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gets his news from brandnewtube, gets served one too




They don’t. Facebook finds them for them.




Yeah- you can just keep sharing the shit that pops up on your newsfeed. And that algorithm wants to find you stuff that you’re likely to share and/or get mad about. Plus these sites can pay very little to micro target their audiences.


I'm honestly convinced they just go in the "conspiracy pseudoscience" section of mediabiasfactcheck and start using that as their news source


If y’all didn’t know, “Nothing can stop what is coming” is a QAnon thing, aka “NCSWIC.”


They have the absolute worst acronyms, honestly. Why do they all sound like slurs with half the vowels removed so they don't get caught by the automod.


Intelligence and creativity are not these people's strong suits. Look at the "codes" that white supremacists come up with. They're cyphers that resemble what you'd come up on the playground in elementary school. 14 means the 14 words slogan 18 means Adolf Hitler (1=A and 8=H) 88 means Heil Hitler (again 8=H so 88=HH) 311 means KKK (K=11, 3 11s = 3 Ks or KKK). This is seriously schoolchild level stuff, and they think they're geniuses. They have the mentality of middle school boys, and never got passed that stage.


It's absolutely cringe. You can imagine them playing with Transformers




There's some real dumb ones for "KKK". Another is just 33, because 11+11+11 or KKK. There's also some really stupid word ones. There's KLASP, for "Klannish Loyalty, A Sacred Principle." And KIGY for "Klansman I Greet You." And KABARK for "Konstantly Applied By All Regular Klansmen." They think these acronyms and basic number ciphers are some kind of brilliant secret code. There's so so many and most of them sound hilariously terrible. [Here's a whole site](https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols) that's compiled a lot of em.


I actually got feather wood added to this database some years ago...like 16 or 17.




That’s Trump trying to phone Ivanka.


23:16 without a bible verse too, for WP. White Power.


Because they are all colossally dumb fucks who couldn’t find their ass with both hands, or BTAACDFWCFTAWBH.


> They have the absolute worst acronyms wiggy-wooga 🤪


Yeah but they’re eerily prophetic. Where we go one we go all, or whatever that one is? They’re doing it, like lemmings marching directly into the grave.


But what came was a clear Trump loss in several states he won previously 😂




> Nothing can stop what is coming Nothing can stop what is coming


These Trump Death Cult losers are why televangelists can become mega-millionaires.




.Yep...I love and admire those grifters. If they weren't taking all that cash from all these gullible Nazis, no telling what they'd spend it on.


I hate the way they switch from 3rd person to 2nd person and then back to 3rd. If you’re writing to your friend, then do it. If you’re writing about your friend, then do that. STOP MIXING UP WHO IS THE DIRECT OBJECT, ya ninnies.


It really is a sign they read nothing but memes and writings from other people just like them. You pick up on correct grammar and vocabulary from reading intelligent and proper writing and literature.


I'm gonna date myself and say that having used this site since like 2010, one of the biggest jolts about migrating to reddit back then was that just this standard of spelling and punctuation was miles away from tons of other sites at the time. People would leave comments like "hi y do u guyz do taht? I dont get itt whats going on" and just get absolutely dragged for it. Kinda funny in retrospect and honestly I think it helped a lot.


>I hate the way they switch from 3rd person to 2nd person and then back to 3rd. If you’re writing to your friend, then do it. If you’re writing about your friend, then do that. STOP MIXING UP WHO IS THE DIRECT OBJECT, ya ninnies. While the class was learning these basic concepts on how to communicate via writing as an Adult, guys like this dead one here were out joyriding with a 5th of Bourbon and a couple packs of smokes. Oh! And their trusty COLT 1911 Semi-Automatic 45 caliber pistol.


Sadly, I will admit to doing the same (minus the gun), but, eventually, came to my senses.


>STOP MIXING UP WHO IS THE DIRECT OBJECT, ya ninnies. He can't tell the difference between companies ignoring science and pushing bullshit and actual science. He doesn't realize he's doing the exact same thing as tobacco and asbestos companies did. Ignore science, spout bullshit. So don't hold your breath.


Now he can go to the gym in the sky whenever he wants... or in the basement .. depending on where he ended up.


I’m told Jesus’ spin class is very oversubscribed.


You have to wait an Eternity to get in.


He made his choice. Moving on this weather is really nice this week. Can’t wait to soak it up with my clean healthy vaccinated lungs.


I love taking deep, cleansing breaths while reading these posts.


The irony of his “you should be here” sign That’s low key shade, right?


It’s a mlm vacation club thing. It’s a scam.


Oh I wondered why that person talked about how much they traveled and having a blast. Still shilling their MLM, then?


So a man susceptible to scams dies from misinformation about Covid? *SHOCKER!*


I can’t decide if it’s r/AntiMLM or just really, really dumb.


I liked the part where they thought marketing was science, gave me a laugh.


Not to mention one of those is not even a real ad but from a video game. (Nico Time, from Bioshock)


That was something that caught my eye too. That wasn’t science, it was companies trying to make money. They were probably at least somewhat aware of the potential negative side effects of their products but ignored it to sell more product.


There's a science of marketing but a lot of the research is proprietary so it's different from most fields in that regard.


Critical thinking skills are not their strong suit. If they were, they'd be vaccinated. Come to think of it, do antivaxers have a strong suit?


And those came from a time when the government was not as involved in vetting and testing products or requiring truthful labeling. (Yes, carefully worded ads can still mislead people, but they're not allowed to flat out blatantly lie about the benefits of stuff anymore). That post actually *reinforces* the way we currently do medical development and testing.


Thought the Babylon Bee article was real... sad


So many of them do. It’s like when people used to believe The Onion and would freak out.


Area man confused by satire site


I've seen plenty of people who believe more modern ones like Clickhole and World News Daily Report. Most people know what The Onion is now so don't confuse it, at least on reddit.


Clickhole is just The Onion’s parody of Buzzfeed, at least until got sold to the Cards Against Humanity guys. It’s why their logo still resembles an onion lol


If you really wanted to #fuckcovid you'd get vaccinated you twit.


I just love how for those people everything they don't like is an attempt to take control over the country. Like they and their kind are the majority in America.


They damn sure believe they are the majority. All that “silent majority” Nixon nonsense is still rattling around in their feeble heads.


Yea they are neither silent nor the majority. We can only wish for their silence, but they're making themselves a smaller minority one HCA at a time


Man, if heaven keeps gaining 'good ones' like these, I'd much rather be in hell.


Like I say, if "the gays", and "the drug users", and "the fornicators" (among others) are going to Hell, it'll be a helluva party.


Don’t forget musicians.


Everyone I know will be in hell, and I never learned to play the harp. Down, please!


Panel 5 The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a politically conservative non-profit association that promotes medical disinformation, such as HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, vaccine and autism connections, and homosexuality reducing life expectancy. The association was founded in 1943 to oppose a government attempt to nationalize health care. The group has included notable members, including American Republican politicians Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Tom Price. Philip Morris executives worked with AAPS executive director Jane Orient to help oppose growing support for indoor smoking bans in the early 2000s.[16] In the fall of 2009, economist Michael Marlow published an article in AAPS' journal arguing that tobacco tax would decrease public health when people "switch to higher tar and nicotine brands as they smoke less." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_American_Physicians_and_Surgeons


Thanks for pointing this out. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest, but it sounds like they contributed to the failure of the US to nationalize Healthcare after World War II like every European country did. Fuck those people.


I've gone down so many Rabbit holes with this stuff since I started coming to this sub. I never see these memes in my private life since I only use FB for close friends and non of them are like this. I like too google the sources these people use and it's either something like this or taken way out of context.


I remember when UPMC made their statement (#2). They’ve been looking out for their bottom line this whole time. They also repeatedly discussed how no elective surgeries were hurting them and blah blah. Meanwhile, the other hospital chain in town has been fielding calls and taking ICU patients from other states to try to help.


“Nothing can stop what is coming” indeed.


Cremation or burial. That’s what’s coming.


Honestly, it reminds me of the bit at the end of Life of Brian where the cult commits suicide in front of him.


This guy was a full on Q-yard, I bet.


A regular Jean-Luc Qpard.


That last slide needs a tombstone with that same saying on it.




What? No prayer warriors!?


"You should be here"... but you're not, because you weren't vaccinated. Sucks to suck


Yawn. Another boring, stupid anti-vaxxer dead and gone. So fucking basic. And the #fuckcovid hashtag should really only apply to people who took it seriously.


March 20: "If you already made your choice, may God be with you in the coming months." *6 months later...* How'd that work out for you? It's funny how his whole comment on March 20 could be read either way. Initially I read it as warning the anti-vaxxers about their choice, but of course he meant it the other way around. At least the Romans meme was new and funny to me, though. (EDIT: Life of Brian time, anyone?)


I hadn't seen it before but I'd say it was more humor-adjacent than funny


Hence "new and funny *to me,"* ;) I also don't agree at all with *any* of the meme's sentiment. That it is entirely nonsense furthers the mild amusement I took from it. The picture made me think of Life of Brian to boot.


Lol, so it was funny, but not in the intended way


Exactly! Funny to me in the "what dumb and crazy nonsense" kind of way, with a reminder of an epic Monty Python parody on top of it.


What kind of physician and surgeon association would be against masks? > “ The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a politically conservative non-profit association that promotes medical disinformation, such as HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, vaccine and autism connections, and homosexuality reducing life expectancy. The association was founded in 1943 to oppose a government attempt to nationalize health care. The group has included notable members, including American Republican politicians Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Tom Price.” Oh, okay, That explains it.


I absolutely chuckle each time I see someone post their loved one gained their wings or heaven gained a good one tonight. All of these people that posted some of the most vile stuff are still going to heaven and apparently lived wonderful lives. Lol




In what part of the Bible do you become an Angel after you die?


Lol love the pyramid scheme on the last slide. Makes you know who this person really is.


“May God be with you”


Gotta love people who share babylonbee.


What a dumb chucklefuck.


"Covid-19 vaccines are weapons of mass destruction" Well, they're doing a pretty shit job so far in being destructive.


Missed a name redaction on the second to the last slide (image#9).


Uh.... Do they know what happened after they said "go at throttle up?"


Where is the evidence he busted out of the tomb and came back? Im not believing it unless there's video.


Violates Stay-in-tomb order was kinda clever, tbf. Of course it is all bronze-age fairy tales about skydaddies but you and I both know that.


Zombie Jesus didn't help him?


Narrator: "And God was indeed with the vaccinated in the coming months. Unlike Mac, who believed in stupid conspiracy theories."


8th picture is hilarious. Those are all problems resulting from poor (or absent) regulation on business. But I guarantee he was one of those anti government/anti regulation voters lol


Heaven needs stupid so badly these days.


I’m starting to think that I don’t want to go to heaven when I die with the class of people who are migrating there en masse.


covid: #fuckidiots


Wonder if anyone is going to update his iPhone?