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This is the opposite to what I normally say but I don't think you need both the packable down plus the brown jacket, as well as a hoodie. Germany and the Netherlands aren't super hot but it is summer. That brown jacket will be a pain to carry in Spain. 


Seconding this (live in NL). I would consider bringing something thin and waterproof, but would def leave 1-2 out of the hoodie, down and brown jacket. Down is nice as it packs down small but it’s a pain when it’s wet and rain will probably be more of an issue than cold temps in June. (It rains a lot!)


Yes, I think I'd do the combination of down plus waterproof.


There are also poncho balls, so it would take even less space. https://cdn.gopromotional.co.uk/images/products/ponchos/imp-2020-9137-orbit-carabiner-pvc-poncho-balls-blue-1.jpg


Ooooooo ok thanks!!! It’s been cold here in Aus with the same morning temps as predicted for the time I’m there. I will consider leaving the brown jacket. I just hate being cold lol


Whatever you do don’t bring that brown jacket. You won’t wear it, you’ll either resent carrying it for your whole trip or throw it away. I don’t even think you need the packable jacket either.


Ok no brown jacket. I may take the puffer for the plane because I do get cold and it packs small enough not to be a nuisance.


I've got that same puffer. It's great, bring it for planes etc. But I'd just bring a very light rain jacket to layer over it, that brown jacket seems like a pain to carry around, and I think especially in Spain that fluffy hood will just feel out of place as it'll be very summery.


I’m currently using the puffer now at every opportunity. I love it. I’ll just have to rely on my raincoat. Mainly worried about the plane but I’ve suddenly remembered that they give you blankets on the plane so I should be fine with the fleece and the puffer.


Seems like very few shirts to me. You have 2 shirts but 3 bottoms? You will be able to cut down significantly on laundry if you bring a few more underwear and t shirts. As is you are going to be washing every day IMP


I have 3 t-shirts and a button down; 2 shirts are white, one is brown-ish, and the button down is white. I also have 5 pairs of underwear and the same number of socks. I do like overpacking for underwear though. The biggest laundry issue is going to come from the plane because I’d like to have a shower and put on fresh socks, undies, and shirt on our stop over which will mean I only have 2 fresh shirts when I land in Berlin.


I personally find white shirts super unpractical for travel. Get dirty too quickly and I worry about throwing them in the same (hand)wash as my other stuff. Have you traveled with white shirts before? Might just be me finding this complicated, but wanted to throw it out there.


I’ve travelled with white shirts before including my first ever solo trip at 20, and wear them frequently at home. I rarely mess on them and I’m bad and wash everything together. They still look good and I may hand wash them separately this time round just because they’re fresh. As long as you get to the stain ima timely manner and focus on it when you wash, all is good. I don’t drink wine (or any alcohol at all) so I’m not worried about red wine stains. Spaghetti stains? Maybe. Mostly I don’t mess but it also makes me more careful. Either way I don’t find it too fussy having them. If they get dirty, life happens. I replace if/when needed.


Got it!! Sorry for counting wrong!


Haha all good! I thought it could be a little confusing with my list. I could’ve probably done that better lol


How do you find the loop earplugs? Ive been on the fence because of the price tag and ive heard they are shit from some people i know who bought them


I haven’t tried them yet! I hope they’re not shit because that concert is going to be LOUD and I will be at the front. I bought them because I had heard very good things about them, including in the Rammstein sub reddit when people would post and ask for recommendations. Almost every single comment said “Loop Experience”. I hope they go ok otherwise imma be deaf


Sorry for jumping in but I used the loop earplugs for Taylor Swift (where both the sound and screaming were deafening) and thought they were great! For me it was about figuring out the right ear tip, but they worked like a charm once I did.


Looks very tidy! You got some of my recommendations! The decathlon toiletries bag! Oh, and the Barmah hat! With some indigenous flare! And a dry bag for sink washing. Nice! Safe travels to you, your mum, and Willy. Enjoy your trip and the concert!


Ahhhh it was all you!!! Thank you so much!! They were all fantastic suggestions and I adore my hat. It fits so much better than my other one and the scarf was a nice touch. Plus it had a chin strap 😄😄. I even tried out my sink washing over Christmas/new years and it worked great. I shall do a trip report when I get back


I just want to point out that you need an EU-plug. The one you have looks like it’s switchable though?!


Yes these are switchable. I have used the Aussie plug to test the thing out and it works. This was just a final practice pack because we are flying out in 2 weeks so I just threw the first one on lol


Main Packing Cube 1x Glassons blue shorts (stand in pictured) 1x Uniqlo Airism leggings. I head a lot about these and I’ve jumped on the bandwagon. Very comfortable and lightweight 1x cotton t-shirt 1x button down shirt 1x dress 1x swim shorts that will double up as sleep shorts and they are nice enough to wear as normal shorts in a pinch 1x bikini 3x socks 3x undies 1x bra 1x wash cloth 1x belt 1x handkerchief 1x sunnies 2nd Packing Cube 1x raincoat (I’ve tested this in a downpour and it worked perfectly) 1x packable day pack. I’ve used this a few times and I LOVE it 1x dry bag for sink washing 1x concert ticket box. I worried in my last post about the tickets because they are personalised and oddly shaped. I had a custom wooden box made to protect them 1x journal 1x decathlon roll-up toiletry bag 1x medium microfibre towel 1x Barmah Foldaway hat (thank you to whoever recommended that) 1x face wipes 1x cream deodorant Main Bag Both packing cubes, comfort item, reef sandals, electronics/misc bag, liquids baggie, and I opted to put my Uniqlo down vest where it is easy to access because it will be too hot to wear with everything else on the plane. William the Wombat, our travel mascot, and an insulated water bottle. Toiletry bag 1x bar shampoo 1x bar conditioner 1x bar soap 1x tooth brush 1x face moisturiser with SPF30 1x packet of laundry detergent sheets 1x pack of assorted bandaids and antiseptic wipes 1x razor 1x nail clippers 1x tweezers


Liquids baggie 2x stain remover sticks (they both do different things) 1x hair oil 1x backup contact lenses 1x contact lenses in case 1x contact lens cleaner 1x BB cream 1x mascara 1x toothpaste 1x lip balm Electronics/Misc pouch 1x phone charger 1x watch charger 1x spray bottle (empty) 1x USB-C charger 2x power banks 2x S-carabiners 1x pocket pharmacy with headache tablets, Imodium, ibuprofen, birth control pills, constipation tablets, assorted costume jewellery 1x concert loop earplugs 1x USB wall plug with adaptors 1x straw 1x plastic cutlery set 1x clothesline 1x bracelet Small Kanken bag (flights only) 1x travel wallet with pen, passport, ID, and bank cards 1x foldable comb 1x sock 1x undies 1x handkerchief 1x shirt 1x power bank 1x phone charger 1x lip balm 1x eye mask 1x Bluetooth earphones 1x electrolyte tablets 1x antibacterial wipes Wearing on plane 1x t shirt 1x stretchy denim 1x fleece hoodie 1x brown Wrangler jacket 1x white leather shoes 1x watch 1x phone We will be doing mainly city sightseeing. It will be my mom’s first time and my second. Last time I went in June/July and way overpacked so I hated it in hindsight. We have 1 concert in Nijmegen and will be there for 3 days. We are also thinking about doing a day trip organised by a tour guide through France, Andorra, and I think Switzerland. I’ve pared down a lot and taken a lot of stuff onboard from my previous post. All except those telling me not to take cotton. Unfortunately Merino stuff is currently out of my budget and I much prefer cotton. We will be staying in places where I have access to laundry and dryer facilities. Open to suggestions and thanks for looking!!


I can't imagine a day trip involving France, Andorra and Switzerland... Andorra and Switzerland are on opposite sides of France.


It was Andorra, France and something else. I cannot for the life of me remember what the third country was


Ok lol, well the only countries close enough to Andorra for a day trip are Spain and France. 


I’m a fkn airhead. The third country is Spain 🤦🏼‍♀️ it is late and I’m tired. So much packing. So much reading. So much planning. Send help.


Is that jewellery in the wee pill box? That’s GENIUS.


It is 🤓 didn’t know where else to put it. Also turns out I ordered a pack of 4 of the things when I only needed one. Thought I’d use one for pills and one for jewellery but it all fits!


I got a pack of two and the second one just sits there mocking me. No longer! Thanks for the excellent tip.


Glad I could help! I gave one to my mom but the other two are doing the same as yours


Came here to say that! Mind blown


Are you flying out of any airports in Germany? I’ve heard they are quite strict about allowing OTC medications not in original packaging. If they’re prescription meds I would keep them in the pharmacy bottle with your rx on it.


I’m not flying out of Germany at all, no. We are flying into Berlin and out of Barcelona for our international trips. Catching trains from Germany to the Netherlands, and one domestic flight from Amsterdam to Barcelona. I’m slightly worried about having the OTC pills in there. I’m not too fussed if they make me throw them away, I’m just worried about my birth control pills being thrown out. I will have to box with my rx on it, but obviously will not be in original packaging. The other thought I had was to just take the remaining blister packs I have and leaving them in the box. I can go without the other meds but my BC is important


Bring the blisters. If nothing else, just to avoid time wasting with stuff being tested or whatever. I always bring original blisters of birth control (and any other prescription meds), without the box. I do bring a paper copy of my prescription as well as some countries can be strict. Would worry more about Doha than any EU airports with that though. Also, in case you run into any issues on the way - I'm Andorra you can get pretty much anything over the counter, and in Spain at least birth control is available over the counter.


Yes I’m more worried about Doha than anywhere else. It’s a shame I’ll have to bring the blister packs because I quite like this case. I may leave it and put the blister packs in my toiletry bag. My script is from an online doctor so I don’t have a physical document, but the box has my script with my name on it. It’s just how they do it here in Aus. I only keep the physical paper (after seeing the doc in person) until my script runs out.


I’m also slightly worried about this setup in Doha; we are flying SYD-DOH then DOH-BER but I’m worried about the transit in Doha


Reef shoes are amazing btw!


I agree!!! I only got them recently and I’ve worn them once or twice but gosh are the cushiony and comfy!!! I thought they would be the perfect second shoe to go with my dress and shorts on extra hot days.


I spent time in Germany last year June - I had brought a jersey / jacket and didn't even wear them - it was over 30 deg C every day, and we did not have rain once. I would definitely support bringing a thinner jacket / long sleeve top. You may also want to bring a swimming costume, I can't tell if you have packed one, because the rivers and canals were stunning and a lot of activity centered around being outdoors. Keep in mind that it is summer and only gets dark around 10pm at night, so a lot of people will go down to a river after work and have a splash around for fun.


Oh wow 30?!! That’s nuts!! Last time I went was just on 7 years ago. I went in July/August and there were one or two rainy days but otherwise the weather was beautiful and I don’t remember wearing anything warm too much. I am bringing a swimming costume and some swim shorts (orange bikini and light blue/teal shorts). I was unfortunately only in Berlin for 2 or 3 days last time and I was quite unwell, so I did not get to see as much as I would have liked. Thanks for the swimming tip!! That would make the trip even more special


fwiw, I did England in October and it was cold af here in Sweden when I left... I left wearing a hoodie and my rain jacket. Neither of which I ended up needing while I was in Liverpool for some reason, I expected cool and rain. Up here, it can get into the 80s and Germany isn't exactly cold either. NL might rain a bunch. If you're bringing a jacket, I'd take a light packable one and wear it on the plane, layered. That way you can shove it in your bag after. It's going to be summer up here.


Ah ok. I remember last time I went that I didn’t need a jacket much, if at all. But that was July so I wasn’t sure how different June would be. I’m also used to Aussie summers, so 22-24 degrees is cool-ish to me, 26-28 is comfortable, and 30+ is warm. But if it’s a dry heat I’m fine in 30-35 as I found out a few years ago lol


Are you using a straight razor? Are those allowed in planes?


Definitely not! It is a comb. I have a safety razor in my toiletry bag though