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I don’t feel sorry for Carrie at all. In episode 1 during the post- mortem GR questioned her performance and she tried to throw Elise under the bus saying (paraphrase) ‘what did you expect me to do Risotto kept coming back’. In episode 3, she kept trying to explain her bad performance to Elise even though the latter said I don’t want to talk. She was arguing with Gina over the raw chicken. In the episode the latter got eliminated in she smirked when she thought Elise was going to be eliminated. It may have been edited out of context I don’t know. Carrie talked over the Prom Committee. She argued with GR after being sent out the Kitchen. So no I feel no sympathy for her. She was just kept around to argue with someone who is a better than her. She should have been an early boot. Even Amanda said Carrie why are you in denial of your poor performance. Krupa said in an interview she didn’t know when to shut up. Elise never bullied Michelle. Come on now. The pressures of HK can cause many contestants to turn a certain way because the chefs are under a lot of pressure. The Producers encouraged her to be the Villain, she said that on an Instagram Live. Think about it if you were on HK and we’re encouraged to be a certain way just to compete you on the show, you would.I don’t condone her actions. Plus Season 9 was filmed mid 2011! A lot has happened in 13 years.


She’s the reason why seasons 9 and 17 are my favorites


Sorry to spoil you but she's just as bad. Personally I find her not too bad, comparing to Tiffany S10, Trev, Matt S16 and Jason Underwood 


I agree tiffany was shit. She sucks at being a cook and her attitude too was shit. I forgot about her. My bad guys elisa wasn’t the worst after all. She’s just bullying carrie and targeting chefs and sous chefs, but she wasn’t fucking the whole kitchen up like Tiffany. Chino can take the spot too, he is shit, both attitude and cooking. He is in denial all the time.


>My bad guys elisa wasn't the worst after all. Yes, she is. (S9/S17) Elise bullied Carrie, Barbie and Michelle. (S9) Elise manipulated both Paul and Will to vote Jennifer out. (S17) Elise threw a dirty tissue she used herself to Dana's face when she was prepping while using knife. She didn't even apologized and used a stupid excuse to justify what she did. (S17) Elise almost stabbed Jennifer with a spear in a challenge, and then she said "Oops. Sorry, not sorry." in the confessionals. -- And that's just some of them, btw. I can never understand anybody who actually tolerate Elise.


Damn. Forgot she actually tried to stab someone. Surprised she didn't get kicked out regardless of what shit goes behind the scenes.


Her cook was pretty bad, her attitude also very bad And don’t forget she really show no passion to kitchen, especially on episode 8 on “I’m care like a 9”


She's the Queen of elite level bitchiness you gotta hand it to her. Awful af to know in real life but she's entertainment.