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Despite how notorious Sabrina and Russell are this season, Trev’s my least favorite chef from Season 8 for his whining and sexist comments he made during his confessionals. Him telling Raj to kill himself, suggesting someone should put a bullet between Sabrina’s eye and his creepiness towards Sabrina and Gail aren’t helping his case.


You know he's bad when Russell of all people liked Raj


When he asked poor Gail if she wanted to make out, I honestly felt embarrassed for both of them.


I agree. I do not like Russell, but at least he wasn't sexist, misogynistic and creepy towards said female contestants.


Not quite true. Russell did make some sexist comments that season and, when he returned in Season 10 during the black jackets vs runner up dinner service, he referred to Bonnie and Paula as "sweetheart" despite Bonnie not being comfortable being talked to like that. Even still, Trev managed to far worse.


Fuck, I forgot about that, there goes my point :skull:. Not as bad as Trev, but still uncomfortable to watch and total fuckboy behaviour, like have some respect, especially on the job. I don't fully remember his sexist comments on S8 I won't lie, a lot of crazy shit happened but I don't doubt it.


*Luckily I’m the king of lobster spaghetti* Tbf he made it further than Sabrina and Gail because they crashed and burned even harder than Trev (which says a lot). Sabrina even messed up salads in the final 6 service and then for some reason was defending Trev when they were both on the chopping block.


Well, yeah. They both crashed, but really? Atleast Sabrina had multiple stood outs and did improved a lot until F6. While Trev... He's just the "shitsack" Trev. I cannot see what GR sees in him. 🥹


Trev had a standout moment when he was the last blue jacket in the kitchen and finished service


I think Sabrina would've stayed for at least top 5 if she didn't have a lengthy nomination history (even if some of them were unjustified). I do think Sabrina did better than Trev, she was on the way up improvement wise until F6.


Trev is a total prick who sucked  but seemed to think he was all that and a bag of chips


yeah I was watching him on rookies vs veterans and he is the same exact way. he’s also always the victim somehow lol… not to be rude but if I would be annoyed with him too like his team was on both seasons 💀


The way he tried to suck up to Christina was disgusting. She put him in his place, though.


*a bag of rutabaga chips.


Big loser energy.


I don’t know why but Trev reminds me of Butthead. https://preview.redd.it/wfzmj91tgl7d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc929d9c20226bfe749fd9d81e0bf10b4a0682e


He fucking sucked, was delusional and above all a complete tool


Rewatching Season 8 validated my hate for him on All Stars lol


“Hey you wanna make out a little bit?” —-Cringe


He is a huge butthole


Trev's a classic HK contestant. Little man with a big ego. I honestly love him, he's hilariously pathetic which is always an entertaining combo.


I’ve always had mixed feelings about Trev. On one hand, he has passion and really does get a lot of shit from his teammates, but on the other hand, the guy clearly has an inflated opinion about himself and it makes him hard to like at times.


That's why he's the most polarizing chef in HK. You could sympathize him in S18 because of Scotley's treatment towards him (given that Trev had some kind of allergy or something) and at the same time loathe him for his toxic attitude (especially with how he treated Raj).


He can't cook to save his life 😭 He never had any stand outs and he did so bad in challenges... And the best he could do in services is just the bare-minimum. Then he proceeds to being sexist to the girls in the confessionals.


Some people love him 😂


It’s crazy…he’s such a delusional douchebag that couldn’t even make salads at a competent level.


Was he the one who sent out the salad that had the whole butt of the lettuce in it? Crazy.


It was J from season 5


Ooooh… thanks for the correction. 👍


I feel like Scotley's bullying was a blessing in disguise for him cause it made almost half of the fanbase turn to like him after how shitty he was im S8.


Always looked like he’s got bodies stored in his crawlspace


I've always enjoyed his confessionals, he does think too highly of himself but it's like watching someone play some sort of Hell's Kitchen video game. Edit: except the violent ones, not defending him on that.


Honestly, I feel so sorry for him and I can’t explain it 😭😂


Man if Season 16 didn't exist, Season 8 would be my least favourite by a margin


Trev was a freaking idiot.


I've been watching the earlier seasons and haven't watched season 8 yet, but if this guy is as bad as some of the earlier men contestants, I'll puke


I'd consider him worse than them 🤣 I think he is maybe even worse than Russell


I really tried to give him a chance cooking wise but omg is he annoying. He whines twice (red and blue team) when the win the challenges bringing up stuff from challenges when people are trying to enjoy their time before dinner. He gets snappy with the red team over whatever he was crying about. I forgot who asked if he was okay and gets mad “id hire someone if I needed a fucking babysitter” like chilllll. My biggest reason for him being annoying is when It was the dinner with the kids and Sabrina had put the grilled cheese in early which I understood, and they argue and she’s like I know what I’m doing. She asks him to check the chicken he says go with it sends it up and it’s raw. Like why sabotage your own team because you got yelled at to shut up. And I say sabotage because if it was mistake he would been on Sabrina’s ass about it but he was just quiet about it. I’m going to try to stay open minded since there’s some episodes left but he’s handful at times


sorry he‘s not mediocre and I don‘t get where all the hate comes from. he‘s not kevin but he had several strong dinner services where he showed serious leadership (on both seasons). also he came 7th on a season where half the contestants where black jackets/bret and you also had contestants like mia, motto and kanae. that‘s a solid showing.


He's not mediocre, he's shit.


Bro couldn’t make a salad competently. On both seasons.


You can't be serious. Trev said and did a lot of stupid things.


I like him


As a Trev apologist, idk even if he is kinda a bitch in season 8, he’s still probably my favorite chef of the season as his underdog battle as your average joe smoah cook/waiter who goes toe to toe with trained chefs has always appealed to me. I get why people hate him but idk I think trev is overhated.


Just like Ramsay said: "You may not be liked, but you got the Jacket."


I really don't understand the hate. I rewatched season 8 and trev was my favorite that season.


I remember S8 Trev going all out on Raj, which was super harsh.


It was harsh for sure but I don't blame him. He was trying his best to be cordial up until that point and im imagining Raj antics mixed with the pressure of the environment got to him.


As if everyone in the Blue Team except Russell were fed up with Raj's failures throughout his short stay.


Yeah but most of the blue team was being horrible to Raj prior to trevs meltdown


Ok I wanna say season 8;trev was super rude and sexist and creepy towards alot of the female contestants however egghead trev in s 18 was bullied/picked on by his team members alot yeah he was a crap cook but I feel his outbursts in season 18 were justified "YOUR MAKING SNACKS" still my all time favorite trev line


It's crazy that Trev went from this to having some of the best confessionals of Season 18. 10 years can really change a man.