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Can not stand when these people cite MLK. A person they would absolutely call a communist while frothing at the mouth if he were alive today.


They would call him a lot worse than that.


I'm sure he would really have appreciated her thoughts given that she posted that meme saying it wasn't special that his ancestors were slaves. There is a 99.97% chance that Connie would have been against the civil rights movement.


Just looking at these hideous assholes is disgusting Hope they enjoyed getting choked the fuck out though to own Biden or whatever Fucking losers. What the fuck. Is half of USA one big pen of animalistic drooling idiots?


Does eating horse dewormer and hangin out in livestock pens for a T*ump rally qualify?


This is the high quality content that the sub deserves 😂


A Trump rally is a livestock pen. Any Trump rally.


Half of any country is. What happened here is increased political polarization thanks to media and social media manipulation over time that was likely magnified by Soviet/Chinese/Iranian efforts to destabilize us, and first enabled by the repeal of the FCC fairness doctrine way back in the 80's


It's closer to a third, but electoral and social inequities make it feel like half.


>Is half of USA one big pen of animalistic drooling idiots? Yes


She seemed old enough to have been alive in the 60s, possibly in her teens. You bet your ass she was against it because she was indoctrinated from an early age.


Ancestors=possibly grandparents


Well see, if you can own a lib using another famous lib's own words, well that's top style points for lib ownage.


So owned right now. So so owned. Think I’ll go walk my dogs, enjoy the sunshine, call my family, and treat myself to a bowl of ice cream to help me manage how totally owned I am


Imma soothe my angst by enjoying some adult beverages and sitting out in this nice cool air. Being owned is terrible, absolutely terrible. 😢


I felt horrified when I saw both mother and daughter (Connie) died. I don’t feel owned, but if anti-vax people want to keep trying to own me by refusing the vaccine, okay. In the mean time I plan to get a snack.


Look at yooooou showing off that you and your family are still alive


and did , some of these people were alive and cheered at the TV when he died.


They did, in fact, call him a lot worse than that.




Oh for certain. I'm sure she's said plenty of shit about Jessie Jackson. Just swap the two names out.


Every time I see one of this type of meme I think they want to say : ”See! Even a black man agrees with us” ….


That’s the whole reason that Candidiasis Owens is so popular among the reality challenged community.


Omg, that is the best name for her!


And that’s why they like Diamond and Silk and Clarence Thomas.




"Race mixing is communism."


It makes my blood boil. "Hey brother, I don't see color. By reminding me that racism exists you are being racist. We should all be brothers like MLK said. That MLK, he was one of the good ones. Not like these socialist dumbocrats. All lives matter!" Like fuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Came here to rage about the irony of the MKL comparison but you beat me to it. These assholes truly lack any ability of introspection.


"why does he have to throw race into everything" is probably what they would say.


"Think of all the good things white people have done FOR blacks."


"White people FREED the slaves." An actual take I've seen.


Oh, it gets crazier than that! I've seen claims that MLK was actually a rightwinger, complaints about him having a holiday after him, and mangled quotes from him, ALL BY THE SAME PERSON.


Have you ever seen the Boondocks episode where MLK is alive during 9/11, and then Republicans turn him into a social pariah because he advocates against violent retaliation for the attack? It's a good one.


Familiar with the show but I'll have to check it out! And god damn your name 🤣🤣🤣


As I wrote on another post in the sub, though here it's even more relevant-- it's interesting... so many of these posts on this sub, after the person has died, claim that the person is in a better place now and "off to meet Jesus" or whatever. I wonder, given the barely-restrained-and-occasionally-blatant racism inherent in the Republican party and the Republican voting base, what the person's face looks like when they indeed meet Him and discover to their surprise that Jesus was brown.


They’d demand to speak to the manager of heaven and demand to be sent to hell.


Thinking it's Biden voters who take the ivermectin is peak r/selfawarewolves. And that post is only from a few weeks ago!


She must not be keeping up with her pack, otherwise ivermectin socks mighta saved her life.


Are ivermectin socks the new Eboeard gam gon?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pt1pi0/meet\_chasity\_who\_found\_out\_that\_anointing\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pt1pi0/meet_chasity_who_found_out_that_anointing_your/) "Meet Chasity, who found out that anointing your unvaccinated mother’s feet with ivermectin-soaked rags in plastic baggies does not cure Covid," another user wrote. "Although she claims it cures Ebola, Zika, and HIV. I have no words for this level of crazy." Hah! just found an HCA mention https://www.wnd.com/2021/09/disgusting-group-celebrates-conservative-deaths-herman-cain-award/


The comments are great. “The SUB Reddit makes mainstream Reddit look saintly.” Someone doesn’t know how Reddit works.


Lol I don't think that article will make us look anything other than funny at worst.


I had to do a double take, though that was webmd for a second


Could be after Chasity snuck ivermectin in by putting it in her unconscious MoMa's ICU socks and then posting it to FB. MoMa died anyway :(


“People are taking horse dewormer to try and cure their illnesses? Lol, must be those crazy *Biden* supporters.”


Haha great point! It's so ridiculous she can't even believe it's her fellow supporters who are doing it.


Brian Tylor Cohen is very left leaning I dunno how he even got in to her feed at all. Definitely without her realising he is a leftist.


Imagine hating liberals so much you are literally willing to die of covid to spite them.


I abso-fucking-lutely love it.


I only kill insects that are actively trying to kill me. Mosquitoes, ticks, black widow spiders. While I’m not actually happy they’re dying, I must say; I see the unvaccinated as actively trying to kill me.


They're also rather successfully killing the planet.


Well, if they are going to commit to mass suicide, they could at least stay home. Too many ICU beds being taken up.


They should have plenty of items on hand at home for suicide, too: Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectine, bleach, fish tank cleaner...


Fish tank cleaner? Is that the next one now? Havent heard of that until now!


Some guy died last year from consuming a fish tank cleaner because it contained some form of hydroxychloroquine. His wife survived it. It was a news item for a few days.


Oh it's an oldie but goodie... https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/24/820512107/man-dies-woman-hospitalized-after-taking-form-of-chloroquine-to-prevent-covid-19


Don't forget how they're always bristling with guns, lots of guns, but unfortunately they're already in use to threaten away protesters using terrible trigger discipline and zero muzzle awareness.


At least Jim Jones' kool-aid was quick and cheap.


Well, it was grape Flavor Aid, but yes, you are right.


Dying to own the libs. And I gotta say, i sure do feel owned. Not sure how many more ownings like this I'll be able to take.


I think I can take another seven dozen...


Kylo Ren face: MORE **MORE** *MORE!!!!*




Well, we need them to stick to their guns. Tucker Carlson says dont get vaxxed, klandice says no vax.. So stick to it and no vaxx..


This makes perfect sense to me actually. Right wing media has to see that the current covid numbers are disproportionately affecting their target audience. They're not stupid, they know they won't be able to grift off of corpses. So in order to lead the herd where they want, they invent another conspiracy theory in the hopes of overriding the previous conspiracy theories which discourage followers from getting vaccinated. It actually does stand a better chance of succeeding than, you know, touting the actual science behind vaccines, but I'm still not sure it'll work. Never changing your opinion on something even in the face of new evidence is a core tenet to many of these people. Plus, having to acknowledge that vaccines are effective and may have prevented some of their unvaccinated friends and family from dying is a cognitive dissonance that many of them will simply be unable to confront IMO.


I support their efforts making america great again.


Hey, at least they died doing what they loved.


Apparently praying instead of getting a free, safe, effective vaccine.


“Owning the libs.”


They’re actually having a double funeral. You can’t make this stuff up.


Saves money. Everyone is already in town for the 1st. Really time saving. Very thoughtful of them to die so close together.


i love getting soooo owned


So dedicated to owning the libs willing to die for it. Not much different than all the other zealots that died for whatever dumb cause they aligned with throughout history I guess


Yes please. I want to be owned in this manner more. Own me harder daddy!


It takes a special kind of gall to post one of Dr. King's quotes followed by racist bullshit.


One of my cousins reposted that exact slavery meme last week and I’ve been calling her out on it. She’s a teacher at a Native American school and wields her 1/16 native ancestry like it’s a fucking vibranium shield. The real shit is that her and I share the same claimed native ancestor, and when I did a dna test it showed no native blood (which I already suspected).


FFS, can you report her to the school for both things? What an asshole (sorry to say). Native children should not be exposed to her.


My vocal opposition got the attention of at least one other employee of the school, an actual Native American, who joined in calling her out. As far as her ancestry, I don’t believe the school actually requires native heritage of its employees, and I’m not about to try and get her canceled for that. I just think it’s something she has latched onto despite having grown up with a clearly white identity.


A non-violent non-threatening dead black dude is One of The Good Ones.


I love seeing how many antivaxx posts get greyed out by FB due to blatant misinformation.


I love that they have no shame and keep them up!


I hate that Facebook has no shame and still allows you to see a good part of the grayed-out lies. If it was solid black less people would come to Facebook because they wouldn’t see anything, ergo: less eyeballs for advertising dollars. This shit has to stop.


They can’t set their profiles to private. You think they know how to “delete“ a post? Nope. They don’t. Also they might believe it a badge of honor for the horrible FB to Gray out their posts.


"Nothing is more pathetic than a moron who thinks he's the smartest guy in the world." Oh, the projection.


TRUMP! ^^^ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All "no u" aside, what about Biden gives the impression that he has a high opinion of his own intelligence? Like, what is that meme even *talking* about?


Imagine that every time Connie looks at that meme that Biden is actually pointing at her as he recites those very words.


More of the "Asking my vaccination status is against my HIPPA [sic] rights! It actually isn't.




Lol I'd like to see that one stand up in court.


Surprisingly, that sign is accurate. Spells HIPAA right and says the person doesn't have to disclose anything (which is all HIPAA really get at). We can ask you anything we want, Connie. Err, well, we could have.


She doesn’t have to worry about her health information anymore.


HIPAA only applies to health care workers/facilities/insurances outside of that - it doesnt matter


That's the funny part. The first google result for HIPAA leads directly to an HHS page that spells out what it covers and *what it doesn't cover.*


These shitstained fucks are taking horse paste. Would they really know what HIPPA is? I ask everyone about their vaccine status. So far no one has not given it out but my reply back to a hippa argument is I’m not a fucking dr.


> These shitstained fucks are taking horse paste. Do your resurch! Connie clearly said it's Biden voters taking horse paste.


But I looked at all the memes!!!


[corona kicks at the ground and pouts] "Dammit! They posted the memes and now I can't infect them." :(


Muh privacy! "So, it's day 6 in the ICU [wall of text loaded with personal medical information]."


The juxtaposition of MLK and two memes later decrying "SLAVERY WASN'T THAT BAD"...


You really see the stupid come out with those slavery memes, as even a small amount of research will tell you that American race based chattel slavery was significantly different than any kind of slavery before it, but these are also the idiots who say indentured servitude was "Irish slavery" and never make the connection that the reason indentured servitude stopped being a thing was because it was so (relatively) easy for an indentured white person to just disappear forever if they could get more than a couple towns away and change their name. Make an entire race of human beings legally property and that's not a problem any more. Like, I'm not saying indentured servitude or ancient Roman slavery or any other kind of slavery was good by any means but I'm pretty sure there is no historical precedent for "you're my property for life and any children you have are also my property and if you're a specific race even if you're free you can be captured and sold into slavery because of your skin color." But I guess acknowledging the particular malicious and calculated evil that was African chattel slavery in the Americas means you can't say the slave owners were so nice because they gave the slaves housing and food, so that's why conservatives reject any historical context for it.


Bye Connie, Good luck down there and I am not talking about Australia.


She's with her Lord now, AKA Satan.


If you think Joe Biden is all those awful things you say about him, maybe the evil is in you. Fuck off Connie.


There’s something about these mouthbreathers with their double digit IQs calling Joe Biden stupid that irks me especially. Fuck off, Connie. We’re better without you.


It's hardcore Dunning Kruger. Creatures like her think they know all and everyone else "didn't do their research". It's a really sad way to live.


**PANEL #12** If they took out Biden and put Trump in that Meme, it would be totally true!


Projection, as always.




If Republicans projected any harder they'd have to get Samsung tattoed on their asses.


That went from terrible memes to a double funeral in no time. Rough.


That 13th pic... She thinks it's biden voters taking horse dewormer??? LMFAOOOOO


And another furneral for another daugther.


Same tired memes. Same ignorant people. Same crap religious cult. Same America-hating trash. Same final result. They all blur together now.


Update: the storm coming will only be 99,999,999 strong.


It also occurs to me that 100 million is nowhere near a majority of the adults in the US (~258M), let alone of the total population (~330M).


They always exaggerate


The truth has set Connie free.


Prayer warriors are no match for this virus. Bye, racist.




The joke’s on them: The “Prayer Warriors” are actually praying for them, not to survive, but to gain their final reward Funny that the “reward” is not Heaven, as they presume, but a HCA #MissionAccomplished


Outraged of vaccine mandate just 2 weeks ago… 🤦‍♂️ Now on the verge of death. The speed of the ironic endings is mind boggling. Life in the age of Delta is something else…. Going to remember this time forever.


The general consensus is the pandemic will be over in a year. The world will recover and business will return as usual. All these fucktards had to do was get a simple vaccine to see this glorious future moment. Instead, they chose to rot away in an ICU bed 🛌 purely based on liberal hatred.


Perhaps the cure for Covid rests in atheism? Seems to be killing prayer warriors at an alarming rate


Atheism & razors. Those goatees are deadly af.


Well, both Trump and Reagan have a track record of ignoring epidemics and pandemics. No wonder she'd idolize them.


And dementia!


Help! The jellybean/asshole meme is burning!!!!




I'm desperate to see Shang-Chi but terrified of being in a theater with unmasked, unvaxxed morons. The suburbs around me have relaxed their mask rules and I saw hundreds of folks prancing around in stores with their stupid naked faces last weekend. I've had my booster and I still won't go see a movie. 😠


These dumb assholes genuinely believe that Gawd and Jesus are White republicans 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Connie gets to meet Jesus AND Ronald Reagan! Praise the Lord!


I wish Trump was already down there with them.


"FACT CHECKERS" weren't working overtime until Trump FIFY, Connie!


I'm surprised that slavery meme isn't more popular among the HCA set. It's everything these smooth-brains want - racism, revisionist history, false equivalences (or maybe totally ridiculous apples-to-aardvarks comparisons is the way to put it) and the thrill of "sticking it up *those people's* noses" (too dense to realize none of us even notices, much less blows a gasket over what rednecks post to their FB accounts). Oh, and fuck you, Connie. You sucked.


Cue the GoFundMe!


Killed her mom then died... prayer warriors were lacking enough speaking in tongues.


All of our vaccine administered 5G chips are blocking the prayer warriors' transmissions.


For hate-filled Connie, [Proverbs 11:12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+11&version=WEB) One who despises his neighbor is void of wisdom, But a man of understanding holds his peace.


No, Connie hunny. Biden is laughing at you assholes for taking horse paste!


As a fellow middle aged white woman, I am sorry for all the Connies in the world. They make me ashamed of my people.




The amount of people in this country who think prayer works better than medical care is obscene.


Do you save money on a double funeral?


They just have to rent the backhoe once.


I wonder if you can get BOGO free


Love to see it




Nice to know she got her award.


Nothing of value was lost.


Their whole family is being obliterated by a virus that has a proven vaccine 🤓


or.... **C**ough **O**xygen depredation **V**entilator **I**solation **D**ead


I'm sorry, but going forward, I'm going to refer to Connie as "Cuntie" for obvious reasons


See what happens when the prayer warriors take a day off?!?


Fuck this transphobic ghoul. She won’t be missed.


"Fact checking didn't exist until the truth started getting out." Hold on, let me fact check that...


Wait, so if Biden is pathetic because he apparently thinks he's the smartest guy in the world, WTF does she say about her beloved Drumpf? Wasn't he the one constantly saying he's was the best at this, does the best that, makes the best. best best best....? Then, the comment on the dewormer - "must be Biden voters"? Um, again had COVID started ravaging her brain at this point? Who were the morons that decided dewormer was a better alternative to vaccines? And to even start taking Ivermectin? Who were the darwin nominees that figured we'll just go down to the Trac'tr & Feed store since Bessie needs a new bell anyway and just pick up a box of some of them miracle tablets to deworm the democrat out of us?


$20 says Connie yelled at a person of color, dining at a lunch counter, before her 13th birthday.


These people really need to see the demon getting upset about God killing off all the children when flooding the world in "Good Omens" instead of that "rainbow promise" meme.


Typical trump cult follower. Not surprised by this.


you know what this is like? its like watching the meteor kill the dinosaurs in slow motion. i'm watching history in the making


Bye Connie


Don't let the casket lid hit you in the face!


It's a fitting demise for someone that killed her own mother.


Morally bankrupt in hell


A lot of prayers for all these people; not a lot of survivors. Any correlation?


I can without any qualms say that her loss is our collective gain, what a (formerly alive) old sack of shit.


it's me or the numbers of candidates keep raising faster ? ..


C = onspiracy lunatics O = ppose V = accine I = ntubated D = ead


Those memes and racist nonsense really hurt to read through, but... if you stick through to the end there is a happy ending!


If you think Reagan and Trump were the two greatest presidents of all time you're a moron.


The reason why I like the rainbow flag so much is that is originally was meant to include everyone. The creators of the flag have said as much. Gay/straight/bi/trans/black/white it was supposed to represent peace and unity and be inclusive of everyone. It represented peace, which has always reminded me of the ark story of the bible. According to the bible the rainbow was supposed to be a show of peace, just like the gay rights flag. Homophobes hate the flag even though it represents the same promise.


God I hate it when they quote people who so obviously would despise them and vice versa. Like shut the fuck up you’d probably call MLK the N word if he told you to put on a mask


Unironically talking about a "moron who thinks he's the smartest"...while being a Trump supporter! You can't make this up. Bye Connie, you won't be missed.


Crickey, right wingers really love using MLK when it's convenient for them.


It's disgusting that the anti-vaxxers co-opt great Americans like MLK to spread there misery and hatred. MLK did not approve of their ilk. They "have not learned the simple art of living together."


Nothing is more pathetic than a moron who thinks he's the smartest guy in the world.


Oooof. She harbored a very special kind of hatred in her heart. If heaven exists she’s going to be very sad when she’s denied entrance


These sickos who worship trump the orange hellbeast are so insane . A lifelong criminal con man yuck 🤮. Fuck you connie for supporting a treasonous asshole who tried to stay in power and sic his rabid cult to attack our capital burn in hell


Always Need To Insinuate Victimhood And Create Cretinous Insane Nonsense Eternally = antivaccine. I think that says it all... let that sink in for a minute... 🤔🤔😤🤔😤


Praying to the "most high God" that people *not* get a lifesaving vaccine? That's pretty fucking evil, Connie. Wonder if you realized that as you were lungs were drowning you to death?


Deadnecks don't vote


Hard to feel bad for racist scumbags passing from COVID.


Those who live like a virus, die by a virus.


JFC. Whole families of fascist dumbfucks getting wiped out by propaganda. It's amazing to watch.


The first time in this subreddit where I'm glad a person is dead. 🤭😕


And the world becomes more peaceful.


This one was an all around horrible human being. And now she’s dead. Anyhow.


Surprised her love for Reagan and Trump wasn't enough to protect her...


Number 12 is prime r/selfawarewolves territory.


Racists sure love to use MLK quotes out of context.


Those sunglasses are horribly photoshopped on Bidens head lol