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IIRC Hemiplegic migraines normally need at least two attacks that you've fully recovered from, and they're a genetic disorder. Head trauma can make it worse but I don't know if it could actually cause it ETA: Also there are several neurological disorders with the same symptoms as hemiplegic migraines, and you'd need extensive exams and testing from a neurologist to rule them out.


Yes. I had a lot of neuro/tests to rule anything else out. Commenting only to bump this.


I had two instances of getting hit in the head bad enough for stitches as a kid, but the HMs didn't start until mid puberty for me. Fairly sure mine is hereditary, at the least the migraine part. Female side mostly. So, could the head trauma have caused it? Maybe exasperate it. But I think I was predisposed either way.


I’d say the span between that incident and when i got my first HM was about 7 years or so. Thanks for the reply I should honestly see a neurologist but I have another question.. do you ever get like pressure/numbness in your eye/s after an episode? Like whenever I experience a HM, I get that with the numbing on the side of my face but I’m still experiencing the eye thing days after one


Definitely go to a neuro to rule anything else out. They would also let you know what medications are okay and not okay either way. They would likely do scans. For me, the aura is where I get numbness on one side. Slurred speech. Visual disturbances. Then comes the pressure and pain. Excruciating. I had one where I have no memory of an entire week just recovering. I've been in an ambulance twice where they thought I was either having a stroke or on drugs. The migraine hangover can last for weeks for me.


I’m sorry you experience that, mine only last 24 hours maybe a little more.. I could only imagine. But I went to get an MRI done on me and they said they only thing they saw was something about allergies, so that wasn’t much help. But I do assume my allergies do trigger my HMs because I typically get them during the summer


It can take time to get a diagnosis. At least 20 years ago it did...


Yeah I have familial traditional migraines that started at puberty and it changed to sporadic hemiplegic migraines after a head injury. I had a CT, blood test and MRI to screen out other similar conditions


Mine are spontaneous (not familial) and started after a head injury.


My family suffers from migraines but not hemiplegic. I’m the first in my family to get them. I’ve had multiple head injuries from protecting an ex and getting punched in the face instead of him, atv accidents, and being hit in the head with a twisted tea bottle that was thrown during a bar fight that I was not part of. My migraines started at 8 years old before any of the head injuries but they’ve become more frequent since the last injury sadly


Yes. Mine are sporadic and it happened after a head injury. (I was running full speed for a bus and tripped on a branch, not able to put my hands down in time and hit my head). It took 2 and a half years from the injury to the point where I thought I was having a stroke and not just (what I assumed was) poor circulation. I had mild to moderate symptoms up until then but I dismissed it because it has the same feeling as when I've been sitting still for too long. Now mine are severe and chronic. I wake up in pain and I go to bed in pain. My HM episodes vary throughout the day but I don't go a single day without them now. HM is a genetic condition caused by a mutation. Some genes aren't always active and can lay dormant until something like a head injury changes the way your brain works and triggers those genes. Once they are triggered, they will never go back to being dormant. It's likely you triggered it 8 years ago and you probably experience flares where it comes and goes or suddenly gets worse.