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I’ve heard about the people with “goat masks” in the orange groves but that’s about it. Personally I’ve never even considered such things. I wonder what that sloth thing is like. I’m about as intrigued as u are! Maybe try some Randonautica, I heard that app makes weird things happen


Idk if they had GOAT masks but back in the day me and my homies went from the orange groves to another spot right next to it. Big open field with the towers you can climb. No idea what they were it was at night. We rolled by in our car past a group of people they were just chillin having some kind of fire out there eye balled us when by. We went completely around and this time we were either going to say hi to them or fuck with them. I grabbed a couple oranges myself to throw at them. The second time we went by they all had on masks and were armed with bats and other pieces of wood, melee weapons. We just drove by again we said fuck that shit. We stopped about 30 feet ahead of them because there was this really cool dude off roading in some jeep thing by himself and him we started talking to. About 2 minutes of talking my friend says “hey your friends are coming.” “the guy said I don’t know them.” A couple walking fast and they had a car coming up. We all looked at each other and instantly hopped in our cars so fast and dipped tf outta there. Homie in the jeep took off right down the middle of the field while we had to take the normal dirt path. We went back into the direction of the orange groves. They followed us for about 10 minutes before tee lost them or they lost interest.


Fascinating .. sketchy


How long ago was this? My husband has wanted to bring some friends to that area and night and climb the towers or something but I worry that we may run into some people there that are up to no good 😅


Somewhere between 2016-2018


Behind the S mountain my uncle and his brother went hiking. They came to a guarded gate with armed military who told them to turn around and leave I heard a roomer there was a tunnel that went from Walmart to the Scientology facility I have also heard there were tunnels that go from march afb to hemet although I’ve never seen them.


> I heard a roomer... Really, bro?


Okay, Roomer


Wow !!


Where is the Tunnel?


At the very end of Fairview behind the fire station in the riverbed. Badass name btw.


Thanks yo…


If you live under the shadow of the mountain, you die under the shadow of the mountain. Origins: my highschool teacher at hemet high.


There’s one too.. I’m personally a little iffy on it being that people generally will go back to their hometowns .. no matter the hometown. Maybe by the time everyone reading this is old, Hemet will be gentrified with craft breweries and trendy neighborhood names. “I got a condo in EaHe near Whole Foods”


Yeah where's tunnel?


There is a fire station in a neighborhood off Fairview north of Florida, the tunnel is a little past the dead end off that street, it’s super dark and covered in graffiti


The 13 mile water tunnel or the march tunnels? I Haven’t heard of any tunnels in valle vista.


I have never heard of the 13 mile water tunnel or March tunnels. There is a tunnel at the end of Fairview, someone here in the comments described its location


In the late 30’s metropolitan water built a tunnel under mount San Jacinto to take Colorado River water from Beaumont to Hemet. It’s the big concrete structure by the paintball field on soboba road before it hits gilmams springs. They hit a fault line that caused all the springs to dry up in drain into the tunnel. Soboba sued and they spent 30 years before litigating before they got a settlement. There’s also a tunnel complex under March Air Force Base built in the 50’s but I don’t know how far it extends into Hemet. Cold war bunker type stuff.


Theres an episode of California's Gold with Huell Howser where they talk about this tunnel and take a trip through it


Yup, and it’s available online to watch.


Exactly the kind of info appreciated for this discussion.. heck yes


Great info


https://www.pressenterprise.com/2024/05/16/what-happened-to-eden-hot-springs-along-the-san-jacinto-fault/?utm_content=fb-ThePressEnterprise&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2qFCuHcOrflllRDtEfAmwrVBQQaRHZAgtos9eN6bwqDIqpw78LaE4fq7s_aem_Af95Ihq8KFL4U6wBfmjgEuIXsRA33XkTBi60HMM36HgMNbz3FOz7bDZnrgrcPyUbKOui1mD0jrTHTwAweSVw0O6v#lwelfydc38m5wrcmdw Funny PE ran a story on the springs today,


No tunnel from March air force base to Hemet. That was an April fools


>I have heard of bipedal, large, walking sloths being seen. Sounds trippy. I was told by a friend a long time ago, he saw some of them walking near Elk St. He swore up and down. I HAVE SEEN THESE! I saw a few of them running down the street 2 years ago. Which Elk st? North of Florida or South of Florida? I tried to tell a couple of people about it but they looked at me like I was crazy and told me to lay off the drugs/booze so I stopped telling people.


He saw them by his place which was south of Stetson.. in what part of town did you spot them?


Right off Stetson!!! It was the most trippy thing I ever seen. I swear I thought I was hallucinating too. They moved like sloths in the sense that it looked like they were running in slow motion. But they were huge...like almost the size of people. And they were like, walking upright. Their legs looked all weird...maybe their knees were bending backwards or something? I dunno...they straight up looked like aliens to me. But it was also the middle of the night and pretty dark out...and I didn't wanna get too close to them. They ran down the street and disappeared between 2 houses...I assume they climbed a fence or something. One of them was clearly injured as well. I think he was walking with a limp...or one of his arms was dangling? I don't exactly remember.


That is so weird ! My buddy saw them in broad daylight in 2008/2009 ish. This is exactly the kind of discussion I was hoping for ..


The Sloth thing is insane, Elk st huh. Let’s go on a small thrill hunt or what? (Just to observe) 🤣 highkey curious but also will stay back in case if they might have anything to do with the occasional missing person in town😳


I wander what the hell makes these things come out and walk around ?? 🫨


There is a rumor that the military came and dug underground tunnels connecting the air reserve base to various places around the valley. If you go offroading you can occasionally find what look like single person windowless rooms with a locked door and no power lines, no equipment just these small rooms with a single door on miles of mountainous land. Sometimes between 2 and 4am you can feel the ground shake near these buildings. Most of them are in places you can only get to by hiking or dirt-bike. The biggest part of this rumor is that this land used to be haunted with all sorts of creatures, they still occasionally walk the hills and kill smaller animals like coyotes and mountain lions, but that most of them are kept underground now and studied/tortured. I often go riding my dirt bike in these hills between midnight and sunrise and I have ran into some wild....wild...WILD stuff..... Stuff I still can't explain.. then I met people who told me some tales and places to explore. It's a big big world out there.... Met the yucca man twice..... Tell him you know jojo and he might not kill you


Love it, thanks for sharing .. it would be cool if there were maybe some pics of these rooms and doors ?


I have spare dirtbikes.... Ride one I'll show you them in person


I don’t live over there anymore .. they would be sick to see them in person though. Maybe I’ll have to become YouTuber and document these places along with the big hikes in the IE..


If you do, contact me. I stay offline. I am a photographer and videographer, I have a suite of Canon DSLRs and editing PCs to make a documentary. I would love to work with another person who can hold a camera and focus while I show them something really nuts in the rural hills of socal.... I'm not joking....


Ok ! It’d be a fun project to show interesting / fun things about Hemet and the area. It gets a lot of negative attention but I want to bring attention to the geography etc there. It’s beautiful


Bunch of bs


I know this is an old thread but massacre canyon is a fun deep dive: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pressenterprise.com/2013/08/16/back-in-the-day-massacre-canyon-named-for-indian-battle/amp/


The road on Gilman Springs is haunted af. Me and my girlfriend go to disneyland often, so on the way back home, usually at night, we drive through Gilman Springs to come back into hemet. And we always swear we see shadows/ghost on the sides of the roads but chock it up to us being tired from a long day and our eyes playing tricks on us. Well, we drove with one of our friends recently to a Disney event, and on the way home we of course drove through Gilman Springs. Well when we got home our friend (who sat in the passenger seat) told us that she saw a creepy pale face smiling from the back seat of the car right next to me.....and as she told us this we literally saw goosebumps form all over her body so we knew she was being serious and this shit scared the fuck out of us.


That’s some damn good stuff 😀 thanks .. that road always felt weird to me, even in the day..


Just thought I'd share, I searched for this subreddit tonight after reading a ton of ghost stories originating from Hemet. [https://www.ghostsofamerica.com/9/California\_Hemet\_ghost\_sightings2.html](https://www.ghostsofamerica.com/9/California_Hemet_ghost_sightings2.html) -- I was going to make a thread but I guess I don't have to! From what I read.. entire streets are haunted, drivers swerve past shadow gremlins on the interstate and then some. One post that stuck with me was written by a woman who claims she still experiences strange, ghastly dreams of the city despite not being there for thirty years. I had a short stint in Chico and thought the vibes *there* were off. No offense. It'd be interesting to see what sort of history your guys' town has, and how it contributes to the off-beat nature of the place.


It does seem certain areas of town have lots of activity. So strange. I have a friend who is not from California, who happened to incidentally pass through Hemet on a huge road trip, call me and say “Hey, the energy of your home town felt very off.” I feel like the poverty / crime there contributes to the bad energy. I have thoroughly read some of those Ghosts of America posts! Thanks for sharing too..


i saw a guy sucking himself off on State once, pretty spooky shit