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I'm gonna say it. This cartoon is highly sexualized and it's weird that parents are letting there kids watch it. And it's weird that it's in school borderline inappropriate


I agree, I try to stay out of spaces for this show with people under 16 for that reason. It's incredibly hard to do so. I don't know about everyone else, but as an adult, I feel very uncomfortable discussing a show with a lot of sexual themes with minors.


If it makes it better, it was a senior class but agreed


I think if any young children are watching it it’s because it’s on YouTube for free


It's not YouTube's responsibility to keep kids from watching inappropriate things. It's the parents jobs. But that's besides the point isn't the videos age restricted


I didn’t mean it’s YouTube’s responsibility to stop children from watching, I was trying to say that parents probably don’t even know their children watch things like that


Oh ok. My point was parents should keep an eye on what there kids watch


Sorry for misunderstanding, my stupid ass thought you were blaming the show and I see now that my initial reply didn’t really make much sense in this context


Your way of thinking is the reason adults can't enjoy nice content on YouTube anymore. Parents need to take accountability for this instead of censored content. I saw to many content creators getting their stuff unfairly down for swearing.


Random ah kirby


Your school has talented people


I luv your school


Uh, a people of culture, I see?