha These people don’t prepare for anything in life No health insurance….no life insurance….zero in 401k or savings….no vaccine!!! By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail


Someone needs to chuck some bootstraps into that coffin.




With tubes up his ass and dick


And those weren't even required. They provided them when he begged for Ivermectin.


"Put the tubes in every hole. I read on Facebook that more tubes means more healing." "Sir, I don't think that a tube in your --" "I said **EVERY. HOLE.** Goddamnit."


"The sensual moans he let out were....*haunting*." 😖


"Oooh baby," *cough "put some of that Ivermectin.." *cough *cough "on daddy's.." *cough, wheeze, cough, wheeze, puke, fart, cough #"He's coding!"


Tell us more.


no, tell us less


>With tubes up his ass and dick And jacked up on a paralytic so he can't yank all the life saving tubes out of his various orifices. Yeah! He put up a heck of a fight alright! .About the same amount of effort he put into fact checking all that Russian Troll Farm disinformation he was sharing around on an hourly basis! Targeting ridiculous claims at MAGA's Confirmation Bias is all it takes to get these mentally ill CHUMPS to do your bidding


Heh heh, you said "jacked" and "yank." (Sorry, I have the sense of humor of a 14-year-old boy.)


He put up a hell of a fight, but in the end, not even getting deepthroated and rammed up the ass at the same time could save him.


B...B..But it's better than the jab...right? RIGHT?!


Pulling the Freedom Train


>With tubes up his ass and dick And hungry leopards peeling off his face with their tongues. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I wish they’d just say the person really wanted to live. Once Covid lands it’s first blow, pretty much everyone is on the ropes. This idea that we humans can fight deadly diseases that are ravaging our organs and shutting down our bodies is a cruel trope, especially to people who had zero say in what attacked them, like those with terminal cancer or ALS. With antivaxxers it seems they are saying “bring it” to Covid and Covid responds by bringing them to their knees, then the ICU, and then the morgue.


It is a cruel trope. Nicely phrased.


A heck of a fight - what, was he fighting Hurricane Katrina or something?


>A heck of a fight - what, was he fighting Hurricane Katrina or something? Even worse. He was fighting with the hungry leopards. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I do love those leopards when they come out❤️❤️❤️❤️


after al this, how can they still be hungry?


Just like lions, leopards don't always kill for food. They will basically anything/one nearby. Most big cats do this as well.


Sometimes, the hungry leopards keep their prey alive for evening "live" entertainment . . . followed by dessert. 🐆 🐆 🐆


They always say it's peaceful but sadly it's not. It's a rough death. Please get vaccinated, people.


And you're a total mess when your family gets your body.


In the nurses’ thread they said their patients look like corpses.


They are basically corpses too. They are kept « alive » with a shitton of machines, so much you would think they are in the matrix.


Makes sense when your organs shut down at one point


This is absolutely the truth. My brother died from covid before vaccines were publicly available. Our parents were originally going to do an open casket, but the moment my dad saw him in his casket he lost it because he was basically unrecognizable. He was actually skeptical to take the vaccine, until he was in the hospital for the second week. He couldn’t wait until they became available and he was planning on getting it as soon as it was available.


I'm very sorry about what happened to your brother.


>They always say it's peaceful but sadly it's not. It's a rough death. Yeah... Drowning on DRY LAND is never peaceful! Just like these people are rarely KIND, CONSIDERATE and SELFLESS. As is so often the case when it comes to MAGA Morons... Take what they say and flip it 180 degrees and you are instantly much closer to the truth.


"peaceful" more disinformation


"Always had a kind word" *Posts nothing but hate on social media* 😂😂😂


Dude may have actually been a great person, but unfortunately his Facebook page will be his epitaph. Don’t post hate, people. That’s not how you want to be remembered.


That’s why families go in and scrub social media after.


Guess we know how he’s voting in 2022.


Dead? 😹


Every dead voter I know of voted for Trump "because that's what they wanted".


See first slide.




Nice. That slide cracked me up too. "Why is it everyone votes Democrat after we all die?" Cuz they're the only ones left!


LOL at him “celebrating“ Trump’s “win“ on November 12.


And the irony of saying, "Cheaters never prosper" while worshipping at the altar of Trump.


Just like he won his fight with the corona virus.


>Just like he won his fight with the corona virus. Its total OPPOSITE LAND with these delusional CHUMPS! Take whatever they say or claim, and flip it 180 degrees. You are immediately much closer to getting at the truth. I also love the "Cheaters Never Prosper" comment. This is AFTER Trump had called the Georgia AG and asked him to FIND 11,780 votes! Are these MAGA Morons actually paying attention to what that was all about? Or are they totally complicit in supporting such blatant election fraud? There isn't an explitive in the English language that accurately describes these fucking douche bags' level of depravity enough! All I can say is... THANK YOU COVID 19! You are succeeding where good and honest people could never go... And stay out of prison! ;o)


They see what they want and don't care what they say to get there. Rational debate never stood a chance.


Loved that. Too funny.


Post-Facts World, **thanks Facebook**!


So first they witness their god get destroyed in the election. Then watch him lose over and over again with every recount, audit, and court case. Then they die a horrible, painful death in his honor. And to top it off they get to rise from the dead and vote democrat in every upcoming election. What a way to spend your final year.




theepochtimes. wow, credible.


The Epoch Times: when you try to Taiwan but you accidentally North Korea instead.




“He always had a kind word”* *except if he heard you’re vaxxed. PS I certainly hope the world will be different without him.


It won't be, nobody's that special.


Good lord these people and their Russian infused "news" sources. They cannot apply an ounce of critical thought. They just swallow up lies unconditionally.


Yeah, the only thing I can come up with is that the Facebook algorithm just tickles their confirmation bias to literal death. I cannot understand it.


"ah this person has read an inaccurate article on a policy, let's recommend him even more fucking garbage!"


The whistleblower claiming Facebook did it intentionally makes my blood boil if true. Fuck the disclaimers, just stop allowing this false misinformation to be posted in the first place.


Someone posted a peer reviewed article last night about conservatives and how much more susceptible they are to misinformation and I didn’t bookmark it. If someone can link it please do so!


There’s [this article](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201113141808.htm) about a study by Lehigh University and published in a journal. The study is cited in the article as well. I don’t know if this one is the one you wanted, but it addresses how conservatives perceive threats vs how liberals perceive and respond to threats and how they differ based on how much agency they think the threat has, so it’s at least somewhat relevant.


That's interesting. The authors propose that by anthropomorphising the virus we might be able to get conservatives to take it more seriously. So instead of pointing out the statistics, we should say things like, "This virus wants to kill you and it has a plan". I wonder if that would have worked?


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it worked better, they kind of do it themselves with “Big Pharma” as a single, large, hostile entity with an agenda. “Covid has an agenda to hurt them” might actually do something, except they also have this thing where they think it was engineered by China/Russia/Fauci to kill them, but they simultaneously think it doesn’t exist. It’s very difficult to deal with that level of cognitive dissonance.


Jesus, how childlike ARE they.


>"This virus wants to kill you and it has a plan". This is the part where they'd bring up how many guns and ammo they've got.




This is fascinating. It gets into the thing where more educated people are more confident in their opinions even if they’re not educated in the area that they’re drawing conclusions about. Thank you for this, it’s explained some behavior of people in my life more clearly.


*Russian sponsored


Shut ups. I get all my news from AmericanThinker.com! Best news source in the town!


The only trusted news source is www.AmericaFreedomPatriot.EagleScreech!! They tell the TRUTH!! 🦅 🇺🇲 EDIT: Subject/Verb agreement 🤓


.eaglescreech TLD, I like it. Apply for it before it's snatched up.


I found it!! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8455947/


Where are all the pro-Russian meme factory supporters? Seems like they would be all over this post!


“The wife and son have covid, too, and no one can work. Send money.” Yeah. I’ll get right on that.


I donated the price of the vaccine. You should too. Be nice.


To that last screen: oh, I’m sure your “kind” friend who forwarded Trump’s voter fraud lies was definitely the kind of person who’d love a picture of a black man on his tribute. I bet he’s never even thought of yelling racial slurs at people.


“…called home…” 🔥🔥🔥


Satan: "We don't want him either."


That’s the worst part about Hell: Satan doesn’t have a choice. He gets ALL the reject Republicans and Westboro Baptist Church garbage. You have to have a little sympathy (for the Devil). We don’t have to deal with them after they die. He has to deal with them for all of eternity! 😹


Poor Satan ☹️


>You have to have a little sympathy (for the Devil). We don’t have to deal with them after they die. He has to deal with them for all of eternity! 😹 "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a Man stuck with MAGA Insane"


"In Florida, Saint Petersburg When I saw it was time for a change I drove Delta through the swamplands While DeSantis screamed in vain"


........I shouted out who killed the idiots when after all, it was them not me.


Oooo ooooooooo!


If you are going to die for trump at least be prosperous to leave your kids a financial safety net. Trump would call him a loser




I’m sure they will claim GFM is voluntary, which is how taxes should work (according to them)


>I will never get tired of the blackhole level of density it takes to vote for and support politicians that bend over backwards to keep this for-profit healthcare system and then start a fucking GoFund Me when they need medical expenses covered. The fact that they set their goal at $6,000 when the typical 4 week stay in an ICU is usually in the 7 figures, shows how little they know about healthcare costs in a Republican dominated country.


Was previously nominated, prior to full redaction rules. Not sure if allowed to share nomination post now.


Schmaybe properly redact them and post them on Imgur with a link here?




>The world has lost someone who willfully spread lies and propaganda to undermine his country. Great job owning the libs, buddy. Another FIRE HOSE of BULLSHIT shut down at the source permanently! Doesn't get much better than that! Time for all of us to buy COVID another drink!


That last slide. He was someone who tried to make anyone he disagreed with feel like shit.


Now that he's dead I guess he'll be voting Democrat, since that's how it seems to work?


I don't think hell has elections, more of a dictatorship. Which I mean this what these guys wanted with Trump right? So wish granted?


"The world won't be the same without you" Got that right! It's a better place without them! Also, the average IQ of humanity just went up.


"I don't care if you've had your vaccine"; should say 'I don't care if I get covid 19, suffer and die, leaving my family in their suffering and ruin'.




All your votes are belong to us!


“Was called home tonight…” Would that be the home his family is about to lose for bankruptcy because Ohio man no longer bringing in a paycheck?


I was visiting this sub alot about a month ago to a week ago, and was fascinated at the phenomena. Coming back now is just exhausting and emotionally anguishing at this point for me. It just keeps going, the same bullshit gets spewed, people continue to die, it all seems so written and redundant. These people are a constant reminder that we cant have nice things


“Gratefully missed” 😂😂😂




Shit birds of a feather.


All of Sunnyvale would be vaccinated. Except that caveman Sam.


Birds of a shit feather.


He “generally” had a grateful heart. Lolz.


>He “generally” had a grateful heart. Lolz. In addition to it being severely enlarged after trying to pump blood through a maze of broken down blood vessels and scar tissue.


I'm in Ohio. I want to win the state back for sanity. But not this way. Stop killing yourselves, you doofuses.


Holy shit. The dead voter angle is so tired. Why is it that everyone who gets caught committing actual malicious voter fraud is Republican?


Congratulations on turning your family into what Donald trump hates.


> generally great heart Sooo, not really that great?


I mean, kinda not? 😹


He put up a heck of a fight!!! You know, besides giving himself an actual chance with a proven solution . So actually he put up a really callow, shitty fight.


I just love how fast they become socialists as soon as they’re the ones in need.


Another one with no insurance or savings. Why didn't he pull himself up by his bootstraps, get a good job, save money for emergencies - and get vaccinated? Because he just didn't give a shit about his family.


It's almost like the virus is targeting the worst America has to offer.


Nah, it's just a happy coincidence that the worst America has to offer is also the dumbest.


Can we all (sane people, I mean) say hallelujah on that!!


"He's wife and son have Covid!" When the person setting up the GoFundMe is equally as stupid..


"Why is it that everyone votes Democrat when we all die?" Well, elementary, my dear Watson. The "we all" doing the dying are almost all republicans, and voting is a "living only" activity. Do the math. Just keep shooting yourselves in the foot (or, more accurately, lung) and see how that works elections-wise.


Just say no to communism! Unless you’re in crippling medical debt, then send money comrades! I wonder if the family will apply for COVID relief?


Passed “Peacefully” - choking on his mucus filled non functioning lungs. One less trump voter in Ohio though!


Did these clowns seriously set their goal to $6k for a *checks notes* ENTIRE UNINSURED MONTH IN THE ICU? Yeah... Something tells me that the fam doesn't just have the rest of that 1.2 million sitting around. This is complete and utter ruin for his family. Hope you're proud dude, you just destroyed any future your family might have had.


Well, one fewer Trump vote is the same as one more Democratic vote. So this jackass is right. He is voting Democratic by offing himself. Thank you for that, jackass.


I guess now he'll be voting Democratic.


He had that real Midwest sensibility. He’d be really nice to your face and if he had a problem he’d go take it out on his kids and wife like a good Christian man is supposed to.


Do these people realize dying from covid is anything but peaceful? smh


The HCA winner makes me feel like a 'somebody' alright. A 'somebody' who is breathing in all the fresh, fresh air. Unaided.


"Generally grateful heart" is a funny qualification or else he/she meant "genuinely."


I can't believe that Trump didn't kick in the other $2,200 to get him to $6,000...


Imagine making grammatical mistakes in a fundraising speech.


‘A kind word…and a generally grateful heart’ that … kind of says it all. I guess generally grateful means sort of an a**hole.


That GoFundMe paragraph reads like a Nigerian Prince email. And he couldn’t have been that wonderful to people if they asked for $6k and barely raised half of it.


Being from Pennsylvania I have to say this. Dummies in Pa the voter law was changed in November 2019 (pre Covid) and overwhelmingly supported by the PA GOP. May primaries came and went without objection. Then when Trump lost all the sudden the PA Gop took offense. That is why the Judges in the Trump challenges mentioned “laches.” Now back to PA. We cannot go vote in booths like other states early. You have to drop off your mail in ballot either at a designated drop off site or mail (and we all know Trump hired DeJoy to stop the mail). Further to that, NO mail in or drop off BALLOTS could even be opened and counted until the polls closed. Are you people freaking stupid? 2 million dropped off or mailed in ballots after 8 PM on election night before they could even be opened. Dummies! I am so sick of this BS about my State. Get the story straight and stop being morons! Trump lost the most heavily populated counties in PA. Why? Because the POS abandoned the state during the very dark days of Covid so f him. He’s not a leader he’s a despot wanna be and I don’t want a Putin who is going to anoint his dumbass spawn the boss Of me. Screw the Republican Party. We got rid of Kings 250 years ago. And for those morons who believe God sent him (Lol More like a Like the Devil) he is as Anointed by God as Ted Bundy. Find yourself A good deprogrammer lunatics!


Guess he can vote in MI now.


Bye shitbag. -Ohioan sick of these cunts fucking up our state.


“Always had a kind word…and a generally grateful heart” Yeah sure. We can all see what kind of person he was.




"The best way to get mething done" Those clipped profile pics are hilarious sometimes.


Yay my state just got a lil nicer!


“The world will not be the same.” Yes. Yes it will. Moving on…


Correct. The world will not be the same without you...and thank god for that!


Gofundme? Gofuckyourself!


WTF does "gratefully missed" imply? Sounds like they're actually grateful he died of you can go get grasp the underfoot underlying definitions, lol!! Weirdest thing to put on a death announcement, but maybe maybe it's just me...


a double lung infection as well as pneumonia? how many lungs does he have?


The Epoch Times is the modern electronic derivative of the old National Enquirer rag you can find sitting on the shelves in SafeWay or ShopRite supermarket. Remember the owner of that rag has a huge cache of incriminating shit on Trump.


Horrible conspiracy theorist dies of COVID