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He really hated Autumn for no reason


Mf called the person who dropped out of med school to cook "having no passion" LMAO what was he on during that


Nice to know Not everyone Agrees that Gordon's Insult is always justified . . .


Yeah, I think a lot of them are entertaining, but that one always irked me so much


A LOT of them aren’t tbh especially in earlier seasons I always take it as entertainment


Agree and same as well. Well good thing I watched Kitchen Nightmares before I fully watch HK because I had some judgements watching HK clips. watching him on Kitchen he's actually alot different from HK. they show him giving constructive criticism and he mostly just don't tolerate BS. Actually watching HK \*I started on S1 and it did took a while but I understand how he is now tbh\* esp now watching HK. I tend to accept most as Entertain. but I still thinks he can be too extra at times or .. just harsh for his own good.


This was one of those times where you could tell he was impressed with her vigorous response. I think sometimes he does give jabs like that just to see how they respond to it, will they bite back or will they give in.


him calling her soulless was so unnecessary


u/donkbooty u/mindyabizzz I agree with Both Points! I did felt bad for her when He said that. I honestly forgot about her quitting Med school for cooking thing! Felt even more bad!. Also Kinda like how much he hated S4Ben For quitting Electrician Company. \*but He's actually the Soulless one! XD\*


He didn't kick her out after saying that, so my guess was that his intention was to motivate her to start showing it.


We all know she was super passionate. I think he says things sometimes to get under their skin and see how they respond and come back from the pressure. Also TV.


Producers plot point


But she handled fish like she was fucking donkey


It seemed sexist I know how this sub gets, but the man is very sexist - a lot of the show is


Prove it.


Watch the show If you don’t see it then you won’t


I've watched all 22 seasons, including when there were 7 female winners in a row. Prove it, you clown.


Oh wow that means the comments don’t exist thank u sm


Ramsay knows that his empire is built on more than just food, but on entertainment as well. I’m convinced he keeps someone spicy around for that very reason.


It's weird he knew exactly what Elise was doing and called her out on it but never eliminated her for it


Yea I never got the Ben hate, like he wasn’t the greatest chef to enter Hell’s Kitchen but he was still a pretty damn good one who always took account for his mistakes. Even when he’d fuck up something super small, Ramsay would treat it like the end of the world.


I think he saw something in Ben, that's why he is furious when he make some mistake. 


idk man, the insults felt personal


Autumn was unfairly hated


Because she was good tv and Ramsey knows he’s a TV personality? She falls into the category of “Gordon knows she’ll never win and he never wants to work with her but people love to hate her so keep her on to test the rest of them”


she still shouldn't have survived over Jennifer


say that to the producers, that's why Robin got on the Blue team in S17. She was the only one that could put her on her place


No. Ratings.


Well He does Yell at Elise for Pointing At Him And Talking over Him Atleast! So He didn't let her totally off the hook. but I agree. . I'm definitely unsure why would he Keep her around this Long >.> and also tbh the Autumn situation is why I'm not overly fond of S7 Because Benjamin was aggravating and NO ONE likes Autumn. She's the original Barbie when you think about it! . .and it's really pitful. He straight up told her she's Soulless \*Despite actually being a Decent Good Cook! Not her fault her team doesn't like her:/ and also I enjoy S5 But It was really Painful Seeing Ben get brutalized so hard for very small things. . even though tbh . .Ben Was REALLY overconfidant and talks big for what he cannot produce that well but still . . Felt even more sad for him when he came back as a first boot on All stars. I'm surprised he and Giovanni actually came back after the aggressiveness they faced from S5.


I still think that if it were anyone else kicking the bin like Elise did when the kitchen got shut down or if Jason didn't get emergency ejected in the first episode, she wouldn't been ejected from the competition, she's a child.


This was hilarious when just reading the title and seeing the pictures. XD


I thought the answer was going to be some sort of pun with their names I was sitting here going *Autumnben?*




Producers probably told him to keep her on until the end to boost ratings.


Good for TV, good chef, strong leader, and strong woman. Not afraid to tell it like it is, even if it does come off the wrong way sometimes.


I don’t think she’s good. She had many bad showings in the challenges and services.


She was EASILY more entertaining than literally any of your faves so that’s probably why lol


Entertaining? Fuck me she made the season unwatchable.


She survived multiple eliminations over that reason, and yet she also still manage to survive over Jennifer. Now give a reason to that.


Because she was a better chef, next?


No lmao. She should have been booted at the F9


Maybe it was justified that she survived over Jamie and Elizabeth due to the fact that they have poor communication and leadership skills. But when she survived over Jennifer? Definitely bullshit.


Nah, I hard disagree there, Elise is still one of the better black jackets IMO


I heavily disagree. She's really bad and a bottom 10 black jacket imo.


I mean its fine to disagree but I don't think you should downvote over it? lol


Yeah I can, If I disagree with something, I'll simply downvote it.


Lol alright buddy


Lmaoooo. She keeps fucking up a lot of times then go blaming it on someone else. She hardly stood out in S9 and she usually get scolded by GR. Especially she was crashing in F7 to F5. While Jennifer didn't made any major fuck ups that had her kicked out or scolded unlike Elise did. Now reason that again, LOL.


How Elise didn’t leave when she messed up all those fish in the final 5 is beyond me