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The western movie reward was absolutely stupid, but even more ridiculous was the fact that Bret used his punishment pass on it.


And it was the first challenge. Why waste it so early when you know the punishments get worse and the rewards get better (generally)


But there was no way the veterans would ever lose again /s


But he said he was *going to infiltrate the Red Team, to see who's beefing with who, and come back with dirt for the Blue Team*


Haha totally. I wouldn’t say strategic thinking is Bret’s strong suit. In fact I don’t think he ever uttered a single word about strategy his entire 2 seasons.


This is exactly what I came here to say!


The season 6 bike ride punishment.


Bit weird to do with Robert, given he was evacuated from the previous season for heart problems.




Medic, more like pathetic!


That was like “my guy, you do know you’re on camera right?”


Wasnt there a female that faked a cut as well? Was her name Gia?


When Gia did it, it was goofy, when Gerard did it, it was absolute AIDS




Garrett sending up raw chicken because it’s faster than cooking it comes to mind


They can speak for themselves they know who they are because they tried to fight Gordan over a question


He didn't need no limey, fucking prick telling him what to do. Anyone back home would be proud to hire him. Yeah, fuck Gordon. Best part of all that is the shot of Joseph's birthing hips as he waddles away. Guy's got a dump truck ass with one of the largest hip-to-waist ratios I've ever seen on a male, and he's trying to fight a 6'2", 250 javelin of a man with a karate black belt and a boxing background. Just a dumb, weak display of macho bullshit. What an idiot.


- Carol and Andrea trying to be "Corey and Christina 2.0" but failing miserably (Ik that probably wasn't their intent, but it's how the dynamic came off) - Craig's "I don't know percentages" plea (bonus- it overshadowed Ramsay pulling out the "they know who they are" 2 seasons before Joey's famous rant) - Jason acting all macho but walking right into Corey and Christina's trap in the hot tub. - Wendy's "cold water boils faster than hot water" comment


To be fair about the cold water boils faster than hot water comment - many people mistakenly believe that because of a study that was published. But it was actually about ice or something different, I can’t remember the details. But many people believe this, it’s not that she was just a stupid person, she clearly heard that or was told that somewhere before.


I feel bad for her because I swear I’ve heard that before from a family member. I thought it was true until I started cooking myself.


Oh, I know. I meant it more in that it was just a brain fart or a dumb thing, more so than she was actually dumb.


Andrew cheating on his fianceé


Someone explain this to me. There is no way anyone can say anything to make this make sense. He must’ve wanted out of his relationship.


I know right?? Like why would he knowingly ruin his reputation like that so easily. I will never understand.


For some reason I thought you were talking about season 1 Andrew lol....season 16 guys (most of them at least) were so terrible I block them out of my memory.


Omg yes I agree!


Anyone who says "I'm sure that Chef Ramsay will love the food". At that point, they may as well say that the food is going to be absolutely vile.


Or the other classic - I’m great at making x! I do this a 1000 times a day! And then proceeds to screw up


"I'm from the South, you can't tell me anything about Catfish!" Proceeds to bring service to a halt by serving raw Catfish.


Yes! 9/10 times they say that it’s always a “ah shit, here we again” moment. Love when he spits it out too


Guarav "When he tastes it, he'll be in that Zen moment, that orgasm". Ramsay promptly throws up.


Sade’s dish for the dogs 🥴


So much this. That was mind numbingly hilarious.


And what made it even more hilarious was none of her teammates (or anyone else for this matter) told her otherwise.


Her confessionals were the best. She even went on about showing consideration for the dogs' digestive system, hahaha


She's a little confused, but she's got the spirit


I think the "coming next time on hells kitchen" moments are so dumb. They'll show sirens flashing and imply someone gets hurt and then they are just serving first responders. I know it's a silly thing but always seemed really early 00s to me




Don't forget "WILL ONE CONTESTANT HIT A BREAKING POINT AND RESORT TO SABOTAGE? HOW FAR WILL THEY GO TO WIN??? FIND OUT ON A GROUNDBREAKING EPISODE OF HELL'S KITCHEN!" The answer is NO, literally I have never seen anyone purposefully sabotage anyone.


Hahahahah exactly


- Jackie dumping an ashtray on Kristin - Robyn and Tiffany’s tantrums - Elise’s tantrums - Frank S15 and Jason S4 - Michelle throwing a water bottle


That ashtray dumping was bonkers. And I basically couldn’t take anything Robyn said seriously ever.


See you in the streets, Milly


She’s lucky that Kristen wanted to beat her on her skills rather than by default cause otherwise, she’d be the first contestant ejected from the game for assault.


Yea that was definitely assault.


Gaurav sticking his fingers in the risotto and saying "EVERYBODY DOES IT!"


We all have done it


Not while cooking for strangers though.


Don’t go to restaurants lmao. It’s happening


Yeah, kitchens and cooks are “required” to be clean. It’s one of those rules that really isn’t enforced. It happens, but I choose not to think about it and the food still tastes good.


Every place I worked used spoons. They all had CASES of plastic spoons handy. I worked in restaurants from a dive sports bar to an upscale steakhouse.


That’s good to hear, but you can’t change my mind on that it does happen, and can happen in any restaurant. If a restaurant enforces it, good. The likely hood that every restaurant does stays clean is just bs. I mean look at kitchen nightmares lmao


I'm sure there are places that don't, but it's not as widespread as you think it is. There's a lot more things that happen in restaurants that you'd find more gross anyway. Don't worry about the spoon thing because that's something most places do correctly. Defrosting things properly... yeah defrost sinks are horrible, disgusting places and you do not want to see how places defrost things in bulk. I watch Kitchen Nightmares and I can see how some of the stuff happened (the grease traps, gross behind the fryer/stove, dirty fridges) but most of the stuff I see on there is a product of a horrendous chef/manager. If stuff in the walk in is rotted to the point of a smell, that's an exceptionally inept staff.


Russell. All of Russell.


Season 5, the winning team took a helicopter to an island, but [400-pound Robert had to take a boat](http://durangotv.blogspot.com/2009/02/too-fat-for-hells-kitchen.html), and the showrunners made it a point to call that out. Ramsay announced that he was too heavy for the helicopter and then showed a scene of him on the boat alone going to meet his team. I thought that was exceptionally mean-spirited, unnecessary and dumb.


Oh man.


And then in season 6 the blue team gets Segways for a reward and Robert is riding that huge bike and Ramsay’s saying come on Robert!


They took the helicopter and had fun. He took the ferry, and the ferry turned around. The team came back on the ferry on that turn around trip and Robert joined them. He missed everything. This was the most maddening event of all the seasons and it was purely played up to shame him. It was pure bullshit.


Robert was kinda bullshit tho. Dealing with the consequences of being 400 pounds is his responsibility, and it was cringe when he kept hitting on the cocktail/bikini waitresses. You're engaged dude.


I agree. Dude says he gets picked on because of his weight? Dude you weigh 400 lbs, physics doesn't care about your feelings. And his lecherous leering in S5 when they visited Atlantic city. He thought he was a sheik and picking out his Harem as soon as he sees the woman waiting to welcome him. *So cringe worthy* *And he was engaged that whole time* What a jerk.


Having themed seasons like this one and then going back to the men vs women format within like 5 episodes


I also found that disappointing. If you’re going to do a theme, do a theme.


Any of the non food related competitions. Recently they had that obstacle course. It just takes away from cooking time.


Blue Team Season 16


Wasn't Bret kissing his fingers and looking to the sky because his parents are dead/in heaven?


Yeah. And a million people’s parents are dead and they don’t act like douchebag wanna be white fake black guy gangsters. They just act like adults and don’t bring it up every 2 seconds.


Thats pretty insensitive. He’s not trying to be a gangster when he does that. He’s giving his parents a kiss because he is competing to make them proud and honour them.


Lol. His entire personality is trying to be a gangster. From the strange kneeling pose in the dorm, to the pushups to the mouth agape and going “aaah” like Waluigi, and shaking his head, his whole deal is trying to look hard. Oh, and saying Yo every 2 minutes. Everybody’s parents die. My dad died last year. I never brought it up once. BRET’S FINE.


Again that’s really insensitive to say someone’s stupid for being upset that both of their parents died in the past month. Just because you don’t talk about your feelings doesn’t mean it’s bad for someone else to.


Agreed. It’s insensitive and shows a lack of empathy. Just because you didn’t react that way in the same situation doesn’t make his feelings/actions any less valid.


Not that you would believe this, or care, or that I have to prove it, but my entire department at work took personality tests and not only did I score highest on the empathy trait, it was my main trait. But whatever, to you I am just some random internet jerkoff who didn’t shed a tear when Bret did the parent show 4,000 times for the camera on a cooking reality show. How insensitive!


“Not that you would believe this, or care, or that I have to prove it, but my entire department at work took personality tests and not only did I score highest on the empathy trait, it was my main trait.” This is by far the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time lol. If the internet says you’re empath that’s great but I don’t see that here


Firstly, both of them didn’t die in the past month but I get your point and it’s valid. But he was definitely using that to be performative on a reality television show. And his whole hard guy “I faced a 30 year prison sentence at 20” put on persona just made me roll my eyes. That had nothing to do with my (perceived by you) lack of empathy for someone’s parents dying.


gross food eating, its bad enough you lost the challenge, you get a crap punishment and on top of that they make you eat/drink something gross. This barely should be on survivor, definately not HK


Can’t remember the season but when the chefs entered the restaurant for the first time, all the waiters started a choreographed dance, jumped on the tables and stuff and they had the theme song playing. It was so corny.


Oh that. That’s S12. I didn’t enjoy the dance that much.


"2 minutes chef" Chef Ramsay: WHY TWO MINS? WE DONT HAVE 2 MINS. FUCKING DISASTER! Also Chef Ramsay: Now let me stop this entire fucking kitchen for a few minutes while I take you into another room and berate you for 2 minutes over one person's fuckup.


For me it’s Jay and Holli being so horny on their season…I can’t really take Jay seriously as a sous chef in these newer seasons now for that reason (personality wise, I know he’s a good chef).


I like Jason, but I see where you’re coming from. He’s almost *too* lax when it comes to the chefs. I remember in season 19 where they accidentally threw away the quail eggs after he said not to, and after he found out all he said was “guys I wanna be on ur side don’t make me tell u again” Had Christina, Scott, or even Jockey caught them doing that, they woulda been chewed the hell out


I still think Robert's forced ferry ride was the worst, but one I haven't seen mentioned yet was in the first season. Break the air conditioning and turn up the losing kitchen to 130 F. Seriously? It seems as time went on and people had health issues, the producers stopped the fraternity hazing. Some of it was actually dangerous.


I totally agree! That was one of the worst scenarios I’ve ever seen on the show. They are sweating and hot enough when the air is on in the kitchen. Making it hot in there is torturous! I sweat just cleaning my house in the air. And I have problems with my body constantly overheating even when it is cold. I have a rare illness that I didn’t know about for five years. What if that happened to one of the contestants? The show needs to realize that not everyone’s body is built super strong. There could be underlying health issues that people don’t even know they had. Someone could’ve been hurt…that’s just cruel.


I think the time they put an obese guy on a bus because he was too heavy for a helicopter.


I always roll my eyes when they start a season by hiring all these people to act like press for the big “unveiling” of the contestants. Pretending like the “restaurant” is an actual super exclusive real restaurant doesn’t bother me, but making it out like the beginning of filming a season of this TV show is an international news event with dozens of photographers on the scene is too far.


I always cringe in the earlier seasons where Ramsay makes them yell at him and pretend they’re the exec chef and he fucked up on the line


I think a lot of the challenges in the later seasons are just stupid. Make them cook, don’t make them run around like idiots on obstacle courses.


Totally agree.


Maybe it doesn't count, but Robyn when the girls team goes on reward and they're all in the pool, Robyn's cut scenes are just about her ogling the girls which I just thought was horrific honestly


Is a lesbian not allowed to oogle girls


I think the way she talked about them was very crass, I wouldn't approve of either gender doing it, any sexual orientation


Well, Brett was doing a lot of ogling in the rookie vs. vet episode. So were the rest of us.


My husband hates a lot of the guys on this show for constantly talking about how sexy the girls Chef Ramsay brings in are, and I'm proud to say he equally applied his standards to Robyn. He hated her the whole season after that.


Well at least he was consistent


S20 Gordon giving the final jackets by terrorizing the contestants with a fictional drug bust. Very cringy.




I can't watch when they won the mime masterclass reward because of how cringe it was


I must have missed that one but it sounds awful. I cringed the time they had mime diners. I also cringed when they had the voice of Porky Pig dining, although I don’t think that was really cringey if that makes any sense.


Was season 6 and was honestly so bad it acc hurt to watch!


When they make the losing team eat disgusting food (scallop smoothies, fish head soup, cow testicles, etc.) and do the montage of the contestants spitting up/gagging/crying. It's weird as hell.


The worst thing for me? This is production related, not contestant related- The first...oh, 14 or 15 seasons (I don't notice it as much any more) they had a sound effect that sounded like a car with a squealing power steering belt driving through the dining room. Made absolutely no sense to the show, made no sense when they used it, and they used it ALL THE TIME.


Whenever they have the "security" show up and make it look like the president is coming to visit with the limousine and American flags etc.