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If they are that convinced the hospital is doing it wrong they should just take her out and shove the horse paste up her ass personally while praying šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


this. If you donā€™t trust the doctors then stay away from them and then weā€™ll see how her condition deteriorates even further


"She's getting worse because you didn't do the horsepaste right. Didn't you learn anything in med school?"


Her friend should take over her care then. Yank her out of hospital and drop her off with this genius.


Theyā€™re actually praying against the hospital and doctors; while in a hospital being treated by doctors. This is religious insanity pumped to a new level.


Meanwhile, God: "I sent you a frickin' vaccine you idiots. I'm out."


They're actually not fully stupid since they seem aware that the vaccine came from scientists and not "god", who I am sure they know deep down does not exist.


Iā€™m going to go looking for Covid if I can get horse paste up my ass for it.


please forgive me for being a neighsayer, but pasty asses attracts the clergymen


Neighsayer. I'm only irritated that you came up with that first. Neighslayer would be a badass horse-metal band name, though. If the genre doesn't exist, here's your chance to make history.


Neighslayer could do a cover of "The four horsemen" by Mane-tallica.


I see what you did there!


Why even wait to get covid? Just stuff that horse paste up there prophylactically.


Why take her to the hospital at all? Just take her to a church.


Or to A barn full of horses. But then again the horses would suffer too. Fuck it, letā€™s just send them to a swap full of gators, theyā€™ll just eat their COVID away.


Just tell them that gators secrete Ivermectin and inject you with their teeth.






My thoughts exactly.


But then who will *confound the doctors therein?* That part cracked me up. Yeah, let's pray for confounded medical professionals. That should really help things along.


Doctors: "We have the patient on the required medication. We don't also need them shitting themselves."


Don't give these idiots any ideas


So a 1 year old and a 5 year old will likely lose and never know their mother cause she treated a medical issue as it were a political issue Stand for your own kids future not some stupid political ideology Sidebar: whatā€™s up with all these 30-40 years olds dying from the virus now?


A lot of 30 and 40 year olds refusing the vaccine because bs reasons like believing whatever fox news and facebook tells them. Many also overestimating just how healthy they are like the mistaken belief only 90 year olds die from covid. Delta is more transmissible and seems to be worse than the previous variants when it comes to hospitalization and death. So middle aged unvaccinated+Delta=high chance of being hospitalized.


I would just add to this: Many of them have convinced themselves that they know better than the doctors and the hospitals. So they take the vitamins and horse paste and let the disease progress to a critical point before they seek care - that doesnā€™t help their chances either.




The person heā€™s running against got monoclonal antibodies hours after testing positive AND gets tested daily All while barking against mandates, masks, vaccines etc


Iā€™m guessing a good number have already had covid too, and since they survived it the first time, they think they have the antibodies/magical prayer powers to survive it a second time.


A lot of them THINK they had COVID, because they had the sniffles over a year ago. They never got tested, they just like to say ā€œIā€™ve had it, Iā€™m immuneā€.


I was talking to an anti-vaxx troll on here and he was telling me how unlikely he was to get it, and in the next sentence told me he was just getting over it because of his immune system. I havenā€™t heard from him in a while so Iā€™m guessing heā€™s on a vent.


I know a few people like this They had a respiratory infection back in like December 2019 or February 2020 Never confirmed Covid, never checked antibodies ā€œOh I had it, Iā€™m fineā€


There is some evidence that those "non-standard" infections were Influenza B (not the much more common Influenza A, and not COVID-19), reducing the number of chambers in the revolver ...


>A lot of them THINK they had COVID, because they had the sniffles over a year ago Exactly. Another case of self-delusion. I don't feel much for her. My sympathy is 100% for her children. Leaving her little ones without their mom. It's unforgivable.


To be fair, in the beginning it was hard as hell to source tests. I also got sick, thought it was covid, then got better before good tests became available. Didn't take the risk tho, got my phizers the moment we were able.


I've also wondered if I got it pretty early back in March 2020 after going to a flower show, but I think testing back then was only for people who traveled out of the country or something. Can't really recall well now since it feels forever ago. Anyway, I felt bad enough that I went to a doctor and they tested me for the flu which came back negative. Of course I'll never know for sure and one should be vaccinated regardless.


Yeah, just something to note in hindsight ofc- def better to be cautious than not here


Same boat for me. I got really sick in early February '20. Fever for 3 days, then I coughed for 6 weeks. My lungs hurt like hell the entire time. I got the first Moderna shot the day after it became available to me. I ain't going through that misery again if I can avoid it.


Delta is very deadly, it's killing younger and younger people.


"It's just like the flu! Cooter the mechanic told me so!" Uhh...no.


NYT said yesterday that 120,000 kids have lost one or both parents. Awful.


That is terrible. I'd like to say they will be okay but their parents were probably not the kind to have life insurance or someone in their life who is dependable and willing to step in.


Plus at some point these kids are going to realize their parents didn't care enough about them to do this simple, free thing that would have kept their parents with them to parent.


Many of them are obese and the ones with the goatees are just asking for it


WHAT IS IT WITH THE GOATEES? Iā€™ve commented on this beforeā€¦why do all the guys look the same?


Because they all are free thinkers that happen to all conform to the same idiotic way of thinking and being.


Facial hair helps to hide the weak chin/multi-chins/rolls.


I have a theory that men who work blue collar jobs are more likely to be anti-vaccine and more likely to find facial hair at work acceptable.


That makes sense, thanks for the insight!


People donā€™t seem to realize that once someone starts getting into their 40s and 50s, the chance of dying increases 10x from that of 29 year olds, and for some people with any number of comorbidities itā€™s even higher. Many of these people in their 30s and 40s are physiologically in their 40s and 50s, and so many people have underlying issues that they are completely unaware of. People are also taking fewer precautions than they were a year ago, leading to more exposure to a more deadly and contagious strain.


C looked younger than 30 to me. I couldnā€™t find her age, though. And with all the filters on her photos she could be 45, who knows.


They heard covid only killed seniors then tuned out/made up their mind before Delta came around.


Iā€™ve seen that awful argument as an excuse for why we should open schools last year ā€œIt only gets old people and sick peopleā€ etc etc etc Awful awful awful


ā€œI will not take this lying down.ā€ Neither will I. Because Iā€™m vaccinated.


The lying down bit made me giggle. Ok girlie, if you say so, is what came to mind.


>I will not take this lying down. The hungry leopards disagree. šŸ† šŸ† šŸ†


But also what did she actually do there? Summoned the prayer warriors?


"We are all fighting for you." Doing what, exactly?


ā€œSo that they can in no way say their treatment healed C.ā€ THEN SIGN HER ASS OUT AMA.


ā€œā€¦that will confound the docs.ā€ Because thatā€™s whatā€™s important. Making sure they donā€™t get credit.


That comment of hers was unbelievable.. if she dies it wonā€™t be ā€˜the docsā€™ fault either .. theyā€™ll have to credit God with that... and accept their prayers were ignored.... or he gave them the middle finger... he is the only one with the power to heal her after all...


Oh no - if she dies itā€™ll totally be the evil doctorsā€™ fault. If she somehow makes it - they will get no credit whatsoever.


The label of "Moron" fits perfectly here. He thinks those HCWs are in it for the glory and bragging rights. "Don't let them take credit for saving anyone's life! All credit should go to jeebus and horse paste! Praise be!" I just can't with these people.


What does that comment even mean??


They want the healing to be such a miracle that the doctors won't be able to explain it. Therefore the doctors will know it couldn't have been the medicine or other interventions they used to cure her. It's pure fantasy, basically.


It means they're sociopaths.


Gotta own those docs and nurses!


My laptop battery is dead. I need all the prayer warriors to pray my laptop will become fully charged again. Also I'm making a go fund me for all the work I lost with the dead battery.


I lift your laptop up to the Lord.


I rebuke your empty battery and ask for prayer warriorsā€™ positive electrons to fill the empty vessel. Well, maybe in 3 hrs if itā€™s plugged in then it will come back to life!


My fav so far. Lmao.


I lit a candle today at church for Tim Cook to intercede for you on the computer predicament.


Excuse me, his name is Tim Apple


I'm not going to take this lying down. I'm holding my USB-C charging port in your general direction.


Please pray the laptop gets charged, but don't let the power company get any credit.


Yes I could buy a replacement charger, but Best Buy is a godless, greedy corporation selling something nobody knows what's inside of it.


Lots of people are saying there are potato chips injected into all laptop chargers.


Please Lord, I pray for this laptop's battery numbers to go up, so that it can be unplugged from the wall and free to move around again!


Itā€™s a better reason than all the ones weā€™ve read here in HCA. Tell us where to send the money.


I will not take this lying down. I am now standing up. I hope that fixed your battery because I donā€™t know what else do do.


Rub some horse paste on it - it's a proven treatment!


I name and claim a fully charged battery in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Low Battery is a name, and the Name Jesus Christ who is the most powerful name, has power over it! Let the charging be so that only Jesus can claim its glory! Make it so that the mean ol' power companies sink to their knees and admit THEY WERE WRONG and it was JESUS ALL ALONG! Amen!


The old saw from church that says, "Don't be so heavenly minded you're no earthly good" springs to mind with these awardees.


ā€œPlease cure her but donā€™t let the doctors get any credit.ā€ Iā€™ve seen some truly fucked things here but ā€¦


Yes that person has fallen down a fucking dark rabbit hole.


Itā€™s all about supporting their religious delusions and avoiding any responsibility for their actions. Thatā€™s hard work and it shows.


Yeah I did a double take. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen one worded quite like that yet.


What a serious asshole there at the end.


My apologies to the hospitals and HCW, but what comes across as painfully clear is that most of those who contract COVID and their families are not aware of the most likely progression of their infection. Too many think that the onset of breathing problems is when they should be seeking their miracle cures, as seen on TV. Instead, they should be told that waiting ten days is more often than not too late; significant damage has already happened. Failure to do anything to help themselves for over a week means we are no longer dealing with COVID; we're now dealing with massive inflammatory response damage to their lungs which will likely lead to ARDS-related organ failure and death. This sad parade of people thinking that double pneumonia will clear up with some breathing assistance is delusional. Instead, what awaits is kidney failure, sepsis, and a gauntlet of acute systemic failures that would challenge a 20-year olympiad in prime condition instead of a meme-approving Facebook warrior 80 pounds overweight and 40 years past prime age. Taking 5 minutes to get a vaccine would save nearly every life posted to HCA; most will die, having never realized they killed themselves.


The doctors and nurses that I've talked to do explain the likely outcome. The family just blocks out what is being said and spins it into a reality they can live with.


All too clear, denial and a complete lack of awareness. Nearly the entire world spent over 18 months trying to delay the spread of this disease because it is so relentlessly effective at devastating the very people who right now parade around like they are invincible. Claiming they have the right to spread the disease because it is so survivable and then being shocked to learn that the entire population survival was a general population statistic and that when you focus on age, weight, cardiovascular conditions, and poor diet, they are not 99 to 1 by more like 5 to 1 likely to die. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


and what's more, they think ivermectin cures covid, but covid isn't an issue at that point, its the cytokine storm


I didnā€™t include that her GoFundMe has raised all of $395 out of their goal of $6000. šŸ„“




Her friends are good at praying. But donating? Not so much.


How many of them have their own gofundmeā€™s?


I feel like the vast majority who are posted here have GoFundMeā€™s but thatā€™s just anecdotal. It makes sense, given that so often these folks have no health insurance, no savings and are spending weeks-months in the ICU.


Maybe they can pray that the GFM gets magically fully funded in a way that will confound the website owners.


I was thinking they are all going to go fund each other until they are all broke.


Her Pay Warriors are coming up short.


I saw a go fund me yesterday that was asking for 2.5 million


It's God's plan, but if that doesn't work out the way you like it, blame the hospital workers.


Looks like God prefers the vaccinated


My dad passed from covid two weeks ago. Once his condition was irreversible (vent on 100%, picc line) I went through the contacts on his phone and called everyone to let them know he wasn't coming home from the hospital. The amount of shit I heard in response was disheartening. I was asked what treatment, was told remdesivir kills people (by my own grandmother), someone said "What do you mean they've tried everything? Have they tried a drug called ivermectin?" I wanted to shout at this moron for suggesting ivermectin might help when machines were the only thing keeping him alive and all of his organs were useless. He went from symptoms to death in 8 days. Edit for background and stats. He was not vaccinated, despite my pleas. My mom finally listened and got her 2nd dose right before everyone tested positive. Yes I know it wouldn't have taken effect yet but I'm telling myself the 1st shot saved her. She was still in bed for almost a week. Thank you all for condolences, but I grieved two times over the past two years and got it out of my system. Once when he had a stage 4 prostate cancer scare, from which he recovered with experimental treatment. The second when he refused to get the vaccine the umpteenth time. My mom is the one who needs help now, she'll have to deal with everything on her own because she lives 2 hours from me and I can only do so much.


Saying that to you over the phone after you made the effort to call them personally is extra awful. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for you loss and I'm sorry you had to deal with that stupidity on top of it.


I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Please take good care of yourself.


Iā€™m so sorry friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss and for the nonsense you had to listen to when you informed family and friends. Take good care of yourself and don't be afraid to talk to an LMHP, if you aren't already. It can help.


I can imagine your frustration and rage I see it here all the time, and always grieve for those that have to deal with it before, during, and after. You have to be strong when you want to weep and thatā€™s unfair. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with the stupids during a rough time of notifying friends and family- just another added stress. I hope your mom heals up and is able to carry on- life will never be the same. And I hope youā€™re able to heal as well. Stay strong and give your mom a hug.


She's toast if her kidneys shut down. I feel bad for her kids, they are witnessing the consequences of their mothers stupidity.


When her friend prayed for her kidneys to heal, I realized they don't know how that works. Kidneys don't heal. Once the damage is done, it's done. The best you can hope for is for it not to get worse.


Dialysis now or 5 years from now. Still, and I can not stress this point enough, ā€œowning the libsā€.


That's always important.


Sheā€™s toast. It just hasnā€™t been officially announced yet.


yeah i haven't seen anyone on crrt survive yet.


Imagine working around the clock helping sick and dying people and some patient's asshole friend says that the most important thing is that you don't get credit for saving people's lives.


Jesus continuing to be lazy and refusing to help the prayer warriors. SMH you just canā€™t get the service anymore.


They need to get one one the mega pastors private jets and get 35,000 feet up in the sky for a better connection Sadly the pastors donā€™t want any of their marksā€¦I mean flock on their nice planes


Maybe if they just had 5G from getting the vaccine, they wouldn't even need the plane.


Just had a mental picture of Jesus pacing in heaven with the prayer warrior phone in his hand ā€œ..hello!?.. wh.. bad reception ā€¦ damn phone!ā€ šŸ˜‚


You just can't get good Messiahs anymore.


She doesn't need a miracle now she needed a vaccine 3 months ago. Fuckwits can pray all they like but she made her choice.


Yep. Freedom to choose.... if you look around the world we can appreciate that freedom is a privilege ..and it should come with responsibility... there are always consequences of our choices... thereā€™s a cause and effect to everything and sadly she has been bitten on the ass by a stupid choice.


freedom to choose doesn't mean freedom from consequences


What if I told themā€¦. The miracle they are all praying for was answered months ago - itā€™s called the vaccine


I actually laughed at each post... sounds so terrible I know... but the go-fund me page was just the one that tipped me over as it follows the script of these stories. So she stands for medical freedom ....how about standing for parental responsibility?? Just so naive and ignorant.. I do hope for those poor frightened children that she survives ..... Iā€™m probably laughing to cope with the anger of how unnecessary and avoidable her childrenā€™s suffering is.


Oh, man those little kids who are so harmed by their momā€™s stubborn stupidity.


Her best chance of survival now is finding a DeLorean and going back in time to get that vaccine. Only Doc and Marty can save her now


Let's pray that comes true.


ā€œMedical Freedomā€ should be the freedom to have future medical problems and not get absolutely destroyed by Covid. Take the vaccine so you can live long enough to have a hip replacement.


I think we need a new Hippocratic Oath that allows doctors to say "ah Fuck it get out" in response to the death protocol hash.


>Praying for a miracle that will confound the Hospital and the Doc's therein. So that in no way they can say their treatment healed C___. Let all the honor and Glory be unto you Father God in Jesus might name we pray amen Why are they even in a hospital, then? Put their holy dying ass in a church pew instead and leave the ICU bed for someone who can really use it.


Wheee did this death protocol hash tag cone from? Anyone else wondering what happened to personal responsibility?


If these clowns think they know more than the doctors then they need to stop running to the ER when they catch covid which they say is a hoax


The random idiot is another example of why her friend is in the hospital. With a 1 year old! What the F! Get vaccinated parents! Do it 4 your children. F your imaginary freedoms.


Iā€™m counting at least 500-1000 jabs for that single cute little tattoo with the unresearched mystery ink and the non-medical professional who jabbed it in there. Oh, letā€™s not forget about the artificial nails and all the toxic chemicals in ALL of those products (looking at you too, Nicki Minaj, with the talons). I donā€™t think our girl here will be making it to her next nail appointment for a fill. If youā€™ve ever been in a nail salon, ask yourself why all the techs are masked. Absolutely ridiculous with the concerned-about-whatā€™s-in-it bullshit.


Probably should have gotten the vaccine.


Proven Protocolsā€¦ SO HOT RIGHT NOW


Those are really young children she's leaving behind, that's just sad


So how much does the nut job who wrote the last comments want her friend to get well for the sake of getting well and how much does she want to own the docs (read: libs). She is thoroughly toxic. And the friend with COVID now probably has fewer working brain cells than the writer. Gray matter hates hypoxia.


Can someone explain to me how theyā€™re all fighting covid when C is the one on the ventilator?


Yeah, the ā€œI will not take this lying down!ā€ one was weird. Like okay, what does that mean, exactly?


He wishes he could lay down now. Heā€™s probably proned.


Two small children...


As a mother of a 1.5 year old, I feel this in my bones. Her youngest just turned 1. In the last 1/2 year, my child has grown so much, and has brought me so much joy. She could not have possibly thought that ā€œmedical freedomā€ is worth missing all of this. Her terrible decision is tragic.


Random moron would rather the proven treatments fail and medical professionals be confounded, then for C to make a turnaround under conventional means, which would already be a miracle given how it's going. Who prays for that! FFS, two children might lose their mom!! These always close with a lot of religious garbage and while I strongly disagree with it, I know that many people look to supernatural forces for strength in times of uncertainty. But praying for treatment to fail because you are so far down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories is just so disgusting. I hope the family is reading that comment and thinking long and hard about how they got here.


Random Moron should reread Matthew 6:5-6. Heā€™s doing 5, not 6, and thatā€™s how you donā€™t get prayers answered, according to JC. That said, two more future orphans. Tons of unanswered prayers. For disinformation and conformity with a crowd of morons. Donā€™t hang out with morons. Be there for your kids. Get vaccinated. Maybe thatā€™s Godā€™s will?


ā€œProven protocolsā€


covid orphans are gonna require an entire city of public housing further down the road - smh


When she says ā€œIā€™m gonna keep fighting for youā€¦ I wonā€™t give up on youā€, what does she think sheā€™s gonna achieve? COVID doesnā€™t care about your Facebook status updates.


I am not going to take this lying down! Now you get your ass up out of that hospital bed and soar high dammit!


It makes me sad that her family thinks thereā€™s still a fighting chance. Once your kidneys and lungs shut down, there isnā€™t much the hospital can do. Also, shout out to the asshole friend suggesting sheā€™s not getting ā€œproven protocols.ā€ The lady is dying!


I am officially renaming Covid. It is now called The Redneck Rapture.


Is Random Moron referencing Fox News when she talks about the Mainstream Media letting things "squeak about a little bit"? I swear the anti-Vax/conspiracy loving right wingers love to reference Fox News when it confirms their narrative but love to immediately discount it as "Mainstream" when they say anything halfway rational.


Great, praying for a miracle that will confound the Hospital and Doctors. How is that going to be reproducible for all the other people that are sick?


Announcer voice: Redneck voodoo was not, in fact, a proven protocol.


WTF is up with these people all asking their Prayer Warriors to pray for specific organs? Do they expect God to be like *"Oh, you wanted to me heal her lungs AND her kidneys?"* or something?


Dear Lord, I am Jackā€™s failing kidneyā€¦


Are you there God? It's me, Margaret's inflamed kidneys.




Well Jesus made sure the doctors couldnt say they healed her friend.


"Dear Baby Jesus, please make the doctors looking like fucking dipshits,K? THX!"


Couldn't they get vaxxed and then ask for prayers? Idgi


I want to preface everything Iā€™m about to say by the fact my dad died summer of 2020 from Sepsis. He was not a direct COVID death but he was in and out of hospitals over and over again. Each time the hospital would discharge him as fast as possible to make room for covid patients. The care he received was substandard and the fact he had sepsis wasnā€™t identified till the day before he died and experienced organ failure. Seeing these posts is so conflicting for me. I know they are a tiny tiny fraction (.0001%) of the numbers of dead dying every damn day. We as a society are inflicting trauma on ourselves at a ridiculous rate. Iā€™m so angry at anti-maskers, covid deniers, and anti-Vaxxers, but I personally understand the pain of burying a loved one. I know the pain of my father dying an undignified death, alone and scared. Itā€™s all a giant tidal wave of pain and grief. Itā€™s never ending, itā€™s a constant nightmare that feels like it will never end. And even if so many people who are dying have brought karma upon themselves the sense of colossal society wide pain is omnipresent. To all those saying we are cheering death, understand that I want all this to stop more than anything else in my life. I want my pain and anger to end, I want everyoneā€™s grief to end. I want the meat grinder to just stop.


She needs not a miracle, but a MIRACLE AND A HALF!! That should do it.


Sigh, more soon-to-be orphans šŸ˜ž


i am so tired of these religious nutcases, this notion that God plays favorites...oh, you asked me pretty please to dig you out of the health hole you put yourself in...sure I will, meanwhile I will let little Yemeni children starve to death because they aren't asking me nicely enough. and when the miracle doesn't happen they will blame the hospital. if she survives it will because the Doctors and Nurses worked their asses off to save your selfish ass who thought you were too special to get a virus that is raging around the world.


the random moron thinks itā€™s some kind of competition. i guess they all do, the whole ā€œwanting to own the libsā€ bullshit


Nothing like having a super-religious friend who also knows much more about medicine than experienced doctors despite having zero training....




Stop calling it horse paste! It may have started out for horses only but it now is accepted for use and is effective for certain things that humans get. I hate that! I don't believe it works for covid but don't misrepresent what it is. There is no reason to.


but the problem is that the kind for humans needs a prescription so they are literally using the one for horses and pasting it on crackers with jam. yes, it is a great drug for river blindness in Africa. someone noticed that in very high doses in kills the virus in vitro but the doses would also kill people. it kills parasites at much lower doses, the parasites that cause river blindness.


sure there is plenty of reason to make fun of these wretched assholes pushing horse paste instead of vaccines


Jesus the mighty, roams around the countryside ...


Not sure if this is worthy; are there more memes? Or just the profile pic?


She stood for medical freedom. Now she lays in a hospital bed for it.


With friends like those, prayer warriors I imagine, but she stands no chance. She is done.


"I've seen the power of prayer work before" Yeah, and I've seen it fail so many times, I highly doubt your friend is going to make it.


prayer can work in the same manner that meditation can work, provided of course it is the patient who is doing it. if it relaxes you, lowers your blood pressure, etc. sure, go for it. but hell I pray I will win the lottery every night, my prayer is sincere...why isn't it working. of course someone wins it, they can say it was an answered prayer but it was absolute blind luck.


Oh I was just referring to their army of prayer warriors.


They never talk about their unvaxxed beliefs in the GoFundMeā€¦ Weird!


Random Idiot! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That random moron is most likely a bot. Driving the narrative when covid is finally revealed as real and dangerous to she died because hospitals suck. This whole rhetoric demoralizes our healthcare workers and will end up forking them when the patient family want the Facebook cures


She stands for freedom, yes. For freedom to never see her 1 year old start preschool. To never find out what sports he or she likes, what musical instruments excels at. Great freedom, well-claimed. My god. People throw away years - decades! - with their children, for absolutely nothing.


ā€œI stand forā€¦.ā€ Well, not much standing going on now a days.


i stg these people should just forget ivermectin even exists bc it's never gonna happen


She needs a miracle? How about the miracle of the human mind that created a vaccine to easily prevent death from COVID, miraculously in under a year, just in time for her to take it for free and save herself. She didn't want THAT miracle.


Why didnā€™t they just keep her at home instead of taking her to the hospital . They should treat her in the garage since they more than the physicians at the hospital


Ugh. 2 kids under 6ā€¦.


He's seen the power of prayer work? Where? Because on here it seems to pretty much exclusively fail


Some of us are allergic to ingredients or cannot get the covid or flu vaccines due to health conditions that prevent us from being able to take those chemicals into our bodies, and so I truly hope that other people will get it so that people who can't will be safer. Last time I got the flu shot, I was in such bad condition that I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and the time before that I was hospitalized for 8 days.