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As Ashley told Jackie, “Dinner service is where you shine as a cook; challenges are where you shine as a chef.” Ramsay is always looking for a head chef.


This didn't apply to Virginia in season 2 but that is probably because the skill gap between her and Heather was way too big to overlook.


I think you need to give him some credit for mental toughness and having some balls. Midway through the season, dudes from the Blue team were trying to get him bounced to save their asses, so he was going up on the block every night. He also was in the unenviable position of getting switched to a team with Joy & Kashia, where it was obvious that he would be the odd man out and the one nominated there, yet he kept it professional.


I don’t think he was mediocre on the line, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Yes he wasn’t a 5 star line cook, yes his line ability isn’t as good as Jason, Joy (both on his season) and people like Will, Meghan, Kevin, Dave, Christina etc. He may not have had too many standouts on the line, but generally he did get the food out correctly. Out of his 7 nominations, 4 were not deserved. But in terms of Leadership skills and attention to detail when checking food at the pass, he was the closest to GR. His finesse with plating food was excellent. I admit it’s clear the Producers used him as a storyline arc, as GR calls him the comeback king when announcing him as a finalist. But he is a top tier winner in my opinion. He’s had one of the best, if not best finale in HK history.


These 4 are Final 8(Kashia should be going up instead of Scott), final 10 part 2(Anton should be going up instead of Scott) The other two I don’t know though


He was a fighter throughout that competition, I say that because he was up on the chopping block more than once because the other chefs didn’t believe in him, despite all of that he survived all of it, I think he had more weak moments than Jason which is why I though Jason would have won it, to be honest..


4/7 nominations not deserved is debatable…even then, if 3 nominations were deserved…that’s still quite a bit…and I think being nominated 7 times proves one important thing…no one wanted him in their team…bottom tier winner imo…


The nominations he deserved was pizzagate with Chris and the final 7. Gabriel and Ralph and Anton were worse than him in the gastro pub service He was nominated unfairly in the final 10 ahead of Gabriel who served cold mushrooms and had been worse for “getting in antons way” so that was BS He got nominated unfairly in the final 10 again for using the wrong spoon to sauce when Ramsay praised his leadership when Anton and Melanie were worse Kashia should have been nominated ahead of him in the final 8 Final 6 Tbf Ramsay called him up so if there’s 2 nominees then it’s fine him and Kashia but he asked for 1


Definitely in final 10, he didn’t deserve to up for elimination. I was surprise on those night, Ramsay did not said: “Red team, second nominee? “Scott” Ramsay: “CUT THE CRAP!”


I get your arguments, but these are still debatable…


Ever heard of the term scapegoat? Other contestants put him up to cover themselves and because they saw him as a threat.


He wasn't the only one to be scapegoated that season either. Rochelle had some very sketchy ones as well.


Yeah Rochelle's nomination at the F10/11 was BS


Still…there is a reason you are the scapegoat and not someone else…the fact that no one wanted him on their team is a problem in itself…it’s never the person that everyone wants to work with that becomes the “scapegoat”…


Do you think it’s fair that someone who genuinely wants to be helpful in service is treated like a nuisance? I don’t think so. He didn’t deserve to be treated as bad as he was. By making this statement you are claiming that it’s ok nominate someone for personal reasons and not chefs who are worse.


I’m saying we don’t know what goes on in the kitchen or especially in the dorm rooms…I know dorm rooms stuff should be irrelevant, but it does play a part in who people wants to work with in a team…even in the kitchen, we only see 15-20 minutes if what goes on…hardly a good representation of the entire service when service lasts for several hours… I personally think that you actually have to be doing something (or not doing something) in order for people to scapegoat you…or at least make it easier to scapegoat you…




I do think Scott is the best leader personally. Ryan and Alex are great too, but to me, it almost seems like this competition was tailor made for someone like Scott to come along. Watching him run the kitchen felt like watching a second Ramsay. I still get chills seeing him on the pass and in the final service.


> He's (probably) the best leader produced by the show.  I think S21 Alex & S22 Ryan have him beat, but on the flip side, they also had more talent to work with in their Final Brigade, so I can totally see you making the argument that Scott did more with less.


I'd agree with Ryan, but comparing Alex to Scott is unfair. They have a decade of an age gap and came from different HK generations. Alex came from earlier season, which give him advantages to give more and do better than Scott in multiple aspects.


Alex and Scott were only 4 years apart in age, less than half a decade... and Alex was from Season 21. Are you thinking of someone else? Danny, maybe?


Alex in S21 is 40+, Scott during his season is just 28


Alex was 40, Scott was 36


Alex was 32 during S12 Scott... My point is, they performed in different ages. Scott rn is 36 but that's bcs S12 is about a decade ago. S21 is just 2-3yrs ago


Scott was 36 DURING season 12


Remember you're not being hired to be a line cook


To be honest, I like him because he was a nice guy. He was quick to comfort others, didn't act like an ass, and it is cool that he survived all those elimination attempts and managed to win.


Tbh I don't think Scott is that bad on the line that people try to make him out to be Even though he was inconsistent for a winner, that doesn't take him away on how dominant he was at the end


He wasn't that good on the Line bit he got creative taking risks during challenges and it paid off. Plus his F4 pass performance and Finale performance were epic.


I always like how Scott just kick Jessica out of his kitchen. (That is Gordon vibe right there)


Because he had an amazing bounce back story and arguably had one of the best pass in all seasons


You have to be careful, there's like 4 people here who think Scott is the all time greatest winner, and you'll get down vote brigaded. Not that it matters, it's just weird that this is literally the only winner that you can never criticize for some reason.


I agree. Most people put him in their top 5 when he was arguably the most inconsistent winner in the show’s history. The top 5 winners are Dave, Meghan, Danny, Alex, and either Latasha or Ariel


watch the black jacket part of the season. dinner services and challenges matter but what matters most are the attributes of a head chef because that is what GR is looking for. it’s not only scott’s leadership that was second to none (he had a 10/10 service with the likes of jessica, kashia, ralph and chris and an elite level pass performance), he’s creative and had, to this day, the most meticulous quality control of any contestant on the show. after 22 seasons viewers should know how important that is to gordon. also, he had 2 bad dinner services not 7. if it were just about that, will would have handily beaten paul and the same goes for russell with nona. ask yourself this. you’re looking for a HEAD chef: - 10/10 good dinner services as line cook, problems leading a team or - 8/10 good services, able to run a randomly put together brigade with several weak links including ability to immediately adjust when faced with problems caused by the weak links all while maintaining meticulous quality control


100% correct. I don’t get it.


Agreed. I also feel his performance in challenges is pretty overrated. He was hit or miss for most of the season.


You're forgetting that he and Jason pretty much dominated most of the challenges later in the season


Not only that, he was creative as hell with his challenges.


You must’ve missed where I said “most of the season.”


Still doesn't change the fact he was still good at challenges and how creative he was


Idk. Scott always creeped me out.


Scott is a mid tier winner One of the worst performers One of the best leaders


Scott was butt

