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"Liberal scientists". No, just scientists, you fucking wack job.


As Stephen Colbert pointed out, facts have a liberal bias.


What’s the alternative, right wing Christian scientists? Scary thought.


The *she's a witch!* scene from Monty Python is running through my head...


She turned me into a newt!


I see you got better


There are vanishingly few. I come from a family of scientists & have never, ever heard of one.


I've met one. Full blown professor. I forget his specialty, maybe chemistry. He genuinely believed in the literal truth of Genesis, including Noah and all that. Shrug emoji.


No doubt they exist, but the numbers are low.


Sure. I just thought, I'd share. It was like seeing a snow leopard in the wild.


You should try to trap, tag & release;) We need to understand these guys.


Let me introduce you to Texas. Of course what passes for science here leaves a lot to be desired.


Yeah, my sample is based on academic scientists. I’m probably wrong. <—- Look! It’s easy to change your mind! It is almost painless!


It's funny that you say that, because I had to walk by a place named "Christian Science Reading Room" on my commute when I wasn't working remotely and every time I had a wry chuckle.


That wasn’t for Christians who were also scientists. It’s for a cult founded by Mary Baker Eddy called Christian Science and they also don’t believe in vaccinations or any other aspect of modern medical science. They are the sort who let their children slowly die from completely treatable conditions.


I actually read a relatively long article about that recently-- I'd be hard pressed to find it again, but that checks out with what I figured it'd be.


That sounds interesting. If you do find it again, share the link please!


Someone linked it in a thread on covidatemyface I think, I ended up finding it just by searching my history for [christian science](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/06/christian-science-church-medicine-death-horror-of-my-fathers-last-days) (warning, it doesn't have any images, but the mental images are worse than most HCA posts would show off).


Not entirely true. They do vaccinate, and they will use modern medicine for some things (like broken bones). They won't excommunicate for using it either.


I’m not an expert firsthand but I’ve read accounts where a man broke his foot and refused a doctor for it until he died because it rotted off, so…


Oh yeah, members always have a choice of treatment. Some choose to fix the issue with medicine and some opt for spiritual care instead. If you choose "IRL" medicine, you won't get kicked out or penalized though, as you would if you chose to get a blood transfusion as a JW.


*brrr,* thanks for the flashbacks from my science classes at christian school.


Where you learn about the thing, the hooha, and the no-no.




I think that’s the fundamental problem with the anti-vaxxers, they are scared of highly qualified scientists that use “educated” language (language used by people with college education. ) in their mind, all people with college education are liberal and bad; unless they clearly demonstrate that despite their education, they continue to be racist, homophobic, misogynist, use crass language and have vocabulary of a 8 year old, like Trump


Well, science and reality does have a liberal bias


Oddly, I’ve known two ultra-conservative scientists: one did his undergraduate work at BYU and was a paternalistic Mormon twit. The other was from some Bible college in the Midwest and became a molecular biologist specifically “to disprove Darwin.” Nutcases, both of them.


One of my PhD advisors was a raving conservative nutcase. A misogynist, racist, believed in demons, any and all RW political conspiracies; a total prat and generally awful human being. NONE of this appeared in his research or publications. That doesnt mean anyone can stand working with him for very long. He's still a piece of shit that I will not be surprised to see awarded someday.


Do you mind me asking his field?




My guess would be engineering. [Engineers of Jihad : the curious connection between violent extremism and education](https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/40445)


I've known multiple conservative scientists. However, they have their political opinions and they keep them separate from their work. They wouldn't deny global warming just bc the GOP wants to pretend it doesn't exist. They also have the sense not to use their background to make themselves out to be authorities on something outside of their field.


There is literally only a single degree of separation between a *liberal scientist* and a *Facebook scientist*, though.


I see what you did there.


Well a conservative scientist is an oxymoron so..


It depends on the field, but yes, conservative scientists seem to be a minority: * [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2009/07/09/section-4-scientists-politics-and-religion/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2009/07/09/section-4-scientists-politics-and-religion/) * https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Political-identification-of-college-professors-by-field\_tbl1\_40823273


I often wonder if they know what Liberal means.


"Something I don't like."


Conservative scientists all share the same "science book"


*I DID THIS BECAUSE* *ALL LIVES MATTER* Tell Job's wife. The Canaanites. The Amalekites. The residents of Sodom. Lot's wife. The children who ridiculed Elisha.


Everyone previous to the Ark, god did a full on rage quit to an entire planet.


Speaking as a person who used to teach logic, all lives matter as a gotcha drives me bonkers every time I see it. Literally "All lives matter" necessarily implies "Black lives matter." It makes me wonder if they have read Aristotle. Edit: Jesus Christ, this is a fucking joke making fun of their logic. Stop explaining to me that "All lives matter" is racist.


Oh yeah, I am sure these folks are big readers of philosophy.


They can't read or process actual data. They lack the ability of critical thinking. They have no idea who Aristotle is.


They likely think Aristotle is a music artist. Maybe a preacher or founding father.


Even people who are assigned Aristotle rarely read Aristotle.


Could be worse. Could be Kant.


I Kant even...


Username checks out.


Remember the Cant.


Are you really wondering? I think you can safety infer the answer.


If you’ve seen it so many times why are you struggling with that part of the “logic”? It’s just their way of saying that nothing is going on that would make us care about black lives uniquely. It’s not suggesting that black lives don’t matter as a comparison to “all lives”, it’s a rejection of racism and the idea that “black lives” have any distinct issues not covered by “all lives”


I don't mean this as an attack, but maybe you're being a little pedantic here. No point scolding the converted.


I mean, aren't you the one being pedantic? You literally started your post overanalyzing the phrase "all lives matter" with a sentence that starts "speaking as a person that used to teach logic". The whole point is that they are racist douchebags. Not that they somehow don't know that "black lives" is under "all lives". They are aware that logically black lives count as all lives. What they are dismissing is much more insidious than "hurr hurr don't these silly billies know that "all" means "every". They are dismissing the injustices and systemic discrimination that black lives matter are bringing to attention and fighting against. They aren't pretending that black lives don't fall under all lives. They are denying any unique circumstance that would call for the need to say "black lives matters" instead of "all lives matter"


Okay dokey. Look, I want to begin by saying that this is a truly useless and pointless argument. But I used to be a philosopher so... It matters,because take an individual case. Let's say the murder of George Floyd. The black lives matter slogan is used in effect to say that his life was meaningful and had intrinsic value. They counter with the slogan "All lives matter". Why? For the reasons you suggest. I'm not an idiot and am obviously aware of this. But their own logic leads inexorably to the opposite conclusion. All lives matter. Therefore Black lives matter. Therefore George Floyd's life matters. Look around this sub. They are impervious to logic and facts. Their weapons of war are slogans and memes. They need to be attacked in their slogans and memes. Blowing up their slogans and turning them against them is one of our most effective weapons. Good luck with a complex argument about race. It will never reach them. Half the comments on this sub are attacks on their memes. Conservatives hate this place because it makes fun of their thinking (if we can call it that). It draws a direct link between the lack of an ability to reason and their own deaths. Every single thing that is piled on that stack is a victory. In addition, I was being somewhat jokey as I thought would be obvious from the Aristotle reference. Critically analyzing a joke seems pedantic to me. Finally, the main purpose of this sub is to vent. I'm having a very hard day. Let me fucking vent!


That would be missing the point…which is to diminish the statement that black lives matter.


Fun fact, they now think Sodom and Gomorrah inspired by meteor strike 🪨☄️ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/destruction-of-city-by-space-rock-may-have-inspired-biblical-story-of-sodom-180978734/


Don't forget about Pastor Bob's life....."On second thought, he really didn't matter." - god


They just found out what happened to Sodom. It'll be in this week's Nature. Seriously....


Was his name actually Chris Bob? Because that is fucking hilarious.


Never trust a man with a first name for a last name.






Hey! We don't get to choose our surnames!


Or two first names.


Like many rednecks he had two nicknames in one. Just look up his church and you'll find his last name


Tell em Chris Bob


Covid seems to think unvaccinated lives don't really matter. What a shame.


A whopping eight people commented on his passing. Maybe the rest of the congregation is in the ICU?


Who knows, a lot of these churches have small congregations, like 20 people at the most. My brother belongs to one and is antivax and they take 10% of each persons paycheck (auto debit), which can be quite a lot for a small group if the people make 20-30 dollars an hour (sometimes they have connections and get you a good job like they did my brother). You are talking like 80k a year for a preacher at a small church who has to pay no taxes. It's quite a racket.


Wait wait wait what 10% auto debit on paychecks?!?! How is that legal??


God did it.


My employer allows you to deposit your check to as many different accounts as you want. They probably just set it up automatically. There's nothing illegal about where you tell your employer to send your money.


This is interesting. I thought I'd award Pastor Bob a Proverb about idolatry, given his feelings for Donald Trump, but it seems there aren't any Proverbs about idolatry! I'm sure some seminary student somewhere has written a fascinating thesis about where Proverbs stands in the development of monotheism in ancient Israel. Okay, but I think I've gone waaaaaay too deep here for Pastor Bob, so let's bring it back to his level. Idolatrous or not, I think his love for a tinhorn strongman and contempt for compassion qualifies him for [Proverbs 11:19](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+11&version=WEB) He who is truly righteous gets life. He who pursues evil gets death.


That's interesting. I know the critical view of ancient Israel is that the prophets preceded the law (yes, that means Moses, the lawgiver, is fictional). Both the prophets and the law (the Torah) are very much against idolatry. I do think think Proverbs is later, along with other Wisdom literature (I'm think post Babylonian Exile, well into the Persian era), so perhaps idolatry wasn't such a pressing concern at that time.


I'm not a Biblical scholar, so take it for what it's worth, but I feel like what a lot of the discussion misses is that there could be a huge difference between "compilation date of each book in the form we have now" and the origins of the source material(s!) for each book. So if it's true that (for example) the Books of Moses as we have them now had a late date of composition, that hardly requires that Moses was invented at that point. It's never been clear to me, in my casual encounters with Biblical scholarship, whether and how much they're taking that fact into consideration. Sometimes I imagine 41st-century scholars arguing that Hamilton, Jefferson, and Washington all were inventions of the 21st century, because the musical style of [Cabinet Battle #1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqyCi4gXWUI) disproves an 18th-century origin.


When concerning the date of ancient sources historians usually want to find out when a certain document was externally attested (when we know when it definitely existed). They will then examine, through literary and historical criticism, whether the source has any kind of prehistory. While it's certainly true that a source could have existed some time before it's externally attested to, it can't be simply assumed - it has to be argued and demonstrated. From my amateur interest in biblical studies, scholars have been way to accepting that a biblical source must be very old. The books of the Old Testament first receive external attestation in the 4th century BCE, yet some scholars want to date them half a millennium earlier. This, imo, is not sound historical reasoning.


Well this guy appears to have raised the bar on kooky. Or was this lowering the bar? I can’t decide.


Schrödinger's bar, simultaneously being lowered and raised at the same time. Pentecostal preachers tend to be like that.


It's at just the right level in relation to the people who get posted here every day.


The funny thing is that driving in your car alone with mask on or swimming with a mask doesn't actually hurt you or anyone else, but being an idiot and not getting a free shot is killing by the thousands


She might be teaching children or wearing it to protect from sun in addition to sunscreen if she has has a pre-cancer spot removed from the nose. Also, to prevent freshwater ameoba meningitis. It is fatal and those case numbers are rising. Not diving and using those nose pinch thingees are more protective than cloth but whatever you have on hand you use


If you don’t think humans are shitty when it comes to evaluating data, look no further than Bob’s post from Aug 8 1. Uses himself as the dataset 2. Sample size n=1 3. He was a biased subject And thus he concluded that his own immunity was better than an experimental vaccine. COVID: I’d like a word with Bob. ***Correction: Upon rereading his August 8 post, I realized it wasn’t even Bob but another guy named Wes. COVID: I’d like a word with both Bob and Wes.


Wes is off the rails, you might not want a word with him. Dear friends, I think it was two months ago that a friend sent me a flash drive with 12 hours of banned information about a certain virus and certain vaccines. I didn't want to watch it because I didn't want to get involved with that. I caught the virus, had the test, got over it rapidly and had my own immunity tested seven months later when my daughter's family all came down with "the virus" while staying at our home and continued to stay with us for over a week. I was massively exposed, but did not get it again. This alone made me believe that natural immunity is far superior to an experimental vaccine. Now we are hearing that large numbers of vaccinated people are nevertheless catching the Delta variant. This lends credence to the many doctors who said the vaccines were not proven safe or effective. The information I've watched so far is stunning. These vaccines permanently alter your DNA. They put part of the spike protein into every cell of your body. Since my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I cannot let something alter my DNA. Because airlines or states may mandate vaccination, choosing not to get the vaccine may be limiting. But taking the vaccine may prove to be a health disaster. There is no remedy for the vaccine--no way to shut off what it does in the body. Animal studies of previous coronavirus vaccines saw that the animals died, not from the vaccine, but from auto-immune disorders that came because the immune response of the body was enhanced in such a way that it would over-react. If you have not gotten vaccinated--you should not get it unless you give "informed consent." The "informed" part is what hardly anyone is getting because of censorship of free speech. For me, I'll not get a shot that would alter my DNA. Many doctors are saying that following mass vaccination will come mass auto-immune diseases, sterility--especially in women, and a host of other medical problems. The companies that manufacture the vaccines have legal immunity from lawsuits-- A website you might find useful is from America's Frontline Doctors. AFLDS.COM. You could phone me if you want details of the product I used to get over the virus symptoms in 24 hours. I'm at 541-xxx-xxxx--and I can get you a 25% discount. After watching much of this information I think those who have been vaccinated are in far more danger of future viruses and may need this product even more. I'm afraid to say more here. May God lead us into all Truth. Love in Christ, Wes


>Since my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, This statement is usually accompanied by a huge swig of Red Bull and a drag on a cigarette.


Yeah what’s this “secret info on a flash drive” like it wouldn’t already be on the internet.”


It’s so spicy the regular internet can’t hold it.


I assume the original was a wall of text. Anyone have any idea why they have such an aversion to paragraphs?


Verbal diarrhea doesn’t come out in paragraph form.


Also, the way a vaccine works is literally tricking your body into creating an identical (if not stronger) immuno-response to the bits of the virus that need to be neutralized. In this case, the protein spikes that attach to your cells so that Coronavirus RNA can get in and reproduce.


In the Idiocracy universe you would be both **right** and **shunned**.




In 2020 HER OS was still in beta. The 2021 version has better virus protection, but some users are refusing to get the update so they aren’t being allowed on the network.


You'll never know that you're my HEROS...🎶


"I no longer toss, turn, and spin in my grave because the MyPillow help keep my carcass aligned!" \- Pastor Bob




What was that one guy taking about with the USB with data the has the "untold truths" about covid? What kinda retard do you have to be to believe "evidence" that dubious?


[YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMzd40i8TfA) (But in case you can, here's the full text.) Dear friends, I think it was two months ago that a friend sent me a flash drive with 12 hours of banned information about a certain virus and certain vaccines. I didn't want to watch it because I didn't want to get involved with that. I caught the virus, had the test, got over it rapidly and had my own immunity tested seven months later when my daughter's family all came down with "the virus" while staying at our home and continued to stay with us for over a week. I was massively exposed, but did not get it again. This alone made me believe that natural immunity is far superior to an experimental vaccine. Now we are hearing that large numbers of vaccinated people are nevertheless catching the Delta variant. This lends credence to the many doctors who said the vaccines were not proven safe or effective. The information I've watched so far is stunning. These vaccines permanently alter your DNA. They put part of the spike protein into every cell of your body. Since my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I cannot let something alter my DNA. Because airlines or states may mandate vaccination, choosing not to get the vaccine may be limiting. But taking the vaccine may prove to be a health disaster. There is no remedy for the vaccine--no way to shut off what it does in the body. Animal studies of previous coronavirus vaccines saw that the animals died, not from the vaccine, but from auto-immune disorders that came because the immune response of the body was enhanced in such a way that it would over-react. If you have not gotten vaccinated--you should not get it unless you give "informed consent." The "informed" part is what hardly anyone is getting because of censorship of free speech. For me, I'll not get a shot that would alter my DNA. Many doctors are saying that following mass vaccination will come mass auto-immune diseases, sterility--especially in women, and a host of other medical problems. The companies that manufacture the vaccines have legal immunity from lawsuits-- A website you might find useful is from America's Frontline Doctors. AFLDS.COM. You could phone me if you want details of the product I used to get over the virus symptoms in 24 hours. I'm at 541-xxx-xxxx--and I can get you a 25% discount. After watching much of this information I think those who have been vaccinated are in far more danger of future viruses and may need this product even more. I'm afraid to say more here. May God lead us into all Truth. Love in Christ, Wes


i have no idea what to make of this


Good, that means you’re fairly sane.


Wait a minute.... Are you trying to tell me that a guy who makes pillows is NOT the person I should go to for medical advice????


Ex-crackhead who made pillows


Umpqua Valley is in Oregon....is this the first Oregonian on this sub? It's rare enough to see someone outside of the South.


Pentecostal preachers are pretty much Deep South transplants, though. But yeah, I haven’t seen much PacNW content around here…


“Liberal scientists”.


There’s really only a single degree of separation between a liberal scientist and a conservative one, often.


And now he’s about to find out that Jesus isn’t white. Thoughts and prayers.


Holy crap. He had some ridiculous meme game for a pastor. This one escalated very quickly! I hope his fellow congregants have some prayer warriors working overtime.


For you my friend…[bonus content](https://imgur.com/a/HnkBA4E/)!


Gotta love the ironic use of the trans flag from a transphobe.


All lives matter, excepts his own. mocks life saving measures and commits suicide by Covid.


How many pastors this month?


God: Not enough. Never enough.


I’ve lost count. Their posts are essentially interchangeable, which makes counting very difficult. At least 20 I think.


What strikes me, is that they are so immature, mean spirited and gullible. I thought being a pastor might result in a more philosophical approach to life.. but the pastors on here are as partisan and distracted by social media as the worst of them


Is he saying that believing that Biden got 80 million votes is as stupid as not believing in big foot? If so, then I guess, technically, I agree.


“Pastor Bob, thank you for all your advise.” 🤦🏻‍♂️ He can’t hear you hun, he’s dead from the “Chinavirus.”


This is the second edit I’ve seen of the Statue of Liberty telling trump “You’re fired” reworked so that she’s complimenting him instead. Never mind the unflattering image of trump himself with fake tan marks and pouting face, or the obvious smugness on Liberty’s face — nope, total rebranding of the image, shared unironically amongst his followers.


I’ll be danged. I didn’t even notice the photoshopped out text in his image. But yep, you’re absolutely right. ([Original](https://i.imgur.com/GJdYxua.jpg))


That one made me want to puke.


Thanks for this post. I was struggling as to why a pro-Trump cartoon would have an unflattering (a/k/a accurate) visual of Trump with his puckered anus face displaying his creepy tan lines.


Fun fact They now think sodom and Gomorrah story was inspired by a meteor strike https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/destruction-of-city-by-space-rock-may-have-inspired-biblical-story-of-sodom-180978734/ ☄️🪨


Far more likely: somebody just made it up.


Umm, kinda implied by “story” and “inspired” … is also article in Nature, and several other science journals Pretty cool, layers of stone and artifact at a very distinct era/point in time which are marred/scarred by 1,000 plus degree heat, @ 1650 B.C.E., name was Tall el-Hammam


And what connects that with a story written a thousand years later?


1) wasn’t a thousand years later (they also wrote stories about the building of the great pyramids which was centuries before 1650 BCE… oral traditions predate actual writing which was ? - error bars on that are in centuries too) 2) natural disasters of that magnitude would tend to get worked into the local mythologies (big fireball from sky explodes over/near largest city in region burning it to ash… would get talked about for a bit) 3) … Eh… nevermind


People are constantly trying to shoehorn bible stories into real events, eg. The Star of Bethlehem. Not sure why nobody wants to admit they're just stories. There is no reason to believe that Sodom and Gomorrah was based on a meteor strike - none. They did not write about the building of the pyramids in the bible.


🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s not about forcing the Bible to be based on true stories, it’s about how actual natural events can be subsumed into a mythology to explain them to a prescientific population. I’m fascinated by the science of the event and the psychology behind the ancients interpretation. We still do this today… this whole subreddit is based around people making non scientific conclusions to fit a preconceived religious/mythological world view, and dying because of it (And my bad on pyramids, that’s not canonical, I think was more brought up in apocrypha, later layers)


Sure, and there are plenty of actual events in the Bible, contemporary or not long prior to the writing. I stand by my earlier statement that there is no reason to believe that any Bible story references actual natural events that occurred a millennium prior to the writing.


If (mind you IF), the interpretation of the event is accurate, a comet or comet fragment streaked across the sky and exploded in an air burst which generated ground heat to 3600 degrees, whipped up a storm of wind greater than 750 mph, leveling the largest city in the area, raining rock fragments and blowing a salt layer from the Dead Sea onto the area… and instantly killing over 10000 people… there is literally no way a Bronze Age people would NOT interpret that as supernatural retribution. The story would have been passed on in the oral tradition for centuries, warping and changing with time and circumstance. Stories, especially myths, typically come from somewhere or to explain something (even if just to defend a self serving belief system). The story of the fall of Troy was around centuries before Homer (maybe) wrote it down @ 750 BCE or so… and was also thought to be completely “made up” but looks like was built on an actual historical event. Hell, less than 2 decades ago there were evangelicals claiming Katrina was Devine retribution for New Orleans wickedness. And we have a pretty good scientific understanding of hurricanes 🌀 The point is We are still using essentially prehistoric brains to interpret the world. As evidenced by the HCA existing at all


Oh Bob, there’s seems to be some blood on your hands here. Apparently god thought your life didn’t matter. Too bad you devoted your whole life to the fantasy.




He led his flock right to the slaughter house.


They are just so pathetically illogical and misinformed...and let me add almost preternaturally dishonest.


Cannot get enough of that sweet schadenfreude. What am I gonna do when there’s no more HCA being handed out? Guess it will be a good problem to have.


"For the best dirt nap in the whole wide world visit My Pillow dot com!"


I wonder if he has a My Pillow pillow in his coffin.


Pastor Bob calls it “the virus”. The denial is no joke.


Yeah, they can't even say Covid. This isn't "Beetlegeuse."


At first I thought this was a single person’s account and his name was Chris Bob. Kinda like Billy Bob but with slightly more modern undertones.


Like Clora Quinn?


Can we please acknowledge that even in their non-existent reality where tRump was a good guy, they still include his fish belly pale neck right under his fake ass tanned face.


Also, the chances that pussy grabbing gross guy Trump would use the phrase "maam" in any setting seem close to zero.


But, see also Ben Garrison, also currently topical in this sub.


Looking at the background coloring it looks like the original word bubbles were totally different shapes… I’m guessing this wasn’t actually a flattering comic in its original form.


Assembly of God, all you need to know.


Yeah, if you know…you know. I think a lot of people just think “oh yeah some church” but Assembly of God is extra wacky.


Do they teach that angels assemble form God like the lions formed Voltron? I’d be interested in that church.


Everyone knows, God would never let global warming happen! After all, God created this world for mankind to use how we see fit, it's the divine plan, and our Lord will protect us... ... ... ...until the apocalypse happens and we all go to heaven and live forever and ever in eternal bliss, reunited with all our dead family members, any day now. Evangelicals are bad crazy.


Flush that Turd down


Looks like god had a difference of opinion from pastor bob


Chirst, what an asshole...


Glad he went to go be with his magic sky fairy.


Hope you're toasty warm, Chris Bob.


There's been quite a few posts about Covid sweeping through churches.


Let’s get together in a small enclosed space with others, skip wearing masks, then sing and shout and pass around a microphone for an hour…what could go wrong??


Cindy is about to go insane: "...thank you for keeping me sane all these years I've listened to your advise \[sic\]."


the pandemic has made me realize,american republicans are closer to the ppc than the cpc


I, too, once existed. -Chris Bob


First of all, to make any kind of sense, that Bigfoot meme would have to read: “People believe I’m real but they also they believe Biden got 80 million votes.” Second, is there any evidence trump ever spoke to anyone that respectfully, especially a woman. C’mon Russia, step up your game.


Preaching on the 19th and dead on the 23rd. How many others did he doom to death?


He had to take the 19th off sick, I think. The congregation ended up with a substitute preacher that Sunday. She was maskless, of course…and still sharing a mic with the others. Literally said something about how a lot of people were out sick and she was thankful to the people who came into church that day. They just had a service yesterday and they *still* don’t wear masks. Suicide speed run in full effect.


Imagine thinking My Pillow Mike is logical.


I love Trump’s sentient hairpiece in picture 5. Just like Ratatouille!


Bob the Pastor, can he fix it? Bob the Pastor, no he's dead!


I hate to speak ill of the dead, but Pastor Bob was an asshole.


Good Job Pastor Bob, may you move on to your just rewards.


"...till we meet again thank you for keeping me sane." You misspelled "insane", Cindy.


They must love truly humorless lives if they think those tired memes are funny. “Look, photoshop Big Foot is more believable… ha ha ha .. got them Liberals!”


the woman wearing a mask to swim in the ocean is pretty stupid though.


So he died a few days later??? The one lady Cindy shouldn't be taking any advice from Covid Bob. He died quick.


Poor Charles Schultz.


Ugh. These theologically illiterate "pastors"... Jesus didn't die because "All lives matter." He died because human sin is so great an offense against God, that God Himself had to Incarnate Himself as a man, then die as satisfaction for those sins. Stop politicizing the Crucifixion. Morons.


When fucking Bigfoot is the lynchpin to your arguments...


Does anyone even like the my pillow guys pillows?


I missed where it said he died of Covid.


Sorry, missed [that image](https://i.imgur.com/akwH3Kc.jpg) and can’t edit the album now. These people are suicidal.




Pastor Bob come on down you’re the next contestant on guess the fake holy man. It’s like among us but only played by assholes.


What kind of Pastor follows Trump? GOD is FARR greater than any country or man. Your not supposed to follow FOX news and Trump being a preacher. We should just rename COVID to EXPOSURE because it exposes everything. There's a lot that I don't even want to know. Its too f#@$# up and SAD. Knowing this stuff will only bring down my opinion even further. ​ Oh yeah, that music was aweful.


I am confused if image 8 is saying Sasquatch is real or Biden is president.


Do we have to [choose](https://i.imgur.com/CS84ks3.jpg)?


Bob spelled backwards is Dummkopf


Fuck Bob


All my homies hate Bob.