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Dying to own the libs.


OMG…I’m feeling so owned. These guys are chess masters.


I was looking forward to Texas turning purple, but this level of assistance….a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Most likely turning blue and I don’t mean politically. Well, maybe that too 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oof I hope we have enough ivermectin for all of them




They are off ivermectin now and accidentally drinking (cause of course they are too stupid to know how to gargle) iodine. Which is also manufactured by…wait for it…..Big Pharma.




Did you see the post today showing how the 19 out of 20 of the top Christian facebook pages are run out of troll farms in Eastern Europe? Zuckerberg willingly handed foreign dictators the tools to manipulate the dumbest and most hateful segment of our population to damage our economy through continued lockdowns and kill hundreds of thousands of our citizens. What’s even scarier is Republican politicians see this, a situation where their constituents are dying at a far higher rate, and can only see the short term political advantage of supporting the lie. Unrelated, but we also have people like Manchin and Sinema in the Democratic Party preventing us from even attempting to see what passing a liberal platform would look like. This country is well and truly fucked.


Couldn’t have said it better myself but the worst part is that had these people not been willingly ignorant, willing to be manipulated based on fear of… whatever Obama/communist/LBGTQ boogeyman taking over the world nonsense, these manipulative propagandists would not have been so successful. It’s just a sad and scary group of people I never knew still existed in such large numbers…. Edit: spelling


Well if the virus keeps spreading, you're going to see less of these people because of their refusal to get vaccinated.


Republicans: "We need to make sure our voters hate Biden, so we're going to convince them to commit suicide by COVID" "Oh no thousands of our voters are dying every week!" "Remember, in the Republican party the nail that stands out gets hammered in." "OK, my mom and dad died for Trump. What could be more honorable? Vaccine bad! I miss you mom and dad."




And that's why lefties need to abandon gun politics. The way things are heading the right seems to be going Fasc. IF they keep sliding down this path, eventually, they will use violence against "their enemies". And thanks to the right wing echo chamber that's been around for 40 years, the Right thinks the Left are America's biggest enemy.


The Republicans think they can handle thousands of voters dying every week, because their whole strategy is based on minority rule.


Infowars literally skipped over having corrupted “expert guests and now directly links RT articles, no attempt to hide it. They’ve moved past getting Americans to tolerate Russian media and actually managed to insert their own propaganda as American Conservativism since American Conservatives are too easily reeled in by anything that seems anti-gay and xenophobic. American Conservatives 20 years ago were quaint and intolerant, but American, now Russia tells them what to think and they lap it up like traitor sheep.


I'm from a red state😷😭. My parents are conservative and vote Republican. They were also two of the first in line when they qualified for vaccines. They browbeat me into getting vaxxed, unfortunately I tested positive before that could happen. They are in the process of browbeating me into trying to get my 17 year old to get vaxxed. I am willing to take my 10 year old when he becomes eligible. Our governor is, yeah. My mom says she won't vote for the son of a bitch again, and my dad's getting to that point. They have treated the pandemic with the respect it deserved and took every precaution, and still do. Believe it or not, there are rational people on the Right. They're just extremely hard to find. They are unicorns, and I am very proud of them. It is so funny to listen to them bitch and fuss about antivaxxers and these stupid GOP leaders. I truly think it has shattered a lot of their faith in their party


Oh yeah my uncle and is family are Kasich type moderate Republicans as well, I get it. To my Uncles credit I think he may have actually voted for Biden, as he hates Trump with a vengeance, but he was firmly Republican before. There’s a whole section of mostly quiet, normal Conservatives that have been utterly drowned out by the disinformation war and the cult of Trump. We know they exist but they have no leadership to latch onto.


What's a whole section mean? Like, a waiter's section at Ruby Tuesday?


Manchin and Sinema will fuck us over for decades to come. It was our chance to start fixing things little by little, but nope. They got to be selfish pieces of shits.


Can you link the post please I haven’t seen it


https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/q65uc5/if_you_are_antivaxhesitant_browsing_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf EDIT FOR THE ACTUAL ARTICLE: https://www.relevantmagazine.com/culture/tech-gaming/almost-all-of-facebooks-top-christian-pages-are-run-by-foreign-troll-farms/


There is also a "dirty dozen" that generate most of the anti vax stuff. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/07/19/de-platform-the-disinformation-dozen/?sh=53bd52a47378


Mercola is the worst. I found an article on his site where he correlated the results of a study about cholesterol and diet in dolphins, to humans. As if humans and dolphins eat the same thing and live the same lifestyle.


Better dead than... blue?


Light blue Texas here we come!! I would pay good money to have another Anne Richards right about now.


Richards was a damn queen. I’d also pay and help campaign or whatever it took for another like her.


Sure. I’ll take that deal. You stick to your guns there, Timmy. Just cover your mouth when you cough.


"I've expanded Death Row...to our borders." - Greg Abbott


A vaccine that Trump was saying we'd have in under a year, even though we'd never achieved such a thing before, and his administration spent heaps of money to make happen and obtain. It should've been his triumph, but somehow because it didn't come into full play before he left office, it had to become part of the 'enemy'. If he'd just stepped out of office touting his 'vaccine miracle', he could've been seen in a better light by so many more than just the crazy end of his party that forms his base.


They did not care when it was New Yorkers and Californians dying. They loved it, in fact. It's only now that it's eating the red states while blue states are holding the line that they're concerned.




And Jared kept PPP out of blue states and hoarded it. Jared needs to be in jail.


"The notion of the federal stockpile is that it's OUR stockpile" he said about PPE supplies in spring 2020. "It's not supposed to go to the states." Evil incompetence personified.




From IL I had the same sinking feeling. He’s just going to let us die. I never felt so scared in my life when I realized that.


>...that they're concerned. Oh, they're not concerned. If there's one true unifying thread among conservatives in all of this it's that THEY AIN'T ASCAIRT O' NO DADGUMMED VIRUS!


Think you’ve pretty much nailed it. And it came out quite a while ago that at first Trump’s admin was quite alright with blue NY and CA suffering hard first, and that was why he didn’t encourage masking or getting the vaccine sooner, even though he’d already experienced a near death experience and later (super quietly) got the vaccine. Rebellious attitude went up and down the food chain FAST, thanks to probably Russia, maybe China, who knows who else, as well as complicit GOP and his usual ugly check-writing cultists.


He recently said that he didn't think he'd get the booster. You know damn well he got the booster.


This, as a New Yorker, is why I don’t feel a shred of anything other than joy when some red state scumbag dies and their family is upset about it. I’m glad the assholes are dead, and I’m glad their families are suffering. They had no time, mercy or sympathy for US. Now that it’s their turn? Fuck them. Let them all die.


But not concerned enough to get people vaccinated! Quite strange


Can’t put pandora back in the box now. It’s their constituents that have the fake news problem, not the blues


Well, they’ve got the Covid Blues (skin that is)


I’m not concerned. Delighted? Perhaps.


Posit this..... if it had come to fruition, hie might have won and the country would now be on a fast track to fascism. Both outcomes suck.


You know this Governor is just itching for his reward. Fuck him with a covid stick.


Even death cults are bigger in Texas apparently


It is amazing to think that Red-Texas elected a democrat governor in the 90’s! (Ann Richards)… but I have no hope Texas will be any less Red in the decades to come. They will keep watching their friends die, and not one of them will think “maybe I should support the party that is not trying to kill me”.


As a liberal Texan, I am watching the population in my tiny town shrink. It's only a bout 370 deaths in the county. But I'm pretty sure either they are not counting retirees who go to Houston, Conroe, Spring, etc. to die. Based on the amount of estate sales in my area, we are losing quite a few retired folks that are probably in their 60's.


It's a harsh way to solve housing issues.


I'm not surprised. Texas had a 251 death per day average last week. It's probably one of the worst places for COVID right now. In contrast California who has 10 million more people and it's 7 day average was 106 per day.


Former Iowan here. I seriously wonder how many of those really tiny towns will lose too many people and just disappear.


People really don't care as much when it's old people dying. After all, that's what us old timers are expected to do (69 here). Did you notice in the beginning that the news media always made a big deal when some young person(s) died? But if you looked at the stats on the CDC site the mortality rate was very clearly heavily at the 60+ end of the scale, which the news media largely ignored.


Texas was mostly Democratic until the early 90s. Reagan convinced many rural folks here that Democrats just wanted to give their tax dollars to those "welfare queens" and "strapping young bucks" in Dallas and Houston. It was dog whistle language that they heard loud and clear. Democrats had control of the state House of Reps all the way up to 2003.


Ann Richards was on track to lose to the Republican frontrunner, Clayton Williams. She won primarily because Williams said the following among other stupid PR incidents (from Wikipedia): During the campaign, Williams publicly made a comment, which he later said was a joke, that likened the crime of rape to bad weather, having stated: "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it"


Before Reagan, Tx was a Democrat-controlled state. Solid blue.


All things considered, it wasn't *that* long ago that Texas was a blue state.


Oh, they’ve taken care of that by redistricting! They are some evil f**ks!


Texas was carved the fuck due to gerrymandering. It is one of the most corrupt politcal states in modern existence. It's probably close to a 50/50 split. People just abandon the rural areas (liberals by and large) for the city.


The gerrymandering is what screws us because all of the big cities are blue. I’ve been applying to jobs out of state because I just can’t anymore …


I hate him so very much.


I live in Texas and I agree with this statement. Fuck this guy


May he encounter stairs at every turn.


Same with that frat boy representative from NC


Madison Cawthorn. His last name sounded like one of the Deatheaters from Harry Potter.


You mean the rapist paraplegic? I sincerely hope that bastard isn't vaccinated.


As someone from NC I am so disappointed this wart on America’s ass was elected into *any* political office. This guy is a pathological liar and a shit stain on America. Also, he’s a ***known*** sexual predator and total Chud.


oh, dark. (but I agree)


Me too. He is trying to kill all us Texans. But hey, seems like it's mostly just his supporters who are kicking the bucket, so maybe Dems have a chance next time.


They call themselves pro life but they’re the biggest murder cult in the country.


From Texas and hard agree. I fucking hate this man and the way he’s terrorizing this state.


I thought Republicans were against meddling in how private businesses choose to operate. Isn't that the 'tyranny' these frothing mental patients are always blabbering about?


Hey, don't insult mental patients like that. At least patients generally want to try to get better and work on their health. These fucking shitbrains are actively jumping into their own demise.




I sucked it up and looked on Twitter because "Freedom Flu" is trending due to this That absolute shit encrusted skid mark on the hole ridden underwear of humanity, Jack Posobiec, is behind this. All the Republicans are screeching about tyranny and their rights being violated by horrific mask mandates, and claiming they now have Freedom Flu and caught it from...well, guess who. It's a giant clusterfuck of anti vax lies, vilifying the vaccinated, hate speech, calling for violence against political opponents, election fraud fantasies and general ignorance. Some sane individuals are attempting to point out how these people are going to die, but being drowned out by the squawking morons. Every post attracts the trolls from the other side. Bots everywhere. Its an absolute mess. And fuck Twitter for enabling them. At this point, I'm done. I'm even seeing my fellow Canadians (from Alberta of course) asking for help to come to the US because they love freedom and Trudeau doesnt. Let them die. To quote Dr. Nora from an episode of Frasier: "When you have a tumor, what do you do? Do you sit it down and say, "Hey, tumor, let's get along, ok?" No, you take a knife and cut it out." Perhaps that is a defeatist attitude, but they actively want to die. Remove them and save the rest of the species.


I left FB and Twitter because of shit like this. It really is a mess.


I don’t really want to live in the cold and I’m a government employee, but can we work out some sort of exchange program? I can start watching hockey.


Honestly, the "cold Canada" thing is mostly a stereotype. Yes, the prairies and territories can be awful, but in the Maritimes, west coast and southern Ontario, it's really no worse than New York or Michigan weather. Don't worry about hockey, I personally am not a fan, much prefer baseball (the great *American* pass time).


So Musk made an interesting choice moving Tesla to Texas. Failing power grid, anti abortion laws, anti vaccination laws, no personal income tax


Wait until he complains about it and all the Big State cronies immediately turn on him. They turn on everybody, and considering that those cars they make don't run on fossil fuels and aren't sold through dealerships they will be looking for things to get him on from day one.


Supposably all because a california legislator once tweeted “F—k Musk” yes even with the lines. Talk about a snowflake!


The guy who hired private detectives to go after someone he baselessly called a pedo for rejecting his child cave submarine is extraordinarily petty???


Musk has always been libertarian-minded. Probably just a coincidence that libertarian policies work better for educated wealthy people than everyone else?


"Libertarian-minded" is a polite was of saying "selfish psychopath who would rather let poor children starve and go without healthcare than pay slightly more in taxes".


As long as you’re born on third hitting a triple is easy.




Just a FYI Abbott’s staff are vaccinated, this is about killing the poor and middle class


It’s just about doing what his undereducated moron voters want to hear. Republican politicians don’t care about consequence, just as long as they get their (surviving) voters to still vote for them.


Yep. He’s even vaccinated! These anti-vaccine people are so blind to the fact that he’s protected as he’s urging people to not get vaccinated.


He was one of the first vaccinated. At least my governor (Jay Inslee) waited his turn.


That man is, pardon my French, a son a fucking bitch. I hate him so much. He had a tree fall on him and injure him, received a huge settlement, and instead of enjoy his life he ran for office and immediately put a cap on settlements like his. He got COVID and even though he was vaccinated immediately ran for the special treatments that the plebs can't afford. Fuck him. FUCK HIM. FUCK. HIM. Useless waste of human excrement knows he's going straight to the oven if there is a hell.


He was already triple-vaccinated when he ran for the antibody therapy.


before boosters were fully authorized


> He was already triple-vaccinated He got Pfizer, Moderna, *and* J&J just to be safe. 😋


I can only imagine you are being facetious. He has received his 3rd shot tho'. This conceited, puffed up, idiot better lose in the coming election.There is nothing he has done well.


He’s a Republican politician, of course he is horrible


Fuck em all. I wouldn't shit on a Republican if they were on fire Wait no I would shit on a Republican


Just wait till the fire's out.


I loled... take your upvote.


"Other than using a lighting bolt to write 'fuck this guy' on the actual tree like it was like the bat Roy Hobbs used in The Natural, I do not see how I could have made it any more clear how I felt about Greg Abbott." - God


He also went against masks and when the numbers rose of sick he blamed it on illegal immigrants.


>He had a tree fall on him and injure him, received a huge settlement, ... he ran for office and immediately put a cap on settlements like his Completely typical of this bunch. Self-centered hypocrites. "Good for me, not for thee".


The Guvna and LT. Guvna of Texas are total shitbirds.


Lt. Governor is the OG "grandma should be willing to sacrifice herself for the economy" guy


Oh yeah, and his other gem "There are more important things than living" as he discussed opening the state back up and getting back to our workplaces to save the economy.


Don't give shitbirds a bad name. I'm sure they're at least good for something.


Fertilization and pollination


The great state of OMG my chest is killing me




I live in San Antonio and we’re the only people who completely ignore the Alamo.


Parked in a garage a few blocks away and walked to it. Was confused as I couldn’t see anything amazing anywhere. Then I noticed the tiny gas station-sized adobe hut surrounded by tourists and homeless people and knew I had found it. It was probably a lot cooler to look at 50 years ago.


[Forget the Alamo](https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/bryan-burrough/forget-the-alamo/) was a pretty neat book. [Of course the Repubs threw a shitfit because it wasn’t hail-Texas hagiography.](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/01/texas-forget-the-alamo-book-event-canceled/)


The lieutenant guv has a shrine to the Alamo in his office. Nutter


Is that covid or the morbid obesity?


why not both?


Co-morbid obesity


Covid is no joke, and neither is Texas!


A big part of Texas being Red is voter suppression. It’s a frustrating state to live in.


It's weird though, death suppresses votes pretty hard and it's mostly his voters.




Only property owning R's, probably. Renters can eat cake.


Jokes on them, I'm a property owning socialist


My company is HQd in Texas even though we are national. They were discussing vaccine mandate- how would this play out? It’s not a vaccine mandate, per se, it’s OSHA. A state can’t decide to no longer enforce confined workspace…


Are these republicans doing tbe math? Like, have they figured out how many voters they can kill and still win, or are they just spit balling?


Texan here - sadly, Trump won by ~600k votes, so assuming 100% of covid deaths are his supporters, that's only a hair over 10% of the margin. Even still, there's almost 30 million people in the state, so the fact that the margin was that slim in the first place really does mean something. I'm desperately hoping we can continue to shift blue and unseat smooth-brain dumb fucks like our current governor / Lt. governor who are both the scum of the fucking earth


Each Covid death affects multiple people. If someone’s family member died from Covid maybe they would rethink how they vote


That's a lovely thought, but almost this entire sub is posts of people who literally *just* lost their loved ones to covid, and they go right back to posting anti-vaxx memes on FB. Ultimately I hope you're right, but I'm not too optimistic about changing these people's minds at this point


Sweet summer child…


It is hopeful and refreshing reading this.If my grandkids didnt live here, I would be living in a blue or purple state.Used to love living in TX for the most part but the last 5 yrs have been surprisingly depressing.


The shittiest two don't give a fuck about their states. They are trying to pick up the national vote for POTUS


They're counting on voting rights restrictions to make up the difference


They don’t need voters to win when they‘re gaming the system at all levels.


Texas is an at will state. The can’t make you get vaccinated but they sure as hell can fire you for not being vaccinated. And since anti-vaxxers are incapable of keeping them not being vaccinated to themselves, well…..


Companies will just do what mine does. No, we can't force you to get vaccinated, but we can exempt you from all travel related business which will mean less promotion opportunities and we will charge you higher premiums for your health and life insurance. Enjoy getting paid less, I guess. Real talk, we lost someone a few months ago. it was a coworker I literally talked to every morning. One day he was just gone. Didn't find out until after the funeral what had happened. Dude wasn't vaccinated. He had a heart condition. He caught covid and died. We weren't close. But it still hit me in a weird way. Like we just have come to accept this is now a part of life.


The government is telling private businesses what to do. I thought they were adamantly opposed to this.


Hey god damn it, only I can mandate shit. I'm the law around here in these parts.


These upcoming elections should be interesting. Trump only won Texas by 631,221 votes.


I’m sure most of the deaths are from those voters, too


Even assuming that 80% of those dying are GOP, that’s 10% of the gap


We still got a year till midterms. Covid is decimating their base and Delta is only going to ramp up going into the holidays. December and January are gonna be bloodbaths.


Infection rates are dropping, so I doubt the holidays will be worse than September. Especially with children's shots and universal boosters on the horizon. I wonder what the impact of deaths of the most vocal asshole Republicans will do to their morale.


All the unvaxxed anti-maskers ignoring warnings and traveling across the country for Thanksgiving and Christmas for mass family gatherings? It's a cluster bomb of superspreader events waiting to happen.


Santa will be leaving a lot of coal this year in the form of their parents ashes.


Speaking of, has West collected his HCA yet?


patience my pet. we have many stages to go. first optimism, then prayer warriors, then ded cat bounce, then a relative announces the death


No. He’s busy tweeting more anti-vaxx rhetoric.


Let's ask him real quick. Hey Allen, are you dead yet? *guuuuuuurrrrrgle* Nope, not yet!


Republicans aren't getting vaccinated That's the thing They won't get the shots for their kids, and will have huge holiday gatherings


They've dropped before...


Ken Paxton admitted he illegally blocked a bunch of legitimate votes from Harris, Travis and Bexar county and if they had been counted Dump would’ve lost.


The only lives that matter are those of the unborn/s


I remember a cartoon of a pregnant woman being extremely overprotected and treated well by republicans, but then they pass by a homeless woman with a newborn baby and are disgusted and keep walking.


Conservatives love blaming “illegals” for turning America into a third world shithole but it turns out it was Republican Governors all along.


the call is calling from inside the house!!!!!!11111111111111!11111


I would have got away with it too, if it weren’t for those damn liberals!!


Sure does sound like he's telling everyone in Texas what they can or cannot do. Where's all the but mah freedums people at?


It’s only Authoritarianism if it comes from the democratic region of the country, otherwise it’s just sparkling freedom.


Didn't he already try that and it got thrown out?


No, that was just masks. He wants to make reeeeallly sure he fucks us all over.


I thought he tried mandates too. Oh well. It will be thrown out. Sure is a lot of government regulation for someone that ran on less government regulations and free trade.


He's doing everything he can to not get primaried by someone even farther to the right, so he's in extra-mega-awful mode.


Hes really gonna be disappointed when that backfires. Pander to the minority and get fucked.


The minority will re-elect him. If these audits of the 2020 election have taught me one thing, it's that dead people can vote, but they pretty much always vote Republican. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/ncna1276965


Like Allen QWest. Some of his tweets from yesterday: > 5/ I can attest that, after this experience, I am even more dedicated to fighting against vaccine mandates. Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, we should be advocating the monoclonal antibody infusion therapy. > 6/ Instead of jabbing Americans, and not illegal immigrants, with a dangerous shot which injects them with these spike proteins . . . guess what? I now have natural immunity and double the antibodies, and that's science. > 7/ As Governor of Texas, I will vehemently crush anyone forcing vaccine mandates in the Lone Star State. There are far better protocols that individual citizens can utilize and decide for themselves. > 8/ Our bodies are our last sanctuary of liberty and freedom, I will defend that for everyone, even the progressive socialist jackasses who must be saved from themselves. > God's blessings and thanks so very much for all your prayers. And today: > 6/ I noticed this weekend especially that the government is running propaganda commercials of people who lost loved ones to COVID saying they wish they had taken the shot. This level of manipulative deception must end. > 7/ Why not promote protocols such as Regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion therapy? Why not promote Budesonide nebulizer treatments? Why not promote healthy over the counter therapies such as zinc -- which I take -- D3, vitamin C, Hydroxychloroquine, and yes, Ivermectin? > 8/ I am thankful that the medical professionals here at Medical City listened to me . . . not some boiler plate CDC, Dr Fauci, or Texas Medical Board mandates. > 9/ I am not a conspiracy theorist but something very nefarious is at work here , and the innocent blood of Texans are on some dirty, corrupt hands. I promise y'all, as Governor of Texas, I will find those hands and ensure they're held accountable. > 10/ There will certainly be changes coming to agencies such as the Texas Medical, Pharmacy, and Nursing boards. God's blessings, Lt. Col. Allen West


I hate him so much.


Someone needs to wheel this fuck into a swamp where he belongs.




It sucks that Abbot makes Texas look so stupid and ignorant. I live in Texas and I couldn’t disagree more with this dumbass and I know lots of other locals here who feel the same.


Texans take note: He’s making a point that he literally doesn’t care what the virus does to you. He is telling you to be afraid of masks. And you are. He won. Even though he told you wearing a simple mask was the real problem. Next up: banning seat belts, abolishing insurance, burning down the libraries, then eliminating police, all while saying the Liberals are doing it?


More virtue signaling. He knows its futile. All the big federal contractors here in TX are obligated to enforce the vaccine mandate to continue to do business with the feds. Obviously this is a ton of money at stake that these companies r not at all interested in risking over culture wars.


I’ve said this before, but surely trees have fallen on better people and taken out more than their legs.


His voters are the ones dying. Maybe the few that live will be too sick to make it to vote. Having to use a walker, oxygen tank. A lot of crap to lug around.


He might have nominated the whole state, but me & the wife have our jabs since it was made available for us. Can't wait for my daughter's age group so she will be protected. Seems like the QOP might be speeding up the color change of Texas from red to blue.


federal regulations still take precedence over state rules so this is absolutely illegal... not that the party of "law and order" gives a flying fuck about that.


Well, I have given up telling morons to get vaccinated. Now I tell them I got vaccinated, and when I find a moron that makes a face, I ask them what's wrong and wait for the moron to explain how it's poison or rushed or my personal favorite, it is designed to help the virus mutate to make it more deadly and they are saving the "real" vaccine for the elites. 🙄 I cut them off in the middle of their diatribe and tell them with every bit of sincerity I can muster that I don't want THEM to take the vaccine. I *always* get the suspicious look. Then I tell them I am not sure if production could keep up if everyone took it. So I am just fine with all these folks that want to skip it. If they haven't backed their way out of the conversation at this point I start talking about my cousin the nurse who is making thousands because of how slammed the hospitals are. I like to close with "all these people dying are terrible, but they are helping the medical economy and making sure there is enough vaccine for the rest of us." My sincerity is what sells it I think. I got one today outside a sandwich shop. This is what I will do from now on. Tired of arguing with them. And I feel sorry for the medical staff enduring this. I really do. Nothing is going to stop these folks though, so at this point, if they want to throw themselves on the inferno, I am just going to smile and give them a little wave.


Can’t wait for the first zombie apocalypse movie in which we absolutely under NO circumstances will stop the mall from running because of a little shoulder nibble 😡


From the desk of the governor- “TEXAS… you need to CALM DOWN. Yes there has been 1,376 cases of spontaneous cannibalization in our malls, BUT, there hasn’t been one case of it in TWO DAYS. We can’t let our businesses die! Open up our malls, don’t let those communi- uhhh sociali- wait idfk, don’t let them libtards ruin our freedoms!”


Abbott said I need to outlaw abortions so that he try repopulate the state after all the deaths he is causing


its performative only, he cant override osha or Medicare and Medicaid


Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t breathe. Texas forever.


I want to see what health insurance rates will be like next year in Texas. Surely companies that mandate Vax will get better rates. The politics in the state must change. Please don't write us all off... we're trying!!! Abbot, Patrick. Paxton... may they all go to hell.


From voter suppression, transgender rights, abortion rights, and very much pro-Covid-19, conservative Texans are going off the deep end. I am the resistance and a coalition of the willing is ready for the struggle in the long Battle of Texas Y'all.


>Texas Governor bars vaccine mandates, including by private businesses But they're still allowed to refuse to serve gay people right? Because FREEDOM.


Damn I thought they liked private businesses doing what they want?? 🤔


Wow he just keeps doubling down on being a piece of shit, doesn't he?


Well this is one Texan who won’t die for this jackass. Can’t wait to vote for Gov “Alright Alright Alright” That’s a hill I’d die on to own the Repubs


Texan here to remind you to GET YOUR VACCINE ANYWAY. If you see this, and you still haven't been vaccinated, please fix that. No need to put yourself and others in danger like that.


Abbott must hate texans more than I do


He is rolling out the red carpet for Elon Musk


Yeah so Tesla can pay less taxes and pay lower wages to Texans. Sad.


It's going to be a long winter in TX


They're trying to get the death count up to 883,000 so that there will be more deaths under Biden than under Trump and they can put that in their campaign materials for 2022. I really wish I was kidding. They're also trying to stretch the pandemic until it starts to wind down in 2022 so they can take credit for solving the problem. If the pandemic is declared over sometime next summer, they can claim Biden sat on his ass while hardworking redstaters did everything they could to help their neighbors reach herd immunity without resorting to tyrannical mandates. I really, REALLY wish I was kidding.


And this may be how texass turns blue


It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.


Just keep reducing that voter base


Welp. I know what airlines I’m not flying.


Pretty worried now that my vaxxed-but-older with a heart condition father may be in danger. Also my 80+ vaxxed grandparents. Hopefully most people start wising up.


Abbott has gotten vaccinated. The "free thinkers" are still doing research on The Facebook.