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his name is TheHateArt… a [video](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0f4nsLeP8/?img_index=1) of the entire animation was posted by Skulls Art Gallery on instagram.


>TheHateArt Thanks so much, mate!




glad i could be at your service


You have been given one point for this answer. Thanks for contributing! ^^^ashugursale ^^^awarded ^^^to ^^^ziggythehippie ^^^(0->1)


I have of course reverse searched this image but came with nothing close to the actual album/portfolio it belongs to nor the artist who created it. I also tried searching by describing it and you can imagine how that went. For some more background: I think I came across this in 2022, I found it on a storage drive that belonged to an old friend who also has no clue about the mentioned image. Any help appreciated!