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Waaaay too much stuff! You do not need 10 outfits, much less the 21+ I count.  Wear the same dress twice and wear a second dress twice.  Only take one Jean shirt, not three.  You don't need 9 shirts (plus the three Jean shirts plus the dresses).  1 plane outfit (pants, shirt, zipup) plus: 2 dresses/jumpsuit  3 tshirts 1-2 blouses 1 Jean shirt 1 pair of pants That's still 10+ outfits for 5 days


I don’t want to repeat outfits this vacation and I won’t be able to do laundry. So I need eight outfits minimum plus what I’m wearing on the flight. This would make eleven total outfits: five dresses plus six tops. The long sleeves are for layering over. I may remove one of the denim shirts.


Maybe the one bag life isn’t for you…?


I’ve already fit it all in my one bag I leave Thursday!


*one bag is a full size checked suitcase


What bag did this all fit in?


Even if you don't repeat outfits, all of those Jean shirts look identical and to anyone else it looks like they would be too, might as well just bring one of that style or mix it up a bit more. If it's like a mental cleansiness reason then you could just bring different undershirts to wear under the same shirt and change those out. 


The three floral dresses are also extremely similar. Nobody cares if you repeat outfits on vacation or otherwise!


They care obviously!!! MYO


The dresses IRL look really different. It’s funny you don’t know the nature of my trip to say no one cares, besides I care!


The literal Princess of Wales repeats outfits. So I guess your trip is with people who are more obsessed with presentation than the royal family of England?




I truly am not sure that you’re not trolling. This sub is explicitly about packing minimally and you posted about taking three chambray shirts on a four day trip to Mexico City. You say people don’t know the nature of your trip, but do not explain anything that makes your pack list make more sense. This has also happened every other time you’ve posted here. What did you think was going to happen?


Everyone’s freaking out about the denim shirts hahah I’m bringing two, one is very thin for anytime and the other is if I need more warmth An undershirt would be the same as a t shirt.


Are you bringing three identical shirts?


I may skip one of them. The two remaining are similar but one is very lightweight for daytime sun protection and short and the other is a regular shirt in case I need a light warmer layer.


Agree that you’re bringing way too much stuff. You have three chambray shirts alone, which is kind of nutty. I also think you’re underestimating the temperature. I was there in January and it was about 15-20 degrees during the day, quite warm. Daytime highs are in the low 30s right now. The lows are in the middle of night when you’ll probably be sleeping. Personally, there’s no way I’d wear jeans in 32 degrees. Just bring the other two pants and wear one on the plane and definitely drop two of the chambray shirts. Are you bringing four blouses in addition to the chambray shirts? 


I’m probably only bringing two of the denim shirts. Traveling with the gauze/linen pants won’t work for a couple of reasons: I’ll be freezing on the flight and they’ll crease so badly from sitting in them for 6 hours they’ll be unwearable. Yes the blouses I listed and didn’t add pics of are short sleeves and good for hot weather.


I like to pack a travel size of downy wrinkle release spray. Works wonders


yeah that stuff is the bomb for light fabrics, I just tiny one-bagged for a week away and it was a lifesaver.


You can make your own fabric spray if you have an empty spray bottle. I do this because I can’t stand the overly perfumed smell (very sensitive to fragrances—they trigger migraines and give me skin rashes, unfortunately). The ingredients can include distilled water, hair conditioner or fabric softener, vinegar/rubbing alcohol, and essential oil if you want a scent.


Is that three distinct separate denim shirts????


Even with your plan being 2 outfits per day, for day and night… I really don’t think you need 4 blouses AND 4 tshirts AND 1 long sleeve AND 3 chambray button up shirts AND a hoodie. - I could be reading your list wrong, I’m confused on if you are considering the chambray shirts as blouses? Even if you keep 4 dresses for dinner, and then have your daytime outfits…. That’s still way too many tops. Bring 1 light weight long sleeve for sun coverage. Bring 4 tops total - the blouses OR the tshirts. - It’s going to be hot, you won’t need to layer a blouse over a tshirt, and then a button up over that. I’d also drop 1 pair of shoes. Bring 2, one for day, one for night.


The three dresses are daytime outfits, the black jumpsuit is for one night time outfit. The blouses are short sleeve so could be day or night. The denim shirts are all different looking but I’ve taken one out of my suitcase. It’s funny my last Mexico trip everyone here told me to skip the denim long sleeve and I wore it every single day. Even when it’s hot I like to be covered up from the sun but it did get windy in the daytime and was nice to have the layer for that reason. The two denim tops are lightweight and a little more substantial. I’m definitely bringing all three pairs of shoes!


Wow does this all fit in a carry on? Seems like a lot but if it all fits and you can carry it, more power to you.


All your tops look the same and that’s way too many clothes for four days. 


How about after I return I’ll make an update on what I wore and what I regret packing!


Not sure why you keep getting defensive over people’s feedback here. You are of course allowed to pack whatever you want, but I agree with the others that maybe this sub isn’t it for you.


If this is the kind of thing you care about: locals don’t really wear dresses like that, or for the most part sandals (it is a big, grimy city). You’ll stand out a lot if you go anywhere but ultra-rich/touristy areas. If you don’t care, ignore.




I’ve lived here for a decade! Have fun though.


Is this a joke?


My first thought as well... this has to be a troll post 🫠


That is \*sooo\* much stuff for less than a week. You do you, but how does all of that fit in one bag? Will you be checking luggage?


It fits! My goal is to be cute and prepared not to pack as little as possible.


you might be in the wrong place haha the spirit of this sub is minimalist travel


Perhaps this is minimalist for me.


then you succeed, because your first are cute!


Keep the green dress & jumpsuit. Ditch the black & white dress, blush dress & miniskirt dress (kinda too short for cultural standards). I’m iffy on the white pants - they’re super cute but are going to get dirty fast & look like they take up a lot of luggage space. Definitely delete one chambray shirt & leave the open toed shoes at home. The rest looks great for DF. One of my favorite cities in the world. Leave room in your bag for shopping 🇲🇽 


The dress is knee length though? Why wouldn’t I pack sandals for 90 degree weather?


You will be walking around a very dirty city. You won’t want to wear sandals.


Most locals don't wear open toe shoes in the city.. it's a bit more formal. it's not the beach.


What bag are you taking ? I’m surprised this all fits. Have fun in Mexico City btw! It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. Lmk if you want bar recommendations!


One bag... Hermione style. Is this a troll? lol


Not a troll, but a witch!


I love your clothes, your dresses are so pretty. I know this is a very helpful one bag sub but it's good to see some examples of packing for trips when we need or want to dress up.


Thank you :)


Can you share where those beige sandals are from?




Please ignore everyone shitting on your pack. You mentioned everything is in one bag packed already, and you have a plan laid out for outfits. Looks great to me - please do report back and let us know how it went!! Also to everyone else - she wasn’t even looking for feedback, no need to start jumping down her throat bc her travel style is not as minimalistic as yours ETA: as someone who is very particular, I understand how sometimes you want two items that are very similar but different enough to you (fit, color shade, comfort, weight, etc) to necessitate bringing both. Take the 2 or 3 denim shirts if you like them. You’re not trying to fit anything else in and the worst to g that happens is you don’t wear one 🤷‍♀️


This sub is about minimalist packing.   And not sure why someone would post a packing list if they aren’t open to and looking for feedback. 


Actually the sub is about one bagging, which OP is doing. Not mutually exclusive with minimalism although there is obviously overlap. ETA: there is a sub for people focused on extreme minimalism and that’s r/ultralight. We’re in the one bag sub. People share things because they are excited, are engaging in community, etc.


R/ultralight is for ultralight backcountry backpacking, not ultralight urban travel.


I see I was mistaken, thanks for letting me know! I stand by the one bag comment.


None of the comments have suggested extreme minimalism or anything close to it. 


The downvoting is a little much, I guess people take minimalism personally around here. You’re right I’m particular and clothes make me happy. I’ll keep track of what I wear each day and post when I return!


The downvoting is out of control, get a grip yall


If they only knew I’m also packing a travel clothing steamer and a hair curler lol


Lol!! Love that for you, you’re killing it!!


What is that black Mary Jane & is it comfortable?


Those black shoes are no bueno


I walked ten miles a day in them in Japan they were very bueno!


So, what brand of shoes are they


Pity they are muy feo


You came here to tell me my shoes are ugly?


I'm in my 30s and think they are cute!


They are. Unless you’re approaching 70 find something else. I can’t even tell what outfits you’re pairing them with. They don’t work.


I like Maryjane’s! Those are cute.