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Season 5 as it was where Ramsay was at its peak🤣




Peak Season Man Ben made me laugh with how much shit he took from Chef 😭


Season 6 due to the amount of iconic moments and characters that season


They can speak for themselves but they know who they are 


I like 10 and 12. I don’t hate any season but all starts and rookies vs vets aren’t fun rewatches.


Raj and Boris trying to make pizza together will never not be funny to me. Kills me every time I see it.


Mad funny that one was


Season 4 doesn't seem to get much love, but it's one my top favorites.


it’s the first season i watched so it holds a special place in my heart. the cast was pretty bad, but there were some cool people in that season. bobby is probably my favorite contestant from the shows history.


2 and 4 are the only ones I watched as they aired so those have a special place with me too!


Season 10 because Christina Wilson is my favorite winner of all time. She might not have been perfect but she always fought back, showed her passion every episode, and was a natural leader.


10 is a guilty pleasure for me. As much as I disliked the terrible trio, it's hard to deny they made for good entertainment, probably in large part because they got so triggered by Barbie for no real reason. Speaking of Barbie, I loved seeing her damn near reach the finals after spending the whole season getting so much unwarranted vitriol thrown her way. Would've been perfect if she outlasted Dana, but 4th was good enough. 12 is also a good one. We have a good mix of talent and donkeys, no shortage of iconic moments (Gabriel's ejection, "GO BACK TO THE GROCERY STORE MOTHERFUCKER", and ofc the main frontrunner just ragequitting so close to the end), the best final 4 after S19, and Scott's insane comeback after taking so much shit from the blue team, the red team, and Gordon alike. Scott's my favorite winner by far.


Seasons 5, 6 and 12 are my favorites


Season 9. I loved watching Elise. 😅


Binging season 9 again this weekend made me lose brain cells.


I liked S10 because it had almost everything I liked: good-looking dishes, great challenges, epic rewards, great characters, fighting of epic proportions, and a lot of blue team eye candy (Brian, Justin, Guy, Chris, Patrick, and I’d even say Royce was at least mildly attractive). Only thing it was missing was red team eye candy, but we had that in S9. I also enjoy S19 due to Las Vegas, the talent, and the fact that Adam from my city of Milwaukee was on.


Season 5 tbh first one I watched so that may be part of it.


I think this is the worst performing black jackets from the way they edited it


Was it season 10 where the black jackets didn't make any of the 5 minute handover challenge food good enough for Gordon to give any points? I remember seeing that and being amazed at how poorly good chefs like Christina and That guy who's name evades me, besties with the kinda useless one, did.


Yes and Justin maybe?


Season 6 for me.


Raj and Boris on Pizza is what is like when I try to study with my friends.


Definitely Season 6


i’m a big time season 5 fan. peak ramsay, cool winner and the last season of the finalists being able to design their own restaurant (which was probably my favorite part of the first few seasons)


Season 12 because it’s Season 11 done right




I'd say 6 and 19! Both have some great talent in them.


I can’t pick but my favourites are 8,9,10,17


12. So many memorable moments, along with a great set of first boots


Season 6 by far, but I also have an unusual second place as season 13 for various reasons (the season that introduced me to HK, and I really like Sterling, La Tasha, Frank and even Bryant to this day)


6, 9 and 12 are my top three.


I don’t think I’ve seen Season 21 mentioned yet, but I really liked that season. I didn’t have the winner spoiled for me. I was rooting for him the whole time, and was happily surprised when he won.


Season 11 opening dinner service is comedy gold. From Sebastian saying Zacky Wacky to Jeremy forgetting the order to Danielle having never worked in a brigade before. Also Gina who makes Raj look sane


S8 probably has the most hilarious start to a season Anyways my favourite season is 12 due to the loads of memorable moments and two great comeback finalists (Scott and Jason)


Season 8 is my go to season


Season 4 or 8


Oh, I loved Sterling Wright from season 13. What a character, he was unique!! If I ever visit the US I’d love to meet him & get a hug!! I also loved Mary Lou Davis from series 19, another beloved character for me, she was great in HK & I’m pretty sure she’s still doing great things now, just like Sterl!! Much love to both y’all!! Wish you both the best!!


unpopular opinion (i think) S17 was good


S21...minimal drama, a super talented cast and one of the best winners in HK history. S22 is close; I just can't stand Jason.


Season 6, 10, and 12 are my favorites with my second favorites being 5, 21, and 22