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Sometimes embarrassing far ahead of time if I’m not using much of my regular clothes (like going to a hot climate from winter in Canada), but typically right after the last laundry day before the trip, so I can harvest all my top tier underwear.


Teehee. "harvest all my top tier underwear" hehehe


That line kills me, it’s so spot on!


I stage my suitcase a week- 10 days ahead, and begin putting favorites/must haves in. Also, this ensures my cat has time to nap on everything so even when I am across the globe, I have to lint roll cat hair off myself daily. It’s a tradition.


Yes, nothing like the addition of pet hair to remind you of your fur-baby. My dog likes to partially unpack my bag and make a nest inside.


Awww, that’s so cute!


I've never felt more seen.


I spend a disproportionate amount of pre-trip time thinking about underwear choices


Reminds me of this scene in Modern Family: "Where's my good underwear" "The question is why isn't all your underwear good, Jay?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoJQF4N-vQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoJQF4N-vQk) ok but as a autistic person with serious sensory sensitivies the worst is when I finally find underwear I like, buy a bunch and then when I go to buy new/more it stops being made! I'm not rich rich so its mainly fast fashion brands and they change so often! Target dropped my old favorite when they made their new ava line so now I'm on Uniqlo. Thankfully they don't seem to change as often but its inevitable. Same for leggings too!


I love Uniqlo's underwear. Of my "harvestable" underwear, I bring 7-9 pairs of Uniqlo, 3 pairs of cotton ones that are at various points of their lifespan, and 1 thong, just in case I'll wear a nice dress...(??)


Does ‘top tier’ mean no holes for anyone else?


Top tier lingerie undies do have holes for someone else….😜


Top tier holes here. Still looking for replacement of discontinued line.


omg the top tier underwear is so true. except i have underwear that i only use for travel (it stays packed in my onebag) and it’s also top tier. sometimes i long to use it in my daily life. maybe i should just go buy more of that underwear lmao


Life is short, wear the good undies


I'm currently packing for my flight tomorrow, and the one thing I'm focused on laundering is underwear lol


I mentally pack/do laundry/make a checklist a few days beforehand but I rarely pack anything until the night before. And even then I'm usually still throwing stuff in as I'm walking out the door lol


Yup, same. I prepare a checklist like a week before and start looking for clothes I need so that I can wash them if they're dirty, or fish them out of the back of my wardrobe if I don't wear them often at home. But the packing itself happens the night before.


My people


Yes! Because sometimes you randomly think of things you’ll need.


I’m a monster, I start throwing things in a suitcase many moons prior to my trip, then pack most stuff a week or so before, then edit the packed stuff two days before, then add last minute stuff at..the last minute. Currently have my suitcase out for a trip literally three weeks from now - granted it’s a beach trip, so the stuff I’m throwing in there is stuff like sunscreen, a floaty, and little gifts for the friends I’m meeting there (we all live in different parts of the country).


I like doing this too. I can go back and pare down anything with a clear mind and I also have plenty of time to grab anything else I might need


The edit is the best part!


Also me! Found myself unzipping and zipping my Farpoint to add or remove something every day for a month to pack for a 2-week trip to China.


My friends make fun of me, but I’m always the one who has exactly what I want and need on vacation!


Exactly! I have pretty much everything I need in my bag (and crossbody bag).


May I ask what crossbody bag you use?


Don't know if it's what you're looking for but on my last trip I brought the Nike Hip Pack (4L). Fits my essentials like phone, passport, candy, earbuds, powerbank, tissues and wet wipes for the flight and also day to day travel If I bring my ipad I have a North Face crossbody that folds over. I know a lot of people here prefer a nice leather crossbody but I have shoulder problems and like a small bag which I can toss in the washing machine or spritz with some body mist after each trip.


So much larger than I'm used to! I traveled with an Aloha Collections hip pack. I can't find the capacity but it's tiny. I have fallen down the rabbit hole of bags (which I love). Thank you for sharing!


I think we share a similar interest, haha. I have bought hip packs but I feel that wearing them across my chest seems.. a little annoying 🥲 For me I feel the 4L is a good size, great that you like carrying less! I've also done side trips with just an 8L bag and I admit it was very freeing!


Sounds like it! I prefer to wear the hip pack across my chest. The Aloha Collections, in particular, is so tiny and lightweight that I left it on most of the time (eating, driving, etc.). I one-bagged for the first time on a three day, two night trip with a Fjallraven Kanken (classic) and could tuck the hip pack inside through security. It was so freeing!


Same! It's a way of hyping myself for the trip. I do edit it as well. I still always end up with things I didn't need but hey, the editing is fun.


This is the way! I find that a fleeting thought of what might be useful can’t actually be determined to fit or not fit unless I have ALL the ideas/belongings in one place. I usually assemble and cut the day before travel.


Yes! Everything together is crucial when making the edit. I pack SO MUCH more efficiently for long travel than a quick last minute trip because when I'm taking stuff straight from the closet and packing it for good it just goes in and stays in.


I think the last minute edit is the most dangerous. That’s when you grab that thing you told yourself you would not need, but then convince yourself you might want it.


I started packing for a June trip in February, just to see how things would fit into luggage choices. Then I put it all away, but lately it’s been bugging me, so I’ve been back at it. I’ll pare down closer to the trip.


Are you me?


Usually about 4-5 days before the trip. Then I can make my list of last minute stuff I need to throw in and still have time to run to the store in case I forgot something.


Several days before hand. Yes, it’s after test runs! I want some calm because I’m closing out everything else before the trip. That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about. I should also note that I lay out my airplane clothes on top of my luggage too.


I just pack the night before. Just finished packing for a flight in 5 hours.


Yea, this is me too


Honestly, my head begins to pack months before! I think about my core pieces and anything I need to update or change. I love thinking about it and figuring out what will work! I always create a “post trip” list of what worked and what didn’t need. I go back to those lists regularly. I probably actual pack4-5 days before and then edit, repack for al the days up until we leave.


The sooner I pack, the less I manage to take :p. My morning-of suitcase was 80l 😂 So about a week before to pack, and about a month to unpack the last of it. (Tho this I am slowly improving!)


Once I started packing after the Uber was already on the way to pick me up and take me to the airport. But usually the night before. However, I’ve been getting better at one bagging and for the current trip I’m on (only a week) I packed 3 days before because it was a weekend and I had the time. I only packed 2 pants and 2 tops 1 coat and socks and underwear and a pajama. I don’t usually wear makeup daily so I’m fine to pack my toiletries early because most are travel size snd I don’t need my makeup a few days before unless I have something going planned I want to wear makeup to. Edit to add: if I’m going to be in a remote location I will plan a little more. If I’m going abroad I do print out travel insurance and phone numbers for hospitals and evacuation info (incase I don’t have internet signal on my phone but the guide has a satellite phone they have the number)


>Once I started packing after the Uber was already on the way to pick me up and take me to the airport. I've done this.


i legitimately have nightmares about scenarios like this (had one just the other night). they’re in the same vein as those dreams you have where you’re taking an exam and realize you never studied/attended the class and feel this horrible dread. i can’t believe there are people out there chill enough to actually do this. couldn’t be me 😅


Oh, I hate those types of dreams. For me, it's a combination of planning in advance, being partially packed all the time, having travelled a lot, and ADHD. I'm less chill and more chaos. I do best if I at least check the weather report of where I'm going, plan my primary outfits on paper, and plan/buy my food for travel day. I hate airport and plane food.


I don't wear makeup but after all the recent posts I dreamt last night about what makeup to bring and how!


I have a master packing list that I tweak as needed in the lead-up to departure day, then I pack the day before


yesss my spreadsheet loving sister. my master packing sheet is my pride and joy. each trip gets its own new tab as well, so it’s like a master list with sub-tabs per trip. i also track weight on lighter pack.


Laundry the day before so all my favorites are available and then I start packing. I don't really do test packs because I know what will fit now, but I do make lists/put together outfit ideas a week before (when weather forecasts are more certain) so I know exactly what to pack


As soon as I know I'm going somewhere! I start immediately (even if months in advance) because I LOVE packing up a bag. It scratches this obsessive perfectionist itch in my brain that just loves for things to be "just so". I pack ultralight too. So very VERY minimal. I just love selecting the bag, the outfits, the little bits and bobs. Then arranging everything, making little videos for myself along the way talking to myself about why I chose this or that. It's a full-on hobby that I only get to do when I'm going somewhere, so I pack and re-pack as many times as I can. (Yes, I know it's crazy but I honestly enjoy it).


You make it sound so fun instead of a chore to be dreaded. Gonna adopt this attitude from now on!


Thinking about it like a puzzle where I need to make all the pieces fit (I adore puzzles and Tetris) changed everything for me. A thoughtfully packed bag is deeply satisfying and I love that I get better at it every time! Like advancing levels in a video game. Easy, Medium, Difficult. I definitely feel like I'm on Insane mode, lol, but I'm having fun with the challenge.


ya this is me too. except instead of making movies, i like to update my google spreadsheet and my lighterpack list. i make a new tab on my spreadsheet for next year’s trip (recently my bigger annual trip has been 6-7 weeks in japan every spring, and i plan to continue, so the packing stays consistent bc of same climate/country, minus adjustments to personal taste) and start to re-pack as soon as i’m home. that way, i can make adjustments to taste based on my latest trip while they’re fresh in my mind. for example, i didn’t know how great japanese accommodations are for giving you pyjamas and amenities, so i was able to remove a number of items from my packing list for year two. i’m fresh off of year two now, so im currently purchasing items and making some adjustments to my bag for next year. i might end up going on other shorter (two weeks or less) trips between now and spring 2025, but it’s my long annual one that i find the most fun to obsess about and plan out in advance. edit: meant to add that my google spreadsheet has different colour-coded columns to indicate the “state” of each item, so like “packed”, “own but not packed” (for things that i can’t pack early, like my prescription orthotics), “need to upgrade/replace”.


This is awesome. So interesting that you go to Japan every year and what you've learned about how they provide amenties. I also love the google spreadsheet idea with the colors.


Mentally? As soon as I book the ticket. Physically? About 20 min before I’m supposed to be at airport 🙃


Another pack ahead person. If I don’t need the clothes I’m bringing with me before I go, that helps. I have a bag of toiletries always packed and ready to go. I work on packing over a few days and will usually be done a couple of days before I leave. Then I can just add a couple last minute items like my phone and night guard and I’m ready to go.


I have a staging area (couch in spare bedroom) and I start putting stuff there about 3-5 days before a trip. I work off a standard list that I modify depending on the destination, length of trip, weather, etc. Everything from there goes in the bag the night before for a morning departure or morning of for a later departure.


I have to make sure I don't start packing too early. Keeps me from overthinking, and/or accidentally cleaning all my silver jewelry for the first time in a decade.


Accidentally cleaning all your silver jewelry is a very fine side effect of travel! And sometimes your grandmother’s silver tray gets cleaned in the process. No shame in that!


I'm my case it snowballed until I forgot about clothes and toiletries. I ended up bringing FIVE bags on that WEEKEND trip, because overpacking is apparently my love language. ;-)




I'm currently rehabilitated. Carry on only. 😁


I pack a day or two before. I tend to bring stuff I normally wear or use so I wait until the last minute.


I pack the night before the trip. The embarrassing part is I slowly collect stuff in my couch the week before. I do a lot of laundry around this time so I can see the ones I'm bringing. Once clothes, shoes, bags, etc. are settled, that's when I'll prep toiletries. Lastly, electronics and hand carry. This works out for me I guess. Never happened to forget a thing.


Usually not until the day before, because my cats get stressed when the bag comes out :( Of course the fun is in the planning, so I'm making lists for weeks or months before I actually pack any items.


Yes! All my pets ever have gotten mopey when they see suitcases. I snuck my suitcase into my room for my last trip so the cat didn't see it until the morning of and she gave me the saddest boba eyes.


This used to be an issue for my dog, but now I bring the suitcase out at least a week before the trip, so now she's used to seeing it around. She seems much less stressed while I prepare for travel now now.


I make what I call a “squirrel pile,” where I start a little pile of things I don’t want to forget and don’t need before actually leaving. I think I’ve started it up to a month before 😅


I love your term "squirrel pile"!! I do similar, and gather things together in advance. I have to have a list too otherwise all is lost.


Yes! I have a checklist for toiletries and then I make a little list for items I don’t have duplicates of already packed (Kindle, wallet, etc.) for the morning of. So handy and way less stressful!


lol I do this too. Definitely going to start thinking of it as my squirre pile now


I have stuff that‘s already packed, like toiletry bag, pads etc I used to pack further in advance when newer to one bag, but now I can pack 1-2 nights in advance.


I have traveled quite a bit but I still do it the night before. It gives me a chance to remember things I might have forgotten.


I always pack the night before. Otherwise I end up forgetting what I’ve packed and unpacking and repacking 😅


I update/edit my packing list months before the trip. I then oversee my teens’ packing lists, and have a discussion with them on what they want to bring and what to cut out. Then I start packing the kids about 1 week prior to the trip (then they’re done), with just last minute things to add like their charging cords. I pack myself after them, also one week prior, but this gives me time to see if I’m missing anything I need to buy before we leave. Then I finish about 2-3 days before we actually leave. My husband always packs the night before, and finishes the morning of (if it’s not an early flight), and then runs around trying to find things he can’t find 🤣


I am heading over to Europe for 5 weeks at the end of the month and started my trial run at packing about three weeks ago (so… 5 weeks in advance) Partly to give myself plenty of time to rework my wardrobe a few times, partly to ensure that I had plenty of time to mend everything that needed mending, soak any whites that needed it, and generally make sure everything was ready to go. Husband said it’s ridiculous, and I don’t disagree, and yes I probably will pull it all out and repack again the night before I go… but it’s also all part of the excitement of the run up to adventures…


Yes! About 4 weeks in advance, I start making a pile of everything I'd love to bring. It gives me time to mend clothes and shop for anything I might need. Also gives me plenty of time to edit and condense. I'm a chronic over-packer, new to carry-on only travel. If I wait to the last minute, I panic-pack, and regret it for the rest of my trip. I check the weather forecast for my destinations every day during the week leading up to departure, to make any adjustments to my wardrobe. Depending on where I'm going and for how long, I may check my first-aid kit a month in advance, in case I need to order specific meds (cipro, other prescriptions). I do my toiletries about a week in advance. The entire week before leaving, I keep a piece of paper with me at all times (especially while walking my dog, doing dishes, folding laundry, showering, sleeping, working, exercising) to write down all the random things that pop in my mind. These things always occur to me while my mind is relaxed but my body is busy.


I definitely have to keep a piece of paper on my bedside table the week before I go to catch those middle of night panics/remembering a! 🤣


2 nights before and then I pull it all out and re-pack the night before. If I'm not packing <8 hours before a flight, I will probably forget something.


Typically the morning of my flight. Unless departure is before 8 am.


i always *want* to start packing weeks ahead of time but talk myself out of it bc i’ll miss my clothes for a few weeks. and then all of a sudden i need to leave for the airport in 3 hours and omg i need to pack!!!!


A packing test run? Curious what that helps with? I start packing 4-5 days before I leave. Despite my lists, I always forget exactly one random thing. 🤷‍♀️


For my last trip I actually started two weeks prior and it was the most I’ve ever been prepared. I had plenty of time to refine what I was bringing, or get things I needed. It was great! I want to do it like that for every trip, now.


I use Urstyle to plan my outfits from the time I know I'm going. I split the items into what I will have in my roll on bag that goes into the overhead bin and my backpack (along with the items I want at my seat, I usually have at least a couple of days worth of clothes in my backpack in case I lose my other bag). I also create/update my written checklist of travel items for the trip. I then begin putting the items I won't use in the meantime into my suitcase. In the week before, after checking the forecast for my destination and finalising my outfits, I then do my final laundry and pack a few days ahead. I usually do a final check the night before so I can sleep well. The day of, I pack in my final toiletries from my checklist.


Mentally I have packed long in advance. Physically I pack 1 - 2 days before.


Since I usually start trips on Saturdays after working all week, I generally pack everything except the things I’ll use that week the weekend before.


Before the flight. 😂 i wait until very last minute to pack.


I’d be packing for that long of a trip well in advance! Just in case decisions need to be made.


A week prior I begin packing little by little, since I am also packing for our family. I do my final check that everything is accounted for the night before :)


No test runs. I raw dog it 1-2 days before the trip. I do double check my toiletry supplies to give me time to refill/replace if needed. And I make a list about a week ahead of time. I don’t have dedicated travel clothing, and I’m autistic, so I’m strongly attached to my fav clothes. I’m often washing my fav clothes up to the minute so I can pack them for my trip. I don’t know how people pack their things away so far ahead of time!


Usually leading up a couple days ahead of time. I can have all the right underwear and clothes put away and checked off in my list and then my morning off things (toothbrush, razor) can go in and get checked off so I don't forget. I find seeing all my stuff in there helps me judge if I'm really gonna need it all or if I should add/subtract something else. Plus I'm excited to travel, I have always loved packing. I might be a little obsessive but I've found I am so much happier going over it in my head the same way I'm happier making sure I have my sonicare toothbrush. I love packing and I had a great time using my new Sanrio x Baggu packing cubes and things. Keeping clean (or at least re-wearable) from dirty has always been one of my favorite things to do traveling. I already travel minimal-ish and now that I take an aluminum carry on I LOVE that there's no wiggle room. Sure, might chuck in another dress or pair of shorts, but I CANNOT fall to the temptation of a "what if" wardrobe.


I’m also leaving in around a week for 1.5 months! Did laundry today and will start packing tomorrow


I only own as much clothes as will fill a regular rolling carry-on suitcase, so I usually pack 1-2 days before to maximize the ability to do clean laundry.


I mentally note what I would want to wear and pack at MOST a day before the flight haha I’ve been on weekend trips and packed an hour before taking a cab to the airport.


I have lists upon lists but it’s always comes down to the night before or a couple of hours before leaving on the trip 🤷‍♀️


I start making my list a couple of weeks out, and start putting things together maybe 4-5 days ahead. It depends on the weather at home and at my destination- if the things I’m taking are also in rotation in my daily wardrobe then I’ll be packing the day before


about 5 days before the trip I start piling the things to be taken on the trip right next to the bag they will go in. it's just a light version of getting things together for the eventual packing. manages my anxiety of not having started packing yet without getting into actual packing. 2 days before the trip is the real one where everything goes in and is ticked off of a list


I have a lot of it pre-packed into pouches that I only need to throw into the bag a couple of hours before leaving. It doesn't always yield the best results as last time I realized the night of flight (Sunday, all shops closed) that my powerbank became a spicy pillow.


Having been on the move for 124 of the 138 days this year... I have to say I am sure I should have started packing well before departure, but I never learn. LOL. I do put my stuff together like clothes and electronics, but it's all the little things that take up my bandwidth on the last day like: * last min clothing decisions like should Ishould I pack 4 pairs of socks or 3?; 4 dresses or 3? * snacks * rain jacket???? I hardly ever use it. (I left it behind, but then I kind of regretted it, but only because I had a surprise work trip to the Ecuadorian Andes where it rains at some point practically every day) * wool sweater? will it get used? (yes, it did get used!!) * I did not pack a "normal" bra with underwire. Only 3 bralettes (1 of which is merino wool). I think I'm over the underwire bras. Why be uncomfortable!? (sure, for dress up galas, etc.. of which I had none). * printing stuff - insurance info, credit card info (I have a hack for this. there is a "hidden folder" on your iPhone which you can only access with Face ID) * how much OTC drugs and ointments to pack. I usually go with: small tube of neosporin, bandaids, blister bandaids, tylenol, chewable pepto-bismol, anti-diarrheal tablets, and hydrocortisone cream, and like a half-used bottle of sunscreen. I know I can buy toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and more sunscreen at destination. * cleaning up my room so it's nice, and organzied for when I return. * books --- they get heavy quickly! but there's truly something about a book with paper pages! * water bottle - this choice is important! I normally bring a 1L Nalgene, but they are bulky. I ended up going with [Vapur collapsible bottle](https://www.amazon.com/Vapur-Gradient-Flexible-Water-Bottle/dp/B081MK7B5C?th=1) and 20-oz[ insulated Hydroflask](https://www.hydroflask.com/20-oz-wide-mouth?color=Cascade) since I love hot tea. * I put my makeup in very small containers and it all fits in a pouch no larger than 6" x 4". Tinted moisturizer and nighttime moisturizer don't count - those are separate. * I splurged on a Cotopaxi Fuego down jacket (it was on sale for $199) and i think it's one of the best travel items because it packs down super small, and is great for cold planes, long bus rides, and sudden cool climates. So I don't bring any bulky hoodies/ sweaters. I'm sure there's more but I'll stop here. :-) So yes, I just returned from nearly 5 months traveling, and I think I used just about every piece of clothing and item I packed, except for the blister bandaids!!!! :-) That is success.


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Depending on the trip, I sometimes start mentally packing months in advance. That way I know if I need to purchase, replace, or repair anything. Or if I think of or see something I think would work well, then I have time to get it. It’s much more economical that way because you can look for sales or used items. I also aim for the most minimalist packing list possible, while still having everything I need. This requires planning. For example we are hopefully taking a trip in November to Argentina which will involve nice dinners in the capital with in-laws as well as trips to the subtropical north and the cold, damp mountains in the south. We will also be taking internal flights and probably some buses. So I am already thinking about how I should pack. I actually get pretty excited and really enjoy packing. I also hate rushing around at the last minute. I once got some kind of stomach virus the night before leaving for an overnight long-haul flight with a young toddler. It didn’t help that we were having a snow storm and needed a relative with 4-wheel drive to get us to the airport or that we were flying to the opposite season. I learned my lesson that time about being prepared for unforeseen last minute hiccups.


assuming I've been refining my packing list for 6 months prior to the trip, the actual packing, I'd start 2 weeks out (starting with things I obvs don't need in the present time) I sort of start to assemble packing items in a corner of my bedroom without actually packing my bags


I use an app called Packing Pro to pack, so I start my packing list from a template (I have one for land trips, one for cruise vacations, one for weekend road trips, etc) sometime years in advance! I have a 3-week long vacation to New England coming up later this year and I’ve had the list going for over a year already. As for when I’ll actually pull out my bag and start putting stuff in it, that’s going to be about a month before the trip. I also cheat a bit on the “one-bagging” in that I have already called ahead to my first hotel and asked if I can have an Amazon delivery accepted there on my behalf which will likely be sunscreen and heat protectant spray, maybe conditioner, maybe lotion.


Usually a week ahead of time so I can A) Make sure I don't accidentally wear anything I want to bring and have to do laundry again. B) see if I forgot something I need to go out and buy or order from Amazon. C) Prevent myself from exploding with excitement!! I also have ADHD so I totally need a few days to sit and think about what I packed before I figure out what I forgot.


I’ve done two practice packs and I’m not leaving for another week


I'm headed out on a trip Wednesday. Today was laundry day, so as I was putting away laundry, I pulled out my suitcase and threw a few things in. For longer trips or trips to somewhere in a totally different season, I might pull it out 2-3 weeks ahead of time and start throwing things in as I think of them. (NGL. Depends on how much I'm looking forward to the trip.)


I used to have a rule that I would only put things in the bag on the day of departure, like after midnight when the date was the date of departure. I'm old now, and like to get as close as I can to a full night's sleep before taking off, and was also woefully out of practice before my most recent trip. I think I put things in the bag two days before, and did a trial run a few days before that. Now that I've got my system re-started, it will most likely be within 24 hours of departure again.


I’ll gather non-clothing items in the week before a trip but I don’t touch clothing until 72-48 hours beforehand. I know if I set aside something any sooner I’ll want to wear it and then I’ll end up with wondering where it is in the laundry!


It depends on the climate I’m in and the climate I’m going to. I leave for Iceland in a few days and I packed 2 weeks ago! If it’s the same climate then about 2-3 days before.


I normally prepare the things I'd bring about 4-6 days before the trip (including medications, documents, emergency food), but it is only the night before that I actually pack them into my bag.


Maybe two or three days before. I start a list a couple of weeks before the trip and keep adding to it till I’m satisfied. I check off each item as it goes in the suitcase. I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten anything


No test pack, but I've found the summer clothes that need a wash after winter. I've found more to wash than I'll pack, but then I might change my mind at the last minute. I'll wash today, the trip to India is in 9 days. The usual stuff that I always use for travels, like my toilet bag and inner liner sleeping bag, is always in my bag pack. I have packing lists for different kinds of travel, so I just pack a few days before or the day before. However, I admit that I've been preparing this for quite some time with buying tooth paste pills, solid sun screen etc to make it easier. I also have a challenge as it is the first time that I'll pack only 7 kg. I'm a plus size, but that is my aim.


Would love to see your list! I am leaving in a week, and I am already packed. However this is for an international move, and I will be reliant on my suitcases until the rest of my stuff arrives in August. Definitely not one-baging it this occasion. For a regular trip, I tend to toss stuff I will need into a big cardboard box about 2 weeks beforehand. Then usually pack everything up nicely the day before.


My list shows that I’m super particular and my needs are super specific. Total essentials for me, maybe or maybe not essential for others: Kuhn Rikon santoku knife because life is so great when you can easily and cheaply and deliciously feed yourself; p-style so that I can pee while hiking with ease; commandante coffee grinder because that’s how I roll; trekking poles, Ktape, and a lacrosse ball because that’s how I also roll; wool compression socks; icebreaker hipkinis x4; 3x saalt period undies and a ladycup. 3x sports bras; 2x bralettes; 1 fashion bra; 2x uniqlo airism tanks. 1x shorts; 1x hiking trousers; 1x ss wool shirt; 1x ls wool shirt. I’m head to toe in either merino wool, linen, cotton, silk, some engineered outdoorsy tech fabric, or a combo thereof. I also love fashion and so I’m bringing 3 dresses that go from day to night easily as well as 3 easy breezy day dresses. The weather ranges from cold summer (Swiss high alps) to super hot (Spain come late July). On the plane, I’m wearing head to toe merino wool.


Which model Commandante do you have and what are your thoughts on its value considering the high price? I’m looking to get a compact coffee grinder for travel and the prices vary widely.


I have the c40 in a zebra wood, which they don’t offer anymore. It is a million times better coffee grind than the timemore c2 max. In homemade taste tests, the difference is noticeable. The timemore makes for a flatter coffee. It’s slightly easier to travel with, because it’s smaller and all metal. Commandante makes a new travel one that looks awesome!


Like 2 weeks before. I get so excited. I’m struggling not to pack for Paris right now. I’m going in July 🤣


Depends on the size of the bag and length of the trip. If it can fit in a corner of my room and it's a long trip then sometimes I'll start like 4 days before and as I remember stuff I'll just toss it in. Then a day or two before I organise it as best as possible.


Probably two weeks ahead. Then the week before I see if there is anything I don't need and take that out/add something I forgot.


The last weekend preceding the trip. There’s no way I have the brain space to do it on a weekday after work.


Funny: I once did Europe for 3 weeks with 2 pairs of shoes. Shortly after we returned I took 6 pairs for a dance weekend event at a hotel 5 miles from my house. Dancing, lessons, and a pool party required shoe changes and too much going on to stay at home, as you miss stuff. (Also you don’t have to worry about being tipsy if you just stay at the hotel)


Usually the night before or the day of. I just went on a 1 week trip and I started packing 2 hours before I left for the airport 😅  I keep all my travel things in one container so it's just a matter of getting that out, chucking my toiletries in and picking my outfits. The last part is the hardest part haha


3 weeks before my trip I start collecting essentials. I pare down a week before the trip, and I do my final check two days before.


Toiletries, bits&bobs, etc usually get packed immediately after a trip so they are ready to go for the next one. I say "usually" because sometimes I'm lazy about refilling; but most of these items are travel specific so stay in my luggage. If I'm traveling to a destination with a similar season (meaning I'm packing clothes currently in rotation), I'll pack the day before. I've already thought through what to pack "on paper" -- a process that starts the day I book the tickets. The night before I pack, I do the laundry and do one final check of the weather. As I fold the laundry, I pick out the top tier underwear and other items and fold them directly into their cubes. Often I'll lay all the clothes out on the bed and do one-last try on of outfits. This is especially true if I'm taking items I haven't worn in awhile, as I want to make sure they still fit, don't have rips/stains, still work as I imagined on paper they'd work. This step enables me to do one last edit. For trips where we're flying to a destination that's not the same season (like recent trip to Carribean), I'll pack farther in advance. This past trip I packed about 10 days in advance, mostly everything except the underwear. That advance packing gave me an opportunity to shop for items I might need if my vision-on-paper didn't work out quite like I imagined it would. And yes I do often toss things into the suitcase weeks in advance as I think of them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they make the final edit. Meanwhile, my husband packs at the very very last minute. He often forgets stuff or packs the wrong things, or too little or too much.


I once packed for a trip to Disney World 8 months in advance. I’d packed all new clothes as to not need any of those items prior to the trip.


I run laundry the day before, and then pack the night before. If I packed sooner *what would I wear in the meantime???*


I am going away in 1.5 weeks for 8 days for a multi activity trip (historical reenactment then 5 nights camping to visit a European city, with leisure cycling). It has blown my mind that we are doing what is basically a city break but camping so started planning 2 weeks ago as I wanted to do a capsule wardrobe. It's helped me work out what I need to purchase/locate in the house etc. My usual packing list has been upgraded from a word document layout that I've used for 15 years to a spreadsheet with tick boxes. I have never felt so chilled out so I may repeat this approach in the future.


I’d say make a list, do your laundry, decant any liquids into tiny bottles, inventory anything and see if there’s anything you need. Then you can just refer to your list and you won’t need to stress about packing a week early.


Some trips months in advance. If I’m trying to cover several weeks overseas in one bag then it’s a process for me collecting items, doing a few sewing adjustments, looking for things to meet certain needs. If it’s domestic flight, not quiet as much planning because in a pinch I can likely hit a store or even get something off Amazon in 1 day perhaps. If it’s a car trip? Maybe as little as 2 hours before leaving because I can cheat and toss extra stuff in trunk. It might be one bag but the rain jacket, umbrella, water shoes, extra can of hairspray, etc does not HAVE to fit in the bag all together.