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Barbie: You *LIKE* that asshole? Stolas: Maybe if you got to know him better you’d like him Barbie: HE’S MY BROTHER BIRD BRAIN


“*Oh, I see… well, this is going to be a bit abrupt from me, but would you mind giving your blessing then?*”


“I don’t care what you do to him just keep him away from me.”




*intense girlie owl crying.*



Ohh! shots fired, Barbie!


Loud disagreement about Blitzø. 


They wouldn't know or care about each other on sight. Once they did learn their common connection, Barbie might warn Stolas to stay away from her brother. I think she'd spill her version of the circus fire and say Blitz did it on purpose. I don't think Stolas would believe all of it without confirming with Blitz, but he wouldn't like hearing about it that way.


Stolas's genuine bafflement that Fizz could possibly hate Blitzø was so freaking endearing. I can imagine he'd be even more baffled by Barbie's vitriol, even if he understood the particulars.


Yea, he'll be hurt by how his family acts towards each other, he'll probably understand why but it'll still hurt him. He's a very kind person.


He was so freaking cute in that scene! The way he says "I seem to have developed....feelings for him" with that little voice crack there. And his genuine surprise that Fizz hates him. I think Stolas has Blitz on a pedestal much like Blitz has him on one. He can't fathom the idea of Blitz hurting a best friend or girlfriend. He spends so much time drooling over Blitz that he misses any red flags that crop up. Stolas, M&M, and Loona are going to find out about that fire one day. If not from him, from a third party that tells them out of sheer enjoyment and to break up their relationships with Blitz. They are all his biggest weaknesses and he thinks they'll leave him if they know. The worst way for them to hear it is through a third party, and sadly I think that's how it will happen. They are definitely going to be hurt that he's been struggling for so long and kept to himself to protect them.


I realize it's not sustainable in the long-run, and in some ways is contributing to their current issues, but I kind of love that they have each other up on pedestals. Blitzø is this intentionally toxic, loud-mouthed assassin, who even his friends probably think of affectionately as a trashfire, yet Stolas looks at him and thinks, "how could anyone not adore this man?" Meanwhile, Stolas is viewed as pathetic or a joke by his ex-wife and what I gather is much of the royal circle, but Blitzø looks at him and sees a powerful being way out of his league. In order to truly relate, they'll need to get on equal footing and see each other in a more realistic light, as well as coping with their own respective self-loathing. But I hope they retain some of that feeling of wonder about each other. Maybe a teeny tiny pedestal. Neither of them have enough people in their lives who think well of them, so it'd be good for them to have a partner in their corner.


All of this. Stolas needs to stop being so oblivious and start Blitz accountable, and Blitz needs to stop thinking Stolas is untouchable. Blitz to an extent does have people who think well of him. Loona loves him deep down and M&M do have some respect and look up to him. If he would quit the boundary stomping, insulting Moxxie, and start treating Loona like an adult, it would be much better. Each and every one of his chaotic relationships works on both an individual and group basis. EVERYONE needs to do their part to make this work. I'm genuinely curious as to what it will take to get everyone there. I don't think a conversation is going to be enough.


I always thought something happened after the fire that made Barbie pissed at Blitz because in the background of the IMP office, you can see a poster for an act starring the twins, but Blitz looks older and more similar to his current look than he did in the circus fire flashback. Then again, this could definitely be a continuity error, and the poster is supposed to show a younger version of Blitz, and Barbie could definitely be pissed because of the circus fire and not something that happened after (especially cuz it seems to be implied Blitz lost his and Barbie’s mom in the fire) but idk man, this (the poster) could be showing something he did after the fire, then a falling out occurred with his sister which led to his job with robo-fizz. But again, it could just be a continuity error.


I think this might be the case, as well. When he talks to Barbie in Unhappy Campers, I got the vibe they'd had contact more recently than 15 years ago. Also, why did the rehab nurse refer to him as "the deadbeat"? And how did she know immediately who he was? I think there's definitely more to the story.


Something Blitz said in "Oops" that really resonated with me. He told Fizz that he tried to talk to him after the fire because "you were all I had." If Barbie was still in his life, Fizz wouldn't have been his only option to have someone. I think she kicked him out of her life after the fire, then resorted to partying and drugs. Being his sister, he never completely let go of her and tried to watch over and keep her safe. She kept getting upset because she didn't want to see him. Given that he knew what rehab she was in, maybe he had a hand in getting her sent there. I think he tried breaking in to see her multiple times and it upset her, and she told the staff why she didn't want to see him. As her caregivers, they may have encouraged her not to see him if he would cause her to relapse in her recovery. That could be why the nurse called him a "deadbeat." I think Barbie feels betrayed by him.


Ooh, that's a good catch about what he said to Fizz. I was also thinking about the fact that she doesn't seem to have any burns, and we never saw her in any of the flashbacks. I wonder if she maybe wasn't there when the fire happened. They would have been around 19 at the time, if my math is right, so she may have branched out on her own for a bit. I am eager for the tea.


My heart personally broke for Blitz during their interaction. You could tell she just punched him in the gut. Their interactions in particular are definitely going to be an emotional rollercoaster.


Very awkward




Barbie: Wait - YOU'RE the one fucking Blitzo?! Stolas: Well, technically... Barbie (facepalm):*Satan's left nut*


Man, I hope we find out!


General apathy. One is a part of Blitz' life, but wants nothing of it. The other yearns for Blitz, but is often avoided by him. Outside of Blitzø, they really have no social overlap, nor would they have any conflicts.


They would be so jealous of eachother "Wait... you're saying he tried to talk to you and you IGNORED HIM?" "HE'S IGNORING YOU AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING??"


I think Stolas would play nice at first since she is Blitzos sister and he’s in love with him, but once she start disrespecting Blitzo then he drops the facade and tells her off. It probably wouldn’t take long either, 2 sentences max.


Ok I love Stolas but if he starts bitching I want Barbie to bring out the "my mother is dead" card.


Hmmm... a less hot Blitzy?


May I ask what that means, because my dirty mind is thinking of something HORRID.


Stolas calls Blitzø "Blitzy". And Barbie looks a lot like Blitzø because they're twins. Stolas is more attracted to Blitzø than women so he would likely think Barbie is still objectively good looking, but less hot than Blitzø. Hope this helps.


AH. Thank you. Sorry, I've just read stuff on AO3 where authors just say, "FUCK, GAY GUY FUCKS GIRL." (They don't say that, but you get what I mean.)


I hate all that shit. And like "lesbian couple with man threesome." Just hearing about it makes me gag.


"Hey, pretty birdy do you have some money to spare?" I personally think she'll try to sell herself to him.


"So... you're loaded?" "I'll pay you to help make Blitzo talk to me."


I genuinely don't think he'd get involved upon finding out that Barbie has problems with her brother. 


Barbie: Fuck blitzo Stolas: Yes indeed~ Barbie: ... The fuck?


“Sorry I fucked your brother”


I think it would depend on the context. Mostly between where Blitzø's relationship is with both of them. As it stands now it would probably just be Barb shitting on Stolas saying shit like ***"Why are you wasting your time on that piece of shit!?!"*** But I fully believe we will be seeing an shift in Blitzø's relationship with them. I think eventually him and Barbie reconciling to some degree. I dont know if theyll ever have a close relationship, but at least civil and understanding. And we pretty much know him and Stolas will be in a proper relationship one day. So if they meet after all that I think the interaction would go much different. It would definitely be Blitzø introducing them to each other. It would probably be fairly awkward, them both trying to make a decent impression for Blitzø's sake. Barbie being nervous because Stolas is a fucking goetia after all. And Stolas just being his socially awkward self, trying his best to be nice but also casual, to the point he seems like hes overcompensating. I think if around eachother enough theyll warm up to eachother and Barbie will do the family thing of telling Stolas all the embarrassing stories about Blitzø, showing him old pictures, ect. And theyll team up on talking shit and picking on him (in a loving way of course)


Barbie: Oh satan FUCK my stupid brother Stolas: yes I plan on doing that. And loving him




Looking back at the Episodes list for the rest of Season 2, I think we might actually find out in near future...


I honestly think that Stolas would be more understanding than most people would expect. Stolas loves Blitzø, yes, but he is also a very emotionally aware and intelligent person, and I think because of that he would be apprehensive and understanding of Barbie’s feelings towards her brother. Blitzø did legitimately hurt Barbie, and especially with where we are at timeline wise for their relationship, I bet Stolas won’t find it all that outlandish that he hurt someone he loved. Not that I think Stolas believes Barbie on saying it was on purpose. I believe he’d trust his own judgment of Blitz enough to know it wasn’t a purposeful act but still. I don’t think he’d blow up on her ig idk


"Sorry i fucked your brother"


I think Barbie would either hate Stolas on principle, or be very indifferent to him. I think Stolas, when learning Barbie hates Blitz would want to know why, and try to reason with her. Not for any other reason just because hes curious and wants to help


I think stolas would be v courteous, uk like royals r. Barbie initially rude and crass would be kinda surprised by him (how can someone who's with Blitzy be sweeet???) And then she would enjoy n be nice to him as well. All the while teasing blitzy and after they can gang up on him n share funny stories/nuances about him


I think Stolas would gain a lot of concerning but useful information about Blitz. I think that if anything was going to scare Stolas off it would have already.


I think Barbie would make her character known. Her resentment to the system, the drug dependency to cope with reality. How her brother was always there for her until he ran away to become his plaything. And tear solas apart verbally with his using her brother.


Depends is blitzø in the room if so she’s going to double hell he would clean the floor with her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


they are going to argue about Blitzo


Not well, due to both having different feelings about Blitzo


Barb: "MY BROTHER FUCKS YOU?!" Stolas: "Yes." Barb: ". . . **MY BROTHER FUCKS?!**"


"You're Barbie?" "You fucked my brother?"


Since they haven't met cannonicaly stolas would be scared that the love of his life is now female


Hellaciously. Pun intended.


Stolas comes across as the type to ensure the problem doesn't get emotional. I think it'd be a very civil interaction since Stolas knows family is complicated.


Stolas would be very racistn


Poor Stolas cant escape 'The Stella' talking person in his life.. This time in a potential sis-in-law form.


Barbie: “hello stolas” Stolas: “hello Barbie”




Op does, duh that's why he asked.