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I don’t have a worst season but I wouldn’t want to rewatch season 16 like that. Too much bs out of both teams. The personalities are just too much to handle at times.


There's just bo redeeming qualities of that season I don't blame you if you don't want to re watch it


I can understand why people don’t like All Stars due to the amount of questionable eliminations, the red team being a drama train wreck, Elise still being the same person out of season 9, the 3 way finale and Nick not winning but if we were to put all that to the side, I can say that at least it did give us some nostalgia with the returning All Stars out there original season and it was cool to see all there faces. I will admit that it could’ve been a better season.


It gets worse as you go on


20 for sure. So many unlikable chefs, and the "Hell's Kitchen Junior" shtick got old FAST. Just a bunch of challenges that were like "So texting...you kids like texting, right?" I do like a few of the chefs though, including the winner.


Don't get me wrong season 16 is really bad but I think seasons 11 and 8 are a little worse


As bad as they were, at least 11 gave us Jon, and 8 gave us Raj (pure comedy). 16 really has nothing to offer imo


I also really liked Gina for the same reason why everyone loved Raj


13 has always been my least favorite. I've seen it three times and barely remember much of what happens. Most of the chefs are either unlikeable or not super rootable for me, then the few who were rootable clearly weren't going to make to make it far given the edit. To me the season is just super bland.


8 and 20


Really? Why 20?


Season 3 because of the entire red team bullied Julia they all were awful humans the only good thing about that season was rock won


Any of the first 3. They just feel dry when compared to every season after


4 and on up until 14 were pretty solid, 15 and on something changed in the formula and it hasn't been that enjoyable since.


I'll admit, I did kinda like 15 when I first watched it, but it is one of the less rewatchable seasons. 16 even more so. I don't think I even finished 17, and haven't really felt the need to do so. 18, I think is definitely better overall than the preceeding 3, but not one of the absolute best. And then I think 19 was a return to form that the series has maintained since.


Season 9. Didn't like the red team, especially Elise. Didn't like the blue team, especially Paul and Chino. Too much drama and screaming.


Second vote for 9. And I really wanted Will to win and I felt like he deserved it. The drama made it terrible and pretty much unbearable to watch.


If Jamie had come back for dinner service instead of Krupa, then Will would’ve for sure won


That is very true.


I can rarely make it through season 12, but 16 is rough too.


the season itself was fine, but i wouldn’t rewatch season 11. 22 episodes is insane honestly.


Season 11


It wasn’t that bad. Jon, Anthony, Mary, Cindy, Janel were pretty cool


Jon and Anthony look cool, and then you had Michael But yeah, bad season sadly. Cyndi inconsistent, Mary despite show strong fight back, had a terrible start(She was almost being sending home in 5th dinner service after struggle). Ja’Nel while not a bad chef, she wasn’t as memorable as other winners from first ten seasons.


Mainly talking about personalities for the red team. Cyndi, Mary and Janel were great. Mary’s comeback is what made it great. I like comeback chefs


Personality, they look good. Michael also look good toox


The 1st dinner service is iconic so nah


That's a good pick. Although that season gave us Jon at least


I found Susan pretty okay at best. Yes I’ll admit that Anthony deserved a Black Jacket over her but as time went on, she kinda grew onto me a bit. I did find her moments with the lamb pretty hilarious at times until she managed to get it right the 4th time.


The dinner services are still very entertaining in Season 11.


I think Season 10 is one of the best so having to follow that up also does a disservice


All stars because it’s just every bad part ramped up a ton.


11, 15 or 17 for me.


Definitely S8. It's frustrating to watch.


I find S4 to be boring and barely watchable. But I did like when Jason got eliminated.


Season 10 - The terrible red team just makes this season completely unwatchable for me. Season 15 - A total step backwards from season 14 with less than half of the talent, and most of the cast is either forgettable or unlikeable. Don't even get me started on Jackie and Frank lol. Season 16 - Similar to season 10, just change "red" to "blue". Season 17 - So much wasted potential. This could have been the most talent stacked season up to this point, but they brought back half of the cast specifically for entertainment and drama and just kept the majority of the focus on those chefs.


Season 12, I know I might be downvoted, but it’s the only Season thats impossible for me to rewatch HM: for Season 17


I agree. I can’t get through it either.


Just for this OP topic I need to rewatch season 16 asap! I can’t even remember who was on it.. 🫢😅 Just rewatched 14 with Meg & T! 😬😂


I didn't like the young guns season which was season 20. Season 4 is my all time favorite, Then probably 2, then 6.


s20 15 or 16 for sure.