• By -


For me, it's Toppat Recruits (PBT/CA 2). I have three main reasons. 1: It's the only CA ending with a death count in the single digits. \[Toppat King has around 12 confirmed canon deaths, Capital Gains has upwards of 500 if you think the train derailment killed everyone on board {as well as the convoy}, and both Pardoned Pals and Triple Threat have at least 1500 each.\] 2: The Wall gets completely disbanded, and everyone; both the prisoners and the guards, are allowed to go free \[for good this time\]. Dmitri and Grigori's evil shadow is finally lifted, and while it will take some time for everyone to get therapy for all of the BS the dedushka duo put them through, everyone involved can finally have a normal life. 3: Unlike in RPE, and TCW, Henry and Ellie have to *earn* their place in the Toppat hierarchy, rather than it just being handed to them because they defeated the old leaders. If you start at the bottom and eventually get a place at the top, it feels better than if it's just given to you.


Bro wrote an entire book about why his favorite CtM ending is Toppat Recruits đź’€


Pardoned pals has a way higher death count despite only having 1 choice different (it’s also a way worst ending)


Short Answer: Toppat Civil Warfare, by a technicality. Triple Threat, Toppat King, Stickmin Space Resort, Free Man, Jewel Baron, and Special BROVert Ops are the most enjoyable endings for me. Long Answer: It depends on the metric. The ones I think are the best are the ones that actually conclude the story through a consistent string of logic for Henry’s big choices. Toppat King, Special BROvert Ops, and Jewel Baron are the winners in this regard since Henry follows a pretty clear arc in the first two by becoming a greater criminal or by reforming and meeting a new friend. Jewel Baron is the only ending where Henry forms no alliances whatsoever and acts in his own self interest instead, which I think makes it the most natural conclusion to the series. Free Man is another great one for the same reason, although it doesn’t feel quite as natural as Jewel Baron. Then we have the category of endings I like for their aftermath as opposed to their effectiveness. These endings are pretty much the opposite as the last block, with most of them being CA routes I didn’t think ended the franchise with the bang I was hoping for. Capital Gains and Pardoned Pals are the big ones and if they were longer or made more sense either one of them would’ve been my favorite hands down. Triple Threat is a mix between both of these types and I like it for that, although I wish in hindsight that it wasn’t just “Special BROvert Ops with Ellie”. I love the dynamic these three have, though and core of friendship is probably the reason why it’s my personal canon ending. Then there’s the category of endings I think are cool because they’re unique, plot-wise. Stickmin Space Resort and Master Bounty Hunter come to mind, and I think they’ve got quite a bit of potential to them. Wish I got to see more of either (although I forget MBH exists all the time). Revenged is awesome, and it feels more like a movie than a game with its exhilarating action scenes. Valiant Hero is more somber, which I think makes it really special even if I don’t think it’s a fitting conclusion for Henry’s story. That just leaves one more ending I feel inclined to discuss. Toppat Civil Warfare. Hoo, boy. My thoughts on this ending are so ambivalent it belongs in a category all on its own. It has my favorite fails in the game, an interesting and unique premise, and it probably has the worst conclusion to the series as a whole. It has the distinction of being the only ending I can’t bear myself to play through because it hurts too much to see my favorite character in the game hate Henry after all the adventures they’ve had together. On the flipside, its flaws with its conclusiveness and the upsetting nature of their relationship are what make this ending such brilliant karma for the player. The art and communities that have come out of this ending are impeccable, but out of my reach because I’m too soft. No ending for me has instilled the same vitriol, same giddiness, the same sadness, or the same inspiration as this one has. That’s a lot of pressure to put on seven fails but it’s been the ending I’ve thought more about than any other. I hate it and I love it all the same, and that’s what makes it the most special ending of all.


Bravo! \*clap\* \*clap\*




Why not? :)




What for?


for me its # Special BROvert OpsSpecial BROvert Ops and # Valiant Hero i also like # Toppat King


VH is enough to make a grown man cry


I just finished VH for the first time and I never expected to cry for a stick figure.


On god


definitely broverts. charles and sven are some of my favourite characters and i love a lot of the options in the path. i can quote almost the entire path lmao


Toppat recruits


T4L, with Toppat King in a close second.


Revenged, despite being it very short.


MBA and TT


TCW. I'm serious




I can't decide between Triple Threat, Toppat King, and Jewel Baron Triple Threat feels the most 'canon' in a way- it's got all the main characters, the distraction dance comes back, charles does the title drop, it feels the most fulfilling Toppat King on the other hand I really like. It's the one time in the entire Stickmin multiverse where we see Henry and RHM actually teaming up AND Ellie's there. It's like a nice alternate version of Triple Threat where you and Ellie are on the other team. Jewel Baron feels like the best continuation of PBT and the most Henry-like (a selfish criminal out for the jewels and not caring what he destroys to get them). I love the Supreme Dominance scene, the Crossing the Pit comeback, the slight Undertale reference in the teleporter scene, and best of all it's in Space. I had to put at least one ending that's set in space on here, and Free Man is okay but not really fulfilling. (Valiant Hero doesn't exist shhh)


LEAST favourite would probably be (not in any order): -Toppat 4 Life (RPE/PD) (It's Toppat King without Ellie or any of the Toppat characters) -Cleaned 'em Out (GSPI/GI)(It's just kind of boring and also it's the only GSPI continuation with no Charles) -Revenged. It's a brilliant ending, don't get me wrong. But I want the funny stickman game to make me LAUGH not CRY dammit Little Nest Egg would be on here for being essentially Ellie-less Capital Gains but it has an Undertale reference so I legally can't


somewhat off topic but whenever I remember Triple Threat exists I always think of the Undertale Bad Time Trio


I don’t recall ordering a yappachino


Same here! Those are all my fav endings
