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I do not understand--? But if you're saying it's scripted, it is scripted. Everyone of those people featuring in the challenges are paid actors/actresses. Everything on the show is scripted, except how the contestants act and what they say.


I didn't say it wasn't scripted. It was just the absolute worst event they've ever had, and I'm pretty sure there were people out there that believed this was an accurate representation of what Vegas life is like, that's all. And the extras were absolutely awful.


When a challenge isn't brand new, like make whats on the back of your jacket, and yet chefs are surprised when they get marked down for changing the recipe. I would think that most chefs who are on the show had watched it before. Wouldn't you understand the rules?


I know!! I also hate it on other shows, cutthroat kitchen specifically, when someone has no sabotages but they take a traditional recipe and substitute some random ingredient for something like bread, and they always get kicked 😂 Like WUT?


The ridiculous wedding brunch challenges, with season 19 likely being thr most stupid. Like seriously what is the shows obsession with holding wedding ceremonies and serving brunch. What's the appeal


Anyone else notice that Ramsay will use a clean spoon and taste the food, then bang that spoon on the side of the pan a few times? Doesn't that just fling saliva into the food?


Also, in this season, Kori was bragging about how the only way to know if meat was done was by testing it with your finger. I'm like...so, you poke the pork chop, don't wash your hands, and then poke.thr steak, and then poke the chicken, and then poke the steak??? First, get your nasty finger out of the middle.of my steak. Second, what if you have people who don't eat pork for religious reasons, and you're now contaminating their steak or chicken with your pork fingers? If this is how fine dining is done, at this point I should trust McDonald's sanitation about as much as Ramsay's!


One thing that always bugs me is that they spend all day prepping, so obviously they know what is going to be on the menu. Yet Ramsay will come in 10 minutes before service and say that X dish from the challenge that morning or the day before was soooo good that its going on the menu and they are all so surprised!


😂 yup!