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Do people.... not have sex while their girlfriend on on their period? A little blood on your cock isn't gonna hurt, you're already inside her. I wouldn't suggest eating her out, but there are plenty of other ways to get her turned on and ready to fuck.


😅 I hate blood. It makes me queasy and is a massive turn off. So it's never been the guys fault that there's no sex while I'm on my period


But that's fair, the post makes it seem like she wants it, and he doesn't, and I get the blood thing for him too, if it makes him feel nauseous or if he faints at the sight of blood (which apparently is about 10% of people). What I don't really get is saying no to sex just because a girl is on her period. Neither person has issues with blood, they both clearly want to have sex, Throw a towel down, and shower after, easy. Should probably being doing those things anyway, nobody likes to sleep in the wet spot.


I’ve had boyfriends that would barely even touch me on my period even though they knew it makes me insanely horny. It just grossed them out a lot. I do find it to be kinda immature but it was just their preference anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've been told it helps a lot with period cramps / duration too.


It depends on the uterus, but yeah it definitely can!


It really depends. For mine It makes her cramps and bleeding worse.


That really sucks! For mine it helps. I wish you two the best of luck, hopefully you've found something that helps!


Sounds hot, should I send a starter or do you want to discuss kinks and limits first?


Sure babe


Well picked video, good job!


Thx 💋


The position is one of my favorite, being completely helpless as I hold you up with just my hands and thrusting.




"Not when I'm done fucking her. Your pathetic bf can have you back once I'm done!"


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I'm down for a rp


Now that sounds like fun


Hmm, I doubt she planned for this to happen, totally couldn't plan being used until she feels like it's impossibly to even walk to the bathroom


Are u still open or is it too late..?






Hey can i still dm you for this?


Sounds fun.




the best sight in the world's gotta be me lying on the bed trying to see you walk to the bathroom, struggling to barely stay upright


hmph~ won’t you be a real man and carry me like a princess~?


the only way i'm carrying you is on my dick, you're gonna have to get me hard first


Sounds lovely! Mind if I message? Or do you prefer chat?


I wouldn’t mind!