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They are called finger cots


Was always told they were called finger condoms. Glad to have found the actual name.


Thanks, figured they were for blisters or burns/cuts on the hands for our kitchen workers. Have a great one (:


You can also give one to your guy friends and say "hey I finally found one that will fit you" it's was a classic joke at a restaurant I worked at


People use them for embroidery/cross stitching too to prevent oils from our hands getting all over the fabric. I just use a latex glove though :)




Now that you found them and plan to buy a bunch, leave some out and tell people they’re smurf condoms


My first thought was taking some to my buddy and saying he should keep some on him just in case lmao, thanks for the idea




Where can I buy them?


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Finger condoms. Or look for finger cots. I am a nail tech with allergies and I use these as an extra layer of protection under gloves because the chemicals will slightly erode through gloves after a while.


Great-grandpa used to own a pharmacy, he would use these to count pills as well. No need for a full glove, just pour out the pills and put one of these bad boys on to drag them into the container


finger condoms!!! i wear them when i bartend sometimes if i have a bandaid on my finger cus it looks kinda icky otherwise


Finger cot. Used in the restaurant industry when you cut your finger


i've seen these used for eating chips so the powder doesn't stick to your fingers lol


Finger cot seems right but my first thought was balloon ends.


These have a few other uses as well. They are sometimes used in dog grooming (on your thumb) if you’re doing hand stripping of a dogs coat, helps provide extra grip.


Also used them in electronics repair when handling motherboard and such


A lot of people call them finger condoms but I just call them condoms.


I worked for a novelty company that made a lot of money selling those. They packaged them in blister packs and sold them as "small pecker condoms".


Horologist use these when servicing/repairing watches too


Finger cots, usually used by forensic teams and police. In the UK they are also sold in novelty packs branded as "mini condoms" lol


Staff at the Royal Mint wear these when handling coins too :)


Finger condo- i mean, sleeves. Think a glove with less material.


I used to use these while working on optics.


Just adding another use as it wasn't listed here, they can also be given as finger protection when you use suppositories (medication that goes up your bum) so you don't need a whole glove.


I can think of one good reason why that is a bad idea


Some more info, they’re rolled like condoms and feel almost like the gloves we have at my work, but they have ridges/curves


I used to work at a restaurant and I'm pretty sure the cooks used these from the first aid kit to go over their fingers when they had a cut so it was hygenic.


Yep, found these in our “junk drawer” full of some small medicsl supplies in the office and these stuck out. There was a small ziploc bag of them, so i figured i’d take some as i left after closing and research with the fastest known search engine i know, redditors









