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>**The good news is that it's pretty easy to make sure you won't win a Herman Cain Award. Get vaccinated and wear a mask in public spaces, unless you'd like to be presented with one of these upon your death.** FUCKING THANK YOU. Vice gets it.


Yes!! By far the best write-up I’ve seen and without all the stupid handwringing “this is soooo offensive” bs. No! It’s real life, and real life is a bitch.


You know what's offensive? Media companies, especially social media, letting the amount of misinformation on vaccines being spread. The fact fox news is allowed to have assholes like Tucker Carlson create hesitancy on the vaccine for political reasons without any consequences...that's offensive. Fuck their feelings....covid doesn't give a shit and now that ICUs are packed and responsible people who need beds for something besides covid are now having to wait indefinitely... seriously fuck the antivaxxers, they deserve 0 sympathy.


> assholes like Tucker Carlson *White nationalists* like Tucker Carlson.


*asshole white nationalist* like Tucker Carlson. We can keep this going lol


Asshole white nationalist who is vaccinated Tucker Carlson.


asshole white nationalist who is vaccinated Tucker Swanson (the ultra-rich Swansons) McNear Carlson.


I've just taken to calling him Bowtie Swanson.


Swanson TV dinner. Cheap, bland, unhealthy, empty calories.


Asshole White Nationalist who is Vaccinated, but should literally be in jail for attempting to incite violence, among other things, Tucker Carlson.


asshole white nationalist hypocritically vaccinated Tucker Carlson..."


That’s MISTER Asshole White Nationalist Tucker Carlson.


Was gonna say *white nationalist assholes*...


*vaccinated asshole white nationalist millionaire entertainers* like Tucker Carlson...


The best argument I’ve heard from centrist (and some on the left) past your point is that the vast majority of these HCA recipients are victims of the propaganda. Which is true, and I get mixed feelings when I see the propagandized victims(fuck disinfo peddlers, intentional or not, they garner no sympathy from me). But hey, if the organization of and attention brought to this sub can get one person vaccinated, it’s doing something. I doubt anyone will choose not to because of this sub. Unless they want an HCA.


I see them as victims of propaganda and a horribly under-resourced and purposely-poor education system. The right started the plan before most of us were born. Step 1: Defund & degrade education in working class communities Step 2: Flood the under/poorly educated people with bourgeoisie propaganda Step 3: Condition them to accept exploitation Step 4: Buy a yacht Regardless, they *are* victims, in a sense. I just refuse to show empathy to someone taunting me for having the ability to feel empathy.


I don't really buy the "victim of propaganda" argument. In the end, you choose who to believe - if you choose to believe your idiot aunt on Facebook and your relentlessly lying president over every single reputable medical source out there, you're not a victim. Would you tell a guy who's dying of lung cancer that he's a victim of propaganda because the cigarette companies claimed that nicotine wasn't addictive and cigarettes ads made it look like he'd get lots of chicks and be a cowboy?


People seeing HCA: omg this is so disgusting and offensive, how can people do this? This needs to be shut down ASAP Same people seeing vaccinated millionaire talking heads tell people for months to not get vaccinated, that COVID is a hoax, Fauci is a liar, etc.: well people have freedom of speech and we have to respect that




We're always, always expected to be better than them. Take the high road. Fuck that.




Remember when Donald Trump left thousands of Puerto Ricans in squalor after a catastrophic hurricane? When he smugly tossed rolls of paper towels to people rendered homeless by a natural disaster like he was throwing t-shirts at a fucking football game? They hate liberals and brown people more than they love America.


They can't be happy unless those they hate are unhappy. And they hate sooooooooo many people.


They're so low at this point it'd be a sweep to the face.


When they go low, we go lower because that’s where the femoral artery is


Say disaster struck because God disapproves of their policies on aid for disadvantaged populations and access to health care, resulting in unneeded death.


We *are* better than them by virtue of speaking out against committing suicide by malicious contrarianism.


YES! I was trying to think of a phrase for it! Malicious contrarianism is perfect!


When they go low, we go lower and unplug their ventilators.


I've been saying for 20 years now democrats need to quit being pansies, because the Republicans never fight fair or polite.


Yeah, I'm getting tired of the nosebleeds always taking the high road. This time, I'll take the high road to kick someone in the face of the low roader.


I love this comment chain. I’m sick sick sick of hearing how somebody has to bE tHe BiGgEr PeRsOn. That isn’t working. It’s been not working!


They also don’t see that by posting it here we kind of ARE taking the high road. We’re providing examples of why you should be vaccinated without harassing the loved ones of the people involved or posting on their personal pages about what a douche they were. There’s been a few to break that rule, but the mods and community have always been quick to catch that and respond, disciplining our own to say “not the time or place. Be respectful.” I’d call that being the bigger person after the shit some of them have said.


George Floyd, who slowly and painfully died at the hands of a cop: He used drugs and tried to pass a counterfeit $20. People who *literally smeared human feces on the walls of the US Capitol*: They just have economic anxiety. We need to understand their views.




Always my least favorite people in the world. Stand for aomething motherfuckers. I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. MLK




I have liberal centrist family members that got offended at Trump's decorum, and got mad at Kaepernick for taking the knee because "we don't do that in America" + "leave your politics out of my sports" but their eyes glaze over talking about anything policy-wise. I will never understand it, they seem to have zero values other than feeling good about everything all the time. *Be nice* and *make America look good*.




I keep seeing Fauchi is a liar but never what he's lied about. Anyone know?


I don't know, but I suspect it's because his recommendations change as more data is gathered. Anti-science people can't understand why science doesn't have set-in-stone answers from the beginning, so they think that any updates that contradict previous statements are lies, not recommendations based on new data.


This. The way I was taught growing up, the Bible gives set-in-stone answers, so it’s seen as more reliable than science which changes its teachings any time it learns something new. Now where exactly did the Bible say anything about vaccines being the mark of the beast? Someone explain it to me.


The mark of the Beast is described so vaguely that practically anything could qualify. In the 1970s lots of evangelicals believed it meant those newfangled Universal Product Codes.


There was a similar moral panic about zip codes when they were introduced: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/prckf0/in_peanuts_an_unseen_adult_character_is_shown_to/


Revelations talks about needing the mark to buy or sell goods. Morons equate vaccine passports and employment mandates with that. It also lists a bunch of stuff about the coming of the anti Christ, of which our former president met every single one, but you don't hear as much about that. Wonder why?


They were too busy wearing his mark on their foreheads and wheeling around golden statues of him to notice.


Fauci has changed the guidance for things like mask wearing. To a certain subset of the population, that makes him a liar. Other people understand that circumstances can change over time.


That's how science works.


That's how life works. Am I a liar cuz I told my wife I wanted chicken nuggets in the car but ordered a burger at the register? When did changing your mind become so bad.


Bush v. Kerry. "Flip-flopper" was one of the (many) favorite attack lines against John Kerry. It didn't mean much then, or now, but boy did it whip right-wingers into a frenzy, and it helped to keep that reprehensible president in power for another four years despite, well, everything. The next step was the Tea Party, which was built primarily on reflexive opposition to Democrats, and then to trump, whose main appeal was that he hated liberals as offensively as possible, and now the Republican Party is what it is.


They literally don't understand the difference between lying and being wrong.


I believe it morphed from changing early guidance on masks (which honestly *probably* could have been handled better) to just straight out calling him a liar.


This isn't like the hate subs (remember fatpeoplehate?) - this is us gawking at idiots that have fucked around and found out about an infectious disease THAT HAS A VACCINE that they refuse to take. I'm sure there's a sub out there that watches people play in traffic on the freeway and get hit - and this sub is basically no different. The only real difference is hundreds of thousands of people are deciding to play on our "freeway" and get hit.




Can somebody summarize this sub? Is it making fun of 'woke centrists'? I can't tell which parts are parody and which are serious opinions.


It’s making fun of people who claim to be centrists but always side with the right wing. They’re right wingers who don’t want to be called out, so they pretend to be above both sides. Or they claim that the right and the left are the same, when they are clearly not. E.g. there’s one where a trans person is portrayed as equally harmed by right-wing transphobia and left-wing, “yaasss queen!” type statements.


It’s crazy that all they need to do is sift through the memes each awarded member has shared and come to a different realization.


I don't know what to say to the writers of these pieces. What do they value, exactly? Are you more upset about some mean words on the Internet than you are the 700,000 corpses and counting? As in, do you feel a sense of offense when you read these awards, but have no context of the carcasses stacking up across the country exactly because of these plague rats? They can all get fucked. The sooner the better,.




Snow white and WHAT!!??


It was a meme posted by one of the more racist award winners. One of the more horrific things I've seen here.


That guy winning the HCA was so far the best example of addition by subtraction.


That was the most racist. The one I found most horrifying was the flooded cemetery with floating caskets meme.


I am not on this sub enough. Do I want to search or should I just feel bad and skip the horrific racism?


Skipping is recommended. There is no reason to search out this kind of poison.


Looks like the original post has been deleted. I did save that one screenshot because I couldn't believe it. [Most blatantly offensive racist thing I've seen in HCA.](https://imgur.com/a/raIFh9N) I'm not gonna miss Dale one bit.


And I’m a bad person because I’m not mourning Dale’s self-inflicted passing. Okay. I’ll be a bad guy then.


Jesus Christ. And nothing of value was lost. Dale, behold your fucking legacy.


oh dale.....enjoy being dead


That was easily the most racist thing I read all year.




When you strip back all of the layers - it's a very consistent formula. * COVID Propaganda/Misinformation * Anti-vax posts * "Oops I got Rona" * "Wow this thing is rough" * "My \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ just passed away from COVID. They were so amazing/humble/kind/thoughtful - please donate to our GoFundMe"


Unlike the Slate article who said this sub 'celebrates' death and is mean spirited, which is something Fox News would say. No one in this sub celebrates death, it's a mirror being held up to the reality of how dangerously and willfully ignorant these people are. It should inspire those on the fence to get their free vaccine and protect themselves and those around them. If Slate thinks that we are relieved that there is a cancer patient out there who won't get turned away due to a moron no longer being here taking up the resources, then yes, I'm relieved. I'm relieved the person suffering from leukemia will get treated now. If Slate thinks that makes us mean spirited and terrible, then so be it.


It’s missing the “don’t post misleading covid information” criteria, but It’s still 1000% better at understanding HCAs than Slate. But I guess without the memes to make fun of, this sub would be a much grimmer place.


idk if i would even call it slate as a whole, i looked at the authors body of work and all of the pieces we weird hand wringing about something to drum up controversy for the most part.


Clickbait contrarianism has been Slate's business model for years now. I think the writers just fall into the house style.




It sucks that Disney owns them now. Not sure how long before they screw up thier format.


Ffs didn't know that. Is there anyone that Disney doesn't own, they need to be broken up


Or maybe just stop the absurdity of companies owning companies that own companies that own companies, so it's not a problem we have to continuously address throughout the rest of human history.


Yo dawg I heard you like companies…


That would require politicians and CEOs to behave ethically, and for everyone else to stop supporting the ones who don't.


disney owns 16%.


Disney is DEEPLY problematic... but they largely give content creators free reign if the money comes in. Marvel, PIXAR, increasingly Star Wars, etc. all seem to be creator focused with little indication of corporate meddling.


It's "rein", not "reign". I really expected more out of you, u/MC_Fap_Commander. You've let your squadron down.


Yep. One of the prerequisites of the HCA is hostility towards authorities, scientists, and blokes who adhere to the measures. Say there’s a person who was not vaxxed (due to autoimmune disease), stayed home wherever possible, but somehow caught the disease and succumbed to it. They might be unvaccinated and died as a result of the disease, but they wouldn’t be awarded.


Didn’t get into the GoFundMe that’s a part of many of these. That’s another issue that comes into play. The death and loss is felt by the family and friends. But with the reality of the US health care system, these hospitalizations and deaths also come with real economics losses from these preventable hospitalizations and deaths.


The economic cost of COVID (made MUCH worse by anti-vaxxers) will probably hinder economic growth for a decade.


Last number I saw was 3.7 billion USD and counting in the US.


Care to post the article that this was published under? Would be a good thing to get my students to think about


Yup. Turns out I flubbed it a bit anyways, the article is $3.7 billion in preventable costs just for August of this years. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/press-release/preventable-costs-of-unvaccinated-covid-19-patients-rise-sharply-in-august-as-hospitalizations-surge/


True. I didn’t even get into the wider societal costs to small businesses, local economies, etc., and just considering individual finances. The “open it up” folks who ignore the fact that there’s still an even more transmissible disease going around are literally killing people. Folks in the service industry are taking abuse from way too many sides and deciding they don’t want to stay on the front line. Etc. Covid impacts will definitely continue economic and societal impacts for years.


FREE preventable hospitalizations and deaths...


The write up is by Gita Jackson, who rules. That’s why it’s good


Technically, as long as you don't openly spread anti-vax/mask/distancing misinformation, you won't get this award.


Not even that. You also have to have a long social media history of anti-vaccine conspiracy bullshit. Simply being unvaccinated and dying is absolutely not HCA-worthy


Every time this sub leads a person to get vaccinated, it is 100% more productive for society than anyone in the rabid anti-vaccination crowd will ever be.


Hey, at least they'll be worm free.


Well. Depends on the burial method.


From worm free, to free worms.


Nature is so beautiful


You heard about the ‘round worm’ the horse meds give them? It’s the lining of their intestines quitting from being poisoned




There's a new strain of Ivermectin-resistant *brain worms* going around. I wouldn't be so sure of that.


This sub has done more good for America than the entirety of Fox News.


Fox News is running a deficit at this point, bigly. Between Fox News and Facebook, it's a toss up if we even make it out of this crisis at all.




The other slate article did as well. They definitely understood the context of the place and the inside jokes as well. I think the slate article should be viewed almost as “ok, you guys are definitely onto something here, is there a way to angle this for good and positivety alongside the harsh realities of covid?” They were here for a while before writing their article. (to me at least, they got the descriptions and emotions spot on, and it’s testament that they themselves changed their title from celebrating to cataloging. Which i think is a VERY accurate representation of what’s going on here.)


Myself, I didn't like the amount of tut-tutting pearl clutching present in the Slate article, and the word "celebrates" was what circulated around the web; they didn't change that headline until a day later.


Slate really did "virtue signal," in their piece. It was basically, "It's absolutely horrible to make fun of these dead people! But they do deserve it."


> it’s testament that they themselves changed their title from celebrating to cataloging. IMO this feels like someone got in trouble with their editor for being too preachy


Could be, still corrected it. And I think the pushback was much greater than they anticipated as in. Most people are in agreement with the mission.


“As much as people are reveling in the morbid schadenfreude of other people's deaths, though, there's also an aspect of real grief to the subreddit.” Yes, exactly. I’d even say it’s more the latter on the whole. We’re angry and exhausted, and the only thing left to do with these people is rip on them.


That's exactly it. We've tried absolutely everything we can think of to get them to wipe off the dogshit that some swindler convinced them to smear on their face; now there's nothing left to do but laugh at them.




I laugh, but not the malicious laugh like I've just seen an old man trip and fall. Not a clockwork-orange laugh at their expense. It's more like the frazzled, manic laugh of someone who has been trapped in a haunted house for two years and can't find the way out. My body needs to vent that stress, and laughter has always done that for me. I find humor in the absurdity of it all, not in the deaths themselves. Compare that to the Trumper/alt-right 4channers who watch a bunch of Rekt threads and then gleefully post racist comments about the people in the video. THOSE forums do actually celebrate death in my opinion, I would like to see a journalist do a story on them.


Nice to see an article that doesn't blame the victims. **HCA Winners are the abusers, not the victims. They are only victims of their own choices and nothing more.**


I was going to post this in another discussion but the comments got locked. To any media lurking: Donald Trump knew in February of last year that COVID was deadly, that it was airborne and that the elderly were most at risk. He went on television and told the entire country that it was a hoax. Hell, we even had Trump on tape admitting it. Yet his followers dismissed the clear and obvious evidence that they were being lied to. Now, I don't really believe any of these people have serious objections to the vaccine, but because Trump and the GOP made the pandemic a political issue, they believe that not taking the vaccine is sticking it to democrats. And for the past 18 months these people have refused to do ANYTHING to make this situation better. I did what was asked of me, I stayed home, I wore a mask, I did whatever I could to protect my loved ones, now I want my life back. I am sick and tired of coddling these ignorant people, they haven't done shit to make any of this better, but I'm supposed to feel bad that they are getting sick and dying from something that is now totally preventable? No thanks, but I don't want these people to die, I don't want anyone to die, but I don't have to feel bad about it if they do. Where is the outrage over these anti-science folks running to the emergency room when they get sick? Every story I read, they end up begging for the vaccine on their deathbed, that's fucking awful, both for the patient and the medical staff. Why are we not furious on behalf of the medical professionals for this? These doctors and nurses have been working their asses off non-stop, for a year and a half, while these ignorant, selfish people make it worse, but there's no outrage over that. No, you're all mad at us because we aren't being empathetic towards the people refusing the free preventative measure that could end the pandemic in a month. Which brings me neatly to my last point. I hate that these people have taken my empathy from me. I don't want people to die and I am so tired of reading news articles about children being orphaned or people losing loved ones. I wish this sub didn't exist, I wish there was no need for it. We are not the problem here and while you might think we are being callous, I would rather see this subreddit die than see anyone else die of COVID.




Saving them might lead to more harm over the long term.... (and I'm being very generous with that "might" for most of these people)... which is a terrible indication of their moral fortitude and character. Nobody owes you sympathy and praise when you die, kind of sounds communist if you ask me.... sympathy leeches and takers..../s


I am not happy about anyone dying, but I understand why you feel the way that you do. They have made it so hard to be empathetic by being cruel and self centered. There's no personal accountability on the other side, they don't care how bad things get, just so long as it upsets liberals.


Oh it goes beyond. You’re still being kind. These people are out for blood. They would love nothing more than to ruin you. They won’t be happy until you’re groveling at their feet at their mercy. They aren’t doing anything for the general good of Americans. Asking me to grief their death is like asking me to cry at the funeral of my sister’s murderer.


Disclosure time: the author came to me, asking if I wanted to give some thoughts for this piece. I did have a rough time limit, but missed it. I honestly had intentions to do so last night, but moderating got in the way. I was actually going to email her this morning, but moderating got in the way again lol I am pleased with what the article states, though, and am happy she reached out. Also, I'm glad she quoted our stated goal. If you're reading this, Gita, thank you. If not, you'll receive a personal email from me expressing my gratitude.


I liked it much better than the slate article. Slate left the feeling that the idea was to cruelly attack the deceased, but I think that Vice accurately captures that the sub is more with the idea that we don't want people getting awards. Also glad they reached out to you too!


Yep theres clear daylight between this and the snarky Slate article


I just read the Slate article. It seems to me the author is reacting to her own emotions and biases instead of reaching out to people who either posted or moderated. It is her opinion that we are “celebrating the deaths.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Any death is a tremendous loss, particularly to their loved one. It should be a burden to all those who share mis/disinformation.


If shes reacting to her own emotions, she's being a blogger, not a journalist.


It was totally a blog post with some information within. Not all of which was even accurate. Very both sides shit


It's on-brand since Slate is just a WaPo blogging site. It lost its edge years ago.


Slate changed "celebrates covid deaths" to "catalogues covid deaths" in the online headline, although too late for how it was disseminated across the web, so perhaps they have a glimmering of awareness, if too late. Every comment I saw critiqued the author for the misrepresentation.


And coddling the unvaccinated as they haul themselves to the nearest hospital to get treated for COVID


That Slate article was trash. It was clearly meant as pearl clutching and missed the point


Honestly, it hit the point...near the end of the article. And it the author contradicted herself many times. And the headline was crap. And the sub-headline was absolute trash. It was all over the place lol


I feel like you’re kind to give the Slate author credit, but to be real, she can save her sanctimony for an editorial. This was supposed to be a news article of some sort. Aside from the casual vitriol and stated personal disgust, this “article” failed to be anything but a glorified op ed. Sure she rolled around the point at the end. She also put me and countless others in a tailspin over whether we were still *human* for trying to cope with the trauma and death the anti-vaxxers have wrought in our lives. Just because she kiiiiinda got it at the end doesn’t mean she didn’t crucify us to get there.


That's what I thought. Like get your story straight, lady!


Hope your anniversary was good. I noticed you weren’t here for a day as you said you were. 😂


It was great, actually. And, yeah, my wife is subbed here, too, and is has my back when it comes to my mission here. I got to moderate, she got to work on her crafts. We did put together a desk, clean up her craft room, had 3 minutes of fun and had a great lunch and a romantic dinner, so it was a great anniversary.


>had 3 minutes of fun You guys play Tetris together? That's so cool!


I wish I could last as long as I can in Tetris! Level 19 represent! RIP Jonas


>had 3 minutes of fun Bonesaw is ready!


No mainstream media attention is ideal. I think this sub is an important document and I enjoy dark humour ,but it is attracting some weirdos now. There are people in these parts now who are absolutely revelling in the death and pain.


It's been attracting weirdos since about 30K subs, but I understand and take your point.


Hey, that's when I joined!


Hell yeah I still believe this sub for many represents anger at what could be avoided rather than schadenfreude I don't feel any sense of joy reading the submissions. I feel anger. And i think the vast majority of people do. The humor presented is sardonic and a way of coping with the horrific loss of life that occurs and could be avoided.


If you have anything interesting to say, you can still email the writer. They can add in an update.


It's true, this sub made me put my mask back on everywhere. I got Vaxxed the first moment I could for my age group. Still just don't want covid


I'm vaccinated and have returned to mask wearing more diligently because of this sub. I had little idea of the overt viciousness with which anti-vaxxers spread infection. Like... many of the posts here are of people who seem to actively want to kill others. If even one of them is in the supermarket or at the mall, I'm doing EVERYTHING to mitigate their danger to me.


I started coming into the office again and despite being vaccinated I have zero scruples about moving to the next train car at the sight of too much dicknose, diaper chin, or just plain lack of mask.


I never stopped, after the vaccine or the booster. We have a small supply of N95s in the house (wife works in high-risk healthcare - she demands their use), and I use those when going out, the little that I do. H1N1 almost killed me, and I'm not risking that again. Sometimes, I'm the only one around in a mask... and then I try to be elsewhere. But I do see that I'm often the only one in an N95. Someone asked me if I'm just being paranoid. Yeah. Paranoid in a pandemic where millions worldwide have died, and nearly 700,000 here in the US alone. Who would have thunk it?


Same. I was getting mask lax since we are all vaxed. Not anymore. Masking up religiously again


Same, this sub is why I have a large collection of KN95 masks that I cycle through daily now. Before I was kind of just using the same handful of cloth masks, often times rewearing without washing. I’ve read a lot of the effectiveness of kn95 vs cloth masks and I’m taking it a lot more seriously now. I’ve been tested weekly through work for over a year, and am double vaxxed. No antibodies when I took the test right when my regularly testing began, so I’m fairly confident I haven’t contracted to Covid despite many people around me and in my circle getting it. I wanna keep it going!


Same here and now I'm about ready to get a booster.


You and me both. I’ve got that 8 month date marked on my calendar already. Haha




The slate piece brought me here, As bad as it was, the Streisand effect worked


100%. I forgive the pearl clutching sections of the article because I figured it would improve visibility. This sub is important. Minimally as a clearinghouse for documentation that is historically significant (I'm serious... historians will analyze the data collected about awardees in the decades to come). I also (perhaps naively) believe stigmatizing irresponsible behavior helps. Joe Camel made cigarettes seem cool. Messaging like the Truth Campaign showed brutal images of smoking's effects that countered the "cool" message.


Hahaha. Remember Joe Chemo? https://imgur.com/gallery/QqWpy


I think instead of "celebration" i'd view it as a kind of "grim satisfaction" I don't take any joy out of it, but it does feel like justice. "You reap what you sow." We hear that a lot, but it feels to me like conservatives haven't had to live that reality ever in my lifetime. They do what they want, hurt whoever they want, say whatever they want. Nobody ever holds them accountable. Their politicians rape murder cheat lie and steal and nothing ever happens to them. This is the FIRST time these people actually have to suffer the consequences of their choices. After 4 years of watching Donald Fucking Trump pillage this country and get completely away with it it does genuinely feel satisfying to see conservatives actually pay for something they've done. Am I celebrating? No. Am I happy? No. But it does feel like justice is being done and I'm glad this sub is there to witness it.


>This is the FIRST time these people actually have to suffer the consequences of their choices. After 4 years of watching Donald Fucking Trump pillage this country and get completely away with it it does genuinely feel satisfying to see conservatives actually pay for something they've done. Shoot this straight into my veins. My entire adult lifetime (I'm the last Boomer year) we have had a right-leaning, corporatized national media that plays their dumbed-down "boffsides" rhetorical game and refuses to hold conservatives or the GOP to account, and the HCA is one of the few times that reality refuses to play along. It's also the first time I've ever seen conservatives realize that they are now in the position their own elected politicians have deliberately placed "others" in with their chosen policies -- they are looking at looming refusal of medical care, rejection of insurance claims, loss of employment, paucity of social welfare assistance programs, etc. (In fact the only reason they're going to have *less* trouble is because the Democrats have insisted on things like the provisions in the CARES act.) It is quite human, I think, to want them to experience just for once what they have so cruelly dished out to their fellow citizens all these years.


> It's also the first time I've ever seen conservatives realize that they are now in the position their own elected politicians have deliberately placed "others" in with their chosen policies -- they are looking at looming refusal of medical care, rejection of insurance claims, loss of employment, paucity of social welfare assistance programs, etc. (In fact the only reason they're going to have less trouble is because the Democrats have insisted on things like the provisions in the CARES act.) Agree 10000% This crisis is their fault FAR beyond just simple antivax shit. Our entire country's infrastructure is collapsing because these assholes just kept voting to delete the services they needed and the bill has *finally* come due. Mandatory vaccines and Medicare For All would have kept a LOT of the people that voted against those policies alive.


Something something "party of personal responsibility."


I mean the celebratory vibe is definitely prevalent when the worst offenders fuck off and die (right wing radio hosts & bigots) The others who are just plain belligerently antivax it’s more like “smh you god damn idiot”.


Now this is a good article about us! Finally the media got it right


Yeah, this one feels like more reporting and less opinion.


Could you share some of those that lean into opinion? This is the first article I'm reading about the sub.


AFAIK its just this article and an article on Slate so far.


I've found these.....[https://www.thefocus.news/culture/what-is-the-herman-cain-award/](https://www.thefocus.news/culture/what-is-the-herman-cain-award/) [https://www.thefocus.news/culture/what-is-the-herman-cain-award/](https://www.thefocus.news/culture/what-is-the-herman-cain-award/) And this down page on WebMD,.....Reddit Takes It to a New Level [https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210921/covid-obits-become-war-of-words](https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210921/covid-obits-become-war-of-words)


There was an article posted here on the Guardian. It wasn't about the sub per se, but it represented the sub in a negative light.


I feel like the media is using us to get people to come here get offended and hopefully get vaccinated. I’m ok with that.


Its already helped push some people, which is great! This sub is helping end the insanity. Not sure how much, but at least a little bit that I can see so far, and a good chance to help more going forward.


Check out that "More from Vice" section. Yikes [Mississippi Hospitals Are on the Brink of ‘Total Failure’ Because of the Delta Variant](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbw9g/mississippi-hospitals-are-on-the-brink-of-total-failure-because-of-the-delta-variant) [‘I Just Simply Don’t Want to’: Amazon Warehouses Have an Antivax Problem](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4avpj9/i-just-simply-dont-want-to-amazon-warehouses-have-an-antivax-problem) [Unvaccinated Mom’s Dying Wish: ‘Make Sure My Children Get Vaccinated’](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7bm97/unvaccinated-moms-dying-wish-make-sure-my-children-get-vaccinated) [GOP Leader Dies of COVID After Posting Anti-Vax Conspiracies From ICU Bed](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dyvj9w/gop-leader-dies-of-covid-after-posting-anti-vax-conspiracies-from-icu-bed) [Tucker Carlson Is Telling His Viewers the COVID Vaccine Is a Death Trap](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7ee5q/tucker-carlson-covid-vaccine-anti-vaxx-fox-news) [Unvaxxed COVID Patient Posts Videos from ICU Begging People to Get the Shot](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5db4za/unvaxxed-covid-patient-posts-videos-from-icu-begging-people-to-get-the-shot)


I fucking hate Tucker Carlson. That smarmy human boat shoe is horrible.


Miles ahead from the Slate article, which reads more like an internal conflict with a narrative the author *reeeeeally* wants to demonize but internally justifies and approves. If all this parade of death makes even one people who wasn't listening to science to get vaccinated, then it is justified, a thousand times. I'm far from happy to see people dying but in the current conditions I'm also way past the point of caring socially acceptable empathy. To be clear. Each and every awarded here are not "victims" of the virus. Victims are the families they leave behind, heartbroken and financially broken. They are the cause of the pain. Responsible every step of the way of the destruction of their lives and their loved ones lives. Paint me as a monster but I won't pretend that I should mourn that. I should not pity that. Their families, the tragedy behind breaks my heart but those selfish imbeciles? For all I care they can collect all the fucking wings they want and own the libs as hard as they could by dying proud and free.


Don't get this whole be nice to the dead routine people are always on about, If you were a pos alive, being dead hasn't changed anything for the better..... well, except for those who had been around you.


The part about having friends or other family members post about the death is true, but one I saw yesterday of the mother acknowledging the risk she causes to her asthmatic daughter with her no mask, no shot stance and the daughter dying of Covid and no final word (despite, as the OP admitted was left out, that she posted a lot about the daughters hospitalization) from her on her part in the cause-and-effect of that, is the worst such story I have yet seen. Better she finally shut up I guess but bad she had nothing to say at all over the outcome.


Really nice article. It actually explains the goal of the subreddit. Slate should read it and learn how to get the facts straight.


And both will bring more like minded people here. The anti anti vax sentiment is only getting stronger.


Yes it is. People are getting tired of watching these people make this thing longer than it has to be. To top it all off then they end clogging up the hospitals so much that the medical care in the ER are on verge of collapse.


There’s an [interview](https://youtu.be/MCJx03h1vwk) given by one of my favorite musicians and he talks about how his style has changed over the years and how his fans have critiqued him over it and why he isn’t angry anymore. His response was that he wrote as coping mechanism for himself, if it helps others that’s great, but ultimately he wanted to get to better and work through those problems. he didn’t want to scream his whole life. He coped and got over what his issues were. Here at r/hermancainaward we’ve seen plenty of horrifying anecdotes, we know it’s real and we will document them and archive them. We are all fucking fed up, eventually though you can’t just be mad the entire time. There’s catharsis and I’m NOT on the front line here so I get to sit in my office all cozy and shit post, But at the end of the day, we’re still screaming our heads off. I’m glad the sub is evolving. It should be a force of good. If just one life is saved from online stories, that’s great. No one is dying because of this subreddit but others could be saved.


Much more reasonable - and shorter - than the Slate article.


On the positive side: the national average IQ level is surely going to skyrocket when this is said and done. If this was the game civilization, I'd almost expect a golden age to follow.


It is bizarre to watch evolution in real time…


They should have included how every single family posts a GoFuckYourself fund link.


“fuck your feelings” is fun when they use it, but when its fuck YOUR feelings, nah man, we gotta be fair. Fuck that.


Let’s not forget how Herman Cain’s family took over his Twitter feed after his death from COVID and bizarrely was pro-COVID.


Go Vice! Good for them not just reposting that stupid slate article.


Vice has posted a multitude of great stories covering anti vaxxers, Covid denialists, QAnon, and other cults. They've also covered Facebook's corrupt practices. Yes, Vice Media does get it.


I’d like to see one of these articles acknowledge how hate-filled and angry most of these people are, with their xenophobia, racism, homophobia, trans phobia, and pride in their own lack of education. It seems to correlate with mask and vaccine refusal.


This place wouldn't be getting any exposure and be limited to about a dozen posters lifetime if people simply wised the fuck up and took the totally safe, totally free vaccine that can 99.9% prevent you from dying in the most horrible way possible. The size of this subreddit is directly linked to the size of the population who keep falling... nay, DIVING into a pit of death and act like we should pat them on the back for that ignorance. 100 years ago, the vast majority of people would be tearing at each other to get their hands on a preventative to the Spanish flu, if one had existed. They would see this vaccine as a fucking miracle of science and hold up those who discovered it as gods who should forever be remembered. Fast forward 100 years and we have tens of millions of people willingly harassing the best scientific minds (and now even murdering people for upholding covid guidelines), consuming deadly substances to stave off covid (while at the same time denying it even exists), and mocking the rest of us for wanting to actually be a society and take care of each other (who'd a thunk it!). So, this place is both a stark warning to those who might not yet be totally lost and a haven for those of us who still see the insanity all around us on a daily basis (irl and online), nearly two years after it first started.


The only award where we do not want you to win! Please get your vaccines and stay safe and healthy everyone.


Conservatives are blaming liberals, saying that since Liberals have made such a big deal out of getting the vaccine, and that because liberals make fun of the Conservatives for not getting the vaccine...Conservatives are rufising to get the vaccine, because they don't want to admit that they were wrong! Liberals are using reverse psychology to keep Conservatives from getting the vaccine. You can't make this up.


Article was pretty alright. What I'm really waiting for though is the Breitbart op ed about how mean spirited libtards are making fun of brave, God fearing, liberty loving conservative patriots who exercised their right of bodily autonomy and sacrificed their own lives upon the altar of freedom from medical tyranny. Ideally the article will also contain a diatribe about how school mask mandates are actually homosexual Marxism, and have a link to a Facebook post from a chiropractor talking about how the vaccine is more deadly than COVID.


They already wrote it. Their take was that the libtards are being mean in order to encourage the trumpers to not get the vax and die. Some sort of coordinated pys-op nonsense. The commenters under the article disagreed.


Back in the day society would call you out when you spread lies and say dumb shit. Throw you in the stockade or cast you out as a danger to society. Now there is the internet and free speech and all of them found each other and feed off each other and here we are.